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Just One Taste (Kimani Romance)

Page 4

by Norfleet, Celeste O.

  “I know that I want something from you.”

  “What?” she queried, stiffening her chin and firming her back. She knew the next words he’d say would be like taking a physical hit. She prepared herself. This was an all-too-familiar request. She knew a remark like that would only lead to trouble. Men had wanted something from her all her adult life. She often wondered if she had the words use me written on her forehead. From her first love in high school who copied every homework assignment from her and nearly got her expelled—to her ex-fiancé, a chef in his own right, who six years ago left her at the altar and stole her journal, which contained every recipe she’d created and claimed they were his. They all wanted something.

  “I’m right-handed and the cut is on my right forefinger.” He held up his hand. The tip of his finger was bloodred. “Do you think you could loosen the bandage before the tip of my finger pops off?” he said. She smiled, and then laughed out loud. “You know, I’m a bit concerned that seeing my soon-to-be gangrene finger, hand and arm amuses you.”

  She continued laughing. “I’m sorry, hold on.” She hurried back to the sink, grabbed another Band-Aid, came back and this time put it on more gingerly.

  “Thank you,” he said. “You know when I was young my mother used to kiss me and make me feel better,” he said playfully.

  “Really,” she said.

  He nodded. “Yes, really,” he spoke softly.

  “Did it work for you? Did you feel better?”

  His smile was pure seduction. “Immeasurably.”

  She leaned in close. He leaned down to her. She could see the anticipation in his eyes. “Then perhaps you should call your mother,” she whispered.

  He laughed out loud then stepped back and continued chuckling. When he finally stopped he looked at her and smiled. “You’re different than I expected.”

  “What exactly did you expect?”

  “I’m not really sure, just different.”

  In the sudden silence, she heard that the rain had started easing up. She should go. But it was difficult when his eyes were so focused on her. The seriousness of his expression unnerved her. She took a step back and he smiled. Did he know he was affecting her?

  “Good night. Take care of that cut,” she said, then turned to leave. But she didn’t get far. Chase had grabbed and held her wrist. She turned as he pulled her into his arms. Her body slammed against his and a tiny gasp escaped. An instant later his mouth came down onto hers, taking her breath away. With her lips already parted from the gasp, he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He tasted like pure heaven.

  She heard a sated groan of satisfaction rumble from his throat as if he’d been waiting to do this all evening. Her senses instantly scrambled. Her body responded of its own volition. Her heart raced, her stomach clenched and her nerve endings twitched and tingled. She felt her body give as he wrapped his arms around her and pressed her back between the door frame and his firm, hard body. She tilted her head and wrapped her arms around his neck. The kiss deepened even more. His tongue seduced her, and she met his demand with equal fervor.

  This wasn’t just a kiss. It had long since changed into something more primal and needful. It was raw passion gone wild. She moved her hips into his, feeling his emerging erection, and he pressed his into her. The motion became a tug-and-pull of bump and grind passion. Apparently, you didn’t have to lie down and remove your clothes to make love. They were doing it with their tongues and mouths right there in the mudroom of her brother’s home.

  Then some semblance of sanity swept over her. If she didn’t pull back now there was only one place this was going—right here on the floor in front of the washer and dryer. It seemed they both came to the same imminent conclusion because he pulled back at the exact same time she did. A split second passed. She opened her eyes. He looked just as surprised as she was. They were both breathing hard.

  “Oh, my God, what am I doing?”

  “This,” he said, and began to pull her into his arms again.

  “No, wait. Are you married, engaged?”

  “No, of course not. Do you think I would have kissed you if I were married or engaged to someone?”

  Nikita didn’t know what to think. She only knew one thing. “I gotta go. Good night.”

  Chase watched Nikita turn and run across the driveway to her car. She got in and seconds later drove away. He watched the red lights until they disappeared around the corner, then closed the door and walked back into the kitchen, smiling. It wasn’t the initial meeting he’d planned, but it certainly was memorable.

  He touched his lips. “Damn, that was good,” he said aloud, licking his lips and tasting her one more time. “Tasty.” He walked over to the refrigerator, opened the door and looked inside. She’d left two complete leftover meals for him along with directions on how to reheat them.

  He frowned. Doing his job would mean taking her on. He was up for the challenge, and after this evening was sure she was, too. He just regretted that she’d lose.

  Chapter 4

  Three days passed and the weekend came. Saturday morning, Nikita busied herself with the usual pre-café opening duties. She got in at four-thirty in the morning, prepared dough and baked the first round of assorted pastries, sweet breads, desserts and mouthwatering delights. Afterward, she visited the produce and seafood markets returning with ingredients for the afternoon’s lunch specialty. Later, after the bustling lunch crowd had dissipated and the café closed, the kitchen staff took a lunch break while having their weekly meeting. Nikita made final changes to the next week’s work schedule and addressed any necessary concerns from the past week.

  When the meeting was over the staff cleaned up and prepared to leave for the day. Darcy checked the kitchen while Nikita headed to the storeroom and pantry. The last thing to do each day was to take and confirm inventory for the coming week.

  When Darcy was finished, she came to the storeroom doorway. “Hey, you ready for me?” Nikita asked when she saw her there.

  “Yep, whenever you are,” Darcy said, holding her cell phone and a computer pad. “Okay, tonight’s catering job is all set. Rented tables, linens, flowers and buffet essentials are already on site for final prep. And all the buffet dishes are already headed to the Teen Dream Center’s kitchen. We have to finalize plans for next week’s catering job and confirm your schedule for the private chef gig I just landed for you. You wanted one or two more, but I think this one alone is gonna do it. The money is awesome. He basically agreed to my first number, which was totally insane, didn’t even bother to haggle the price with me. I love when that happens.”

  “Private chef, huh?” Nikita asked as she continued counting and cross-checking inventory numbers.

  “Yep, his office called and asked for you to start as early as this coming week. He really wants you.”

  She sighed loudly. “How long’s the job?”

  “Two weeks, maybe three with the possibility of extending.”

  Nikita thought about her last private chef job. The family of five on vacation in Key West, three children and a mother and father, were all insanely picky eaters who were constantly late and off schedule and they complained about everything. It lasted for three weeks. They were a constant pain but the money was well worth it. “How does it look on the schedule?”

  “No real problems. You’ll have to sync up after your cooking class at the Teen Dream Center on Tuesdays and Thursdays. But, and I quote, ‘his schedule is flexible and will conform to whatever your needs are.’ That’s a direct quote as per his assistant.”

  Nikita stopped writing down the inventory numbers, turned and looked at Darcy. “Who is this client?”

  “Apparently you made a lasting impression. It’s Chase Buchanan.”

  “Chase Buchanan,” she repeated as her nerves shuddered.

  “Yep, he�
�s been coming in and eating at the café for the last few days. He apparently loves the food. But if you ask me, he was more than just eating here. He was up to something. Then this afternoon his assistant called with the request.”

  A quiver of heat instantly shot through her body as her stomach clenched. This was no lasting impression. She reached up and touched her lips. The kiss was days ago, but the vivid memory of them pinned against the door frame wrapped in each other’s arms continued. “Tell me about him.”

  “He’s sexy, stunning, rich, intelligent…”

  “No. About his personal life. Is he married, engaged, seeing someone?”

  “Now how would I know that?”

  “You know everything,” Nikita said.

  Darcy smiled. “Yeah, true that. Okay, I hear he’s not married or engaged. He’s not seeing anyone seriously as far as I’ve learned and he dates all the time—mostly first dates only. I think he might have commitment issues. The women are usually the professional or glamorous types, you know, lawyers, models, heiresses and an actress or two. Now tell me why you want to know. Are you interested in him?”

  Nikita exhaled slowly. “I just wanted to know the types of food he might want me to cook. You know menu planning for a single man is different than for a dating or committed man.” Darcy nodded her understanding. It made sense, but Nikita still couldn’t believe she was actually able to pull that off so quickly. “Did you accept yet?”

  “No, of course not,” Darcy said, frowning, “you know I always confirm private gigs with you before offering the client a contract. His assistant called with an interest, I gave him our basic fee and guidelines and he accepted everything without dispute. I wish we had more potential clients like him.”

  Nikita shook her head. “Let me think about it.” She wrote down the last inventory numbers, then went back to the office. “I’ll get back to you with my answer tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Sure.” Darcy followed her. “You know, you’ve been off the past few days. What’s going on with you?”

  “What?” Nikita looked up from her desk. “Nothing. Everything’s fine. I’m fine,” she said.

  “Come on. I know you better than that. We go back a few hundred years, remember. I tell you about a dream job and all you can say is you’ll think about it. No, I don’t buy it. Something’s up.”

  “Darcy, really, I’m fine.”

  Darcy eyed Nikita closely as she sat at the desk inputting the inventory numbers. “Maybe you’re just working too hard. You’re nonstop from four o’clock in the morning until late at night. The schedule has got to be taking its toll on you. You look terrible.”

  “Thanks,” Nikita said sarcastically.

  “You know what I mean,” Darcy defended. “You look exhausted, like you haven’t slept in days. Are you sure you want to do this job tonight? You can still pass. I’ll call Leroy in to supervise the buffet table and waiters. It’s a benefit, so our services are free and we’re buying half the buffet table food as an added donation.”

  “I’m fine, just a little tired. I haven’t been sleeping well, but I’m definitely going tonight. It’s a Teen Dream Center benefit and I have to be there. Natalia and Mia will strangle me if I don’t go.” Nikita looked at her watch. It was three o’clock. “You know what, I’m gonna go home and take a short nap then get over to the center around five.” She grabbed her backpack and everything she’d need for the catering job.

  Darcy grabbed her purse and headed to the door, as well. “I’ll see you later,” she said.

  “Okay, see you at the center,” Nikita said, getting into her car.

  She drove home on automatic pilot while thinking about all the things she had to do in the next few days. Then she remembered her new job. She was hesitant about accepting it. Darcy said the money was good, and Nikita certainly needed that, but to accept the job she knew she’d have to meet with Chase and discuss his plans. Then she’d spend two to three weeks cooking for him. That could be dangerous. He got to her, no question about it. She still couldn’t believe she allowed that to happen. Five more minutes in his arms and she would have been flat on her back.

  Her imagination took wing after that. She started thinking about all the things they could have done had the rain continued to pour down. On the floor, against the wall, on the washing machine… The imagery continued. Her stomach quivered. “No, just stop thinking about him,” she chastised herself as she pulled into the garage and parked.

  She grabbed the newspaper and mail from the front porch, went inside then headed straight up to her bedroom. She collapsed down in the big comfortable chair by the front window and looked out. Darcy was right, she was working too hard. But getting the money to extend her café was her dream. She closed her eyes, happily thinking about everything she wanted. Moments later her stomach quivered. She knew exactly what it was. It was him. He was in the back of her thoughts again.

  She pulled out her cell phone, set her alarm and picked up the newspaper to flip through. The last thing she wanted to think about was Chase Buchanan. Then the first thing she saw was a photo of him on the front page of the Key West Citizen. He was smiling, posed and shaking hands with a couple of businessmen and the mayor. She folded the newspaper and tossed it aside. “Enough,” she said aloud to the empty room. She’d just made her decision. She was not going to accept the private chef job. Satisfied with her resolution, she closed her eyes, expecting to just still her thoughts and rest. Instead, she slept.

  Just like the dreams she’d been having the past few nights, this one was just as sexually arousing. In the dream she kept telling herself it wasn’t real, so it didn’t matter what happened or what she did. She slowly opened her eyes. She was outside in a field walking toward a house she didn’t recognize. It started raining and she ran for cover. What she had thought was a house was actually an old barn. Wet from the rain, she stood in the open doors, waiting. Moments later, she realized she wasn’t alone. She tensed as a familiar voice whispered to her. “Relax. Let go.”

  Firm, strong hands came up her arms to massage her shoulders, rub her neck and caress her back. She closed her eyes and drifted on the sensual stimulation he aroused in her. He gently guided her back, to lean flush against his body. Tender nibbling kisses trailed down her neck and across her shoulders. She raised her arms and wrapped them around his neck, holding him tight. His hands came up to cover her breasts. She arched her back, feeling the tingling touch of his palms tantalizing her hardened nipples. He pinched and rolled them between his fingers and thumbs, sending a torturous burn of pleasure to her core. The mind-blowing sensation was tearing her apart.

  “Do you want more?” he whispered as his hands traveled down her stomach to dip between her legs.

  She gasped and opened her eyes breathlessly and looked around. She was in her bedroom. And her phone was ringing. She answered, then realized it wasn’t the cell phone ringing. It was the alarm she’d set earlier. She turned it off and eased back into the comfortable chair, looking up at the ceiling and thinking about her dream. She remembered everything. No need to analyze it; it was obvious. She knew what it was about. She wanted Chase. But every fiber in her being warned her to stay away. So she’d pass on the job and keep her distance. He’d eventually finish whatever business he was here to do, then go back to wherever he was from and she’d get back to her life. She nodded. It was a plan.

  She glanced at her cell phone to check the time. It was getting late and she needed to shower and get dressed. The day wasn’t over yet.

  Chapter 5

  He had slipped. It was an unparalleled blunder, and he didn’t do blunders. Chase stared at the computer monitor, still thinking about what had happened three days ago. He couldn’t get it out of his mind any more than he could get her out. Nikita was indelibly ingrained and he didn’t like it. When she mentioned that she had a date, he was about to say that he
didn’t realize she was dating anyone. That would have been a mistake. There was no way he could say that without her questioning his foreknowledge of her personal life. He caught himself in time, but it never should have happened. He got careless and slipped, letting emotion out.

  But what really troubled him was that he was bothered by the comment. More precisely, he was jealous. However minute or fleeting, the jealous feeling he had was still there. He didn’t do jealous. She was his job, but after just one meeting and interaction, she was much more and that wasn’t working for him.

  The past few days he had stopped by the café hoping to see her. When he asked one of the waitresses about her, she told him that Nikita seldom came out of the kitchen during the day, except for when her sisters came in. So, short of stalking the place 24/7, he decided to step up his game. He donated a large sum of money to her sister Natalia’s program, Teen Dream Center. That got him an invite to the benefit. He knew she’d attend.

  He glanced around Mikhail Coles’s home office. It certainly was impressive, even rivaling his home office in London. He wasn’t sure how Andre knew Mikhail, but it was most opportune. He had needed a place to work, and Mikhail was out of town. But he’d be back at the end of the month. But more important, the project Chase needed to complete had an even more pressing deadline. One he could not miss.

  He was a closer by profession. He got things done and finished jobs others couldn’t. He was creative and used every weapon in his arsenal to get what his company needed. If Titan needed it done, he did it. His official title was Vice President of International Research. He traveled the world buying property and connecting with local officials to ease the way for Titan to come in. But he had ethics. Anything illegal was out of the question. He didn’t bribe or coerce, but he did manipulate.

  He thought about Nikita and wondered what it would take to get to her. He had some ideas. A slow, easy smile pulled at his mouth. One was particularly pleasurable. But as he’d learned quickly, she was no fool. He’d have to open himself to her to get her to trust him.


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