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Heart and Home: The MacAllister Brothers

Page 21

by Barron, Melinda


  “Yes, my love.”

  “I want you to spank me.”

  He turned to her, his eyes as wide as saucers.


  “You heard me. I want you to spank me. Vanessa told me about the differences between a punishment spanking, which I’ve had too many times, and a passionate one, which she said can lead to a fantastic coupling. I want to experience that. And I want to do it on our wedding night, so that I remember it always.”

  The grin that spread across his face positively glowed.

  “Your wish is my command, wife.” He moved to her and together they undid buttons and bows, much as they had the first night, and the only night, they’d been together.

  When she was down to her underclothing, Ruby dropped it to the floor with no compunction. She stood naked in front of her husband, looking into his eyes. His gaze dropped to her breasts, and further down.

  “You may well be the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  She gave him a coy look. “Why thank you, Mr. MacAllister.”

  “You’re very welcome, Mrs. MacAllister.”

  He quickly took off his shirt, leaving on his best pair of pants, that he’d worn for the wedding.

  She stepped toward him and he took her into his arms, kissing her softly, then deepening the union, pushing his tongue into her mouth. She moaned into his mouth, and then he slapped her on the ass.

  His mouth captured her yelp of surprise and he slapped her ass again, grabbing a handful and massaging it as he kept their lips pressed together. He released the flesh and gave her one more hard whack.

  The slaps warmed her bottom, and places that were in close proximity. She felt wetness form between her thighs, and a warmth that made her body tingle.

  “Lie on the bed, on your stomach.”


  “It’s fine, relax, my love. Do as I say.”

  Ruby knelt on the bed, then turned and lay down, her head on the pillows. Corbin lay down next to her, propping himself up on his left elbow, his free hand caressing her back and buttocks.

  “So very beautiful.”

  She groaned softly as he continued to caress, then, out of nowhere, when she was relaxed, he began to spank her, slapping one cheek of her ass several times before moving to the other one. He would stop, and massage her buttocks, then start again.

  After three times of this back and forth action, Ruby started to squirm.

  “All right. I’m ready to make love now.” Her voice was soft and dreamy.

  In response, Corbin slapped her ass harder, moving between the cheeks, back and forth until she groaned and tried to move away.

  “Hold still, my Ruby Delight. I’m not done with you yet.”

  He slapped her behind harder, but Ruby didn’t care. The sharp stings delivered deep pleasure to her body.

  “Corbin, please!”

  He chuckled, then stood and took off his pants. When he was naked, he straddled her body, caressing her back and backside, settling himself on top of her thighs.

  He gently teased her skin with the tips of his fingers, tracing them over her in soft, gentle circles. Just when Ruby thought that she was going to go nuts, he would slap her ass, first one cheek and then the other.

  Her soft moans would turn into deep cries of need. Finally, when she thought she could take no more, he spanked her harder, slapping her ass over and over before pushing her thighs apart and settling himself in between them. He grabbed her hips and slipped inside her, sliding home in one smooth, solid thrust.

  This time there was no pain; there was only the throbbing welcome of flesh meeting flesh. He moved slowly at first, sliding in and out as she tried to buck back into him. When she did, he would reward her with a sharp slap to the buttock, demanding that she lie still.

  She tried, but couldn’t. Finally, he took hold of her hips and gave himself to her fully, rocking them back and forth until Ruby thought she would die of pleasure. She grasped the sheets under her and felt the wonderful feeling building inside her.

  “Corbin, Corbin, I… I…”

  He leaned over and kissed her shoulders over and over and over as he continued to plunge in and out of her.

  Within seconds, she screamed out his name. He let out his own yell of victory, then pounded into her harder and harder.

  “I love you,” she whispered as her body continued to quake. “Never leave me.”

  “Never,” he whispered into her ear. “I love you too much for that.”

  * * *

  “Sometimes I wonder where they got it,” Vanessa said from her side of the coach. “I mean, do you think their father spanked their mother? Do you think the boys knew? All of them practice discipline. It can’t be something they thought of separately and put into action. It has to be something that they learned in their early life.”

  Ruby giggled. She and Vanessa had spent the day at Dawn and Rob’s house, making pies for the Fourth of July celebration tomorrow. They’d made lots of pies, almost twenty, using tins from Josh’s shop. When the person bid on the pie, they would get the pie and the tin. The money would go toward the building of a new schoolhouse, which was desperately needed.

  “He’s spanked me in public before,” Vanessa said softly. “We were in Denver, and he did it as a joke, I think. He took me to the famous Brown Derby Hotel, and there, on the stairwell late at night, he raised my skirts and spanked my bottom. He said I’d been bad at dinner, but I think he just wanted the thrill of doing something so naughty in public where we might get caught.”

  “That is just amazing. I hope that Corbin never gets an idea like that. I don’t know where they learned it,” Ruby said with a laugh. “I just know that I enjoyed it the other night. I didn’t enjoy the first few so much. They hurt like the dickens.”

  Vanessa nodded. “Don’t think that because you’re married the punishment ones will stop. The only time that Win doesn’t spank me is when I’m with child.”

  “So, when you were pregnant with Jacob, he refrained?”

  “Yes, and he has these last few months, too.”

  Ruby’s eyes widened. “You’re having a baby?”

  “Yes. We wanted to wait until we were absolutely sure. The doctor confirmed it the other day. We’re very excited, but Win wants to wait to tell everyone after July Fourth. He said that it would distract too many people.”

  Ruby looked out the window, her gaze turning dreamy. “I want children. Lots of them. I want them all to look like Corbin.”

  “You might have twins, you know.”

  Ruby’s eyes bulged, and then she laughed. “I hadn’t thought about that. I guess since my husband’s a twin, that’s a pretty big possibility.”

  They rolled into town, the two women laughing and discussing the possibilities of children, their sexes and possible names. They’d instructed the driver to take Ruby into the center of town, so she could just go home, to the newspaper office, and be with Corbin.

  She laughed at something Vanessa had said. Suddenly, her laughter stopped. She started at the store, her eyes wide with disbelief.

  “What is it, Ruby?”

  “It’s my father, and Jonathan. They’re standing with Hank, the stagecoach driver.”

  “That little weasel,” Vanessa said softly. “Probably used his information to get the reward money your father offered.”

  Ruby made sure her face was hidden. She searched the streets for Corbin but didn’t see him. Where was he? Was he working at the paper, unaware that his father-in-law stood just feet away, searching for his wayward daughter?

  “Nathan, take us to the house,” Vanessa yelled up at the driver.

  “No,” Ruby said softly. “I have to face them sometime. But if you could run across and get Corbin for me, that would make things perfect.”

  Vanessa nodded. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I won’t hide from them. I’m a married woman now. I obey no one but my husband. My father no longer has any
sway over my life.”

  “Nathan,” Vanessa said. “Stop a few feet down from the store.”

  The coach drew to a stop and Nathan stepped down to help the ladies alight. Ruby knew the minute her father saw her, because he let out an exclamation of surprise.

  “Ruby! You get your tail end over here young lady. I ought to tan your hide.”

  Jonathan ran toward her, a false smile on his face. “Ruby, thank the Lord. We all thought something terrible had happened to you. At least you’re all right. Your father and I have been worried sick.”

  “Frankly, Jonathan, I don’t care what you think. My father wouldn’t listen to me when I told him that I had no desire to marry you, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I ran away, and I’m not coming back.”

  Ruby was happy that Vanessa had stayed next to her, sending Nathan across the street to fetch Corbin.

  “Nonsense,” her father said as he came up. “The papers are already drawn up, and the wedding will take place as soon as possible. This is the best thing for you, young lady, since you’ve proven that you can’t make your own decisions with this stupid stunt.”

  “I won’t go with you, Father, and I won’t marry Jonathan, ever. You should know that…”

  “I should know nothing. Shut your mouth and get in the stage. Now, where are your bags?”

  “They’re at her new home. Our home.” Corbin’s voice was loud in the street and people stopped to listen. “And she won’t be marrying anyone, since she’s already married, to me.”

  “I beg your pardon?” Her father’s voice was as loud as Corbin’s. “Who the hell are you?”

  “I’m your daughter’s husband. Corbin MacAllister is the name. I’m a newspaper man by trade.”

  “I don’t think so,” her father continued. He held up his hand to stop the sputtering that Jonathan was doing. “If you’ve managed to get this stupid woman to marry you, I’ll just have it annulled. Ruby, get in the stage. Right now.”

  “No, Father, I won’t. I’m staying with my husband.”

  “And, since the marriage has already been consummated, more than once, there will be no annulment,” Corbin said.

  “You whore.” Jonathan’s voice was harsh, and Ruby felt as if he’d slapped her. But instead of him slapping her, it was Corbin who slapped him, or to put it perfectly, he doubled up his fist and slammed it into Jonathan’s face, sending the man flying backwards to land in the dirt.

  “Don’t you ever talk to my wife like that.”

  “I make Ruby’s decisions for her,” her father said. “Consummation or not, the marriage will be annulled, and any bastard that comes of it will be farmed out to someone else. Blake, get up from the ground and help Ruby into the stage.”

  Ruby moved behind Corbin, her hands on his shoulders. She was worried that her father and Jonathan would advance on him together, but she should have known better. Jonathan was basically a coward, and her father would never get his hands dirty by being in a fight.

  When Ruby looked up, Ben was pushing his way through the crowd that had gathered. Josh had come out of the store to stand beside his twin.

  “I’ll be damned, two of them,” Jonathan said. “Are you spreading your legs for both of them?”

  Corbin balled up his fist and started toward the other man again, anger in his eyes.

  But Ben grabbed his hand. “Don’t. That’s what he’s trying to do, provoke you. With me here he could scream that you assaulted him and demand that I press charges.”

  Corbin and Jonathan stared at each other. After a few moments, Corbin sneered at him and moved back, gathering Ruby to his chest.

  “This man raped my daughter,” her father said, pointing at Corbin. “I want him arrested.”

  “He didn’t rape me,” she said softly. “I love him, and you can’t win in this situation, Father. I’m staying here.”

  “You’re a whore, just like your mother. I never told you that she was a whore too, looking for nothing but money. She used you to get to me. Has he already stuck a brat in your belly?”

  “Get out,” Corbin said. “Take your lackey and leave, and don’t come back. Ever.”

  “With pleasure,” her father replied. “I wash my hands of her. She’ll give you nothing but trouble, I can promise you that. And don’t you ever expect anything out of me. I never want to hear from either of you again. Do you understand?”

  “Oh we understand,” Corbin said. “And we don’t need you. Ruby and I have each other, and we have my family. We don’t need you and we don’t need your money. We have our love.”

  Her father harrumphed in disgust. “We’ll see how far that gets you in life. Blake! Get in the stage.”

  Ruby tried not to laugh as Jonathan ran past her to the stage. He didn’t look twice and she remembered again that he was nothing more than a weasel that wanted nothing more than her father’s money.

  When the stage rolled out of town, she turned to Corbin. “They’re gone. I don’t have to worry about it anymore.”

  “You didn’t have to worry about it before, but you have to worry about me, now.” His voice was low.

  Around them, Ben was telling the townspeople to go about their business, that the show was over and everything was done.

  “What are you saying?”

  “I’m saying that you should never have confronted them on your own. You should have come and gotten me. We work together on things, remember? We’re a team.”

  “I’m sorry, I’ll remember next time.”

  Corbin kissed the tip of her nose. “Yes, you will. And the spanking I give you tonight will reinforce that idea.”

  * * *

  Ruby sat in her chair, watching Corbin as he paced back and forth across their tiny living room floor. It was almost ten at night. They’d spent quite a bit of time with Ben, and with the other MacAllister boys who were worried that her father would decide that he needed Ruby back, and would come back to challenge Corbin for her.

  Ruby knew better. Her father had no use for her, really. He only wanted her for what he could get out of her, in this case, to get his lackey to marry her, and take over the mine. And Jonathan wanted nothing more than money.

  As Corbin continued to pace silently, her nerves grew more and more taut. Finally, she could stand it no more. She sighed.

  “Are you going to talk to me?”

  “I haven’t decided yet. I keep asking myself why you would confront them without me, why you would not let me know they were here?”

  “I saw them when we were first in town I told Vanesa to go and get you, but she sent her driver instead.”

  “Yes, I know. But I can’t help but wonder why my wife didn’t have the driver drop her off across the street, come into the store and tell me her father was here to cause trouble.”

  “I’m sorry, Corbin. Really I am.”

  “So am I. But this means you’re going to get a punishment spanking, a hard one. One that will make you think twice before you do something like that again.”

  “Corbin,” Ruby’s eyes watered at the thought of the harsh spanking she was about to receive. “You can’t be serious. It’s so unfair. I didn’t even think that…”

  “You’re right, you didn’t. That’s why I’m spanking you, with the measuring ruler we talked about. I’m going to go and get it. While I’m gone, I want you to take off your drawers and bend over, putting your hands on the table in the kitchen. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Corbin, please!” Tears welled into her eyes.

  “Now, Ruby, right now. If you don’t obey me the spanking will be harder still. I am the boss in this relationship, and I punish as I see fit. We’ve talked about this.”

  “Yes, but it’s not fair.”

  “Do as you’re told.” He turned and walked from the room.

  Ruby lowered her face into her hands and sobbed. She loved Corbin, but she didn’t want to be spanked, not for this. It was so unfair.

  Still, she didn’t want to anger Corbin m
ore than he already was. She stood and walked to the kitchen, trying to catch her breath so that she wasn’t crying when the spanking started. She was sure that this one would be hard, especially since he was using that long wooden ruler.

  In the kitchen, she stepped out of her drawers, then bent over the table, using one hand to steady herself and one hand to raise her skirts above her waist. When she felt Corbin’s warm hand on her backside she flinched.

  “Relax, little one. I want you to know what this is for. This means that you need to think before you do this again. This means that we are a team, and we do things together, not separately. Do you understand?”

  She nodded and without waiting, or caressing her backside, Corbin brought the ruler down. The sting wasn’t that hard, but he landed a second stroke right on top of the first one seconds later. A third one followed, and then a fourth. By the fifth one, Ruby was crying, her big tears plopping down onto the table as she begged Corbin to stop.

  Instead of stopping, he put his hand on the small of her back and continued the slow, steady strikes of the ruler against her bare behind.

  The sting was horrible, and Ruby wasn’t sure how many she could take. He delivered several more, then he stopped.

  He rubbed her behind with the ruler.

  “Why are you being punished, Ruby?”

  “Because I went into a bad situation and didn’t come and get you first.” The words were said around sobs.

  “That’s right. I want you to remember this the next time you think about doing something like that.”

  He started to spank again, the ruler coming down below the original strikes, some landing on her upper thighs. Ruby cried out several times but Corbin didn’t let up. He continued to spank her until she finally broke down and sobbed.

  Then, he laid the ruler on the table and gathered her in his arms.

  “I love you.”

  “And I love you,” she whispered as she cried into his chest.

  “I don’t know what I would have done if they had tried to kidnap you today, or tried to hurt you in some way. You belong with me, understand?”


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