Set Free: Kylie's Story (Rayshod)

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Set Free: Kylie's Story (Rayshod) Page 4

by Laylah Roberts

  God, he was not going to be happy until she was completely stripped raw.

  “How do you think I felt?”

  His eyes filled with disapproval, his face tightening.

  “It hurt,” she told him.

  “I know, but how did you feel?”

  She took in a shuddering breath. It was so much easier to hide, to ignore everything. But was that what she wanted anymore? She looked up into his handsome face. He stared at her calmly, but he wasn’t bending. No, what she wanted was him. She was so tired of having bad things happen to her. Maybe this time things could be different.

  “I felt humiliated. I felt like I had no power, like I was completely helpless. I should have fought him.”

  “If you had, what would have happened? Could you have escaped?”


  “Really? Did you see an opportunity to escape? Did you have an opportunity to get away from him? Did they not have guards and security?”

  “Yes, they did. They told the other women it was to protect them, but they told Alia, Risa and I that they were really there to keep us in.”

  “So it would have been hard to escape.”

  “I guess so. But I could have tried. I could have fought him.”

  “And if you’d escaped? What then?”

  “I-I would have been free of the Toad.”

  “Yes, you would have been. But where would you have gone? What would you have done? You had no one to run to, no one to help you. If you’d asked anyone for help they would have taken you straight to authorities, maybe even returned you to the institution. And what would have happened if you tried to escape and failed?”

  She swallowed. Just thinking about it made her nauseous. “I would have been punished.”

  “So you were locked in, with guards surrounding you on a planet where you knew no one, had no one to turn to and you blame yourself for not trying to escape? Baby, you could have fought and he would probably have hurt you even more. You did the best you could and you need to stop beating yourself up about it.”

  He was right. She knew it.

  “I know it wasn’t easy to tell me all of that. I’m so proud of you.” Pleasure swam through her at his words. “You have most definitely earned a reward.”

  “I’d like another bath.” She felt kind of dirty after telling him everything.

  Concern lit his face. “You just had a bath. Look at me.” He tipped her face up, studying her carefully. “I’ll give you your reward first, if you still want a bath I’ll heat the water, okay?”

  “What kind of reward?”

  “The pleasurable kind,” he grinned mischievously and his smile was so infectious she nearly found herself smiling back.

  “You mean you still want to touch me? You’re not disgusted by what he did to me?” she asked with some trepidation.

  “No, baby, I am definitely not disgusted. Kylie, how can you even think that?”

  “Because I’m disgusted.”

  “I know it’s going to take a while to believe this, but I intend to say it until you do. But you are not to blame. You are beautiful and sweet and I find you extremely sexy.”

  She blushed. “You do not!”

  “Do you think that’s a banana in my pants?”

  “Reagan!” She laughed and he grinned.

  Grasping her around the waist he set her down on the end of the table. Standing, he cleared the plates from the table.

  “Lean back, kitten, and part your legs.”

  She blushed bright red. God, despite what had been done with her, how could she still be embarrassed by her nudity? How could she want to be touched?

  Because it was Reagan. Because he mattered.

  “Kylie, I promise you’ll love your reward. Lie back.”

  Kylie lay back on the cold wooden table and widened her legs. She whimpered, knowing how exposed she was.

  “Shh, baby, it’s all right.” He leaned in and kissed her, playing with her until she forgot every worry, every fear.

  “You are so beautiful. But this here,” he cupped her mound, “this is a work of art.”

  The heat of his palm seared her and she couldn’t help but press against him. Moisture gushed from her pussy and he lifted his hand, licking his palm.

  He closed his eyes. “Sweet heaven, you taste fantastic.”

  “I do?”

  “Oh yes, I could get addicted to the taste of you.” He ran his hands up and down the inside of her thighs.

  “Reach down and open yourself for me, let me see you.”

  “Do I have to? It just, it makes me feel so exposed.”

  “Are you asking me to stop?”

  She shook her head. He wasn’t hurting her, just pushing her.

  Unable to believe how brazen she was being, she reached down and pulled her lips apart, knowing he could see everything. Part of her wanted to draw back, to hide herself.

  But the other part wanted him to see her, touch her, pleasure her. He’d only given her a small taste and she was already addicted.

  “Have I told you how turned on I get when you do as I ask?”

  “Ask?” She snorted.

  He grinned. “Alright, order. It makes me so hard. Seeing you naked makes me hard. Hell, seeing you smile almost has me coming in my pants. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

  “No, I’m not. I’m fat and ugly.” She tried to draw her legs together, but he stepped between her thighs, preventing her.

  “You are not. If anything you are too thin, but we’ll soon take care of that. No matter what your weight is, it doesn’t attract from your beauty or who you are on the inside.”

  “You wouldn’t say that if you had seen me at my fattest.”

  “I would say that no matter what,” he told her fiercely. “And I never want to hear you talk down about yourself again, understand me? That’s a new rule and the punishment for breaking it will be far more severe than having to stand for a few minutes in the corner. Come with me.”

  He lifted her up before she could reply, tucking her against his chest as he made his way out of the kitchen, then up the stairs and into a room she hadn’t been in before.

  There was a large, four-poster bed set against the opposite wall. A beautiful, oak dresser was to her right. In the left-hand corner was a big, padded chair and next to it sat a tall, free-standing mirror. Reagan led her over to the mirror, standing her in front of it.

  Kylie took a step back, trying to get away. Bad enough he could see everything, but did she have to be faced with all her flaws as well?

  But Reagan wouldn’t let her move; instead he stood behind her, easily holding her place.

  “Kylie, put your hands behind your head.”

  She didn’t move.

  “Every minute that you procrastinate is ten minutes in the corner.”

  Grinding her teeth together, she placed her hands up behind her head.

  “Good girl. Now widen your legs.”

  Glaring at him in the mirror, he just grinned back at her unrepentantly as she moved her feet apart.

  “Good. I want you to stay still and keep your eyes on the mirror. Move and we’re going to be here a long time while I start over.” His voice was strict, but his hands were gentle as he ran them up and down her sides.

  “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to touch you like this? To feel how smooth your skin is?” He nibbled his way down her neck. “Just as delicious as I imagined. It’s been so hard not to touch you. I’ve had to remind myself that you were fragile, that you’d been hurt and you weren’t yourself.”

  He cupped her breasts. Kylie whimpered, wishing he would touch her nipples again. His hands looked large and tanned against her white skin. She shivered at the sight, wanting more.

  “How does it feel to have me touching you this way? Does it scare you? Frighten you?”

  She shook her head.

  “No? Then how does it make you feel?”

  She bit her lip. He brushed his thumbs
across her nipples and she arched back with a moan as sparks of need raced over her skin.

  “Kylie? Tell me how it makes you feel when I touch your nipples.”

  “Hot,” she replied, panting slightly as he pinched the distended nubs.

  “Keep watching,” he warned as her eyelids threatened to close. “What else?”

  “I-I get all tingly. I like it.”

  He grinned. “Good, because I like it as well. In fact, I love it. I love the way you make little noises in the back of your throat, how your nipples swell between my fingers. I could play with your breasts all day and never grow tired of them.”

  “They’re small.”

  He placed his hands over her breasts. “Funny, they seem the perfect size to me.”

  Reagan continued to massage her breasts until her breath was coming in short pants, moisture pooling between her legs.

  Finally, he pulled his hand away, placing them on her stomach. Kylie was surprised to find herself leaning back against him, her legs like jelly. He held her close until she’d recovered. He kissed his way down one side of her neck and along her shoulder. “Think you can stand on your own, baby?”

  She nodded, standing up straight.

  Reagan rubbed his hands over her stomach while she did her best to suck her paunchy stomach in.

  “What are you doing?” he growled, his eyes growing dark.

  “It sticks out too much.”

  “It certainly does not.” He lifted her, turning her so she was side on. “Look at yourself.” She stared straight ahead. “Look at yourself,” he insisted more firmly. She turned her head, although it felt awkward with her hands still on her head.

  Reagan ran his hand up and down her stomach. “You are imagining things,” he told her. “Look at the way your ribs stick out. You are the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen, but you scare me with how thin you are. And what scares me more is that you don’t even see it. Look at yourself.”

  The fear in his voice had her looking, really looking at herself for the first time since she’d been kidnapped. A small, blonde woman looked back her. Her hair was long, almost to her waist, her eyes almost too big in her drawn face. There was a gauntness about her, a fragility.

  He was right. The person she’d thought she would see wasn’t looking back at her. This wasn’t a person she knew and that was frightening.

  As if sensing her thoughts, Reagan turned her back, gathering her tightly against him and rocking her.

  “Do you see yourself?”

  “I see her,” she whispered.

  “She is you,” he told her. “You need to embrace who you were with who you are now. The one thing I won’t allow is for you to fade away. Understand me.”

  His eyes held hers in the mirror. “I understand.”

  “And I don’t want to hear you disparage this beautiful body. We’re going to get you healthy again, that’s very important. But no matter what size you are, you are beautiful.”

  He moved her hair over onto one side before kissing his way down her back. Dropping to his knees, he disappeared behind her, but she could feel his lips against her lower back. Then he kissed the top of her ass.

  Kylie stepped forward, dropping her hands to cover her bottom.

  “Stop,” Reagan ordered. She froze, wishing she could ignore the command in his voice. “Hands on your head and step back to me.”

  She shook her head. She couldn’t.

  “That’s another ten minutes of corner time. We’re up to twenty now, do you want to make it thirty?” he asked.

  God, she hated standing naked in the corner like a naughty child. But she couldn’t let him touch her there.

  “Kylie, I want to give you your reward, but if you continue to disobey me then we’re going to both be disappointed. Don’t you want your reward, baby?”

  She did, she really, really did.

  “Then do as I say. Trust me, Kylie. I would never hurt you.”

  She couldn’t keep running from each hurdle she faced. It was time to be brave.

  Kylie raised her hands and took a step back.

  Chapter Five

  “Good, beautiful girl, very good. This is the most perfect bottom I’ve ever seen, it would be a crime if I didn’t show just how much I appreciate it, don’t you think?”

  As he spoke, he cupped her bottom, squeezing lightly. Pleasure whipped through her body with searing force as he kissed down her slit, massaging her bottom the entire time. Her legs shook and wobbled and she had to take a deep breath to slow her pounding heartbeat.

  “Are you watching yourself?” he murmured.

  Kylie stared into the mirror. “Yes.”

  “What do you see?”

  She swallowed. “I can’t, Reagan.”

  “Yes, you can. Describe yourself. Be my eyes.”

  “Well, I guess, my eyes seem rounder.” Arousal had given her a glow she hadn’t had before.

  “What about your nipples?”

  “Reagan!” she protested, yelping as he bit one butt cheek sharply in reply.

  “Tell me.”

  “They seem bigger and really red.”

  “Oh baby, we’ve got to work on your sexy talk,” he told her with a chuckle.

  She stiffened at the criticism. “I’m doing the best I can. I haven’t done this before.”

  He chuckled and rose. Standing in front of her, he cupped her cheeks before kissing her so thoroughly that every thought she’d ever had disappeared.

  When he stepped back, she swayed unsteadily. Reagan grabbed her by the waist and held her until she had her balance back.

  “Lower your arms, beautiful girl. But stay where you are.”

  She unclasped her hands, letting her arms drop. They ached a little but nothing too painful. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Reagan pick up the padded chair before he turned and walked back to her.

  He placed the chair behind her. “Sit down.”

  She sat, wondering what he was up to now.

  Reagan moved behind her. He grabbed her shoulders, massaging them before moving down her left arm then switching to the right. By the time he was finished, her arms and shoulders felt like jelly.

  “Thank you.”

  He placed a kiss on the top of her head. “Sit forward in the chair. Split your legs wide and grab the arms of the chair with your hands.”

  Kylie moved into position, blushing and looking away from the mirror as she saw how exposed and open her pussy was.

  “That’s another ten minutes. You’re sure you don’t enjoy corner time, baby? I know this is hard for you and it may seem like I’m asking a lot. But watch yourself. For me.”

  Well, when he put it that way. She forced herself to look into the mirror once more.

  He knelt to one side of the chair. She stared as he ran his hand down between her breasts to cup her mound. She was sitting right on the edge of the seat so he could reach every inch of her. His hand looked huge against her mound. With two fingers he split her wide, then using his middle finger he flicked her clit.

  Kylie arched back as he sucked down on her nipple at the same time. Her eyes closed at the exquisite pleasure. She quickly snapped them back open as soon as she realized. Luckily, Reagan hadn’t noticed.

  Kylie was shocked by how hot she looked. Was that really her? Her lips were swollen, her cheeks flushed. Waves of heat rocked over her, growing more intense with each pass.

  Reagan moved his finger from her clit and slowly pushed it inside her.

  “You’re so tight,” he told her, turning to watch in the mirror as he drew his finger in and out of her pussy. “So hot.”

  She should be embarrassed, but arousal seemed to have pushed aside all of her inhibitions.

  He slipped his finger free and she almost groaned at the loss. Reagan sucked his finger, his eyes half-closing as a look of bliss crossed his face.

  “I have got to taste you.” He kneeled between her legs.

  “Wait!” she cried out as he leaned in.

>   He stilled, looking up at her in concern. “What is it, baby? Is something wrong?”

  “Ahh, yeah, I mean.” Oh hell, just spit it out. “I’ve never had anyone do that.”

  The lines around his eyes crinkled. “Well, I’m really happy to be your first. I promise to do my best to make it memorable.”

  “No, wait,” she cried, grabbing hold of his hair as he moved toward her pussy. “What if you don’t like it?”

  “You taste like heaven. I’m going to love it.”

  “But it might smell…” Oh God, why had she started this conversation?

  “Kylie, put your hands back on the chair,” he ordered in his he-who-shall-be-obeyed voice.

  Leaning in, he spread her labia before taking one long, slow lick that ended at her clit. Sitting back, he grinned up at her. “Delicious. A man could get addicted to the taste of you.”

  Without waiting for an answer, he ducked his head between her legs once more. Kylie lost all interest in watching herself in the mirror as she sat back in a rush of pleasure. Reagan stroked her clit with a talented tongue while his finger thrust in and out of her passage. Another finger joined the first and he twisted them.

  Kylie closed her eyes as bliss rushed her, making her feel heady. Each flick of his tongue drove her higher and higher.

  “Reagan,” she yelled.

  “Let go. Just give me your pleasure.”

  An orgasm stole her breath. Reagan continued to lick her, drawing out the orgasm until she shied away, the sensation becoming too much.

  She glanced up through heavy-lidded eyes as Reagan rose and gathered her into his arms.

  “Delicious,” he told her.

  Yeah, she totally agreed.

  Chapter Six

  “Fat, dirty little slut. Look at you lying there. Who would ever want you? You should be grateful for any attention I give you. Thank me for touching you. Go on, thank me.”

  Kylie woke up, stifling her gasp. A shudder of disgust ran over her. She glanced around the room, trying to orientate herself. He wasn’t here. He couldn’t hurt her. She wasn’t in the institution. She was with Reagan. He wouldn’t let anyone hurt her. She was safe.


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