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Caught in the Net

Page 2

by Breanna Hayse

  “I’m mad at him,” Sam answered in a little girl's voice.


  “You wouldn’t understand. You’re a physicist and a soldier.”

  “Hmmm, and you’re a biologist and a soldier. Not much difference.”

  “BIG difference. You study physics, laws of nature, non-viable entities. I study life.”

  “I think you two can reach a compromise, don’t you?”

  “He threatened to throw me off the team if I didn’t support him! I'm not going to cave into his bullying me.”

  “Yet you threatened to chase away the animals. A different type of bullying, but bullying all the same. He is the lab commander. As his subordinate, it is your responsibility to support him.”

  “As a scientist, it is my responsibility to speak my opinion. Which is that he needs to get his head out of his ass.”

  “Samantha, language.”

  “Sorry, but I can’t let him hurt my pod!”

  “Your pod?” Scott questioned, amused.

  She nodded seriously. “I am a member of that family; which makes me a member of the entire cetacean community. The pod broadcasts images of its members throughout the ocean in a communication system that makes our phone and internet look like walkie-talkies. He can’t hurt one pod without hurting all of them. Just like my human family. You wouldn’t let anyone hurt any of us, right?” She offered him her big, blue eyes, blinking with innocent appeal.

  Scott sighed. “Honey, you know that Mike has no intention of hurting anyone. He only wants to find out if they have a way to detect explosives and communicate the time before a detonation. He mentioned there were no dolphins around you guys last night and that Ton abandoned you before arrival. Did you notice?”

  “I wasn’t paying much attention. Don’t you think that if they were able to detect the bomb, they would have found a way to tell me?”

  “Maybe they assumed you already knew? You told us Ton shared the story of his rescue with his pod up north; so they know you correct things. Mike also said he sensed something was wrong. Maybe they sent something to him, since he’s a bull. Your terms, might I add,” Scott said gently, eyeing her reaction.

  She grunted, thought about it for a moment, and slowly nodded. “Bull-headed, you mean. Perhaps. I guess it is possible. But that still doesn’t give Mike the right to threaten my participation on a research team. I draw the line there.”

  “You’re going to have to work that out with him. My hands are off the lab, remember? I also hear he is taking you shopping after work.”

  “Change the subject, why don't you? Yes, he’s feeling guilty and trying to make it up to me.”

  Scott chuckled, amused by her conclusion. He’d taught the boy the shopping ruse when Sam had gotten older and went from being pretty to beautiful. It was a great way to meet the ladies, particularly ones that shopped in the nicer stores. She had never suspected that they used it for their advantage or that they always left the mall with several phone numbers and a couple of dates.

  “I see. So, what are you going to sucker him into buying you?”

  Last time it was jeans, lingerie and her ‘potions’; resulting in three phone numbers and a Friday night date for her brother.

  “New running shoes and some racing suits for the lab. He says I need to be more modest. So no fancy clothes stores for him to wait for me in,” Sam said lightly once again, attempting to appear to be nothing but pure sweetness. Scott knew better; the stinker was onto them after all!

  “No Victoria’s Secret? I thought you loved that place. You always drag me there.”

  “I beg your pardon? If I recall, it is you who drags me inside. Nope, not after you and Daddy came down on me about ‘regulation undergarments’! Thanks, but I’ll stay away from there. At least for a while.”

  “We like you feeling pretty, go ahead. Do whatever you need to feel like a girl. It’s hard being in a house filled with men. I’m sure Mike won’t complain.”

  “My, my, you certainly are understanding today. And, no, Mike would never complain because he’ll get a chance to pick up some girls. I know you. That’s the only reason you ever take me shopping.”

  Scott wrinkled his nose. “All right, I'll give you this one. Now, my sweet, I would like to conference with you two about this week’s plans. No fighting, either; especially when your dad comes. He’s already a wreck about the bomb.”

  “Why should we fight? I refuse to entertain his idea at all and we only fight when we are brainstorming.”

  “Get your butt into the conference room, brat. And make some decent coffee. Your brother tried to get me to drink his swill.”

  “You are aware that it is the same brand and measurements that I use, right?”

  “I don't care. Yours has that extra bit of love. It makes it taste better.”

  “And you wonder where I learned how to weasel?” Sam asked, kissing Scott's cheek as she stood to make his coffee.

  * * * * *

  “Samantha,” Michael sighed, looking up at his sister. “Glaring at me isn’t going to change my mind.”

  “I wasn’t trying to change your mind; I was trying to read it. I just couldn’t get past the thick skull.”

  “Stop it and act like an officer instead of a spoiled brat. This is serious,” Michael ordered.

  His sister scowled again. “You’re not my boss.”

  “Technically, I am. Now I’m asking you to please cut it out. I need your input, not your smart ass comments.”

  “Uncle Scott, Michael’s swearing.”

  “You’re going to hear me swearing in a minute if you don’t start behaving yourself better. Here comes your father, be good!”

  “Hi Daddy!” the girl squealed, throwing her arms around his rock solid waist.

  Michael joined them in a hug. “Hey Dad. Come sit down. Can I get you coffee? Sammi made it.”

  “Water is fine, thank you. So bring me up to date.”

  That was when the yelling began. Dr. Quimby and Scott looked at each other as the volume increased between the two. More so, they had gone from complete disagreement to ways to conduct the study without risk to the animals. The older men started laughing loudly, silencing the younger family members.

  “What’s so funny?” Michael asked, snatching his pad from his sister, who was rewriting his notes.

  “You two. I guess she’s back on the team, huh Mike?” Scott asked, nudging the young man.

  “I never said that.”

  “No, but you just figured a way that resolved both your problems. You couldn’t do that without her input.”

  “Yeah… I guess so. But,” he looked at his sister, “I’m still in charge.”

  “If believing that makes you feel better, then okay.” She shrugged.

  Michael kicked her under the table. “You need to be nicer to me.”

  She kicked him back. “Says who?”

  “Says me. You both are being royal pains,” Dr. Quimby said, moving himself out of the line of fire and the two started trying to kick each other again. “Act your ages. What are you, five? Michael Scott, a gentleman does not kick a lady.”

  “If there was a lady around, I would remember that. However, you are correct. I do believe Scott taught me that ladies do not get kicked, they get spanked,” Michael grinned, catching his sister’s foot. “One more time and that will happen, right here and right now. Care to test me?”

  “You’re no fun,” the girl pouted, pulling her foot away.

  “And you’re a brat. Behave or we won’t go shopping.”

  “We are going to get absolutely nothing done today with these two, Joe. Let’s call it a day and go to the O’ Club.”

  “No, it’s a work night. We will go home after closing and be good examples of how proper adults behave. Didn’t I say to stop it?” Dr. Quimby gave his daughter the ‘Look’ after she accidentally kicked him.

  “Sorry, Daddy.”

  “You will be, if you don’t start minding me. Michael, I apologi
ze, but she’s all yours for the rest of the day. Good luck.” Their father stood to leave.

  Scott joined him. “Don’t be late getting home. You need to be in bed at a decent time,” he commanded.

  “Scott, I’m 22 years old. I think it’s past the point of giving me a bedtime, don’t you?”

  “Ordinarily, yes. However, I’ve seen you in the morning when you haven’t had enough sleep. You’re hideous.”

  “You’re no raving beauty, even if you do get enough sleep, so why go there?” Michael retorted.

  Scott wagged his finger at him. “Watch it, teeny bopper; I’m still bigger than you.”

  Michael stood up to face the man, looking him directly in the eye and smiling mischievously. “Height, no. Girth, absolutely.”

  Scott scowled, patting his flat, solid stomach. “You should look this good when you’re my age. Hug me and get out of this place. Make sure you buy her something pretty.”

  Michael laughed, returning the bear hug that left his uncle gasping for air.

  “I think you cracked a rib. No more weight training for you,” Scott panted, holding his side.

  Michael wrapped his arm around the man’s neck. “Nah, you’re just old. We’ll see you guys tonight. I’ll call if we are late. I might take her out to dinner if she’s nice to me.”

  “Have fun. Love you,” Dr. Quimby said, kissing his daughter's forehead and leaving with Scott complaining about his side hurting.

  “Dinner? Where?” Sam asked excitedly.

  Michael sat on the edge of the table, crossing his arms. “Dunno. Any ideas?”

  “I only have jeans and a tee shirt to change into, so somewhere casual. Maybe downtown?”

  “Hmmm, I could go for Cajun.”

  “Yum. Can we close now? Please?”

  Michael looked at his watch, nodding. “Go get changed and we’ll get out of here. Frank? We’re gonna scoot out a bit early and grab a bite. We haven’t really eaten much since yesterday. Would you please close up?”

  “Sure thing, Mike. I still don’t know why you guys don’t just take off the days you get called on assignment. You both look pooped.”

  “Got things to do. Plus, the old folks wanted to interrogate. You know the routine. I might start changing it, though, especially since she’s so cranky when she doesn’t get enough sleep.”

  ”Please do. She scares us,” Frank grimaced.

  Michael laughed, and then turned to see his sister present herself wearing snug jeans and a cropped shirt showing off her tanned, muscular, but tiny, mid-section and the soft curve of her hips. Both men raised their eyebrows.

  “What’s this, pray tell?” Michael asked, poking her stomach.

  She giggled, “Don’t do that, it tickles.”

  “We’ll get you something a little more appropriate to wear to dinner. I’ll be back in a minute, I need to change, too.”

  * * * * *

  “I know what I really want to do. You promised you would buy me anything I wanted, right?” Sam asked, allowing her brother to take her hand and start towards the car. Michael glanced at her suspiciously.

  “I did. Within reason. What is it?”

  “I would never take advantage of your generosity and you know it. Promise? Anything?”

  “Well… that is true, you haven't so far. So, yes.”

  “I want to get my belly button pierced.”

  “You’re kidding,” Michael groaned.

  “Nope. Take me, please? I’ll let you pick out the ring.”

  Michael shook his head. “What do you think Dad would say to that?”

  “I’ve never asked him. Probably ‘no’. He had a fit when Scott let me get my ears pierced. It’s not like a tattoo. Plus, I am an adult, you know.”

  “Your age doesn't mean a thing when it comes to him and you know it, Samantha,” Michael grunted, calling her by full name to emphasize his point. “Aren’t you supposed to stay out of water and stuff for a couple of weeks to avoid infection?”

  Sam ignored him. “I was going to propose this to you. If you take me, I’ll let you hook me up and see how the readings react in response to the pod. I can talk with them about your monitoring ideas. Well?”

  Michael eyed her again, and decided to seize his opportunity for cooperation. “Scott wouldn’t care if you did it. All right, but no more arguments about the pod, got it?”

  “I promise. Thanks. You should get a tattoo.”

  “Not this time, thank you.”

  “Chicken. I’ve heard about this place downtown that has a good reputation.”

  “First, let's get you something better to wear, then dinner, then the torture.”

  Chapter 2

  Michael’s Jag caught the eye of several women as he pulled into Horton Plaza. By the time they finished shopping, he was in possession of four phone numbers and a date for that Saturday night. His sister was not happy with his choice and freely offered her unsolicited opinion.

  “I don’t like that girl. She’s a gold digger. She also kept giving me the evil eye like she didn’t believe I was your sister.”

  Michael shook his head, calling upon his patience. “Sam, despite our coloring and size, we have the same features. No one in their right mind would think differently. I just want to have some fun with a pretty girl now and then. Please don’t be so possessive.”

  “I'm not possessive. I am protective. I don't want to have to kick the ass of any girl who tries to come between us. You are mine first.”

  “I'd be interested in hearing what your definition of ‘possessiveness’ is, if you don't think that comment proved it.”

  “Okay, fine. Be that way. I guess then you wouldn’t mind if we went on a double date. Just for fun.”

  “Now wait, you didn’t…” Michael frowned, putting the bags into the trunk after handing Sam a top to change into.

  “Yep, I gave him my number. He asked me out Saturday night. His name is Rich.”

  “But, he’s a lot older than you. Does he know your age?”

  “Mike, you are positively pale. Yes, I was honest with him. And he’s 23. Around the same age as you. And way hot!”

  “You know nothing about this guy! I can’t allow it.”

  “You can't allow it? Excuse me?” Sam planted her hands on her hips and scowled. “Should we talk about which one of us is possessive? Michael, I love you, but you aren’t my father. Rich seems to be a nice guy and he was very respectful to me. He’s the one who suggested that we double when I told him you were my brother. He also works at North Island.”

  “I don’t care. It’s illegal to fraternize,” Michael glowered, looking for an excuse.

  “He’s a lieutenant, Mike. Butter bar. Two years out of OCS,” she answered firmly, meeting his eyes without blinking.

  Michael recognized the stubborn tilt of the chin. It was one of the few physical features she managed to inherit from their father. She was not budging on this one! 'Choose your battles carefully', was the mantra that echoed in his mind, so he relented and offered a temporary truce. “Let’s go eat. I don’t want to argue tonight, all right?” he said softly. “Put your seat belt on, please, and put on your shirt before we leave the parking structure. We don't need an accident while you strip.”

  “Ha ha, funny man.” Sam caught the hint to change the subject and obeyed, tying the tails of the new blouse around her waist and offering him a mischievous grin.

  “You are just gonna try my patience tonight, aren't you little sister?”

  “I didn't do anything. I'm a delight.”

  “You certainly have your moments,” Michael agreed heartily.

  Despite several failed attempts to dissuade her, Michael found himself being dragged into the piercing shop and to the counter to help pick out a ring. Rolling his eyes and quickly becoming bored, he pointed to a titanium ring with a sparkling heliotrope crystal. “I like that one.”

  “It’s gorgeous, but also 150 bucks,” Sam said quietly.

  Michael shrugged. “So? Do y
ou like it?”

  “Of course, but it's too expensive.”

  “She’ll take that one,” he announced decisively, scanning the paperwork before handing it to Sam to sign. Anthony, the piercer, grinned as Michael rushed out of the room during the procedure.

  “Mike? You okay, bro?” Sam called. “It’s doesn’t hurt. Just a little pinch.”

  “I needed some water,” Michael called back, his voice sounding a little choked.

  “Don't worry about him. I see a lot of guys get queasy during piercings.” Anthony chuckled, helping the girl up. “He’ll be fine. How’s it feel?”

  “Honestly, it didn’t hurt. How’s it look?”

  “Beautiful. You have the perfect shape for these. When it heals, you can change it. In fact, I, well… Here, I’d really like you to take this,” he said blushing, handing her a box. She opened it and gasped. It was a dangling white gold dolphin with a diamond eye.

  “It's stunning! But, how did you know…”

  “You made quite an impression on me. A bunch of us were surfing the day you brought that kayaker in from the rip. None of us knew that you guys were out there, watching over us with that whale.” He shuddered. “Anyway, I couldn't stop talking about it and when my wife and I went to a show, she saw this piece and made me buy it. Please, I want you to have it as a thanks for keeping us safe out there.”

  Sam was touched and hugged him closely. “You have no idea what this means to me, Anthony. Thank you so much. I promise to wear it with pride.”

  “Just stay safe out there. That whale...”

  “Next to my big brother, that boy is my best friend. He's saved my butt more times than I can count,” Sam smiled, patting his arm. “Now, speaking of the big brother, let's go see if he passed out on the floor.”

  They found Michael sitting on a chair, head between his legs. Sam rubbed his shoulder as she squatted down to look at him. “Hey, are you okay? You are positively green. I don't get it; you have seen much more gross stuff than this. Look how pretty it is,” she ordered. Michael blushed a bit, apologizing for his reaction to the piercing.

  “You’re not alone, my friend. This happens all the time,” Anthony smiled kindly, reaching to shake Michael’s hand. “I could never do what you guys do out there. Thanks so much.”


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