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Fortune's Favor (A Power Up! Story)

Page 9

by Marie Harte

  The parasite hadn’t died back then. That he’d managed to get under Malcolm’s shields should have warned him not to treat Nathan as an insignificant threat, but in his anger, he’d been stupid. And he’d paid the price.

  He absently rubbed his chest, over the scar that remained.

  This time Malcolm had the advantage. He had Sangre. He’d have to plan this carefully, though. He didn’t want to kill Nathan outright. No, he needed the little shit to suffer, the way Malcolm had suffered. He would take what Nathan loved most and destroy it piece by piece, until nothing remained of it but Nathan’s tattered longing.

  Then he’d kill Nathan without remorse. He’d enjoy every bit of it, and he wouldn’t stop there. He’d never stop, not with Sangre in his hands.

  * * * *

  Nathan didn’t want to wake Avery, but they needed to eat.

  “Yo, princess,” he mocked as he poked Avery in his solid chest. Hell, the guy was built like a brick, and that strength turned Nathan on like nothing could. Though he’d spent time with men of all kinds of builds, he found he liked Avery’s best. Not worrying about breaking his lover was downright seductive. “Avery? Wake up.”

  Avery groaned and smacked Nathan’s hand away. He blinked and slowly sat up, his blue eyes so beautiful Nathan wanted to sigh. But he’d be damned if he’d give Avery the notion he held sway over their relationship. Even though he did, Nathan would never admit it to the control freak.

  “Where have you been?” Avery asked. He stretched, and his sweater pulled up to reveal that sexy stomach Nathan wanted to kiss all over.

  Nathan cleared his throat. “Looking for a decent Chinese place. Enjoy your noodles and beer.”

  “We just had Chinese,” Avery muttered. He disappeared into the bathroom and returned looking refreshed if still grumpy.

  Nathan gestured to the food and plates he’d spread on the table. “You’re welcome.”

  Avery grunted and dug into his food like a starving man. He finished a beer as if it were water and gestured for another.

  Nathan handed him one and grabbed a drink for himself. Though hungry, he ate with less gusto than Avery. Good Lord, the man could put away food. “You know, I’ve been thinking.”

  “God save us.”

  “We haven’t been hitting the gym too hard. But we’re doing okay. What do you make of that?”

  Avery stopped eating. “I’ve been running every morning. But yeah, our workouts haven’t been too intense, yet we’re not going nutso.” He paused, nodded, and resumed eating. “Must be the sex.”

  Nathan blinked. “You think?” Normally they worked out, pushing themselves past physical exhaustion. In addition, they’d use their psychic skills, exercising their minds to keep the crazies away. Being deprived of the drugs that tamped their abilities into a manageable state had been the main drawback of leaving the PWP. But Nathan had decided he’d rather be a free man with a few issues than a government lackey dependent on drugs the rest of his life.

  “Sure.” Avery scooped more food onto his plate. “Think about it. You and I are fairly well matched when we work out. So we put a lot into it. The sex activates different hormones, but the endorphins at the end are still present.” Avery grinned. “Especially when I’m buried deep in your ass.”

  Nathan tried to ignore the flush staining his cheeks. He didn’t know why, but only Avery had the ability to discomfit him. “So that must be why you have a perpetual hard-on for me. Because I’m your buffer to losing your mind?” Christ, he felt like a woman needing reassurance. But he couldn’t help it. He normally made the moves when it came to his relationships. Avery turned everything upside down. For once, he’d found a man who didn’t cater to his whims, who didn’t do everything he said when he said it.

  Before his partner could wound his ego, he turned it into a joke. “By all means, buffer away.” He licked his lips, and Avery watched without blinking. “You like my ass, but I was thinking my blowjobs are my best-kept secret.”

  “Not sure how secret they are, considering you’ve blown half of Bend, but I can’t complain.”

  “Now hold on. I’m more a handjob man, myself.”

  “Please. You’re hot, you know it, and you like to play around. I’m not judging. Just calling it like I see it.”

  Nathan felt insulted but didn’t know why. Avery hadn’t said anything but the truth, yet it made Nathan sound shallow. “I can commit.”

  “Not saying you can’t.”

  “You don’t think I can.” The bastard had no right to assume anything about him.

  “You’re taking this way too personally.”

  “You’re damn right.”

  “My point is, you’re an attractive man who likes to date a lot. Am I wrong?”

  “No. But I’m not a slut.”

  At Avery’s look, he scowled. “I’m not! I’m choosy about my partners is all. When I find Mr. Right, I’ll settle down.”

  Avery snorted.

  “You’ll see.”

  “Sure thing.”

  “What about you?”

  Avery paused over a pot sticker. “What about me?”

  “Your last girlfriend was three months ago. And before that, who did you date?”

  “A guy in Redmond. We were seeing each other for a while; then he moved away.”

  Nathan goggled. “Really?”

  “Yeah. I’m not a monk. Contrary to popular belief, I like to fuck. A lot.”

  “I can see that.” Nathan stared. “So in the last year, you’ve had, what, two sexual partners?”

  “Three. Count yourself in there.”

  “That’s it?” Nathan didn’t understand it. “That’s all?”

  Avery sighed. “That’s enough. When I’m with someone, it’s someone I like enough to want more than sex. We date. We spend time together, doing things that don’t involve my cock all the time. I realize that’s a novel idea for you, but that’s me.”

  Nathan didn’t like the fact Avery had pegged him. So what that Nathan liked variety? He’d never found anyone worth hanging around for more than a few weeks. They’d grow clingy, or he’d find something about them he couldn’t stand. His relationships hadn’t lasted as long as Avery’s, but both of them were still single. They had that in common. “I might date a lot, but that doesn’t mean I’m not looking.”

  “Really?” Avery pushed his plate away and sat back. He locked his hands behind his head and studied Nathan. “Because from what I’ve seen, it looks to me like you’re lonely.”

  “How do you figure that, Einstein?”

  “You go through men like water. It’s like you don’t want to be happy. Like maybe you’re afraid to find the perfect guy.”

  “That’s such shit.” So why did it have a ring of truth to it?

  “But knowing how your aunt and uncle were, it makes sense. Maybe to you, relationships are killer. Literally.”

  “Look, Dr. Holton, you don’t know me as well as you think.”

  “If I don’t know you, it’s because you won’t let me,” Avery said softly. He leaned forward, an earnest expression on his face that frankly scared the crap out of Nathan. He looked like he had something important to say.

  “You’re not making sense. I think you need more rest.” Nathan stood and cleared the table.

  “I fucked you, Nathan. It was incredible. But it’s just physical. Don’t get a big head or anything, but I actually like you better when you just talk to me. Not joking or laying on the charm, but sharing something of yourself.” Avery took a large swig of beer.

  “Like what? There’s not that much to know.” Nathan decided to drink as well. Maybe if he imbibed enough, he could forget the conversation. He opened a fresh bottle and downed half of it.

  “Sure there is. What do you like to do in your off time besides flirt?”

  “Dickhead.” More beer.

  “Do you ski? Do you run, bike? Seems like everyone in Bend bicycles, but I’ve never seen you on two wheels. Do you like working at PowerUp
! with the gym stuff? How do you like living on the west side of town?”

  Avery knew where he lived. He shouldn’t be flattered, but he was. “Do you?”

  Avery smiled, and Nathan’s heart skipped a beat. “Yeah, I do. I ski, run, and can’t stand bikes unless they have a motor attached. I actually like being a trainer at the gym. I hate chocolate but love vanilla. See? There’s more to me than my cock.”

  “Or your rock-hard head, which has head-butted mine too many times.” Nathan didn’t want to admit it, but talking with more than a sexual agenda built into the conversation was kind of nice. “How the hell have you beaten me all those times on the mats? I’m just as big as you are.”

  Avery shook his head. “Poor kid. You’re smaller than me.”

  “By maybe an inch or two,” Nathan muttered.

  “And you broadcast your moves. Your eyes tell. Don’t look left before you dodge left. Make your move, and don’t give your opponent time to guess.” Avery looked around them and swore. “Shit. We could really use a gym right about now. I’d love to show you a few moves.”

  “I bet.”

  Avery snorted. “Not like that. I swear. I’ve never met anyone into sex as much as you are.”

  “I’m a guy. I think about it all the time. It’s genetic.”

  Avery gave him a once-over that had him hard in an instant. “Yeah, I see that.” Then he frowned. “Genetic, you said?”

  “It’s a joke.”

  “Let me ask you something.”

  The playful, sensual vibe between them faded. Nathan sighed. “Go ahead.”

  “You touch an object and know things about it, right?”


  “How about a weapon? When you touch it, do you get anything more from it than that?”

  Nathan didn’t know how to answer. He didn’t want to lie, not after he and Avery had shared with each other, but he didn’t like that part of himself. If he pretended it didn’t exist, it didn’t. Not for him.

  “What are you asking me, exactly?” he hedged.

  Avery just stared at him, then shook his head. “Nothing that can’t keep. Now how about we change the subject?”


  “We don’t have a gym nearby—and I’m not counting that crappy little workout room downstairs. I need to work off some energy.” Avery stepped closer, and the heat in his gaze set Nathan to flame. There could be no denying their chemistry. “Let’s indulge each other.”

  “Yeah?” Nathan let Avery tug him close so that they stood chest to chest. The faint scent of beer on Avery’s breath smelled sweet. God, he wanted those lips on his. Normally he’d make his move, but with Avery, he waited.

  “Yeah.” Avery leaned close and kissed him.

  The pull of their mouths, the meshing of lips and tongue and teeth, all of it was sheer perfection. Nathan groaned and wrapped his hands around Avery’s neck. But Avery wouldn’t do more than kiss him. Making love with his mouth, the controlling SOB would be sure to say.

  “You taste good,” Avery rumbled and kissed his way to Nathan’s ear. “I want to eat you up.”

  “Fuck, yeah.” Nathan pressed his hips against Avery’s, gratified to feel an equal hardness against his arousal.

  “Take off your shirt.” Avery leaned back to watch.

  Nathan whipped off his sweatshirt and stood waiting.

  “I love your nipples. You need a ring, baby.”

  Nathan shuddered as Avery latched his mouth onto a nipple and teased it. He bit and sucked, and Nathan couldn’t help thrusting against him.

  “Eager, huh?” Avery lifted his head and grinned.

  “You’re a tease.” Nathan wished he didn’t sound so out of breath. “Why don’t you take off your sweater and let me give it back to you.”

  Surprised when Avery stepped back and took off his top, Nathan didn’t give him a chance to say no. He sought Avery’s nipple and sucked hard, more than pleased when the big man gasped and clutched Nathan’s head to him.

  “Come on, sexy. Give me what you got.” Avery’s gravelly voice tugged at Nathan, because sex with Avery was so much more than “just the physical,” as Avery had described. Each kiss meant something more to Nathan, but damn if he could figure out why. The big bastard was controlling, insulting, and downright rude. Yet the gentleness he showed Nathan time and time again melted Nathan’s resistance.

  Nathan kissed his other nipple and bit down.

  “Fuck. Oh yeah.” Avery ground into him, and Nathan sucked and teased the nub until it stood stiffly at attention.

  He eased his hand down Avery’s hard belly and unbuttoned the fly of his jeans. Then he snaked his hand underneath and gripped his hot cock.

  “I want you,” Avery whispered and sought Nathan’s mouth once more.

  The kiss promised more than passion, but a shelter from the isolation Nathan had been feeling. With Avery, he didn’t feel alone. He felt annoyed, sexually replete, and cared for. But not alone.

  Avery sucked on his tongue and pushed past his lips, fucking him with his mouth.

  Nathan was on the verge of coming, so hot for his lover, so damn attracted to the solid strength holding him tight.

  A large hand pulled his away from Avery’s cock.

  “Don’t argue,” Avery growled. “Strip down and get in bed.”

  Nathan watched as Avery undressed. He hurriedly did the same and joined him on the bed.

  “No. I want you to turn around. I want my mouth at your cock and your mouth at mine.”

  “Oh yeah.” A sixty-nine. Perfect. “First one who comes submits to the other.”

  Avery paused. “Submits how?”

  Nathan grinned. “Loser does whatever the winner wants for the next twelve hours.”

  “You want to fuck me, don’t you?”

  “You have no idea.”

  Avery glanced at Nathan’s thick cock. “I think I do. But it’s okay, Nate. You have no stamina. I won’t punish you too badly for getting too big for your britches.”

  Nathan laughed. “‘Too big for my britches’? Where the hell are you from again? ’Cause you sure the hell don’t talk like you’re from this century.”

  “Oh, it’s on, princess. Drag that sexy ass closer. Let me suck that cock. I love hearing you beg.”

  Nathan couldn’t wait to have Avery at his beck and call. Twelve hours wouldn’t be nearly enough, but he would make do. He shifted to lie side by side next to his lover, pleased to find their heads positioned perfectly at groin level. He groaned when Avery’s lips closed around him, and he hurried to do the same. He couldn’t afford to give Avery any advantage, not when just being near the man turned him on.

  He pulled Avery’s hips closer and sucked his fat cock, loving the taste of his partner. Salty, male, and so damn sexy. He nuzzled Avery’s balls and used his tongue to make him crazy. Avery might know how to please a man, but Nathan had been born to it. He’d perfected the art of driving men wild with his mouth, and he’d been doing it since he’d turned sixteen. No way in hell Avery would last.

  With his fingers, he stroked Avery’s flank and prodded him to shift a leg, widening Avery for play. The bigger man groaned when Nathan fingered his ass.

  But when Avery tried to touch him, Nathan refused to let him, squirming and shifting so Avery couldn’t reach his anus. Instead he sucked harder and inserted just the tip of his finger into Avery’s hole.

  Avery tensed, and a bit of precum hit Nathan’s tongue. He smiled around the shaft in his mouth and started sucking in earnest.

  Avery, the poor guy, tried to keep up, but Nathan was so focused on Avery’s pleasure he successfully held off his own. Though Avery felt good, the victory waiting for Nathan couldn’t be denied.

  He cupped Avery’s balls and moved up and down his shaft, grazing his teeth along the underside of his cockhead.

  Avery shuddered. More precum spilled from his tip. And then Nathan shoved more of his finger inside his lover.

  Avery sucked harder around Nat
han’s dick, and Nathan nearly lost it when Avery groaned and jetted into his mouth. The shudders and moans were so fucking arousing. Only when Avery shoved his cock deeper into Nathan’s mouth did Nathan allow himself to spill.

  The release was nothing compared to the knowledge he’d won twelve hours of Avery’s submission. Knowing how his partner must be dreading his time made it all the better.

  Avery and Nathan pulled apart. Nathan immediately turned around and flattened Avery on his back. After a long, drugging kiss, Nathan pulled back and grinned. “I win. And I can’t wait.”

  “Hell. You’re really going to ass fuck me after what I just did for you?”

  “Are you kidding me? This fine virgin ass is a temptation no gay man with a brain would turn down. Those firm cheeks, that tight, rosy hole? And so tasty.”

  Avery flushed, nervous and turned on all at once. He’d had women and men touch him there, but he’d never been convinced to let someone take him. He did the driving. He called the shots. It was as if giving someone else control would mean too much, something he wasn’t ready to concede. So why the hell had he taken Nathan’s stupid bet, knowing how gifted Nathan’s mouth could be?

  “Oh my God. I think you just blushed.” Nathan leaned closer, and Avery shut him up with a kiss.

  He loved Nathan’s mouth. That smart wit that never stopped quieted when Avery kissed him. They moved well together, like two halves of a whole. He couldn’t not think of them as a couple when they kissed, because for all that he wanted to imagine their sex as being just physical, it meant so much more to him. He hadn’t been kidding when he’d told Nathan he had sex with partners he actually liked.

  He’d tried to resist, but he’d liked the asshole kissing him for way too long now. That snarky sense of humor, his ability to have fun with life and charm the socks off anyone within a two-foot vicinity, his self-confidence. If Nathan had given him any sign he returned the attraction before this trip, Avery would have acted on it. And probably hated himself for it later, because dammit, he didn’t want to be another conquest. He wanted to be a boyfriend. A serious relationship. Maybe Nathan’s significant other.


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