Full Moon Falling Faster (Full Moon Series Book 3)

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Full Moon Falling Faster (Full Moon Series Book 3) Page 14

by P. Mattern

  Daniel broke then, his gasping sobs echoing into the forest surround as Channing held him against her. Her eyes were filled with tears for his torture - the burden that he had borne and had been unable to share with anyone.

  Until now.

  She used the hem of her cotton sundress to wipe his tears when he lifted his face to hers. She saw true anguish in his eyes, and the hurt child that he had kept hidden inside, a boy whose happiness had been bound to that of his mother for his entire human life… only to become a man who now was inexorably and horrifyingly bound to his mother for eternity.

  Channing made it a point never to judge blame, or denigrate others- and she knew that that wasn’t what Daniel was seeking in confessing these terrible things to her. She also sensed empathically that new horrors had come into play recently and that Daniel’s situation with Dendra had precipitated his moving out of the home he had shared with her and relocating to the Farm.

  “You’re here now.” She told him, in her soothing voice as she brushed his hair back from his brow.” You have your own choices to make going forward. Nothing that has happened can take away your joy unless you allow it to.

  The question is - are you going to allow it to?”

  Daniel searched the fine featured beautiful face pressed closely to his, taking in the arch of her eyebrows, the guileless cornflower blue of her eyes, and realizing that in the small arms of this child/woman he had felt the only unhampered feeling of perfect peace he ever remembered experiencing. He was embarrassed at having shown his feelings to her, yet realized how comfortable he felt around her… as if she accepted him, just as he was, without blame or judgment.

  It was the way he’d always felt when they were together. The sense of peace. The rightness.

  Afraid to scare her or cause her any offense, he leaned forward and pressed his lips to her brow, then pulled back to offer one final confession.

  “Channing… I… I love you.” He said, the corners of his eyes crinkling up with relieved gladness and a smile appearing on his handsome but still tear streaked face.

  Channing reached up and cradled his face in her hands.

  “I know that you love me Daniel.” She replied, her heart shaped face glowing, smiling back at him.

  “It’s the truest thing I know.”

  Balik looked across the room at Amaranth, who had recently become his queen by default after the death of the most powerful Hybrid Leader that had ruled a clan in centuries, the Mavesla. The first few days after the Hybrid defeat Amaranth had been on suicide watch, so determined was she to join her ruler in whatever dark world his soul had entered after his immortal body was blown to smithereens. Well, that was to be expected, Balik thought to himself… all mesmerized and soul-snared females operating under the level of Magick practiced by Fourth Bittens would have behaved similarly.

  He had been very patient with her and his patience was rewarded, as time passed and she became more cleansed from the Mavesla’s dark influence. She still had a terrible temper with the servants and a voracious bloodlust, but those he could handle. Her lack of human speech disturbed him though - she preferred mind speak which the Mavesla had gifted her with, and even when she uttered a few syllables it was in Goth.

  Each day Balik encouraged a conversation with her in Goth or English, rewarded her for her efforts, and even managed to curb her craving for flesh. One of his first acts had been to release the creatures from the “meatlocker” type cells built into the walls of the winding tunnels, nursing some back to health and euthanizing the rest.

  He had ruthlessly killed off all dissenters and now had a core of loyal and more civilized followers that seemed relieved to live in a more hospitable and less violent environment. Balik also put a stop to the weekly mandatory couplings and had the males court the women, allowing marriage in the clan for the first time in centuries. The first marriage had taken place between Briar(formerly a human high school jock named Todd), and his consort Dynell. Balik, as the High Ruler, had performed the ceremony himself. Many of the hybrids had hidden away ancient tomes outlining the original customs and rituals of the Hybrid clans, and Balik took time to learn how the marriages were performed so that he could reestablish the cultural practices lost when the Mavesla had began his terrible reign.

  It was a New Era for the Cave dwellers, and Balik was a wise and courageous leader.

  Today Balik had a nonpolitical mission on his agenda, a personal one. He was determined to win the trust – and the affections - of his new wife Amaranth, his Queen. He’d been very patient with her. He could have taken her by force on their first night together, even though she would have fought him in her aggrieved and volatile state. But he’d chosen to pursue another tactic… one of gentleness and caring. He wished to model the qualities that he hoped she would eventually come to emulate.

  Amaranth looked at him warily and kept a distance of about three feet from him at all times. Balik had the sacred powers granted solely to the Leader of the Cave dwellers, and it was an advantage to him that she understood that he was stronger than she was. Brute strength was a quality that she understood and respected, having been owned and bedded by the most powerful creature in existence, the Mavesla.

  Gazing at her over the expanse of polished stone floor between them, Balik motioned with a solitary finger for her to approach him.

  “Amaranth,” he intoned gently, ”to me please.”

  Her eyes downcast by force of habit, having been the Queen of a being that could kill with a single glance, she crossed the flooring between them with the fluid grace of a regal being and stood before him silently.

  He reached out with a hand to tilt her chin upward so that he could see into her eyes. He was surprised that she did not flinch at his touch or pull away.

  “You are my Queen.” He told her, as if she were not already acutely aware of that fact. “I have given you a more than generous period of mourning and adjustment, but I cannot allow our union to go unconsummated. Do you understand this?”

  Amaranth nodded, her eyes drifting downward again even though Balik still was cupping her chin.

  “Speak English please.” He reminded her,” Goth will be spoken also but we will go forth, per the agreements that we have made with the V-net vampires, speaking English.”

  “Yes, okay!” Amaranth spat out ungraciously, adding,” Why do you not mind speak to me? I know that you have the power!”

  Balik felt like sighing at the question.

  “Because this is a NEW era in the history of our kind, and our practices must be different to insure our survival, which depends not only on ourselves but on those we are now aligned with. Our nation has become stronger, we must adapt - YOU must adapt.”

  Amaranth looked at him her dark hair loose around her shoulders, her expression a mix of a scowl and a pout.

  “I HATE English!” She said vehemently,” English is the tongue of weaklings! Humans speak it and they are WEAK!”

  It was all Balik could do not to laugh at her outburst. She had been Turned as a child, and a child she had remained, in spite of her violence and her womanly body. He almost expected her to stamp her foot at him. But he had had enough of talking.

  He looked at her coolly, in a way that he was sure his predecessor had.

  Come close to me Amaranth “he commanded.

  Her obedience was practiced as she heeded his command, her eyes drifting downward again. She did not resist as he lifted her into his lap, guiding his mouth down to cover hers. At first he felt some resistance, as though she wanted to pull away from his embrace but didn’t dare. Her response was cool at first, as though she were a million miles away and had left her limp body for him to do with as he pleased.

  Just as he was about to stop, disappointed in her response, he felt her shift on his lap, pulling up her skirt so that she could mount him. Quickly he undid the lacings of his suede britches, exposing his manhood, allowing her control.

  His entry elicited a gasp from her, and her eyes flutt
ered open and he saw in them longing and languor. Briefly he wondered if she was truly warming to him or if her fierceness was connected to her menstrual cycle and she was ‘in heat’. But the thoughts were fleeting, and he abandoned himself to her hot wetness. She was speaking now, Goth of course, phrases that were ancient and explicit and never spoken aloud in ‘polite ‘company

  … as if a thing like that had ever existed among the Goths to begin with.

  When they both had climaxed, he decided they needed more practice. He scooped her up in his massive arms, cradling her tenderly against his chest, remembering the child she had been when he first encountered her.

  It made him want her all the more.

  Gold flashed from her sharpened, gold tipped teeth as she smiled up at him. The second time would be slower, and he planned to take hours. She was his now, after all.

  “I SAID I’m getting a tat and so I’m getting a tat - case CLOSED!” Cass spat at Lux as they traveled down the road together. Cass was driving-too fast as usual. Lux was riding shotgun and Pierre was in the back, bemused. The truth was he invariably ENJOYED a tiff between the Noble brothers. They could be hysterical without even knowing it, and Lux had only agreed to go along with Cass to his first tattoo parlor session in order to attempt to talk him out of it before he arrived.

  Lux shook his head his blonde hair falling over one eye.

  “They just started doing this Cass. It’s UNPROVEN - there are no long term studies. That business is only a kneejerk entrepreneurial response to Vamps wanting everything humans have, e.g., tattoos, plus all the abilities they already have. It’s just greedy!”

  “For your information I’ve been trying to get a permanent tattoo since the 1920’s, LONG before it became mainstream popular! They never take permanently - our immortal bodies act as if carrying the ink away is part of the healing process, so by the time the tat is healed, it’s gone!! This guy is in town and he’s a vamp and he uses just a tad of venom in the ink so that it stays - eureka!! Now I can have a tat!” he finished, brushing his own too long curly brown hair behind his ears as they stopped for a light at the intersection. Cass was revving the car needlessly in frustration.

  “Hate to buzz kill here but how many venom tats can you get before you turn INADVERTENTLY thrice-bitten? Huh? Ever think of that Cass? Anyway…” Lux added, knowing broaching the sore subject would rile Cass up even further, ”You’re just barely recovered from being ‘Dummy Boy’ from the Oublier Demon bite!! Now is NOT the time to do self - inflicted chemical experiments on yourself!”

  Cass glared over at his brother.

  “I’m not getting tattooed from head to TOE, Pollux Bartholomieux !” He said, deciding to abandon his original idea of having several done at once.” One will do. It may be a rather LARGE one I’ll admit! Maybe the Civil War battle of Marye’s Heights in Fredericksburg, Virginia on my left bicep, and then next time Napoleon’s Waterloo on my right bicep - picking up a theme here anyone? Mayhap a ‘FAMOUS BATTLE’ THEME?”

  Lux was not appreciating Cass bringing up his middle name. In the back seat Pierre was aware of Lux’s ire and chuckled quietly, shaking his head, his auburn mane of hair falling forward as he leaned closer to the front seat waiting for Lux’s retort.

  “Look Castor DOUCIEN - can I call you “douchey” since we know each other pretty well? Your plans sound as grandiose as YOU are! What does Mitzi say about your tat agenda? Did you even tell her?”

  “Of COURSE I did!” Cass shot back,” She had a few questions…and then I distracted her with a great shagging and she forgot about them.

  Works every time…” He mused, as if he were talking to himself. He smiled in remembrance… it had been quite a romp! With Mitzi sexual distraction techniques always worked. Actually they worked with him as well. That was, he reflected, no doubt because they were perfect for each other.

  “Oh my GOD Cass, too much information!!!” Lux complained.

  “Well here we are!” Cass exclaimed, allowing the car to automatically Parallel Park itself in front of a shop in the artisan district in Olde Town Fort Hunt. It was nestled in between a coffee shop that was emitting the aromas of a fine dark roast, and a bookstore.

  The vamps clambered out of the vehicle. Pierre could tell that Lux was frustrated at not being able to talk Cass out of getting tattooed, and put his hand on Lux’s shoulder as they stood together on the curb, as if to remind Lux to center and calm himself. Underneath Lux’s frustration was his deep devotion to his brother, and beyond that, a protective instinct.

  Lux loved Cass and didn’t want any harm to befall him. Pierre understood that kind of filial devotion, because, aside from his crazy head-over-heels romantic feelings toward Lux, he also felt a sacred sense of brotherhood that ran as deeply and forcefully as a surging underground torrent. It was about even more than brotherhood.

  It was about being willing to die for each other.

  Once in the shop Cass exchanged a one-armed ‘guy hug’ with the shop owner whose name was “Leviathan.” Lux looked over suspiciously at Cass who was talking in a low voice and handing a photograph of something to the tattoo artist. Pierre tugged on Lux’s sleeve and the two men took seats near the front window of the shop as Cass also took off his shirt and took a seat in a special chair. Feeling Lux’s eyes on him, Cass turned his head and said, ”Lux, bro’ quit staring at me !!! Play with your smart phone or something!”

  Lux harrumphed loudly but he and Pierre whipped out their phones. Pierre actually had a ‘Rollie”, a smart phone that performed all the functions of a multitasking plastic phone but was fashioned out of a thin, technology dense material that could be rolled up into a cylinder just slightly wider than an ink pen. Once unfurled it became as stiff as a regular iPhone, until the retraction button was pressed.

  The tattoo artist Luminous worked quickly and deftly, at speeds well beyond the capacity of a human tattoo artist. Within a scant 45 minutes Cass’s first venom tattoo was finished. Lux could see Cass standing sideways and smiling, admiring the large tattoo that covered his physique from his upper bicep to the inside of his elbow in the mirrored wall of the tattoo parlor as he stood up. With a casual air that he was definitely not feeling, Lux pocketed his phone and walked over to Cass.

  What greeted his eyes was a pleasant surprise. It was a likeness of Mitzi.

  The artist had captured Mitzi’s likeness perfectly - her calm and lovely brow, her almond shaped teal eyes , her perfectly arched eyebrows and her long mane of red gold hair. Her full lips were slightly parted and smiling the kind and gracious smile that was her trademark. It was a stunning portrait rendered on Cass’s immortal flesh, surrounded by an oval frame of Mitzi’s favorite flowers, peonies.

  Cass looked at his brother, smiling widely.

  “You were expecting a battle scene-I know. But in that same sense ‘The Battle for Mitzi’ has been my hardest won battle in my nearly two centuries of existence! First I had to convince her that I wasn’t ‘too young’ for her even though I was Charley’s best friend! Then we ALL had to gear up and battle when she was abducted by Adrastos! THEN I had to win her back after being bitten by the Oublier Demon… but she’s been worth everything!

  Do you think she’ll like it?” He finished.

  Lux smiled broadly, nudging his brother as he surveyed the astounding likeness of his sister-in-law.

  “I’m SURE she will. Excellent choice ‘Douchey’” He couldn’t resist adding.

  Pierre chimed in,” That’s a work of art bro’. And also a tribute to an amazing female energy!”

  “I KNOW,” Cass sighed casting his eyes heavenward,”My incomparable better instincts have again served me well!!! Now how about coffee?” He asked, shoving a thick wad of cash into Leviatan’s’ hand, saying, ”Well done my man! You are a true artist of the first caliber! My woman will love it!”

  “Thank you Cass,” Luminous replied, giving Cass a brief hug on the side of him unadorned by the tattoo. ”I think this will stay for you!”

  “How many of these have you done on vampires?” Pierre wanted to know.

  “Quite a few - it seems to be quite the rage now. Oldest one is 3 months old and looks as great as on the day it was done! No fading whatsoever!”

  “But doesn’t the venom you donated make all of your clients related to you for life?” Lux said sourly, still suspicious of the method used to stabilize the tattooed image.

  “Haha - well I guess you COULD see it that way.” He replied cheerfully, nodding at Cass, ”Hey man we might be cousins now! You cool with that?”

  “No problem.” Cass assured him. But Lux looked skeptical. In his mind the venom tats hadn’t been in use long enough for any long term problems to crop up. Pierre slipped his hand comfortingly into Lux’s and he could feel Lux instantly relax.

  Cass slipped on his shirt and the three young men headed out for coffee - Cass’s treat.

  Later, at the Farm, Cass turned over in bed and smiled again at Mitzi, who stretched and returned his smile warmly.

  “Thank you for mapping my body with your lips.” She said sincerely, love shining in her eyes.

  “Entirely my pleasure I’m sure.” He replied, ”Your body is a veritable wonderland of attractions. The highlight for me is ‘Mount Mitzi’, not to play favorites or cast aspersions on any of your other formidable attractions… the ‘Twin Peaks’ are tauntingly alluring also Madame!”

  “I love you Castor Noble.” She said, as they kissed again, thoroughly and passionately. A light bulb went off in Cass’s head. He flipped Mitzi over until he was again on top of her staring down into her eyes.


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