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Caught in the Net

Page 13

by Breanna Hayse

  “You sure can.” He sat on the couch.

  She tucked her feet under her, curling in a little ball. “Does that mean you don’t want to go out with me anymore?” she asked quietly.

  Rich frowned. “Where did that come from? It just makes things more intriguing for me. I like brats. Especially when I have the chance to deal with them. Now come here,” he ordered firmly.

  She stared at him, mouth open. “I don’t think so.”

  “I didn’t ask, now, did I? You heard what I said. I’ve been very patient and understanding as we’ve been getting to know each other, but you have to admit, you deliberately raised the bar tonight. Did you think I would just ignore this?”


  “So how much respect would you have toward me if I just laughed off rude behavior? You know how I feel about that.”

  “I wasn’t that bad.”

  “No, you weren’t. But you also know your parents’ feeling about swearing, and that it isn’t very ladylike.”

  “You and Michael swear. So do Daddy and Scott.”

  “Right or wrong, and I know you won’t go for this, but the fact is that men swearing isn’t as offensive as when it comes out of the mouth of a young woman. I want my girl to be sophisticated and classy. Now, do as I tell you and come here.” His tone and expression made it impossible for her to disobey.

  Sam slowly unfolded her legs from beneath her and walked over to the couch where Rich sat. He took her hands in his and kissed her lips. He then patted his lap. “Over my knee. I’m sensing this is the first of many encounters we have yet to share together.”

  “You do know you are kinky,” the girl muttered, slowly obeying.

  Rich smoothed her thin skirt down over her bottom, resting his hand on the material. “I know. Believe it or not, this can be an enjoyable experience, but not for you quite yet. Let’s see how tough you are with me,” he said, raising his hand and landing with a full loud smack to the upturned mounds. She gasped. It hurt! Even through the material. She had no idea how strong he was until now. A second, third, fourth and fifth smack slowly followed, each exact and leaving a painful sting that made her just want to escape. She bit her lip, fighting back tears.

  “How does this feel?” Rich asked, landing two more slaps.

  She felt a tear skip down her face. “It hurts. I’m sorry. I promise I’ll be better,” she whimpered, trying so hard not to cry. Three more smacks; the tears were now starting to escape.

  “Are you learning anything? Especially about me?”

  “Yes, Rich. Please, stop. I’ll be good. It hurts!” she begged, reaching back to protect herself. He grabbed her wrist, holding it firmly against her side. His hand fell another four times and she started to softly cry. He paused, hand on her bottom, caressing the warm, rounded cheeks under the material.

  “No more cussing?”

  “I’ll try my best. I promise,” she sniffed, still facing the floor. Despite the pain, his hand felt so good on her.

  “Do you want to try my patience again anytime soon?”

  “No, Rich. I’m really sorry. Please don’t be mad at me.”

  “I’m not angry at all. In fact, I’m finding this rather delightful. I like you submissive,” he commented, still holding her over his lap, tracing the outline of her bottom with his hand and fingers. “And I’m looking forward to when I can spank this perfect little backside without the restriction of clothing. Maybe I should have you start wearing thongs.”

  “You can’t tell me… OW!” He smacked her hard three times.

  “Care to rephrase?”

  “I’ll start wearing them if you want me to, Rich,” she whimpered, once again feeling his hand stroking her sore backend.

  “I also want you to show me a little more respect when we are in private. You are to address me as ‘Sir’ when we are alone. You have rank in public; I have it in private. Understand?”

  “Yes Sir, Rich.” Her mind swam with questions. Was Michael the same way? She strongly suspected Scott was as well. As strange as it was, she felt safe and comfortable with this side of Rich. Even more than before. Michael was right, she needed a man exactly like him or she wouldn’t have any respect for him. But his spanking hurt as much as Scott’s!

  “Good girl. Now stand up and look at me. This was just a taste of what I can give. Both in pain and in pleasure.” He smiled, tracing his finger slowly down the front of her dress. “You decide which you prefer.”

  “I want to make love to you,” she whispered.

  Rich ran his thumb over her lips. “Me too, but we promised. We owe ourselves and your family that. Now I want you to sit that bottom on my lap and let me taste your sweetness.”

  She didn’t have to be told twice before strongly locking her mouth to his. She loved kissing him. It was sweeter than chocolate and more soothing than floating in a kelp forest. She felt the swirling start and brought his hand to cup her breast. He slowly played with her nipple through the material as his tongue explored her hot mouth. She could feel him hardening under her. She could tell he was very well endowed and it left her feeling hungry for him. He pulled away.

  “I need to stop or I won’t be able to control myself. Do you do that on purpose?” he panted, slowly standing and adjusting his slacks.

  “No, I don’t know how it happens.” She shook her head. “Could we try something?”

  “Give me a minute to recover,” he requested, walking into the kitchen. She waited patiently for him to return, sitting on the opposite side of the couch.

  “Okay, what do you want to do?” he asked, joining her.

  “I want to see if I can touch you mentally. How close do we have to be before you are affected by the swirls?”

  Rich laughed. “My sweet little scientist. When the time comes, are you going to turn our love making into an experiment?”

  “Probably,” she smiled. “Okay, tell me if you feel or sense anything. If you do, we’ll try it again when Mike comes back.”

  “And you called ME kinky?”

  They both closed their eyes and the girl allowed her mind to relax, recalling the sensation of his caresses. She sensed the swirling patterns in her mind and the increase of awareness to sound, smell and touch. She could hear his breathing; it matched hers. She could smell his cologne as though he sat right next to her. She could feel his breath on her neck and face although he was on the other side of the couch. She felt like she was floating in a sea of sensation with every nerve fiber tingling. It was pure bliss.

  “Sam, we… we need to stop right now,” Rich panted. She opened her eyes. He looked drugged.

  She brought him a cool washcloth for his face. “Here. I guess I can swirl you.”

  “Sweetheart, the word is seduce. And yes, it almost leaves me helpless. I feel weak and defenseless, yet my only thought is how can I please you. It’s both frightening and amazing at the same time. I want more, but don’t want it at all. It’s like I’m on ecstasy or something.”

  “Do you think you can handle it again when Michael comes over?”

  “I’m afraid I might end up embarrassing myself if this keeps up,” Rich admitted.

  “I’m well aware of men’s reactions and their needs even though I have no personal experience. If you want, you can go take a cold shower or something. I can help, if you want,” she added mischievously.

  “As tempting as that offer is, I think I need to be by myself right now. I’ll be out soon.” Rich kissed her quickly before racing back to his room. Sam smiled with satisfaction. She liked this new found power.

  Michael knocked at the door the same time Rich emerged from the bathroom, towel drying his short hair. “Hey, buddy. Come on in. We’re in the living room.”

  “Washing the sand off? It takes time to get used to it.”

  “No, that’s not it. Your sister decided to try a science experiment on me. You’re next.”

  “Oh no, what now, Samantha? What are you up to this time?”

  “I want you t
o sit down and close your eyes. Tell me if you sense anything.”

  Shrugging, Michael plopped in a chair near where Rich was sitting. He closed his eyes and relaxed. This wasn’t the first time he had played this game with his sister. What he wasn’t expecting was the response.

  “My God… I hear singing,” he whispered, trying to make out the words, but they weren’t human voices. “I feel like I’m floating, but can’t feel myself touch anything. It’s beautiful, like when we were… Samantha!” His eyes shot open. Rich was already in a cold sweat. Poor guy. She released them.


  “You were integrating me. How the hell did you do that? Rich, are you all right?”

  “I need another cold shower. Excuse me,” the man said uncomfortably, racing back into his bedroom.

  “I make him horny,” she giggled.

  “That isn’t very nice, little sister.”

  “What he did to me wasn’t very nice, either. I think he’s stronger than Scott is.”

  “He very well might be, so don’t push it. Are you ready to go home?”

  “Yeah, let me go say goodbye,” Sam said, trotting quickly into the back room before her brother could stop her. Rich had his shirt off and was leaning over the sink. She crept up behind him to wrap her arms around his sculpted waist. “I have to go home. Are you okay?”

  “No. You have no idea what you do to me,” he moaned, looking at her in the mirror, his chest muscles bulging under her small hands.

  She stroked him gently, resting her cheek on his warm, smooth back. “Actually, I think I do. You do the same to me. Will I see you tomorrow?”

  “I have chores I need to do. Maybe in the evening. I’ll call you, okay?”

  “Okay. Just don’t avoid me.”

  “I can’t. The pull is way too strong.” He turned around to look into her eyes, her arms still wrapped around him. He brought his lips down to hers, crushing her in his embrace. It was a hard, aggressive kiss, filled with a sense of possessiveness that she hadn’t felt before. Her knees buckled.

  “Oh my,” she whispered.

  Rich nodded, scooping her into his arms and carrying her into the living room where her brother waited patiently. “Mike, would you please take this little siren home before I lose control. You need to talk with her about this stuff. I can’t.”

  “I’m guessing the six month promise might be too much to ask,” Michael sighed, accepting the bundle Rich handed to him. He kissed her cheek before putting her down. “We’ll talk on the way home. Night, Rich. Hope you sleep well.”

  “I doubt I will. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  Michael was quiet on the way home, glancing occasionally at his sister who gazed out the window. “Do you have any idea how powerful you are?” he asked gently.

  She looked at him. “What do you mean?”

  “Maybe we should talk with the folks about this so you can get multiple perspectives. You might push him too much, Sammi. He could run to keep his promise. Do you want that?”

  “He would? Why?”

  “Honey, he’s very much like us. His word is his honor. You are putting him in a position that he has to choose between keeping his word or caving into his desires. You would lose respect for him if he didn’t keep his word. He would lose respect for himself if he caved in. That would end up being a disaster in your relationship with him. He’s good for you. I don’t want to see you get hurt because of honor.”

  “Me neither. What should I do?” She had tears in her eyes.

  He reached with his right hand to squeeze hers. “It’s the same theme, baby. Think before you do something. Let’s change the subject. You picked me a good one. I like her.”

  “She’s sweet. A little conservative, but I can fix that.”

  “Oh no, you don’t. Unlike Rich, I’m not anxious to have to lay into that gorgeous ass this soon. I just met her,” Michael grinned.

  His sister giggled. “Liar. I know you better. But, I do think Rich has been wanting to get his hands on my ass since the day he found out that I get my tail flukes bitten. He seemed to enjoy himself tonight, at my expense.”

  “I hate to break it to you, but he’s been wanting that beautiful little tail end since he saw it in jeans that first day. You do have quite a spankable bottom,” Michael informed her.

  “Gee, thanks. It’s not as full as Jen’s, though.”

  “For a girlfriend, I prefer a plumper backside. My plans would extend beyond spanking it,” Michael chuckled.

  “You need to take it slow with her. She is a bit shy and feels a little insecure about her body. I’m sorry if I scared her tonight.”

  “I think Rich was more bothered than I was. I’m used to it. But she will be seeing quite a lot if she joins our family. We should probably run a clearance on her to be safe.”

  “I, uh… I already took care of that,” Sam admitted sheepishly.

  Michael patted her hand with a sigh, not surprised by her sneaky moves. “Of course you did. How did you get her info?”

  “I conned her into showing me her driver's license. Sorry.”

  “No you aren’t. But I do understand. Do you think you can do an internship with her?”

  “She’s got great grades and is PADI certified. I don’t see why not. Besides, she might make a good variable in testing the swirls.”

  “We need another name for that. How about CIP for Cetacean Integration Program?”

  Sam was tickled. “Like in CIP verses swallow?”

  “You’re bad. Yeah, that was funny.” He held back his laughter as she continued to giggle. “Okay, what about CIMA? Cetacean Integrated Mind Alteration? No, not semen… never mind. You are impossible tonight. Get your mind out of the gutter. We’ll stay with swirling.” He groaned as her laughter increased.

  “Oh God, I’m cracking myself up,” Sam hooted, holding her stomach. She finally regained some control and picked up her cell phone. “Hi Rich, it’s me. I’m sorry about tonight. I won’t do it again. I promise.”

  “The problem is that I want you to do it again. Just not yet. You’re a temptation that’s too hard for even me to refuse.”

  “Michael explained it. I’ll be a good girl.”

  “I’m going to just have to deal a little harsher with you if you tease me, you know,” he warned, sounding more like himself again.

  “Won’t that tempt you more?”

  “Me? Hell, yeah… But you, no. I’m going to talk with your folks tomorrow night and let them know my intent.”

  “Oh no… I don’t think that’s a good idea. Michael, he wants to talk with Daddy and Scott about spanking me! Tell him that is a very bad idea!”

  “Give me the phone,” Michael said, putting it on speaker and hooking it to his receiver. “Rich, let me know when you speak with them. I’ll be there.”

  “What?” Sam screeched as she slapped his arm.

  “Oh hush up. I think it’s an excellent idea, Rich, especially if they know the reasons. Come over tomorrow night for dinner. We can go out and do some night fishing, too.”

  “Sounds like a plan. Kiss the girl for me. Bye!”

  “Whose side are you on anyway, butthead?” Sam asked, snatching her phone back.

  “My own. We’re home. Go say goodnight and get to bed. You’re getting cranky and it’s late.”

  “You’re not the boss of me,” she grumbled, exiting the car.

  Michael hooked his elbow around her neck, knuckling the top of her head. “You forget that I am. We’re home,” he announced, dragging Sam in next to him, her head locked under his arm as he continued to knuckle her.

  “Did you have a good time?” Dr. Quimby asked, making room on the couch for his kids.

  “Sammi picked me out a beauty. You’ll meet her Sunday. You will approve.”

  “Good for you. And you, my love? How’s Rich?”

  “Grumpy. But it’s my fault. He’s coming over for dinner tomorrow night and will probably crash here again. For some odd reason, he likes you two.”<
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  “We like him as well. Look at me… what did you do?” Dr. Quimby asked, staring into her face.

  “Nothing much. Same old stuff.”

  “Did she get out of hand again?” Scott asked Michael.

  He shook his head. “Nah, just her typical behavior. She did introduce Jen to Ton.”

  “Poor girl. How did she take it?” Scott asked, turning the TV off.

  “As well as could be expected. Ton liked her instantly, so I took it as a good sign.”

  “Samantha? You aren’t planning on chasing this one off, are you?” Scott asked his niece.

  “That would only happen if she tried to keep me from playing with my big brother. She and Rich got along well, too. I really like her. Can we invite her for dinner tomorrow night? Mike already invited Rich over.”

  “We would have 6 people here. You know what that would mean, right?” Scott asked, his eyes twinkling.

  “Family game night. Oh Lord, I don’t know,” Michael groaned. “You guys cheat so badly. I don’t know if I want her to witness that yet. Even Rich hasn’t seen it.”

  “Well, son, it’s about time he does, don’t you think? Losing team makes dinner,” Dr. Quimby said. “And you and your sister cannot be on the same team.”

  “That’s not fair, Daddy. It’s our only chance of winning against you two.”

  “Nope, I agree. Me, Dad and Mike against the girls and Rich,” Scott grinned.

  “Okay, fine. Under one condition.” Sam's face spelled troubled.

  Her brother noticed immediately and knew what she was up to. “Oh no you don’t…”

  “Oh yes I do. I want to try something with you two. I learned some integration techniques and want to see how it makes you feel. Deal?”

  “Does it hurt?” Scott asked.

  Michael sighed. “So far, Rich is the only one suffering from it. If you agree to this, you’ll understand. She promised she wouldn’t do it to him anymore.”

  “Sounds like a plan. I’m definitely curious,” Dr. Quimby said. “When do you want to try this?”

  “Now. Michael, go to the other side of the room. I don’t know how much distance is needed. Tell me immediately if you sense anything, okay? You two just relax. Verbalize to me if you are feeling or sensing anything.” She closed her eyes and started to concentrate on relaxing and letting her mind drift to the image of the swirls. She heard her father gasp, then Scott take in a breath.


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