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Caught in the Net

Page 7

by Breanna Hayse

  Rich was transferred that Friday to his new duty station and was greeted warmly by Scott and Dr. Quimby as he entered the lab. He stood quietly as the engineering team was instructed by Michael to be helpful and hospitable, uncomfortable with the frowns as they realized that Michael was sifting command of the section to the newcomer. Sam also noticed and sharply informed them, hands on her hips, that if she discovered anyone giving Rich problems, that man would have to deal with her. Rich’s eyebrows rose as they immediately responded, promising to help in any way possible. Glancing at Michael, he read the words ‘told you so’ on his friend’s lips.

  Sam returned to work as Michael escorted Rich around the base. They stopped by the headquarter offices. “General Jenkins, please,” Michael asked the lance corporal at the front desk.

  “Yes, sir. General? Lt. Quimby is here to see you, sir.”

  “Which one?”

  “Um, Michael, sir. If it were Sam, she would have bypassed me and been in there.”

  “True. One day you will learn how to corral her.”

  “I doubt it, sir. She scares me.”

  “I hear you are not alone there. Go ahead and send him in, Greg,” Scott laughed. A couple of seconds later, the two young men were at his door. “Hey, boys, sit down. How’s the tour?” Scott asked, hugging both.

  “A bit overwhelming, but good. Thank you so much for this, Scott,” Rich said, hugging him back. “I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.”

  “Hey, I know talent when I see it. Besides, I have a personal agenda. We’re hoping your positive influence will distract our girl from getting herself into trouble.”

  “Samantha? Trouble?” Rich grinned. “I suspect she has quite the capacity for it.”

  “You have no idea. Have you seen the seal unit yet?”

  “No sir. We’re trying to get me settled here first.”

  “Gotcha. Here is your chain of command. Michael, Joe, me and, God forbid, Samantha. When Mike is absent from engineering, you are in command. This is a good opportunity to exercise your skills. I want you to stretch yourself and not feel limited. The only rule I have is: if it’s not broken, don’t let Mike touch it.”

  “They don’t like me fiddling with stuff,” Michael grunted.

  “Does that include me? I can usually put things back together and get them to work,” Rich asked, watching as Michael tinkered with a metal puzzle on Scott's desk.

  Scott snatched it out of his hand. “Last time you touched my puzzle, it took me three weeks to figure it out. Leave my stuff alone.”

  “It only took Sam two minutes,” Michael snickered, “and she's not even an engineer or a physicist.”

  “Samantha isn't the only one with a big mouth in this family. Rich, no fixing things that aren’t broken, at least without permission. I’m in the lab three times a week for a few hours to review and monitor. Joe and I have open door policies for our crew. Never hesitate to come to us if you need anything, okay? And don’t let the men convince you that I’ll toss you in a tank if you do. That only happened once.”

  “And it was an accident,” Michael interjected.

  “We are all about ideas here. There are no stupid ones, okay?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “One more thing, with this transfer you also get a perk of quarter changes to this facility’s BOQs if you like. Since Joe and I opted not to use ours, I’m offering you one of our suites. We keep the other in case one of us has duty and can’t get home.”

  “Seriously? The general’s quarters?” Rich was, once again, stunned.

  Scott nodded, tossing him the keys. “I treat my team well. We also have occasional gatherings with the entire crew at our place. These privileges extend only to our labs and the Allegro crewmen. We don’t advertise. Someone might report it to the base commander or something.”

  “Aren’t you the base commander?”

  “And I need to be a good example. Questions? Good. Will you need help getting your personal belongings transferred to the BOQ? I can have movers sent.”

  “Truthfully, I have nothing except my uniforms and books. Everything else is in storage. I haven’t had a chance to do anything with it yet.”

  “Michael can help you if you need anything. What are your plans for tonight? I want you over for dinner.”

  “Scott, I think he was going to ask Sam out.”

  “They can go tomorrow. Joe’s making something edible. Don’t know what. Be there at 1800.”

  “Yes, sir. Thank you for everything. I really appreciate it.”

  “My pleasure. Now get going, I have work to do,” Scott said, kicking his feet up on the desk and opening the newspaper. Laughing, the two left.

  “This is too much. I can’t believe it,” Rich commented as Michael took him over to the BOQ suites. The general’s suite was a separate single story house with a manicured yard, located on the bay with a private beach and fenced back yard. There were two large bedrooms, an office, living room, dining area, kitchen, laundry area, family room, two bathrooms and a garage. All fully furnished with a Japanese theme.

  “The other one is a three bedroom. We use it when we get off too late and we don’t want to drive home. You also get a housekeeper and gardener.” Michael smiled. “The housekeeper keeps everything stocked so you don’t have to go shopping.”

  “Am I allowed to bring girls over?” Rich grinned, bouncing on the edge of the large bed.

  Michael laughed. “Just don’t tell my sister. Or have it be my sister.”

  “Speaking of which, I need to tell her our date is postponed. Is she going to be pissed?”

  “Probably not. She's pretty flexible, but don’t let Scott boss you around too much. He likes to be in command. Sam is the bravest among us and challenges him the most. Dad and I, however, are smart enough to just do as he wants, to keep him happy. If you have plans, tell him and hold your position. He respects that. He might not cooperate, but you will have his respect.” Michael shrugged good-naturedly. “Let’s go see the midget then you can get going.”

  “You won't hear me argue with you there, Mike. Thanks again.”

  “Thank me after you get settled in. You might be changing your mind,” Michael chuckled.

  The two entered the lab quietly, Michael holding his finger to his lips to prevent the crew from alerting his sister. She was, literally, knee deep in a shallow tank having a conversation with a young bottlenose calf who had scratched its pectoral fin.

  “Didn’t your bull tell you not to go near those fences? You need to listen to him. He tells you these things to protect you.”

  “She should follow her own advice,” Michael whispered to his friend.

  Rich smiled, fascinated. “Do they really understand what she is saying?”

  “Yes, but not in the literal sense. She speaks aloud to help form the images correctly that she is trying to translate to them. With practice, I'm sure she will be less vocal. But then... it's Sam.”

  “I gather silence is not in her nature?”

  “You gather correctly.”

  “How does that feel? Yes, I’m sure it hurts. I’ll let the pod know you’re here to rest for a few days. Yes, I’m sorry, but I have to let your bull know. No, we can’t hide that, it would be lying and the pod cannot lie. Splasher? Please let his bull know where he is. I’ll have him in Ton’s tank if they want to come in and check on him. Thank you. Come on, little boy. Into the big tank with you. No, the whale won’t eat you.” She scooted the small dolphin to the ramp of the larger tank and watched him slip inside. After tossing him several mackerel, she washed her hands and turned around.

  “Those aren’t regulation shorts, lieutenant,” Michael said with a smile.

  “I never wear regulation shorts, lieutenant. They are ugly. Hi Rich.” She blushed a little.

  “Mike said that he actually understood that whole conversation. You are going to have to explain this to me.”

  “I will. Wanna laugh, Mike? He’s afraid of having his tail flukes

  “What does that mean?” Rich asked in confusion.

  “Inside joke, buddy. You’ll find out soon enough,” Michael laughed, seeing his sister blush again. “Why don’t you introduce Rich to your team and show him around? Scott gave him the BOQ to live, too.”

  “Wow, he really has fallen for you. I better watch out or I will never see you. Guys? Gather round, please. This is Lt. Richard Lewis. He’s going to be working with us in neuroengineering. I expect all of you to be supportive and available for any questions or assistance he needs. Be as nice as you can. Apparently, Scott has adopted him.”

  The crew started laughing, elbowing each other. Rich, again, looked confused. “Somehow I think I’m in for a wild ride here.”

  Sam giggled, taking his arm to introduce him individually to her team. “You have no idea.”

  Rich arrived at the house by 5:45 that evening and walked into a war zone.

  “I told you no. What part of it don’t you understand, young lady? Hello, Richard. Please, come in and have a seat. This conversation will be done shortly,” Dr. Quimby said, standing over his daughter.

  She stomped her foot. “Daddy, this is so not fair! Michael gets to…”

  “Michael is four years older than you are. This discussion is ended, unless you want to meet me upstairs.”

  “It’s still not fair.”


  “Fine! You win!”

  “Samantha...” Dr. Quimby warned in a low voice.

  “Oooo... Yes, sir! You win. Come on.” She grabbed Rich’s hand and pulled him outside in a huff. He looked helplessly behind him at her frowning father, who just nodded for him to go.

  “What was that about?”

  “I wanted to take a helo out this weekend, but he won’t let me. It sucks.”

  “He’s your bull, you need to listen to him,” Rich teased, playing with a strand of her hair.

  “Don’t you start now. They think because you’re around that I’ll be on my best behavior. Don’t push it, jerks,” she hissed in the direction of her family.

  Rich hugged her. “Just be yourself. I don’t care. And they aren’t jerks.”

  “Yeah, I know. It just makes me mad. It’s because I’m a girl, not my age. They are so overprotective.”

  “They love you. And, if I understand correctly, they have a reason to be overprotective. It sounds like you’ve put them through hell. I’d feel the same way.”

  “Rich, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to stay out of trouble. Just a word of warning, okay? They don’t care that I’m a legal adult,” she pouted, hugging him back.

  He kissed her, stroking her hair. “I just don’t want you getting grounded or something and not being allowed to go out with me. I’m a bit selfish.”

  “I don’t usually get grounded unless I really screw up. And my brother is typically in it with me.”

  “They still ground him? He’s 22 years old.” Rich looked amused.

  Sam shrugged. “They don’t care. We live in their house, under their rules. Believe me, Mike would rather be grounded than court-marshaled. Besides, being confined to quarters is no different than being grounded.”

  “True, I never thought of that. Can I ask you a question?”

  “Sure, anything.” She leaned against his broad chest, looking out over the water.

  “What did you mean by getting the tail flukes bitten? Mike said it was an inside joke. I’m just curious.”

  “Shit. You’ll find out soon enough anyway, I’m sure.”

  “He mentioned that also. So?”

  “God, this is embarrassing…” She flushed, looking away. She sighed, “It means being spanked.”

  “You’re kidding.” His voice cracked with humor and a huge smile lit across his face.

  “No. And it’s not funny. They are so incredibly old-fashioned. My family seems to think treating me like a child will improve my behavior.”

  “And does it?”

  “Did you see me keep up the argument with my dad? Yes, it does. My crew all knows. You can’t hide things like that on a small ship.”

  “Well, good for them.” He had a look of satisfaction on his handsome face.

  Sam frowned. “What? You’re supposed to be on my side.”

  “I am. I’m also in full agreement with them. Remember, I told you I had my own ways of dealing with bratting? That happens to be my method of choice.”

  “Oh God,” she groaned, rolling her eyes.

  “Not to worry, I need to be in a longer relationship with you and have their permission. But I wouldn’t hesitate for a moment laying my hand across that beautiful bottom,” Rich whispered.

  She shuddered, groaning again. “Out of the frying pan and into the fire. The story of my life.”

  Rich chuckled, reminding her of a deep, throaty warm purr. “Would you like to go out tomorrow, then? We’ll go somewhere quiet to talk and get to know each other a little better.”

  “Yes, I would. Just be aware I’m on call and, if anything occurs, I have to be ready.”

  “No problem. Do you wear your wetsuit under your dress?” he teased.

  She stuck her tongue out at him. “No, silly, I bring it in a bag everywhere I go. It sucks being heloed out of a parking lot right before dessert, believe me. I like my dessert. Especially ice cream.”

  “I hope that won’t happen, but I understand. Ready to go back in? I’m getting really hungry.”

  “I guess so. You know, if you want to earn brownie points with me, you’ll take my side when they start picking on me,” she hinted.

  “Sorry, but they scare me more than you do,” Rich chuckled, escorting her to the door.

  She looked at him, a glint of mischief in her eyes. “That’s only because you don’t know me well enough yet. Trust me, the fear will change.”

  “Hmmm, that’s what I heard the crew say. I thought they were joking.”

  “Nope. My displeasure is not something most people want to deal with, is it Michael?” she asked her frowning brother as he approached the couple.

  “I avoid it if I can. You calmed down now?” her brother asked, cupping her chin.

  She nodded. “Yes, but it’s still not fair. You get to go up anytime you want to. I can’t even drive a car without permission.”

  “No, but you get to take the boat or go open. Oh wait, that’s right… You have to get my permission for that now, don’t you?” Michael said, his own eyes twinkling as his sister’s flashed. “See that, Rich? Avoid that look until you know her better. Chill, sis. I’m teasing you.”

  “Asshole,” she muttered, glancing to make sure her parents didn’t hear. Scott did. He lifted his index finger to count ‘2’. She bit her lip. She was on thin ice.

  “Sorry, Michael,” she apologized, lowering her face.

  He kissed her forehead. “Accepted. Dad made étouffée tonight. Hope you’re hungry.”

  They sat together at the dining room table and engaged in normal, family conversation, making sure to include Rich.

  Sam elbowed her brother. “Told you Scott adopted him. It looks like Daddy did as well.”

  “He’s gonna make a good addition to this family. Now you need to find me a nice girl. No servicewomen please.”

  “On it. Rich looks so happy. This is good for him, too.”

  “So tell us more about yourself, son. I’m incredibly nosey, but I can mind my own business if I want to,” Scott said to Rich, after sharing how the family came together.

  “Which is never,” Dr. Quimby mumbled.

  Rich shrugged. “Not much to tell. Only kid; single alcoholic mother. The only way to escape was to excel in everything. I challenged the SATs and graduated early with acceptance to both Annapolis and West Point due to my grades and martial art competitions. I choose Annapolis because I liked their engineering program better, plus they had a better recon program. I transferred to the Corps after completing Seal training.”

  “What happened to your father?” Sam ask

  Her father kicked her under the table. “Don’t be rude, young lady. You know better than that.”

  “I’m sorry. I just can’t imagine life without my daddy,” she answered sweetly.

  “That’s okay, Joe. I don’t want you guys to think I have any secrets. I’ve never had a father or any other male influence. The bum left her when she got pregnant. I never knew him, nor did I want to. I grew up very quickly and basically raised myself. That’s about it.”

  “Well, young man, if my opinion counts for anything, I think you are remarkable. I’m glad you are here and I don’t think I need to tell you, but you have a new family,” Dr. Quimby smiled gently.

  “Yeah, with two overbearing fathers,” Sam whispered to her brother.

  Scott raised his eyebrow. “We just struck three, Little Miss. Upstairs, now.”

  “No, please Uncle Scott…” Sam whitened, grabbing Michael’s wrist under the table.

  He patted her hand, intervening. “She was just saying that he inherited two dads in the process, Scott.”

  Scott grunted. “Sure she did. Rich, watch out for the little one. Whether she becomes your girlfriend or like a sister, she’s going to keep you on the ball. Be prepared.”

  “Uncle Scott, you really need to stop trying to frighten people when they meet me. I’m not all that bad.”

  “Says who?”

  “Dessert, anyone?” Dr. Quimby interrupted, seeing the fire starting to build between them. “Tiramisu.”

  * * * * *

  After Rich left, Scott beckoned his niece to stand in front of him. “Okay, little girl, let’s get one thing clear. Just because Rich is here doesn’t mean you won’t be spared facing the consequences of your behavior. I’m not happy with you mouthing off at Dad, nor am I going to ignore the swearing. This is your last warning, young lady. If you act up in front of him, then one of us will take you upstairs and give you something to think about. Got it?”

  “It’s not fair,” she mumbled, looking down.

  Scott leaned forward. “Excuse me? What did you say? I couldn’t hear you.”

  “Yes sir, Uncle Scott. I’m sorry.”

  “Okay. Go help your brother in the kitchen. And no messing around this time.”


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