Accepting Cherry

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Accepting Cherry Page 18

by Chrissy Snyder

  “It’s happened,” he crowed. “Sawyer’s been hit by the love bug.” I grinned at his stupid antics and shrugged my shoulders.

  “I think you’re right, Dad,” I said, watching a startled expression cross his face. I think he was joking, but he realized that I wasn’t.

  “Wow,” he said rubbing his chin. “So she might be the one?” I looked my dad straight in the eyes, the ones that match mine. I saw pride and hope, all for me.

  “Yeah,” I said. “She’s the one.” The moment I said it I knew it was true.

  She’s the one. She’s the reason I’ve been on the chase, the reason my protective instincts are on high, and the reason for the pinch in my chest. Mom was right. It’s like being struck by a bolt of lightning. It’s extremely fast and hot, singeing us in the process.

  I’m picking Cherry up shortly. I’ve planned a fun afternoon of rollerblading in the park, and maybe we’ll stop for ice cream. She has to work tonight, so it will be a short date, but a short amount of time with her is better than none.

  I pull up in front of Cherry’s place and park the bike in her driveway. I use my boot to put the kickstand in place and climb off my bike. I remove my helmet and carry it under my left arm, running my right hand through my hair, making sure it isn’t sticking up in ten places. I whistle as I walk up to her front door, happy to be seeing her. I raise my hand to knock just as she jerks the door open, surprising me. She giggles at the look on my face, a little snort escaping her soft, pink mouth.

  “Hey, sexy,” I say, leaning in to give her a big kiss. “You saw me coming and wanted to scare me, but it’s not that easy.” I know I’m right when I see the red creep up her neck and face, the pink flush adding a sparkle to her blue eyes.

  “You caught me,” she says with a throaty laugh. The sound has me groaning and needing to adjust myself. I cup my right hand behind her neck and grip tightly, pulling her towards me. I watch as her eyes grow heavy with lust, her mouth parting on a little gasp. Her eyes drop to my mouth and she licks her lips, causing me to growl low in my throat. At the sound, her eyes fly to mine, startled. I bend my head down, softly brushing my lips across hers from side to side. I lick the seam of her mouth and she opens it, allowing our tongues to meet, tangling softly. I groan quietly and pull back from her lips, leaning forward until our foreheads touch, staring into her beautiful eyes.

  “We better get going,” I say softly.

  “Let me grab my things,” she says while turning to grab a bag that was at the front door, along with her purse and keys. She locks the door behind her and grabs the backpack, pulling it on over her leather jacket. I throw her stuff into my saddlebags and give her a quick peck on her lips as she pulls her helmet over her head. We’re both in jeans with leather jackets on. It’s safer on the bikes that way. It’s the perfect day to be outside, not too hot and not too cold.

  I climb onto the bike and wait till Cherry gets on behind me, shifting around until she is comfortable. She reaches her tiny hands around me and squeezes, rubbing them along my muscles, which are twitching beneath her touch. I look back to check on her and smile when she nods her head at me. I kick the stand up and ride out, pulling into traffic, and enjoying the wind in my face.

  We arrive at the park about ten minutes later. We head to the restrooms to change into shorts and utilize the lockers to store our stuff. I lean against the building, waiting on Cherry since I’m ready before she is. About a minute later she walks out. I have to take a deep breath to slow the beating of my heart. I study her and her tiny body, wanting to squeeze her tight against me or carry her around and never let her feet touch the ground. I don’t think she knows it, but she is everything to me. I can sense that she is holding back and keeping something from me. I see it in her eyes and in the way her hands tremble.

  She smiles when she sees me. Her roller blades are slung over her shoulders by the laces. She brought her backpack out with her to carry our shoes, but I’ll wear it. I grab her hand and we walk to the nearest bench. We sit down and pull off our shoes, throwing them into the backpack. I watch her dainty little hands tie her laces, her fingers moving rapidly, pulling them tight and tying a bow.

  “Ready, big guy?” She stands and cocks her hip, one hand at her waist, giving me her sassy attitude.

  “I’m ready whenever you are, Baby,” I say, grabbing her hand. I start out slow, keeping our pace steady. I wasn’t sure how good she was, but she can rollerblade, keeping her balance perfectly.

  We’ve been skating for about an hour, deciding to call it quits when Cherry had to use the restroom. We sit on a bench and pull our rollerblades off, slipping our feet back into our runners. Cherry leaves me on the bench and heads to the bathroom, her tiny hips swaying from side to side.

  I scroll through my cellphone as I wait on Cherry, becoming concerned when she’s gone too long. I know girls take their time, but damn. Frowning, I stand up and head to the bathrooms, throwing our bag over my shoulders. The women’s bathroom is at the back of the building, so I walk around and see Cherry. Once again there is a man in a hoody holding her tight from behind.

  “Remember what I said,” he hisses at her, pushing her face into the brick. “Or I’ll come back.”

  “Hey,” I shout while running in their direction. “Get your fucking hands off of her, pussy.” By the time I reach her he is long gone and she is leaning against the building, her hands beside her face, crying.

  “Shh,” I whisper while pulling her into my arms. “I’m here and you’re safe now.” I hold her tight to me, running my hand through her hair while murmuring assurances in her ear. She’s trembling, her entire body shaking. I hold her tightly. I’m not sure if her legs are strong enough or capable of holding her weight. I pull her with me till we reach a bench, and I guide her to sit down. I put my arms around her, pulling her tight against my body.

  “Do you want to talk about it?” I speak softly while rubbing my hand up and down her arm. I’m hoping she’ll open up and talk to me.

  “There isn’t much to say,” she says quietly.

  I look at her in question. “This isn’t the first time he’s come at you.” I state firmly. “What is going on?”

  She sniffles quietly and reaches her hands up to her face, wiping her tears. “Just some guy from my past,” she says softly, “He doesn’t understand the word no.” She’s quiet and won’t look at me, her hands picking at the hem of her shorts. I know she’s lying to me. I don’t know how I’m so sure, a gut feeling I guess. I won’t push her to talk if she isn’t ready, but I need her to know that I’m here for her.

  “Listen,” I say quietly. “You know you can tell me anything. It won’t change how I feel about you.” I’m firm, but I’m not sure I’m getting through to her, so I reach my hand out and pull her chin up until her eyes meet mine. “Nothing you tell me will ever affect how I feel about you,” I say while looking directly into her eyes.

  I watch as they well up, filling with tears. Fuck, I hate when she’s hurting. It only hurts me. I watch as she nods at me, and then pull her in tight to my body. We sit like this for a while, until I pull back to look at her. I reach out with my thumbs and rub the wetness off of her face.

  “Are you ready for some ice cream?” My stomach rumbles. At the sound she breaks out into a mixture between a little giggle and a snort, and she nods her head at me.

  “Yeah,” she says softly. “I’m ready.”

  I stand up and pull her up by her hand, intertwining my fingers with hers, rubbing my thumb along her palm. We walk slowly and in silence, enjoying the fresh air and the laughter all around us. We get to the little ice cream hut. Cherry orders cherry sherbet and I get plain chocolate. I watch as her little pink tongue darts out and licks at her cone, her lips and cheeks a rosy pink. Her blue eyes sparkle as she chases the melting ice cream down her cone. I reach out with my tongue and lick a bit of sherbet at the side of her mouth, groaning at the taste of cherry sherbet and her unique taste mixed together. I look around to make s
ure there aren’t a bunch of little kids or women around, and then reach down to discretely adjust myself. My cock is hard, and swelling with every little lick of her pink tongue, my zipper blocking it from full extension. I see her smile at me. She knows exactly what she is doing. She isn’t stupid.

  “Troubles, big guy?” She teases me with a little smile on her face, her dimples leaving a deep imprint in her cheeks. I want to lick my way across her mouth and into her dimples, until she is moaning into my mouth. I stop thinking about it and bend my head to do it. I close my eyes and inhale her scent, my hormones now raging. I tentatively poke my tongue out and run it along her mouth, dipping into each of her dimples, following behind with a kiss. It feels like my skin is sizzling from her touch. It’s as if an arc of electricity is coursing through our bodies, causing the tiny hairs on my body to stand on end.

  I’ve forgotten all about my ice cream, until a wet, sticky feeling covers my entire hand. I pull away and look at the mess of melted chocolate covering my hand, extending to my wrist, and dripping steadily onto the concrete beneath our feet. Cherry pulls a hand up to her mouth as she giggles behind it, her eyes sparkling. I shake my head and laugh out loud as I walk to the nearest garbage and toss my cone. She hands me a handful of napkins and I use them to clean my face and my hands. I look at my watch to check the time. I can’t believe that it’s already five p.m. I know Cherry has a shift tonight.

  “We better head back. It’s later than I thought,” I say quietly. I really don’t want this date to end. She nods her head and grabs my hand as we walk back to the restrooms to change back into jeans for our ride home. I kiss her on the lips and a pat on her ass to send her off to change. She smiles and shakes her head at me, then turns and walks away. I groan at the sight of her tight little ass in her denim shorts as she struts, her hips swaying from side to side.

  I hurry into the men’s room and change back into my jeans, before slipping my leather jacket on over my t-shirt. I pull my helmet out of the locker and slip my wallet into the pocket of my jacket, ready to go. I walk outside and wait on Cherry as I scroll through my phone. I don’t have to wait long before she comes out. She put her jeans back on and slipped into her leather jacket, but this time she pulled her hair back into a braid of some kind and is wearing dark shades.

  “All set?” She asks quietly. I reach out and push a stray strand of hair behind her ear, cupping her cheek in my hand. She leans her face into my hand and smiles.

  “Yeah, Baby,” I say. “I’m ready.” I grab her hand and we walk to the parking lot where we left my bike. We store our items into the saddlebags and Cherry pulls her backpack onto her shoulders. I throw my leg over the bike and start it, waiting for Cherry to get comfortable behind me. She pulls herself tight to my body, the heat of her pussy hot against my lower back. She reaches her hands around me, placing them under my t-shirt and against my skin, the muscles of my stomach clenching and tensing in pleasure. She gives me a little nod and I know that she is ready for me to pull into traffic, so I do, slowly.

  The ride back to her place doesn’t take long, but I made it a point to drive slow so I could enjoy it for a bit longer. I pull up in her drive and stop the bike, turning it off. I help her gather her items and walk her to the front door, giving her a deep kiss on the lips.

  “Come in for a bit,” she begs softly. “I need to feel you.” I groan aloud and push her into her house, shutting the door behind us. I’m almost frantic in my need for her, kissing her hotly as we stand by the front door. I lick my way into her mouth, my tongue dancing with hers. I can still taste the sherbet and her unique flavor that is all Cherry. She shivers in my arms as I kiss my way along her neck and behind her ear. My tongue trails a path that my mouth matches with hot kisses.

  I pull her t-shirt over her head and open her front snap, purple, lace bra, cupping her full breasts in my hands, her nipples hardening into sharp points. She’s panting, watching me as I bend my head and close my mouth over a firm pink bud, rolling it along my tongue and tugging softly with suction. She groans and cups my head, pulling it tight to her breasts. I frantically grab at her jean shorts and pull open the button, yanking her shorts down, leaving her in a tiny, purple, lace thong.

  I kneel on the floor in front of her and bury my nose in her pussy, inhaling deeply. I love her scent, sweet and spicy, just like her. I blow hot air onto her pussy over her panties, my mouth watering. I want to slow this down and savor the moment, but somehow I’m unable to stop the shaking in my hands. I tug her panties down, my mouth salivating for her taste. I take one of her legs and throw it over my shoulder, opening her up to my mouth. I close my lips over hers and slowly drag my tongue through her folds, moaning as her taste coats my tongue.

  My hands are at her waist, holding her steady while I eat at her pussy, running my tongue up her folds and flicking my tongue over her clit. I tug each lip into my mouth and suckle gently while her hands run through my hair, occasionally tugging if I’m doing something she really likes. I can tell she’s close by the clenching of her muscles, so I add two fingers from my right hand, pumping in a steady rhythm as I suck on her clit, moaning as she comes. She shouts out her release as her pussy milks my fingers.

  I slowly pull my fingers out of her and pop them into my mouth, sucking the wetness from them, savoring the taste. My cock is so hard I don’t think I’m going to last even a minute. I stand up and lean forward, kissing her while our tongues mingle. She moans into my mouth as if she hasn’t had enough, and rubs her hand over the bulge in my pants. I barely get the button undone before she frantically tugs my jeans and boxer briefs down, just enough to free my aching, erect cock.

  I pick her up and she throws her legs around my waist, breathing heavily. Her hot mouth closes over my neck, her tongue licking a path to my earlobe, which she tugs between her teeth. I reach between us and guide my cock to her opening, pushing up slightly until I slide in completely, filling her. We stop for a moment and stare at one another, our foreheads touching, when I feel her pussy tighten around my cock. I groan aloud and start sliding in and out of her slick pussy, setting a steady pace. Our mouths meet as we kiss heatedly. Her hands tangle into my hair and she tugs hard. I can feel the tug in my balls start, and I know I’m going to blow soon, but I want to make her come again.

  I reach between our bodies and find her clit, swollen and throbbing, eager for my attention. I rub my callused finger over it and within seconds she is coming, shouting out her release while pulling my hair. I thrust into her a few more times before my release follows. I groan loudly into her neck as my body tenses, my cock spurting hot cum. We’re both panting and enjoying the high as I pull out of her slowly. It suddenly dawns on me. Fuck! My mouth falls open in shock. How the hell do I forget a condom? I never forget.

  “Ah, Babe,” I say, tentatively rubbing the back of my neck. “I forgot to use a condom. Are you on the pill?” I watch as all the color drains from her face. She shakes her head at me, her eyes wide. I quickly reach out and grab her, pulling her in tight to me.

  “Listen, we’ll deal with whatever comes, ok? I’m not going anywhere.” I’m trying to reassure her. I know how I feel about her, but I’m not sure what her feelings are for me. We’re moving pretty quickly, but I know what I want, I just hope that she wants the same. Then, a second thought occurs to me. We haven’t had the talk.

  “I’m clean,” I tell her. “I’ve never had sex without a condom before. Ever.” Even though we were serious, I never slept with Mandy without a condom. It was a risk I didn’t want to take.

  “We’re probably ok,” she says softly. “I just finished my period so the timing should be fine. I’m clean as well.” I nod my head at her and kiss her temple softly, but she continues. “I’ve never had the money to pay for a prescription, and I’ve never been in a relationship where I’ve had to think about birth control.”

  I look at her in confusion. I know she can’t be a virgin, so what does she mean she’s never had to think about birth control? Sh
e is awfully young. Maybe that’s what she means. If it’s money holding her back, then I can take care of that.

  “I’m more than happy to pay for the prescription,” I tell her, watching her face for her reaction. Before she can object I quickly talk ahead. “I’m part of this relationship too, and birth control shouldn’t just be a female’s responsibility.”

  “I can afford it now,” she says. “But thank you for thinking of me, and of us. I’ll have to remember to call a doctor and get that taken care of. I probably need to go anyway.”

  I kiss her on the end of her nose and gather up her clothes, handing them to her as I watch a flush creep over her body. I don’t know why she’s still shy after everything we’ve been doing. We put our clothes on, but it’s quiet, and it’s worrying me. Once I’m dressed I’m ready to head home. We walk to the front door together, and I grab her chin so I can look at her.

  “Hey,” I say softly. “It’s all going to be ok.” I watch her face closely, trying to judge her mood. She smiles and nods at me as she leans in and gives me an innocent kiss. “Thanks for a great day,” I say. “I’ll call you later. Let me know when you get to work so I’ll know you made it safely. Text me if you don’t have time to call.” With that I leave her with one last kiss before I turn to go.

  This woman holds my heart in her tiny hands. She owns me. I can only hope that whatever secret she is keeping won’t destroy us.

  Chapter Twenty-four


  I feel extremely guilty. I told Sawyer I’m clean when I have no idea if that is the case or not. I booked a doctor’s appointment immediately and breathed a sigh of relief when the results came in that I actually am clean. I was given a prescription for birth control and filled it immediately. The doctor gave me in depth instructions on use, and based on where I am in my cycle I can start it shortly. We still have to be careful for a while.

  Sawyer and I spend more and more time together and I love being with him. It’s so free and easy. I was worried it would be awkward to date him and continue stripping. It didn’t matter before since we weren’t in a relationship, but we are now. I constantly worry that he may get angry or jealous that I’m taking off my clothes for other men, but he continues to prove that I worry for nothing. Even though Sawyer would prefer that I stop, he understands and supports me fully. I’m lucky to have him, because I’m not sure that another man would be so understanding.


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