There's a Zombie in My Bathtub
Page 4
“You’ll catch on to this reading thing, Hank,” she said. “In the meantime, Frankie and I are here to help you.”
“Does this mean we can go out trick-or-treating now?” Frankie said. “Because there’s a whole lot of candy out there with our names on it.”
For the first time in twenty-four hours, I was able to smile. I was safe. My parents and Emily were safe. And best of all, Papa Pete was safe.
“Let’s do it,” I said.
My dad came out of Emily’s room.
“Ladies and gentlemen, giraffes and zombies, may I have your attention, please?” he said in his circus-announcer voice. “Introducing the world’s only Komodo dragon with an upside-down tail. Emily, if you please.”
My sister came out of her bedroom looking very happy with herself. Her tail had been stapled back on, and this time, the tip of it was pointing right up to the ceiling. A string tied it to the top of her dragon head.
“The string was all my idea,” she said proudly. “This tail will stay on for weeks. I might even wear it to school Monday!”
“Nothing weird about that,” I said. “Remind me not to walk to school with you Monday.”
“So,” my dad said, going to the front door. “Are we all ready for some trick-or-treating?”
We all cheered and headed across the living room. Then we heard it: a frightened scream coming from the hall.
“Don’t eat my head,” the voice wailed. “Pleeease, Mrs. Zombie. I’ll do anything you want!”
That voice was so familiar.
“Isn’t that . . . ,” Ashley said.
“I think it is.” Frankie nodded.
I pulled open the door. Kneeling in our hallway was a kid dressed as a hockey player, holding up his stick to protect himself from green-faced Mrs. Fink, the zombie. He had a big face and a thick neck and a huge wad of red licorice stuck between his teeth.
That’s right. It was tough guy Nick McKelty, shaking and whining like a two-year-old.
I burst out laughing. Somebody should tell that guy there’s no such thing as zombies.
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