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Two Can Play ( #2)

Page 8

by Victoria Ashley

  “You want us stripped down at the same time?” Blaze sounds surprised by my demand. Look at that. For the first time he’s not smiling and trying to come on to me.

  “I mean you’re twins, why wouldn’t we want to see you side by side? I’m sure this is what our viewers are waiting for.”

  The look on their faces pulls a grin from me.

  They both begin to slide their underwear down and I try not to gasp at them both. Staying focused is crucial, Karma. Stay fucking focused.

  “Hold them so we can see the piercings.”

  The comments begin rolling in faster than before as they both grab their dicks and hold them out for the camera to see.

  They’re both hung and I’m not trying to compare or anything, but damn it they are truly identical twins all the way down to the tips of their dicks.

  “Luca, you have a single bar. Do you want me to give you two more and then you can match Blaze?”

  Luca laughs and releases his dick. “I’ve spent my entire life looking like his ass, why would I do that with my dick? Give me something on the tip.”

  “Well, that’s what I was going to do, so I guess you can pierce both of my nipples instead.” Blaze begins to back out of a dick piercing and I can honestly say, I’m not sure I could handle it if he had another one. Not that this is about me, but shit a girl can only handle so much.

  “We can do that. You could always change your mind some other time and we can bring you back on for it.”

  He looks relaxed instantly, and I wait for his playful behavior to hit the room. I know it’s coming.

  “Besides that, I plan to use mine tonight and I’m not prepared to let some metal get in the way of the sweet pussy I plan to be balls deep in.”

  There it is. Oh. My. God.

  I glare at him with my back to the camera as I begin to prepare my table for Luca. He smiles like he won this little show, but he has no idea how hard I can play.

  “Alright, Luca, let’s get you a Prince Albert and watch the ladies fall all over you even more than I’m sure they already do.”

  I watch Blaze slide his pants up and he catches my smirk as I reach for Luca and hold him in my hand. The things that man makes me want to do.

  I’m holding his twin’s dick in my hands and it’s Blaze that I’m checking out.

  Keep this professional. Keep this professional.

  I catch Luca look up at me and wink, right before I slide the needle through and he bites his bottom lip from the pain. “Fuck me, this is ridiculous!” he screams out in a reaction I wasn’t quite ready for. He seemed so calm to start with, but not so much now. He’s breathing loudly and it takes a lot for me not to laugh at his irrational verbiage. Wow, he really is just like Blaze. As if one of him isn’t enough.

  He finally quiets down so I can finish it up. “Fuck, I kind of liked that,” Luca says, looking up at me as I hold him in my hand and clean him off. He’s obviously not talking about the piercing, but I refuse to acknowledge what he really means.

  I can feel Blaze’s eyes on the both of us as if he’s waiting for a reaction. Well, I don’t plan to give him one.

  Blaze and Luca take over, answering questions and bickering with each other as I clean up and prepare to pierce Blaze’s nipples.

  “You all saw my pussy ass brother screaming live on his first night. I promise I’ll coach him on what is actually attractive to the people who pay good money to see us.”

  “Should we tell them how you acted when I first met you?” I have to remind Blaze how he reacted when I pierced him. He wasn’t pleased with the set up and it surprised me that he actually went through with it.

  “Well, I thought we weren’t talking about you drooling over my dick that first day. You wanted to keep that a secret.” His ass is smiling and I want to strangle him. I compose myself and prepare a response that is deserved.

  “A dick is a dick. I’ve seen many in my line of business and I promise you, it doesn’t take a specific one to hit the spot.” Oh shit. His facial expression is challenging and I instantly regret playing games with him in front of a live audience.

  “Is that right? Hmm, that’s not what you sounded like when I was deep . . .”

  “Alright. Who is ready to see my dick in action? Sign up for my call list quick and be the first to help me work this one out. Karma has worked her magic on me and I can’t stand this much longer. Guess I’m a guy glutton for punishment.” Luca takes the monitor and pulls it directly toward him. He talks closely to the mic and seems to be helping me save some sort of face in this.

  Blaze looks at me with a proud face thinking he defeated me in this. I want to torture him for what he just did, but at the same time I want to let him follow through with the dirty thoughts I know he’s thinking.

  Luca ends the call and looks at us both. He busts out laughing and Blaze follows. I don’t follow what’s so funny, but Luca quickly adds to the tension in the room.

  “You two should just fuck on camera. Your banter back and forth is intense and that’s the shit that’s going to be the number one request for this show. You should’ve seen some of the comments rolling in.”

  “He will never be live with me again. I specifically said I needed this to appear professional and that is not how it turned out. Now I’ll have idiots banging on the door trying to get in to the porn house that does tattoos. Damn it.” I stand and start slamming my things into my bag. I’m frustrated as shit at Blaze.

  Both of the guys stand and walk toward me. I can’t deal with two of them. “Stop. Don’t. Just let me get the hell out of here and try to think of a way to fix this.” They both stop mid step and watch me.

  “You have to admit it was a great show. People will come back for the next one, so we accomplished what we set out to do,” Blaze starts in, only to have Luca follow right behind.

  “They will definitely be back for more. Don’t get your panties in a wad until you’ve seen what you just made. I have a feeling you’ll get over anything you’re pissed about now.”

  “I need to stay professional. I told you that.” I stare at Blaze and he looks down as I talk. I know he gets my point and I just need to end this conversation. He shouldn’t be able to get to me looking down and he does. He gets to me in everything he does and for that reason alone I need to get the hell out of here and only come to this house for business. It’s safest that way.

  I know one thing after tonight. These boys are in for a lot of money having them both in this damn business . . . Holy shit.

  SHE’S DRIVING ME FUCKING CRAZY. She just left the house after our show. I was hoping to spend more time with her, but she apparently wants to make me insane, so she left in a hurry. I know I pissed her off, but it was just all in fun.

  I’m just about to follow her ass and remind her why she shouldn’t leave me in such a rush, when my phone rings. It’s Lynx, which means work is about to get in the way of me apologizing and the fun my dick wants to have after. Make up sex is fucking great.

  “I need you at Club Royal ASAP. Some stupid asshole is trying to tear the place up and Envy called the police. I can’t get there as soon as you’d be able to.” He sounds frantic and to be honest, I’ve been itching to beat the shit out of an asshole since I dealt with Karma’s ex.

  “On my way.” I hang up before I take off like a bat out of hell. I’m only a few miles from the club, so it doesn’t take me long to pull up to the disaster getting worse before my eyes.

  Women are scattered outside, looking scared for their damn lives. Pushing through them to get inside, I look for Envy or any of the girls, but don’t see them in the crowd.

  I rush inside, feeling heated, as I look around for where the chaos is going down.

  A tall guy, big as all hell, is behind the bar, reaching for bottles of liquor and tossing them at the wall, while Envy and Riley are fighting to stop him from grabbing more.

  He swings his elbow back, knocking Envy to the floor and then tosses a bottle of rum at the wall, scream
ing out as it shatters against the wall.

  “Where the fuck is she? I saw her come in here. You’re hiding her cheating ass, I know it. Just tell me, bitch. Fuck! Fuck! Brit, where the fuck are you?” His yells are heard even over all the chaos in the room. “I know you’re here, bitch.”

  Adrenaline courses through me as I jump over the bar and grip the back of the giant dick’s neck, slamming him face first into the liquor shelf. My momentum makes it easy to turn him toward the bar and throw him into it.

  Stopping in front of him, I swing my elbow out hard, connecting it with his jaw when he stands back up. Then I grab the back of his head, slamming it into the side of the bar as hard as I can.

  I rotate my shoulders in anger as I look down at him and grip the back of his hair, getting close to the side of his face. “Don’t ever fucking come in here again. Touch any of these women or anything else in this club for that matter and I’ll rip your fucking throat out.”

  I feel hands on me trying to pull me off him, but I don’t budge until he’s forced to see the look in my eyes. I mean fucking business and he better get that before I fuck his ass up even more.

  He finally exhales and nods at me. I take this as his surrender and loosen my grip. I take a step back and give him the space he needs to get the fuck out of here.

  Standing up, now that I’ve released his hair, he looks down at the blood on his shirt, before wiping his thumb under his nose and stumbling. “Fuck you, pretty boy. I touch whatever and whoever-”

  Before he can finish, Lynx is jumping over the bar himself. Rome is with him and before I know it, they’re dragging his ass outside.

  Envy reaches for my hand and I pull her to her feet, while fighting to keep my shit under control. He’s lucky Lynx and Rome showed up when they did. I’m heated as fuck over this asshole.

  “Holy shit, Blaze. I have no idea what happened. He was stumbling over his words and acting like a crazy lunatic. At first he was just breaking beer bottles and then he got behind the bar and kept yelling for Brit, repeatedly, even after we told him that she wasn’t here.” She’s shaking and tears flow down her face as she grips my arm.

  I wrap her in my arms, trying to calm her the best I can. “Tell me no one got hurt. You girls all okay?” I pull away from her to watch her expression before she answers.

  “Titan took off to grab us all some food, but I managed to keep him distracted enough to make sure no one got hurt. Mostly everyone was out before he got to the point of throwing bottles at the wall.”

  Holding her tightly again, I look over toward Riley and she gives me a thumbs up while fixing the liquor shelf.

  “Where’s Brit?” I have to make sure she’s safe and I know we’ll need to talk to her about her safety after this. He is a maniac and if he goes at her like that, I’m not even sure of the damage he could cause.

  Envy shakes her head. “I don’t know. She got off over an hour ago and I haven’t seen her since. She must’ve left before he got here.”

  Lynx and Rome come back a few minutes later, rushing around to check on everyone. It’s ladies’ night, so this fucker picked the best night to start shit, because there are only a few guys in the bar, all of which are a lot smaller than him.

  “Shit, this is not cool at all,” Lynx growls out in anger. “We need more security here at night now. I won’t take the risk of some asshole doing this again and one of our women or a customer getting hurt.”

  “Yes,” I agree. “The cops take care of that dick?”

  Rome looks over from helping Riley with the liquor shelf. “Yeah, the fucker is lucky they got here when they did.”

  “That asshole could’ve done a lot more damage if you didn’t get here as fast as you did. I would’ve had to kill his ass if someone got hurt.” I listen as Lynx rants and works through the shock that something like this happened. “We need at least two more security guards on every night from now on. The girls are not to be left alone again.”

  “Consider it done as soon as I leave here.”

  “Also, get someone set up at Karma’s. Now that she’s working with us, we’ll need to make sure she’s set up with the same kind of security our guys are.”

  I agree with him instantly; in fact, I had already thought of that myself. Even if it comes from my own pocket.

  “On it. I’ll let you finish up here and I’ll get started on increasing security. Let me know if you need me for cleaning or anything else and I’ll come back.”

  I leave with adrenaline coursing through my veins and an urge to relieve some tension one way or another.

  My first stop has to be at Karma’s, but I quickly make a call to the Alpha House, letting them all know what’s happening.

  I pass her tattoo shop and notice her car isn’t parked there. I smile remembering the memories of us at her house the last time.

  Knocking isn’t necessary because she’s got the door wide open. I step inside and see her struggling to drag a chair through the living room towards the door that’s propped open.

  “Let me help with that.”

  “Damn it, Blaze. You scared the shit out of me.” She stands quickly, grabbing her chest. Her red hair falls all around her face, slipping out of the clip she’s using to pull it up.

  “You really shouldn’t leave your door open, you never know when a sex crazed maniac will bust in.” She tries not to laugh as I grab the chair from her grasp. “Tell me where it’s going.”

  “I can handle it myself.” She’s still frustrated with me and I know I’m going to have to fix this quick.

  “Quit being so fucking stubborn and let me help you.” She exhales and gives in. She has to know I can outlast any stubbornness she can throw my way.

  “I’m going to stuff it into the back of my car. I brought it here so I could put it together earlier and now it needs to go to the shop.”

  I stop walking and turn to look at her.

  Is she for real? What woman would do something like that?

  “What? I don’t have time for that shit when I’m at the shop. My days are insane already. I need to get shit ready for these new artists quickly, so that means I’ll be doing a lot of this kind of stuff for a few weeks. Just walk and don’t look at me like that.”

  I can’t help but look at her like she’s a strange creature that I’m trying to figure out, because that’s exactly what I’m trying to do. She’s so different from any woman I know and I love that shit about her.

  “I didn’t say a word, but I’ll be putting this in the back of my truck. I’m not sliding this thing inside your car.” She’s out of her mind for thinking it would fit.

  “The last one went in, so this one will too. But if you want to waste time stopping by the shop, that’s fine by me.”

  We start to walk outside and I can feel her eyes on my back. I’m under her skin and she can’t help but think about the way I get to her.

  “Is this your way of spending more time with me?” She makes me laugh with her straight forward question.

  “Hell yes it is. I’ve never been shy about wanting to spend time with you.” If she’s going to be straight up, then I will be too.

  She smiles as she opens my tailgate and I slide the chair into the bed of my truck. I reach to close the gate, when our hands brush across each other.

  Her pause confirms that she’s just as interested in me, even if she’s frustrated. She may run from me every chance she gets and pretend to not be that attracted to me, but she forgets. I specialize in understanding what women want. It’s something I’m very good at, or so I’ve been told.

  Her smile fades and she lowers her head, pulling her lip between her teeth slowly as she looks down my body. I don’t miss the catch in her breath as she brushes over my jeans.

  My instincts are spot on with her, I’d bet my life on it.

  She wants the D and fuck if I don’t want to give it to her again.

  HE LOOKS AMAZING AND I want to slide my hands over his firm chest as he watches me. It’s trul
y unfair that he looks as good as he does and he knows it.

  If you would’ve asked me a few days ago if there was another man as good looking as him, I would’ve told you no. But I’ve now seen his twin. Double the trouble and sex appeal. These boys are trouble in the best kind of way.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?” His deep voice pulls me from my thoughts, causing me to look up at him and see his cocky grin as he watches me check him out.

  “I’m not looking at you any way,” I lie.

  “Is that why you’re licking your sexy as fuck lips and fantasizing about my dick?” He’s so sure of himself and if he wasn’t spot on with what I was doing, I’d put him in his place.

  “And what if I am?” I challenge him, knowing it won’t take much for him to act on it. To be honest, he’s had me rubbing my thighs together many times thinking about how great it felt when he was between them.

  He doesn’t say a word before he closes in on me, leans down and throws me over his shoulder. He walks proudly as I try to comprehend how quickly he managed to do that and work not to scream and alert my neighbors.

  “Blaze. Stop.” My words are quiet and an obvious pathetic attempt to pretend that I don’t want him to take me inside and fuck me hard.

  “You know you don’t want me to stop, but say it again and I will.” I take note of his warning and don’t leak another word of resistance.

  We’re barely inside when he slams the front door closed and sets me down in front of it. He moves against me, his blue eyes burning into me as he forces me against the door. I work quickly to pull his shirt up and then he helps me get it over his head in a very sexy way.

  How was that so sexy? Because it was Blaze. That’s how.

  His warm mouth travels over my neck while his hands slide over me hungrily, touching me anywhere and everywhere that he can.

  I love how he feels against me. He ignites a fire inside me instantly with his touch and that’s something I’ve struggled with in the past.

  “Your skin is flushed. Admit it. I get to you.” He smirks as he talks. His confidence is never lacking and maybe that’s something I like about him. He knows how to handle a woman and isn’t afraid to do it. “You left the house tonight without me showing you what you’re leaving.” His deep growl against my ear sends chills over my skin and hope through my core that he’ll be just as demanding as he always is.


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