Kissing the Billionaire

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Kissing the Billionaire Page 8

by Sophie Stern

  “Really?” He seems surprised. “You wouldn’t mind having me around?”

  “I told you she wouldn’t care,” Anna calls from the car.

  “Not at all,” I tell him. “I’m happy you can come over. The house is probably trashed, but I’ll do some cleaning later, okay?”

  “Thanks, Sis,” he hugs me one last time and whispers, “Thanks for letting me do this for her.”

  Then he and Anna disappear and I’m left standing in the parking lot, staring at the space where their car used to be. I should really get to work. If I don’t leave soon, I’m going to be late, but I somehow can’t force my feet to move. I don’t want to move. I don’t want to go to work.

  What I want, what I really want, is to go back to August’s house and fuck him silly.

  What I really want is to say “yes” to the job he offered me.

  What I want is to be crazy for once in my life.

  Maybe today’s the day I’ll finally start being brave.


  When I walk into work, I can already tell it’s going to be a bad day. No one looks at me as I head into my office and close the door. No one bothers to say “good morning” or “hey.” Nothing. Not that the guys who work in IT are especially social, but today they’re extra quiet. I don’t bother trying to start conversations with anyone. What’s the point?

  I slide behind my desk and start turning my computer on while I check my voicemails. The little red light seems to be blinking angrily at me, and I brace myself for whatever is going to come my way. The first two messages are requests from teachers for equipment. One needs a laptop for a presentation and the other needs help with her cords. The third message is, surprisingly, from my hottie.

  “Hey,” I hear August’s voice purr over the phone, and I wonder how he found time to call me today. “I just wanted to say good luck today. Good luck with everything, Beautiful. I know that this week has been really tough on you, but you got this. I know you do. And remember, my offer to hire you still stands. I’ll throw as much work at you as you can handle, and hopefully a little you can’t.”

  I instantly get goose bumps listening to his message. I can practically see him smirking as he ends his message. What is he going to throw at me that I can’t handle? I hope it’s his cock. Then again, what about me gives him the idea that I don’t know my way around a cock? Granted, I’m no slut, but I can give great blowjobs.

  Great blowjobs.

  I might be sexually awkward in every other way imaginable, but I’m not awkward when I’m on my knees.

  I start sorting through my email and I’m almost finished deleting spam from the school’s Facebook page when Tim knocks at my door. He’s holding the stack of research I put together last night and places it on my desk.

  “I’m sorry,” he shrugs. “Jason didn’t go for it. He wants the redo.”

  I nod slowly. Part of me knew this was coming. Part of me knew this was coming for a long time, even before August. I consider myself to be a valuable asset to the team, but I also believe that if I’m going to do my job, at some point, the managers I work with need to trust me to do that job.

  And they simply don’t.

  A million thoughts race through my mind as Tim leaves my office, but the most pressing one is, “Am I being crazy?”

  I’m considering quitting my job for a much better one that pays more. I’m considering quitting my job to go work for a freaking billionaire that I want to ride and suck and lick. I’m considering quitting the job I’ve worked hard at for a very, very long time for something completely new, something completely scary.

  My entire life hasn’t been one mess after the next. Far from it. My life has been smooth because I’ve always taken the safe path. I’ve always taken the road I thought would get me where I want to go with as little damage as possible. I’ve always taken the road that I thought would be appropriate, good, and responsible.

  But as I slump back into my seat and hear my phone ringing again, I decide that I’m done playing it safe. My sister will probably think I’m insane and I know that my dad will, too, but you only live once, right? The project Jason wants me to do is something I honestly can’t even stomach. I can’t imagine completely destroying our college’s website in an attempt to appease him. I feel like it’s a power trip on his part: nothing more. He doesn’t know me personally, nor does he get just how much I pour into this school, so I should expect nothing less.

  I let the call go to voicemail and grab the reusable shopping bag I keep in my bottom drawer. Slowly, quietly, I start picking up my things and placing them in the bag. There’s no point in making a big scene. I’m not going to give a two week’s notice. I’m not going to play the game where I pretend to suck it up. In go my notebooks, pens, and the two pictures I keep on my desk: one of my parents and one of my sister. Then I type up a quick resignation letter and leave my office, bag in tow.

  When I walk out the door, the phone starts to ring again, but I ignore it.

  Tim looks flustered when I walk into his office. He’s on the phone, hastily nodding, mumbling something I can’t quite understand. He motions for me to sit down, but I remain standing. After a moment and a couple of “uh-huhs” and “yeahs” he goes, “You know what? She just walked in. I’ll have her call you.”

  He practically slams the phone down and turns to glare at me.

  “Where have you been?” He almost shouts. I cringe. Tim has never raised his voice at me, but he sure picks a hell of a day to start. “Jason has been looking for you all morning. Why didn’t you answer your phone?”

  I hand Tim the single piece of paper and watch as his gaze goes from angry to shocked to surprised to panicked.

  “No, no, no, no, no.” He drops the paper on his desk. “Charlotte, not today. You cannot do this to me.”

  I hold up a hand before he can continue.

  “Tim, I’ve worked my ass off here for two years. Two years. And the second someone wants something done that I don’t agree with, something that falls within my professional knowledge and understanding, you don’t back me up. That website is going to destroy this school and I won’t be a part of it. You cannot label the college as ‘up-and-coming’ or ‘a tech school’ with a site design like Jason is demanding. I won’t be a part of it, and I quit.”

  Without another word, I turn and leave the office. I need to get away as quickly as possible before I pussy out and apologize to Tim. It’s what normal Charlotte would do. It’s what I’ve always done. You make someone mad, you apologize. It doesn’t matter whether or not it was your fault. All that matters is making amends and maintaining a “pleasant work environment.”

  Whatever the fuck that means.

  I leave the office, not bothering to say goodbye to anyone else. I walk to my car, throw my bag in the trunk, and collapse in a pile of tears against the steering wheel. Everything is spinning. I can’t believe I did it. I can’t believe I did something crazy. I can’t believe I did something so outside my comfort zone.

  I give myself a good ten minutes to get it all out, then I wipe away the smudged mascara.

  Starting the car up, I take off down the road.

  It’s time to show Strongdelt Robotics exactly what I’m made of.


  I don’t bother calling Anna on my way to August’s office. She has enough to worry about with the baby. The last thing I need is for her to think she needs to somehow mother me today. Knowing Anna, she’ll be filling me with warnings of keeping my cool, taking things slow, and not jumping in too quickly.

  Unfortunately for her, I’ve completely lost my cool, thrown out the idea of going slow, and jumped in head first.

  But I’m ready.

  I’m ready for this.

  At least that’s what I keep telling myself over and over again as I drive the familiar road to Pinebluff.

  When I pull into the parking lot, I’m a little overwhelmed with just how huge the Strongdelt building is. I’ve never actually been here before, s
o I feel a little overwhelmed and underdressed as I walk inside. A security guard holds the door for me when I enter the building. I thank him and make my way to the information desk at the center of the lobby.

  “Hello,” I begin, and the man at the desk smiles at me.

  “You must be Miss Ryan,” the man says.

  I must look as shocked as I feel because he just laughs.

  “Mr. Mason advised us that you would be coming in this afternoon. He’ll be expecting you. Top floor.”

  “Thank you,” I manage to get out before I turn and walk slowly to the elevators. I push the “up” button and the elevator opens almost immediately. It’s only a short ride up to August’s office, only a few minutes where I can freak out and worry about whether or not I’m being crazy.

  Before I can second guess myself too much, the doors open and I walk across another small lobby to a woman’s desk. Her bright red hair is piled on top of her head in a fashionable up-do and her makeup looks perfect. I feel a quick shot of embarrassment at how I’m dressed, but quickly push it down. Now isn’t the time for insecurities.

  “Hi,” I say to the woman. She gives me a brilliant smile and I try not to stare at her super-white teeth. It’s harder than I imagine it should be. “My name is Charlotte Ryan. I’m here to see Mr. Mason.”

  “Absolutely,” the woman stands and comes out from behind her desk. She extends a hand. “I’m Paige, Mr. Mason’s personal assistant.”

  “Hi Paige. Nice to meet you.”

  “I’ve heard amazing things about you, Charlotte,” she turns and motions for me to follow her down a hallway.

  “You-you have?”

  “Absolutely. Mr. Mason is thrilled to have you joining our team. I know you’re just going to love working here.”

  Oh, I am, am I?

  Isn’t that a little presumptuous of him to assume that just because I’m attracted to him, I was going to absolutely come work for him? Really? His arrogance astounds me. Not that I mind much. I’ve just never met anyone with the balls or the confidence that August Mason exhibits at every turn.

  We reach the end of a short hallway and Paige knocks on the door before peering in.

  “Mr. Mason?” She says, “Charlotte Ryan for you.” She holds the door open for me and nods as I walk inside.

  “Lovely to meet you, Charlotte,” then Paige vanishes, closing the door behind her.

  I find myself standing in the middle of August’s office on the top floor of the Strongdelt Robotics building. His desk is situated in the center of the room. There are two comfortable-looking red chairs in front of his desk and an ornate carpet on the floor. I almost feel bad stepping on it as I walk further into the room.

  August is leaning against his desk, looking out the window. He doesn’t turn until I’m almost directly behind him. Then his eyes light up as he looks me up and down. Two quick steps and he has me wrapped up in his arms, his lips pressed firmly against mine. Any awkwardness I felt walking into his office vanishes immediately as I feel him against me.

  “August,” I try to speak, but he kisses me harder, faster, trying to shut me up. One of his hands rests on my lower back, pulling me in tighter to him. The other is quickly moving from my hair to my breasts and there’s nothing I can do to stop him. I’m powerless to resist his touch. Any woman would be.

  I let out a moan as I feel myself growing wet with need, wet with hunger. His lips move down to my neck, slowly, and his hand finds its way up my shirt and over my bra.

  “I need you,” he growls. His growing hardness tells me he means it. I’m writhing against him and I can’t seem to stop. Maybe it’s the sight of him in a suit, or maybe it’s just him.

  “Then take me,” I tell him, pulling my shirt off and ignoring the fact that we’re in the middle of his office in the middle of the day, surrounded on three sides by windows overlooking the Pinebluff business district.

  He raises an eyebrow, briefly, as if caught off guard. I seize the moment by grabbing his shirt and pulling him back into me, stealing his lips with my own. There’s a hunger deep within me that I buried long ago, but he’s woken it. With his quips and his jokes and his fucking rock-hard abs, double clicking my own mouse isn’t going to cut it anymore.

  I need the real thing.

  I need Mr. Mason buried hilt-deep in my treasure chest.

  And I need it now.


  In less than a minute, we’re both completely naked.

  I let out a slight gasp when he drops his boxers and I see exactly what I’m about to enjoy. Am I licking my lips? I think I must be, but August presses his mouth over mine again and I lose every thought that isn't yes.

  Yes to this.

  Yes to all of this.

  How have I gone so long living without experiencing this moment? Everything about it is perfect.

  Just, yes.

  "Charlotte," he murmurs as he traces his fingers down my back. I shiver with anticipation, needing him, needing all of him, needing him as quickly and as fiercely as possible.

  Oh yes, August Mason is exactly what I need. I let go of all the stress, all the embarrassment, all the frustrations of the week and just let myself be. He grabs my hips and pulls me in close to him, not letting our lips part for a second as he pushes against my thigh with his cock.

  I let out a moan. I can't help myself as I reach down and start to stroke him. He's already rock hard and ready for me, ready to take me any way I want, as soon as I give him the okay. Only I don't need to say “okay.” I don't need to do anything. August's had me captivated from the moment we met and part of me always knew it would come to this.

  "Fuck me," I whisper, and it's all the command he needs. August whirls me around and pushes me forward so that I'm sprawled over his desk. Reaching down, he expertly finds that perfect spot between my folds and starts to twirl. Within seconds I'm coming, trying hard not to scream out, trying hard to bite my tongue. As if on cue, August presses one hand over my mouth and I yell out into it, my voice coming out muffled.

  I've barely finished my release when I hear the sound of a condom wrapper. Then he's pushing up into me hard and fast. I let out a small yelp when he enters me from behind, giving me his entire length at once. I don't have time to get used to it, but I don't care. Everything about his cock driving into me feels right.

  One hand grips my hair, pulling my head back so our eyes meet. The other holds my hips firmly in place, as if he's afraid I'm going somewhere. As if I ever could. It's been a long time since I was fucked hard, but I've never been fucked like this before: wild and brazen without a care in the world.

  Soon I'm coming again and August joins me this time, allowing himself to explode inside of me as I squeeze and pulse against his dick. For a moment, I can't believe it really happened. For a moment, I'm just collapsed against his desk.

  But then he slowly pulls away and drops the condom in the garbage, then comes back to make sure I'm okay.

  "That was...something." I smile up at him, wondering what he's thinking. Is he surprised he offered to hire me and I turned out to be so easy? Is he wondering if I came over just to fuck him today? Is he wondering if my knees are quivering from the way he took me so fast?

  "It's called 'fucking,' Charlotte," he smiles, then kisses me softly. "I take it you have some experience in the area."

  "A bit," I admit shyly.

  "A little more than a bit, I'd say," he tells me, pushing my hair back behind my ears. "That was hot, Char, not at all what I was picturing our first time to be."

  "Oh? And what were you picturing it would be?" Now I'm curious.

  "Bed of roses, romantic hotel room, that kind of thing."

  "I'm not sure if I'm a romantic hotel room kinda' girl."

  "You would be if I wanted you to," he winks and starts to get dressed again. Following suit, I start to look for my clothes and find them sprawled across the room. I slide everything back on before I take a seat, waiting for August to do the same. Even as I watch him dress,
I quiver. I don't care that we just fucked in his office: I'm ready to do it again. And again. And again. I want him every which way he's willing to give himself to me, and then I want him some more.

  "If you keep looking at me like that, I might have to ravish you again," he smirks, adjusting his tie.

  "If you keep looking so damn fine," I tell him, "I might have to let you ravish me."

  "So, Charlotte," August finally finishes dressing and takes a seat behind his desk. I swear he took so long on purpose. He likes to make me uncomfortable. He likes to make me wet and achy and needy. "What brings you into the office today?"

  "Well, Sir," I cross my legs and lean in flirtatiously. "I wanted to talk with you about your offer to work here."


  "Oh indeed."

  "Well, Miss Ryan, it just so happens that I still find myself in need of a social media manager slash marketing director. Does this sound like something you'd be interested in?"

  "If it comes with any benefits like the ones I just experienced, I'm definitely interested."


  “How was work today?” Anna asks me when I stumble through the door. It’s well past six, well past an hour when I should have been home. If she knows that I quit my job at Southvale Community College, she says nothing. Either Anna’s an excellent liar, or no one managed to tip her off that I went crazy at work.

  “I fucked my boss in his office today. Does that count as a good day?”

  “Charlie! You didn’t!” I have her full attention now. Anna gasps from her spot on the sofa, not bothering to get up, but part of me wonders if she just peed herself a little bit. She’s got that look on her face.


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