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Maggie's Dreams (Book Five of the Red River Valley Brides)

Page 21

by Rita Hestand

He shrugged, "Then I will look forward to the night and the mornings."

  "Darling, seeing me naked all the time might take some of the teasing out of our love, and I want to tempt and tease you often." She smiled feeding him an apple. "I want you always to want me."

  He smiled, "You are a wise woman."

  "And there is another reason, if that bear comes back, demanding we get out of his house, I want to be fully clothed when I run out." She laughed.

  "Good point." He chuckled.

  But when his hand went to her once more, he found her wet and warm and slick causing him to smile, he dipped his head and licked at her. "Hmmm…your smell entices me. I smell your sex and you are urging me to come inside and play."

  She flashed him a quick teasing smile, "I'll never reject you."

  "You do not reject; you entice…" He chuckled.

  "You cannot hide what you want, so easily my love." She giggled.

  Their playing went on half the morning.

  Finally, she prepared his breakfast, he went outside. When he returned he handed her a bouquet of flowers.

  "Flowers for my sweet." He smiled.

  "You spoil me," she said taking the flowers and touching them to her nose. "They smell so sweet."

  "Yes, like you my love." He chuckled.

  Every day they explored the land around them together. He built a barrel like object to carry water up to the cave. They gathered wood together, and bathed in the creek naked, playing.

  It was like some private paradise for them. It was their place, their land, their hopes and dreams.

  One day they were caught in a downpour and he took her hand and they ran for the cave. By the time the got to the cave they were both soaking wet.

  They shivered, then he looked at her, her clothes plastered to her sexy body, had him heating up. He could see her breasts under the thin cotton shirt. His head bent and he took her nipple and caressed it through the material. She wrapped a leg around his and submitted to his dominance. He brought her up close, kissed her endlessly, then slowly, he began to peel away the wet clothes. By the time they were both naked, they were panting and clawing at each other to mate. He wasted no time in entering her as they stood entwined. He pulled her hips up against his manhood and as he moved with her there, they mated like hungry animals, their breathing erratic, their desire unleashed. She climbed him, her legs going around his waist, as he continued to hold her bottom in his hands and manipulate their moves. She moaned her arousal, she was so blatantly hot the cave felt like a hot steam bath as her muscles worked to bring him in deeper. His strength to hold her there turned her on. Her legs held him solidly against her as he pumped her hard and deep. It was a new way of making love for them and she adored him for it. He always surprised her. She didn't mind anything he wanted to do with her. She was his, and he was hers.

  When they climaxed he leaned against a wall with such a shudder, it made her climax twice as long as usual. Collapsing against him, her legs would not let him go, and he smiled into her hair. "My sweet lady." He said softly coming down from the wild hunger that enveloped them. "Did I hurt you my love?" He whispered at her ear.

  "No, you gave me what I needed," she cooed.

  He threaded his hands through her hair and looked into her still love drugged eyes. "You are more woman than I deserve."

  She laughed softly.

  "I think even the baby liked that. I think I felt movement." Her eyes sparkled into his.

  He laughed aloud and kissed her hard. As she grabbed his hand and put it on her belly. "We are good together."

  "Yes, we are…"

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Two and a half months later Harry came riding up to the cave. He found it easily, as they had made a real home out of it. They even had a woven door in front of it.

  "Well, you two are really making a home out of it, aren't you?" Harry laughed as he shook Dakota's hand and tipped his hat to Maggie.

  "Home sweet home," Maggie chuckled.

  "Have you news?" Dakota asked anxiously.

  "I have my friend, good news. I have two witnesses."

  "What?" Dakota's eyes widened with surprise. "Sit down, tell us all about it."

  Harry made himself comfortable on the floor of the cave and looked at both of them. "We found Mr. Montgomery, well, not immediately, but tied up in one of the attic rooms. Luckily he found a way of getting our attention. he put a piece of a mirror he found on the floor in the sunlight and it started a fire. We saw fire coming out of that old attic and rushed in to put it out. When we did, we found Mr. Montgomery. He was in rough shape let me tell you. He hadn't eaten in days and was quite ill, but later he gave us a mouthful. It seems Mr. Montgomery got curious about their fighting all the time and wanted to discover what it was all about. So he followed her one night. She went to the cabin. Her and the guy that ran the lights in the theater, McCarthy was his name. Anyway one night they headed for the cabin, the two of them, her husband followed her. Mr. Montgomery followed all of them to the cabin. McCarthy and her were having an affair. Her husband was trying to catch her in the act. He did. She must have found your knife in the cabin and Mr. Montgomery peered into the cabin just as McCarthy plunged the knife into her husband. While she stood and laughed. But they discovered Mr. Montgomery.

  So they knocked him in the head and hauled him back to the theater. They tied and gagged him and left him in your room, intending to blame you all along for her husband's death, after all, they had your knife, in the cabin you used, and Montgomery would have been dead in a few more days if not found in your old room. So there was no way you'd get off the murder charge.

  What is crazy is, they weren't expecting anyone to show up, not her husband or Montgomery.

  "How'd they get Mr. Montgomery back to the theater without anyone seeing them?"

  "Heaven only knows, except he was out of it."

  "That's not entirely all. One of Mr. Montgomery's business friends was looking for him too and accidentally caught McCarthy and her together, in Mrs. Campbell's room. He couldn't raise anyone and so he was checking all the rooms because Montgomery hadn't shown up for a meeting a few days earlier. He caught them in bed together. So her story that you and her were madly in love proved false right there. It was McCarthy she was having an affair with. This friend knocked on your door and heard something, so when he couldn't get in, he got a hold of me and told me about Mrs. Campbell. I went over there with him, and we busted your door in and found Mr. Montgomery. But I knew you hadn't been there in days, since you were at the Nadine and Gabe's.

  But her stories got so wild, that no one listened to her and thought her pretty disreputable. We won't have a problem in court, I can tell you. She's messed it up with her big mouth. When Ma began telling everyone that she only wished those things between the two of you, people listened. You have no worries. Now, with the judge in town and the witnesses agreeing to testify in a closed court, this can all be straightened out. Mr. Montgomery's testimony will clear you, but the other witness is a bonus. We had to wait until the judge was in town, because if the army came in the meantime, they could have carted you off to jail themselves. So, how soon can you travel?"

  "Very soon, actually. Although we've made ourselves to home here so much, it's hard to leave."

  Harry glanced around the cave and smiled at them, "Maybe it can be your little get away every now and then."

  Dakota nodded. "A very good idea."

  They packed up and left with Harry. Harry told them they would spend the night at Nadine's and go in the morning to see the judge.

  The four of them celebrated the news and had a big meal.

  The next morning Dakota appeared before the judge.

  The judge was a crusty old man, rather rotund but he had a pleasant face despite the fact that he was a judge.

  "I decided to hold this closed court hearing in my chambers because it is such a scandal and I want to resolve it quickly. "Now Mr. Montgomery, will you step forward and be sworn in?"<
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  Mr. Montgomery came forward and was sworn in then testified that on the date of Mr. Campbell's death, he had followed Mrs. Campbell to the cabin to find out what she was up to, because McCarthy was with her and that didn't seem right. He testified that he got there in time to see McCarthy murder Mr. Campbell and her laughing about it. Then he told the judge what they did to him. The business associated backed him up when he told them he had found Mr. Montgomery, tied, gagged and dehydrated so bad he was nearly dead. It took a full two weeks for him to get on his feet again.

  "Another witness came forward too."

  Then a Mr. Lee Hargrove, the caretaker of the cabin that Dakota and Maggie used, had seen a woman in the woods, answering the description of Mrs. Campbell, and that upon checking the cabin through the window, he saw Mr. Campbell lying on the floor of the cabin with a knife in his belly, and Mrs. Campbell and Mr. McCarthy standing over him.

  The judge listened then hit his gavel on his desk. "I think that is sufficient evidence to clear Dakota of the murder. But Mr. Montgomery do you know the identity of the man that was with Mrs. Campbell the night of the murder?"

  "Yes, it was Mr. McCarthy, the lighting expert from the theater that I employed when I hired Ms. Hilton."

  "Sheriff, please take Mrs. Campbell and find Mr. McCarthy and escort them to the jail. To be held without bail until their trial, which will convene in two months."

  "Yes sir," Harry smiled.

  Mrs. Campbell bent her head, then raised it and said loudly, "I didn't kill him. You can't take me to jail."

  "I'm afraid you are what they call an accessory to the crime and Harry escorted her from the room, along with Mr. McCarthy whom he found drinking in the saloon.

  Harry turned to look at Dakota and Maggie, "You two can go home now."

  But as they walked out into the street, there were several people on the walkway, and they all smiled and tipped their hats to them.

  Maggie was astounded. They knew about their marriage and they weren't gossiping or upset. It seemed as though Ma had spread the word about their marriage and how happy they were. And with Dakota looking very much like a white person, no one seemed to mind so much. She also told them about the baby, and when a baby is involved, people tend to forgive for the sake of the child.

  That night Nadine, Gabe, Dakota and Maggie celebrated once more.

  But as they sat around the table talking about babies, two people stood in the doorway waiting to be discovered.

  When Maggie heard something and looked up she saw them, "Trish, Gil, oh how wonderful to see you," Maggie ran to hug them both. "What have you got there?"

  Trish smiled and uncovered the baby in the basket, "Meet Brodie Lee Davis."

  "Oh my, he's just beautiful. When did this happen?" Maggie asked.

  "Barely a month ago."

  "He's adorable." Ma came to see the baby and took him right up in her arms. Jo had her baby right after Christmas." Ma told them.

  "We'll have to see her. And look at you Maggie. When is yours due?"

  "After Nadine's." She chuckled.

  Trish laughed. "For goodness sake. We are a bunch of baby makers."

  Maggie laughed. "It's so good to see you. And Gil, you two look great!"


  Ma stood up and tears rolled down her cheek, "As I live and breathe, Trish, Gil…." She handed the baby to Maggie and moved to hug her and Gil, then laughed.

  "But what are you doing out here?" Ma gasped.

  "Well, as we driving the wagon into town, we spotted Harry and he told us you were out here, and said they'd come out in a bit as soon as he finished some business." Trish explained. "Oh it's so good to see all of you. But…who is this?" Trish looked at Dakota.

  Maggie laughed, "That's my husband, Dakota."

  "Husband, you got married?" Trish asked.

  "Yes, we did." Maggie chuckled. "I wouldn't be pregnant if I wasn't married, Trish."

  "I'm sorry, I heard rumors the last time we were here, but I didn't know how it worked out."

  Trish went right up to him, planted a kiss on his cheek and smiled, "Welcome to the family." She said.

  Gil shook hands with him.

  "Where are Nadine and Gabe?" Trish asked as she poured them both a cup of coffee.

  "In there, she's feeling poorly, go on in, she's decent."

  "Oh for heaven's sake, can we go in and see?" Trish giggled.

  "Sure, go on."

  Directly a wagon pulled up and Harry, Jo Ella, the baby, Sarah and Luke all piled out of the wagon. It was a grand gathering together and Jo Ella passed her baby around to as she got a good look at Brodie.

  "He's beautiful Trish."

  "So is Lucas."

  After several long conversations went around, and it got a little quiet Sarah stood up and smiled. "We've got a lot to be thankful for."

  "We sure do."

  "Maggie, when are you due?" Trish asked.

  "I've still got a way to go, it'll be mid-late summer." Maggie flashed them all a smile. "Nadine's baby is due in early summer."

  Giggles went up all around.

  Jo Ella looked around the room and she went to rock in the chair in the living room. "I never thought we'd all be back together in one room again. I've missed everyone so. But this is just so grand. Everyone's happily married and doing well. It's hard to believe from where we came to this. We did it girls. We actually did it."

  "We owe it all to you Jo Ella, you are the one that had the courage to come here and be mail order brides." Maggie hugged her.

  "I dreamed it, but I really wasn't sure we could do it and come out so well. I'm happy for everyone."

  Ma stood up and gathered around Jo Ella. "You girls are all my family now, and you boys too. I am so very glad you came to Vada."

  Gil had gone into cattle breeding, and quit gambling. Luke's church was enlarging and he and Sarah were busy with helping the orphan kids of the town. Nadine and Gabe felt like they could make full use of their farm with the help of Maggie and Dakota.

  Luke related Dakota's harrowing experience but was proud to tell them that Harry had put the real culprits in jail today.

  Ma looked around the room, a tear sliding down her cheek.

  "Hey Ma, why so sad?" Harry asked her.

  She turned her eyes to his and smiled, "Tears of happiness son. And let me tell you all, I want my share of babysitting time."

  All the girls laughed and choired. "All right Ma!"

  But Sarah came forward now, "I got some news today, I'm pretty sure I'm pregnant."

  Everyone gathered around to hug her and wish her well, Luke was beaming.

  Jo Ella came to hold Ma's hand, "We made good lives Ma."

  "You sure did, hon. You sure did. I'm proud of every one of you."

  Laughter could be heard all the way outside as they visited half the night.

  Maggie looked a little pensive later, and Dakota came to wrap his arms about her, "Why do you look so lost?"

  "I was thinking of our cave home. I'm going to miss it. It's still in my dreams."

  "Don't worry, we'll get away to it, often, I promise." He kissed her on the cheek and kept her wrapped in his arms. "It was our little heaven, wasn't it?"

  "Oh yes, I loved it there."

  "A woman after my own heart." He smiled and kissed her on the forehead. "And always remember, your dreams are my dreams Maggie."

  How right he was. They were going to make the happiest of lives together. They both knew now they could walk through fire for each other. Maggie had become quite the pioneer woman, fashioning her life after Ma. Maggie had learned that love was worth any price. She knew, as she stared over at him, that they would have a long and a happy marriage. And all the other girls would be happy too. When you went through hard times, it made you stronger to endure. They might all have been mail-order brides, that came from a saloon, but they would make the best of being great pioneer women with their husbands by their sides. They had done it!

  The End
  About the Author

  I’m a professional writer of romance and children’s books. I’m also a poet and short story writer. I’m working on another historical western right now, one mid-grade book and just finished two historical westerns. You’ll find a lot of facts in my historical western romances not the run of the mill romances. Check them out.

  I’m also a grandmother and great-grandmother who enjoys spending time with her family.

  I hope you enjoy my books. Thank You and God Bless

  Rita Hestand

  Rita's Other Books

  Beyond the Dream Catcher

  Just One Kiss

  Ask No Tomorrows

  A Promised Heart

  Be Free My Heart

  Western Serial Killer Series

  Better Off Without Her

  Good Day for a Hanging

  Bad Day for a Killing

  The Travers Brothers Series

  Chief Cook and Bottle Washer

  Courting Abby

  Hannah's Man

  Along Came Love

  The McKay's

  Raining in My Heart

  Ring of Fire

  Twelfth of Never

  Stand By Me

  The Amory's

  Heart of the Wild

  Sweeter Than Wine

  Mail Order Nanny


  Always Remember

  Love Rules

  Jodi's Journey

  Nick's Baby

  Pretend Mom

  Runaway Bride

  Suspicions of the Heart

  Wandering Heart




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