Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides) Page 11

by Rita Hestand

  "Oh Dakota…make me yours!" She cried.

  This kiss was melting all her resistance. She felt like soft butter in his arms. His tongue mated slowly with hers, tasting each other, wordless, mindless ecstasy. He brought her up against him and she felt the arousal that sought her. She sighed against him. He was asking a question. Did she want this?

  Her heart and mind yelled "yes" at him.

  He pulled away, dimmed the light just a bit more, then he looked at her clothes. He began unbuttoning her top, one by one, the buttons fell away until he reached her waist. She was taking deep breaths now. He moved quickly now to remove it and toss it somewhere far away. She stood with her camisole and long skirt on. Her camisole was black lace, and quite see through.

  He backed up and stared, "Beautiful," He murmured. "Your beautiful full breasts have been a temptation for me from the start."

  She waited to see what he might do next. He undid her skirt, she shimmied out of it. Now only her camisole and drawers remained, as he tossed her slips away like the skirt.

  She stood before him, waiting. But when he merely stared, she moved toward him, and removed his jacket and threw it across the room. Then she unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it up from his pants and off of him. She had to pull it over his head and when she did she moved up against him so their bodies were touching.

  His breath hitched.

  His magnificent chest was bare now and her hands splayed across the expanse of his hairless chest, until her fingers touched his nipples, there she stopped to touch and taste. He shivered against her and she looked up at him with anticipation. She'd never seduced a man before, she'd always let them seduce her, and some never did, some took her without any foreplay and those times were rough for her. But this was completely different. Every move she made enticed him for more, and she felt the same way with his body. She was already on fire for him, and she saw the raw desire in his eyes too. Her hands moved to cup his buttocks and he smiled at the action.

  "My turn," His voice rasp.

  She shot him a timid smile. "Yes…"

  He turned her around and untied her corset rather quickly, and it fell to the floor, she tossed it across the room then slowly turned around for his inspection.

  His eyes devoured her, hungry for her now, he reached his hand to cup a breast, full, creamy white breasts, that stood at attention now from his intense gaze, and then his lips swooped down on the pink petal of a nipple. He rubbed the nipple against his lips, against his nose, against the hot tip of his tongue, and then pulled more into his mouth, as he breathed in deeply.

  Exquisite sensations darted through her, at the gentle pull of her nipple between his teeth, sensitized it sent signals all through her body to ready her. She threw out her chest, as an offering, leaning her head back she let him have his leave.

  She saw the sweat bead on his forehead, she saw his mouth open and ready for her perky nipples. His eyes sparkled into hers.

  "You offer so much…" he whispered softly. "They are lovely. I have spent many a night in agony of wanting to see, and touch them, kiss them."

  His eyes were glued to her beautiful full breasts. They were full and round, and had beautiful pink nipples that begged his attention. He held them with both hands and brought them toward him kissing each nipple, then laving her there until she shivered with new anticipation. He heard her moan raggedly and smiled sexily at her, for he knew her body was readying for him. She laid her head on his bare chest, her lips barely caressing his nipple. Her tongue shot out to caress him. The heat intensified between them.

  She felt the wet between her legs, and the warmth swirling through her body, coursing like a river of ripples. She loosened his belt, threw it away and then his pants and he shimmied out of them.

  She reached for his drawers and let them slide down his legs as her eyes feasted on his manhood that stood at her attention. He was big there, and long and she saw he was quite ready for her. She gasped. Her belly ached for him.

  He pulled her drawers away and looked at her, his eyes taking in the sweet golden curls.

  He pulled her so that light shone on her now and looked at her with such raw longing. His hand went over her slowly, around her firm butt, where he cupped her against him. She moaned raggedly.

  She moved her own hands over him slowly, enticing him.

  She had stockings on and he squatted and had her sit on the bed so he could pull each one off and throw it away. His burning gaze went up her leg as he did so, then his lips, and his mouth came against her golden curls to kiss. Then he took the other stocking off and did the same.

  He took her foot and massaged it in his warm hands, then put his lips in a delicious line down the bottom of her foot. Her body jerked. He took her big toe and cupped it in his mouth, sucking on it. Thrills ran through her. No one had ever touched her quite like that and the sensations swirling through her body now delighted in his every touch. She wanted more, so much more from him. She never dreamed that love could make such a difference in how a man touched and took a woman.

  Then he picked her up in his arms, kissed her into submission and carried her to his bed.

  Chapter Twelve

  She felt the coolness of the sheets and opened her eyes to see the red silk sheets. She smiled as now her dreams would be real and she was with him, perfectly safe.

  "Did you really experience the same dreams I did?"

  "Yes, I did everything but crawl up your window to be there."

  "It was so real, so powerful, I couldn't begin to believe it was just a dream. I looked all around my room for you. My breasts were raw, from your kissing, my legs were wet where we made love. I just knew you'd been there."

  "In mind and body I was there."

  "It was wonderful."

  "Yes my sweet, and now we will share it all again, many times.."

  She wondered if he would be rough and take her quickly, but instead, he had lain her on the sheets and stared at her as he joined her. His eyes traveled her slowly.

  "Why do you stare so?" She asked in a whisper.

  "You have no idea how lovely you are, do you?"

  "I'm just a woman…"

  "No, you will never be just a woman. You are my woman from this day forward."

  "You intend to claim me?" She asked with a slight chuckle.

  "Oh yes, ma'am. I truly do…"

  His fingers acquainted him with her body, slowly. Like a blind man, he touched every part of her, from her lovely lips, to her jutting chin, to the soft fold of her breasts, where he lingered as touching did not seem quite enough.

  She lay on her back, and he could see the beauty of her pouting breasts, his eyes caressed her first, then slowly his hand moved against her, massaging her breast as he cupped them, then his finger found the tips and gently he circled them until they hardened into round nubs. His eyes glistened in the dim light.

  "You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. But then I knew that the moment I looked at you." He whispered.

  "Really, you didn't look like you liked me then." She whispered and kissed his jaw.

  "Oh you were so naïve…" He chuckled. "I wanted you then. I knew I could not have you, but I wanted you, and it angered me that such a beauty might go to waste on someone who wouldn't know how to treat you."

  "And now?"

  "Before it was just dreams, but now, we will make it a reality. Your hips and breasts match, both round and curved to entice a man but your waist is so dainty and small, and your legs are long and perfectly formed. I knew you'd be perfect. I so lusted after you that first week. Shame and lust filled me. I could hardly look at you without wanting you."

  "I have to admit, I lusted after you too." She pinked. "I never saw a more magnificent man."

  "Good, then I was not in misery alone," He smiled.

  "And you're the most magnificent man I've ever been with." She said. "You have a chest like no other man I've ever touched, like silk, but strong beneath my fingers, and the rest of you tapers to a
perfect backside, and long legs to wrap around me." She smiled. "I have to tell you, I enjoyed those dreams. I embraced them."

  "It was the only way I could pull you to me."

  "You certainly have a way with seducing me…."

  "God bless this feast," He murmured as his mouth moved to take her breasts slowly. His lips covered the perfectly pink petals. The way his tongue flicked against her had her whole body reacting like bolts of lightning had hit her. He kissed her nipples and laved them with his hot, wet tongue as his hands slid lower, to her belly first where he rubbed softly. "This is where you will carry my child."

  "Yes, someday." She sighed enjoying the way he touched her.

  But his hand moved down to the sweet nest of her womanhood. She moaned and spread her legs for him so he could continue the sweet torture. She knew instinctively that he'd be gentle with her.

  He looked down, laying his head on the top of her stomach, he rubbed her everywhere, then went to touch her softest spots, her core. A rivet of sensations assailed her. Her body came to a life of its own, seeking his hand, his touch. She moved to be closer.

  She closed her eyes, lifted her chin and thrust her hips toward him. He breathed in the scent of her, kissing her there.

  She moaned raggedly now, the fire consuming her. How did he know just where to touch her, to make her come to life? A slow burning fire spread throughout her body. Did all Indians love this way? She wondered if their love was different somehow, maybe a little better than most. For he seemed reverent of her body, as though he would never hurt her or cause her discomfort.

  He lifted her up and stared at her there, his eyes devouring her. How poised and lovely she looked in the throes of passion, how dark pink and reds came together to make her there.

  Love was like a blossom between them unfurling with each touch, with each word.

  He spoke sweet love words to her and their passions increased and his mouth and hands busied.

  She had no idea what to expect of him, but he moved downward, and put his head to her love nest. First his nose nudged her and he breathed her in. Then his lips covered her there, but when his tongue went out to lave her soft core she almost came off the bed with such divine pleasure. Her legs quivered weak with wanting, yet his tongue sent her spiraling into near spasms of orgasm. Excitement spewed through her as his lips tantalized the one place she had no control over. He knew exactly how much to lave her there, and how to keep her wet and hot as he explored. She climaxed immediately, unable to hold back the magnificent torture of his tongue. She lifted herself to his warm mouth so he could tantalize her more. She begged for his tongue, writhed, and sank into the bed when the orgasm spilled over her and saturated her with his lofe. She couldn't get enough, and he lingered there for long moments, stroking, caressing, kissing her, tasting her.

  "You have a sweet taste about you. I will hunger for you always."

  She smiled and relaxed.

  He slowly moved back up his lips tasting her as he did so. She relaxed and sought his lips. "I couldn't hold it back; I couldn't control it. It was so exquisite. You are a magnificent lover." She cooed in his arms. "Are all Indians so good at making love?" she purred.

  "I do not know. I follow my heart. I have your scent now, you are mine."

  "I must know something," He suddenly came up to her and looked her in the eye. "Are you a virgin?"

  Now was the time for truths and she stared into his face, hoping he could understand, praying he would still care for her.

  "N-no, I'm not."

  "Because of your father?" He asked, his face a mask of emotions.

  "Well, yes, but…I must tell you everything."

  "Another time my sweet, right now, I want you. And I am glad you are not a virgin, because I never want to hurt you, only love and possess you. I'm only glad you know what to do, and how to do. You seduce me with your eyes and your words every day. And now you seduce me with your body. Your taste is sweet, your smell is mine, and your body knows me now."

  "Even after I told you…what happened."

  His eyes raked her, "Even more so now, for I will erase the bad from your life and give you only happiness. Until one day you forget the bad, and think only of the good."

  "Oh Dakota…" she cried. "That's so terribly sweet."

  Her hands raked through his hair, fine dark hair that was long and silky to her touch. But as he slid up, he slid inside her and she gasped with such a pleasure. At last, at last they were one. His strong manhood sought her deeply, and she welcomed him as her muscles contracted over and over to draw him closer.

  Her muscles began worked tirelessly, pulling him deeper inside her, as she moaned softly. He kissed her pink nipples over and over as they rode the tide together.

  "You work to hold me."

  "I work to have you, all of you inside me, as far as you can go. Because I love you so much."

  She held off the climax as long as she could and suddenly they were together riding the waves of love exploding with such a tremendous orgasm that they both began shuddering almost violently, against each other and she whimpered in his arms as the throes of passion surrounded them.

  Sweat beaded her upper lip as she continued to pull him inside her. One more time she squeezed him and he erupted all over her. She sighed with such a contentment as the orgasm went through her like a spear headed for a target. Sensation after sensation shot through her now.

  "Oh my love…" She cried. "I will never get enough of you."

  He stayed inside her as long as he could and she began to relax and he pulled out only when she went to sleep with him. He wrapped his arms around her and held her as they slept.

  He sighed with immense pleasure. An hour or so later, they both woke and as his hand lay against her breast, his arousal reacted once more.

  He was like a mighty beast wanting to devour her and she couldn’t get enough of him.

  He rolled her over and moved to the opposite end so he could kiss her buttocks and touch them. "I have never seen a woman so beautiful in my life."

  He kissed her everywhere, claiming his territory with kisses that burned into her soul. But this time she rolled him over on bottom and began pleasuring him. She tantalized his nipples into hard nubs as her lips made love to him there, he thrust his hips in reaction as she smiled at him.

  He was amused and fascinated at her taking control. With only the slightest movement, he entered her and she threw back her head and rode him for all she was worth. Her breast became erect as she threw back her head and gloried in taking him. The way she tossed her hair, the graceful sway of her body as she moved with him, thrilled him as he watched her. She came alive. She threw back her lovely hair and her expression was totally sensuous, and arched her back, making her breast more pronounced. He reached to touch them gently with his lips, his tongue massaging them. She was a glorious picture of longing and sexual desire. She bent to lave his nipples. All the while her body moved with exact timing to his. He massaged her buttocks, not hard but softly, enticing his passion for her. Their round firmness made him swell with needs. She gently teased with her lips and as he moaned the pleasures she gave him. She rode him, moving erotically so as to entice and seduce him. His eyes never left her, feasting on her beauty as they made love. The orgasm was long and filled with such satisfaction as their eyes met. She sighed with such happiness as they climaxed, their orgasm feeding their love for each other. How was it possible for their orgasms to last so long and always together? It was wave after beautiful wave of ecstasy.

  He watched her hair toss around and he fingered it, he watched her breasts bounce and he covered them with his hands and then his lips. "Come to me," He said and he took them in his mouth one by one and caressed them over and over unable to satiate his hunger for her. He had a huge appetite, and his touches sent little quakes of her orgasm through her once more, she closed her eyes and enjoyed it.

  "To touch you is to touch heaven," He smiled.

  But the heat of their lovemaki
ng knew no bounds.

  She could feel the wet heat between her legs, her stomach clinching for more.

  She'd been with many men, most never sending her into an orgasm, but with Dakota it was different, she could have several in one night and each one better than the last. They hungered for each other. When they collapsed into each other arms he kissed her lips. "I have planted many seeds inside you woman."

  Her eyes sought his, "What if…I become pregnant?" She tried to keep the alarm out of her voice, for she coveted the love he gave her.

  Her eyes were big, questioning, and yet still shining.

  He held her cheek in one hand, his thumb lazily going up and down there, she bent her head to his loving strokes.

  "Do not fear, for I love you and will protect you from all harm, no matter what. If you carry my child, I will be the happiest man alive. I have claimed you physically, and I will claim you as my wife too."

  "You mean that?" she looked at him with a smile.

  "I mean that." He smiled. "We are one. Is it not so?"

  "Yes," she whispered. "Very much so," she smiled and kissed his chest. "Several times so."

  "You have given me more than I ever hoped for. Do not fear."

  "Dakota, there are things I want to tell you now." She explained.

  He tweaked her nipple with his fingers and smiled, "Then tell it."

  She lay next to him now, looking at him, touching him as she spoke.

  "It is as you feared. My father did rape me, several times in fact. So I ran away, and…I couldn't support myself until…I went to work in a saloon."

  He listened but his petting didn't stop. "Go on."

  "Many men have had me, Dakota. I'm soiled. So if you cannot abide it, I will understand. I wanted you to know the truth. And I wanted us to have at least one time together before you rejected me."

  "And this is the truth?"

  "Yes…" she said, her voice going raspy as she feared his rejection. "I never loved a man until you came along. But I've had many. I cannot lie to you. But I have never loved any man…except you! You must understand when a woman whores, most of the time she fakes her reactions so the man will not linger. But with you…it's so real, and I hunger for the love you give. I want to linger forever…"


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