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by Roger Knight

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  Full citations for each note can be found in the Bibliography.


  1. Cookson, ‘Political Arithmetic’, p. 50.

  2. Heizen, ‘Napoleonic Wars in British and Hanoverian Memory’, pp. 1,404–16.

  3. Bell, First Total War, p. 7.

  4. Collins, War and Empire, p. viii.

  5. Mackesy, War in the Mediterranean; Statesmen at War; War without Victory; British Victory in Egypt; Ehrman, The Younger Pitt.

  6. Muir, Britain and the Defeat of Napoleon; Hall, British Strategy in the Napoleonic War; Wellington’s Navy; Cookson, The British Armed Nation.

  7. Lieven, Russia against Napoleon.

  8. Winfield, British Warships in the Age of Sail; Burnham and McGuigan, British Army against Napoleon.

  9. Thorne, The House of Commons 1790–1820; Sainty and Collinge, Office-Holders in Modern Britain series.

  Introduction: A Hard-Working Generation

  1. Parker, Peel, Vol. I, p. 29.

  2. 7 Feb. 1794, Jupp, Canning Letter Journal, p. 64.

  3. Collinge, Navy Board Officials, p. 8.

  4. Colvin, King’s Works, Vol. V, p. 363.

  5. 29 Aug. 1786, Marsh’s Diary; Colvin, King’s Works, Vol. V, p. 366.

  6. Duffy, Younger Pitt, pp. 89–90.

  7. 30 Sept.–15 Oct. 1787, Laughton, Papers of Lord Barham, Vol. II, pp. 264–79.

  8. Hamilton, Papers of Byam Martin, Vol. III, p. 381.

  9. Ehrman, Younger Pitt, Vol. I, pp. 324–5, 326, quoting Rylands Eng. MS 678, 1 Sept. 1789.

  10. Ibid., p. 324; Ward, ‘English Revenue Commissioners’, pp. 229–30.

  11. Marsden, Memoir, pp. 40–60.

  12. Lloyd, Barrow, pp. 17–18.

  13. Durey, Wickham, p. 9.

  14. 21 Apr. 1794, Jupp, Canning Letter Journal, p. 88.

  15. Ibid., 1 Feb. 1795, p. 198.

  16. Knight, Pursuit of Victory, pp. 458, 638.

  17. Ibid., p. 10.

  18. Jupp, Canning Letter Journal, pp. 91–2, 109–10.

  19. Castlereagh to Lady Elizabeth Pratt, [n.d.] 1795, HRC, Londonderry MSS.

  20. Bew, Castlereagh, p. xxi.

  21. To Lady Elizabeth Pratt, c. 1792, HRC, Londonderry MSS; Bew, Castlereagh, p. 5.

  22. Durey, Wickham, p. 32.

  23. Ferguson, House of Rothschild, pp. 45, 49.

  24. Davies, Wellington, p. 4.

  25. Harry Calvert to John Calvert, 26 Apr. 1793, Verney, Calvert, pp. 69–70.

  26. Knight, Pursuit of Victory, p. 80.

  27. Hamilton, Byam Martin, Vol. I, pp. 180–82.

  28. Schroeder, European Politics, p. 277.


  1 The Arms Race and Intelligence 1783–1793

  1. Hamilton, Byam Martin, Vol. I, pp. 139–140.

  2. Black, British Foreign Policy, p. 12.

  3. Blanning, French Revolutionary Wars, pp. 38–41; Knight, ‘Royal Navy’s Recovery’, pp. 15, 20.

  4. Strachan, ‘First World War’, pp. 889–903.

  5. Quoted in Murphy, Vergennes, p. 399.

  6. Ehrman, Younger Pitt, Vol. I, pp. 118–27; Hague, Pitt, pp. 135–52; Duffy, Pitt, pp. 18–23.

  7. Black, British Foreign Policy, p. 16.

  8. Scott, ‘Bourbon Naval Construction’, pp. 18–35; Tracy, ‘British Assessments’, pp. 73–85; Navies, Deterrence and American Independence, pp. 118–58.

  9. Baugh, ‘British Naval Failure’, pp. 236–46.

  10. Webb, ‘Rebuilding of the Fleet’, pp. 198–9, quoting A. Aspinall (ed.), The Later Correspondence of George III (Cambridge, 1962–70), Vol. I, No. 271, 1 Jan. 1786.

  11. Ibid., pp. 196–7.

  12. Ibid., pp. 196–9; Glete, Navies and Nations, Vol. I, p. 275.

  13. Webb, ‘Rebuilding the Fleet’, pp. 210, 209.

  14. Cobban, ‘British Secret Service’, pp. 233–4.

  15. WLC, Sydney Papers, 6 June 1789.

  16. Ibid., 24 May 1785.

  17. Seth, Spy in Silk Breeches, pp. 49–57; Fraser to Stephens, 17, 15, 25 Oct. 1784, Admiralty in-letters, TNA, ADM 1/415.

  18. Frost, Arthur Phillip, pp. 131–3.

  19. WLC, Sydney Papers, accounts paid to Nepean by George Rose, 11 Nov. 1784.

  20. Pitt to Middleton, 26 Sept. 1787, NMM, Middleton Papers, MID/1/149; Howe to Curtis, 26 Sept., HL, Howe Papers, HO 58; 20 Oct. 1787, HO 59; 22 Feb. 1788, HO 63; 1 Dec. 1788, 25 June 1789, HO 68.

  21. Service historique, Pierres de Mer, p. 27; Cormack, French Navy, p. 30.

  22. Cobban, ‘British Secret Service’, pp. 240–41, quoting BL, Add. MSS 28061, fol. 162, Carmarthen to Eden.

  23. Pocock, Sir Sidney Smith, p. 9.

  24. 18 Aug. 1787, Laughton, Barham Papers, Vol. II, pp. 255–7.

  25. Howe to Sir Roger Curtis, 1 Dec. 1788, HL, Howe Papers, HO 68.

  26. 4 June 1789, NMM, Hood Papers, HOO/2/109.

  27. Cormack, Revolution and French Navy, p. 30; Service historique, Pierres de mer, p. 27.

  28. Black, British Foreign Policy, pp. 144–53.

  29. Ehrman, Younger Pitt, Vol. I, pp. 520–36.

  30. 23 July, 8 Aug., 13, 28 Sept., 20 Nov. 1787, WLC, Sydney Papers.

  31. Ehrman, Younger Pitt, Vol. I, p. 520; Black, British Foreign Policy, p
. 154.

  32. Pitt to Hood, 1 Oct. 1787, NMM, Hood Papers, HOO/2/176a.

  33. 9 Oct. 1787, WLC, Melville Papers, Vol. III.

  34. Black, British Foreign Policy, p. 154.

  35. Webb, ‘Rebuilding and Repair’, p. 195, quoting Parliamentary History, Vol. XXVI, 27 Nov. 1787.

  36. TNA, Admiralty List Books, ADM 8/64, 1788.

  37. July 1788, sent on to Carmarthen, 2 Sept. 1788, Foreign Office General Correspondence, TNA, FO 27/29, 31.

  38. 19 Feb. 1788, WLC, Sydney Papers, disbursements.

  39. 21 Nov. 1788, WLC, Sydney Papers, disbursements.

  40. Thorne, House of Commons, Vol. V, p. 144.

  41. ‘Detective’s report on the movements of Richd Brinsley Sheridan from noon until 1.30 a.m., 6 Dec. 1788’, WLC, Sydney Papers.

  42. Crook, Toulon, pp. 78–96.

  43. Cormack, Revolution and French Navy, pp. 85–7.

  44. Cobban, ‘British Secret Service’, p. 251; Feb., May 1790, TNA, WO 1/395, Thomas Dumaresq.

  45. Ehrman, Younger Pitt, Vol. I, pp. 385–6.

  46. Ibid., Vol. I, p. 562; Black, British Foreign Policy, p. 236.

  47. Webb, ‘Nootka Sound’, p. 142.

  48. Ibid. pp. 138–9.

  49. Ibid., pp. 140–42.

  50. Black, British Foreign Policy, p. 246; Webb, ‘Nootka Sound’, p. 139.

  51. Webb, ‘Nootka Sound’, pp. 133, 136, 143–4.

  52. Black, British Foreign Policy, p. 251; Webb, ‘Nootka Sound’, p. 150.

  53. Ehrman, Younger Pitt, Vol. II, p. 7.

  54. Davey, ‘Securing the Sinews’, pp. 163–5; Webb, ‘Ochakov Affair’, p. 13.

  55. Scott, British Foreign Policy, pp. 293–303; Syrett, European Waters, pp. 95–132.

  56. Hope, ‘Black Sea Trade’, pp. 168, 170.

  57. Hattendorf, St Barthélemy and the Swedish West India Company, pp. 20–23. For the Admiralty intelligence report see 6 Aug. 1784, Admiralty in-letters, TNA, ADM 1/3969.

  58. Black, British Foreign Policy, p. 286, quoting Alexander Straton, secretary of the legation in Vienna, 9 Feb. 1791, TNA, FO 7/24, fol. 88.

  59. Black, British Foreign Policy, p. 281, also pp. 278–85; Ehrman, Younger Pitt, Vol. I, pp. 502–9; Younger Pitt, Vol. II, pp. 3–41; Webb, ‘Ochakov’, pp. 14–16; Kaplan, Russian Overseas Commerce, pp. 151–7.


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