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Caught in the Net

Page 15

by Breanna Hayse

  “Thank you. Other foot.” He massaged lotion over her foot and calves, lingering along her sensitive areas with gentle caresses of his fingers.

  Sam fought not to throw herself at him. “I am counting the days for six months. If you can make me feel this way on my feet, I can only imagine what you can do everywhere else,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. He kissed her passionately, his hand gently caressing her ribs and the side of her breast.

  “My only fear is that I’ll hurt you. You’re tiny,” he commented.

  She met his eyes eagerly. “If you are suggesting that you are nicely packaged, I already know that. I’ve felt you against me several times. I wouldn’t worry. The way you make me feel, I can take anything you have to give,” she stated securely.

  He stood up, helping her to her feet. “Let’s just remember our promises, okay?”

  “We should really consider exploring and clarifying the terms of that agreement and lay down the interpretation of the terminology implied.”

  “And you should really consider going to law school. Let’s go downstairs.”

  Jen arrived promptly at 1500, armed with munchies appropriate for a game night.

  “Cheetos! MINE!” Sam exclaimed, grabbing the bag after hugging her new friend.

  Michael snatched it from his sister, holding it out of her reach. “Share! Come on, Jen, meet the family. They are outside on the deck.”

  “This house is gorgeous. Oh wow, beach access?”

  “Yep. Dad? Uncle Scott? I’d like you to meet Jennifer Carter.” He held her tucked under his right arm as he introduced them. Despite their heights, Jen immediately felt comfortable and safe with their warm, inviting smiles. They both shook her hand and, pulling her away from Michael's protective embrace, settled her onto the lounger.

  “Would you care for anything to drink?”

  “I’m only 19, Dr. Quimby.”

  “Please, call me Joe or Doc. Are you sure? I have wine coolers.”

  “That sounds great, thank you. Mike? Are you having one?”

  “I’ve got a beer. That will last me all night,” Michael said, sitting next to her.

  Scott offered her some chips and salsa, joining them. “I hear you’re interested in doing some intern work in the lab. When does school let out?”

  “Next week, Dr. Jenkins… Scott,” she smiled, enjoying the attention from the two older, handsome men. “Samantha said she was going to try to hook me up.”

  “The bio lab is her baby. Just let us know if you need anything. We’ll have to run a clearance on you. Do you have any deep dark secrets we should know about?” Scott asked cheerfully.

  She made a face, thinking. “Um, yes. I stole a pack of gum from the gas station when I was ten. Oh, and I got a C on a spelling test once.”

  “Oh no, so much for you doing government work,” Scott teased, liking the girl.

  “I know, I’m terrible. How I got accepted to UCSD I’ll never know. Probably because I'm so cute,” she answered back.

  “Ooo, a little sassy? Good. Mike needs a challenge,” Scott laughed.

  “Like having Samantha around him isn’t enough? It appears that she is already starting to affect you, Jennifer. Watch out,” Dr. Quimby grinned.

  “I don’t think I’m the one to be worried here,” she laughed, eyeing Michael.

  He rolled his eyes, handing her the wine cooler. “I think you’re right.”

  “Well, it looks like we’re going to be the ones making dinner tonight since the midget hurt her hand. Any preferences, Miss Jennifer?” Dr. Quimby asked.

  “Not for me. I’ll eat anything as long as it doesn’t look at me.”

  “A girl after my own heart. I’ll take some steaks out, how’s that?”

  “Sounds great. I’m a dorm student working as a waitress. I don’t get out much nowadays.”

  “We’ll have to change that. I think we can budget some stipend into the internship. I'll check on Monday,” Dr. Quimby promised.

  “You work with Samantha?”

  “Why, yes. Didn’t they tell you?” Dr. Quimby asked.

  Michael shook his head. “I really haven’t said anything about work. It didn’t come up.”

  “I see. You didn’t want to intimidate the young lady. Good for you, son. I’m Scott’s sub-commander at Pt. Loma. He’s the base commander. We are both flag officers and the kids are 1st lieutenants.”

  “Like as generals? But, you are so young!” the girl exclaimed.

  Scott nodded with satisfaction. “I like this one. If you don’t want her, I’m taking her. Finally, someone who appreciates how good I look.”

  “Don’t get him started, I beg you,” Michael said, hearing Jen laugh loudly.

  “Let me find your sister and Rich, then we can play,” Dr. Quimby announced. He found the two behind the boulder in the back. “If you two don’t mind coming up for air, it’s time to get your butts kicked.”

  “That's what you think, Daddy. We are on to you,” Sam warned with an evil grin.

  * * * * *

  “You two are cheating!” Rich pointed. He saw Scott tuck a card into his shoe.

  “I told you they cheat. But I also have a near eidetic memory. That means that his only option is that ace. Daddy has a two of clubs and Michael has a queen of hearts. That gives me a royal flush. We win.”

  “That’s it. Two out of three.” Scott threw his cards on the table.

  Jen shook her head. “I can’t believe you cheated. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”

  “Like hell they are. You should see them in the ring. They bribe the ref to call in their favor,” Michael announced.

  Scott shrugged. “We’re old and need every advantage we can get. Well Joe, looks like you’re cooking dinner.”

  “Me? The losing team cooks!”

  “Come on, Mike. The old man needs our help.” Scott elbowed his nephew. “If you will please excuse us, ladies.”

  “They are hysterical! I can’t believe we won!” Jen exclaimed.

  Sam elbowed her, reaching beneath her thigh and pulling out some cards. “They aren’t the only ones who know how to cheat. I’m just surprised Michael didn’t catch on. That’s how we usually win against them.”

  “You little brat!” Rich exclaimed, looking at the cards. “I better watch out for you.”

  “As long as you’re on my team, you have nothing to worry about. So, Jen? How are you doing?”

  “I love it here. I’ve never felt more comfortable in my entire life. Your family is fabulous. They are so funny.”

  “I love being around them. People always thought Michael and I were weird because we would prefer to hang out with our folks instead of going to social gatherings; and we love family vacations. They have their quirks, but I can live with that. This is my favorite hangout.”

  “It’s become mine too.” Rich added, “It gets lonely sometimes at the BOQ and I know I always have a place to go and feel welcome. They take good care of me.”

  “They love you. Scott adopted you the very first day. You’re good for us, too,” Sam said, snuggling against his arm.

  “How’s the hand?”

  “It hurts all the way to my fingertips and up my arm. The jerk got a nerve,” she said, flexing carefully.

  “My poor baby,” Rich said, kissing the bandage. “Can I get you anything?”

  “Endorphins would be nice…” she hinted.

  “No way.”

  “We could go running.”

  “That was NOT what you are suggesting, brat,” Rich scolded.

  Jen giggled, “You are so cute together. I’m guessing your dads are okay with the age difference.”

  “It's not that bad, only five years. Plus, Rich is such a gentleman that they couldn’t resist him. They also know that anyone closer to my age would be too immature for me.”

  “They are also aware that she tends to do whatever she wants to, so it was easier for them to give us permission,” Rich tsked.

�You’re lucky. My dad never let me have my way.”

  “Oh, don’t misunderstand me,” Rich corrected her. “They don’t LET her, she just does it. And pays the consequences. She is a little spoiled, but they are very strict.”

  “They don’t seem that way.”

  “I am not spoiled,” Sam pouted.

  “Hang around a bit and you’ll see for yourself. This is a military household. Duty, Honor, Obedience.”

  “Right after Love, Respect and Honesty. How’s it going?” Dr. Quimby asked, joining them.

  “Great. They were trying to convince me that you guys are strict,” Jen smiled sweetly.

  Dr. Quimby nodded his head. “We are. My kids don’t get away with too much, but we are also very fair and know how to listen. I need to change your dressing, honey. Can you take a break?”

  “Do I have to?”

  “Yes. Go to my room, I’ll be there in a minute. That’s a good girl.” He kissed her cheek as she walked by. Jen looked at the floor. “Hey, sweetheart, what's wrong?” Dr. Quimby gently asked.

  She had tears in her eyes. “I just realized that I’m really homesick. I miss my family, even my pest brothers. We aren’t as close as you guys are, but I still miss them. It's kind of lonely here.”

  “Aw, honey, shh...” Dr. Quimby said softly, sitting next to her and pulling her against his broad chest. She started to cry and he rocked her in his arms. Michael walked in, freezing in mid-step as he witnessed the event. He looked at Rich who mouthed ‘homesick’ to him. Michael sat quietly, waiting patiently. “Son, would you please go and change your sister’s dressing? There, there, baby, it’s okay. Go on and cry. It been a long time coming, hasn’t it?”

  Rich went with Michael to his father’s room and shared the events with Sam.

  She nodded. “I know. She talked a little about it. Daddy will make it better, he always does. Ow…”

  “I’m being gentle. This is inflamed,” Michael said, probing the wound. He quickly cleaned and redressed it, kissing her hand. “All done. That wasn’t bad, was it?”

  “No, you did okay. Your bedside manner is almost as good as Daddy's. Should we go back down?”

  “Rich and I will stay up here and give her some privacy. You go down and check and let us know when it’s a good time to return,” Michael suggested.

  Nodding, the girl obeyed. She joined her new friend on the couch, “Hey, Jen. How’s it going? Can I help with anything?” she asked gently, as her father continued to hold the sniffling girl.

  “I’ll be okay. I’m so embarrassed. I’m so sorry.”

  Scott handed her a tissue. “Why would you be embarrassed?” he asked quietly, “You are safe here and have a new family to care for you. Besides, most girls start crying when they look at Joe’s ugly face. It scares them.”

  “Shut your yap, Scott. Be nice,” Dr. Quimby ordered.

  Jen sat up, covering her face with her hands, “I must look hideous. Hide me before Mike sees me.”

  “You think he doesn’t witness tears? This one is a water spout,” Scott commented.

  “But Sam is his sister. It’s different.”

  “Jen, trust me. You look fine and Michael won’t care. The men in my family aren’t afraid to show emotions. If you haven’t noticed, they are very touchy, feely. They still kiss Mike on the cheek, even if it’s in the middle of the chow hall.”

  “Of course we do. And no one would dare say anything against it,” Dr. Quimby chuckled. He patted Jen’s hand. “You just come straight to either Scott or me, if you feel the need for a daddy fix, okay? We will both be more than happy to oblige. We have had lots of practice.”

  “I might take you up on that. This is the first time I’ve been away from home and it’s really scary sometimes.”

  “Then I insist you accept this offer. I think we do our job pretty well, huh?”

  “You’re the best, Daddy. Except when I’m in trouble,” Sam grinned.

  Scott sighed. “That’s too frequent for our liking. Jen? Would you be up to taking a little boat ride? The kids wanted to go night fishing.”

  “That sounds like fun, Scott. Thank you. Both of you. I needed this tonight.”

  “Anytime, darling. Sam? Go get the boys for dinner and then we’ll go down to the dock.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Chapter 11

  It was four in the morning when they finally returned from the boat ride. Dr. Quimby refused to allow Jen to drive herself home and ordered her to bed. With his daughter at her heels, the two girls, dressed in Michael’s extra-large tee shirts, climbed into the large bed and giggled. Dr. Quimby tucked them both in, kissed them on the foreheads, and turned off the light.

  Jen sighed, “You don’t know how lucky you are. I could live here forever.”

  “That’s because you haven’t seen the other side yet. Talk to me when that happens.” Sam yawned.

  Jen looked over at her. “I like strong men. They make me feel safe and secure. They all have the same vibe, too. I should tell you something about myself. You have to promise not to laugh.”

  “Why would I laugh? You’re not really a guy, are you?”

  “No! It’s just that I know you’re really strong and secure, and you might not understand. I like being submissive. You know, the old-fashioned thing. The guy runs the house, takes responsibility… that whole deal.”

  “Again, why would I laugh? My men are all very dominant. I’m not as submissive as they would like me to be, but in my situation, I really can’t be. I’m learning to become more that way with Rich. It’s easy because he’s so in control and I trust him. I feel like a woman with I’m with him, not like a soldier.”

  “Then you do understand?”

  “Yep. I also know my brother. He needs a submissive woman as a partner. Someone he can trust and care for, who has a mind of her own, but will also obey his wishes. He needs a girl who will trust him completely as well, and believe that he will do anything to protect, honor and show his love for her. Michael hates fighting. He and I have never really fought, except at work. I trust him with my life and my heart. He’s more than my big brother. He’s my best friend, my partner and my commander. I’ve killed for him. And he’s done the same for me. To be his girlfriend would mean being able to accept him completely in the role he was designed for without question. Can you do that?”

  “You’ve killed someone?”

  “We both have. We are Special Forces and have diplomatic immunity. There’s a lot of stuff you need to learn about us before you really get involved with Michael. If you can handle it, then that’s a good start.”

  “I need to know something, Sam.”

  “Sure, just ask,” Sam said, propping her head on her good hand.

  Jen did the same, looking at her. “Please don't think I'm weird, but I get a very strong feel from your dads, as well as the boys. I can’t ignore it. How do they handle you when you get in trouble? I know it’s a silly question, but I need to know. I hate yelling.”

  “My family rarely yells beyond an initial ‘Samantha! What the hell did you do this time?’ ” she mimicked, with a giggle. “Seriously, they don’t get into shouting matches very often. Certainly not at us. It takes a lot to get Daddy to blow a gasket, and Uncle Scott just has his grumpy days.”

  “That’s good to know. And Michael doesn’t yell?”

  “Only when he and I are brainstorming. You’ll get use to that in the lab. Don’t ask me why, but it’s always how we’ve problem solved. It’s probably the only normal thing we do.”

  “Then what am I sensing? It’s almost primal.”

  “Testosterone? A lot of it? This place oozes with it sometimes.”

  “Maybe. I can’t put my finger on it.”

  Sam hesitated to say anything, but then, Jen did ask. “Daddy told you that they really are strict and they don’t put up with very much nonsense, especially from me. You are sensing strong boundaries and the strength of discipline. They are also incredibly old-fashioned. Tell me some
thing, when you were little, did you ever get into trouble?”

  “A lot. My curiosity always got the best of me and I was notoriously late because I got sidetracked.”

  “What did your parents do?”

  “Mother would tell Dad and, depending on the circumstance, he handled the discipline. He used a wooden spoon for bad offenses, or I was grounded.”

  “When was the last time he used the spoon on you?”

  “I was probably 12 or 13. I hated it.”

  “My parents still spank me,” Sam admitted quietly. “So does my brother. He’s a firm believer in corporal punishment.”

  Jen was silent, staring at the girl. “Michael spanks you?” she choked out her question.

  “Yes. You don’t seem surprised about my dads.”

  “Truthfully, I’m not. It’s almost a relief to find that out. I could see either one of them easily doing that. But Mike? I mean, yes, I can picture it. But you’re his sister.”

  “I’m also his responsibility and one he takes very seriously. Rich does as well, although I haven’t been with him long enough to have to face his wrath yet.”

  “If I stayed with Mike, you don’t think he would…”

  “Yes, he would, if deserved. I strongly suspect my dads would too, if you got deeply involved with the family. I saw how my father was nurturing you tonight. I really think he would take the discipline approach if it meant helping you.”

  Jen was quiet for a moment, thinking. “Part of me is drawn and intrigued; the other part wants to run. I know I need the strength of this family, and I hate feeling this way. I’ve never experienced this before. I just met you guys.”

  “This is not the first time I've heard this, Jen. The men in our command feel the same. No matter their age, they come to the commanders for advice, assistance and even confessions. They trust them to take care of the problem and be fair about the consequences. We’ve never had office hours in our unit because of the honesty they share. Of course, the men don’t get their butts whipped,” Sam snorted.

  Jen looked at the ceiling. “I feel like I can trust you. I have always fantasized about being with a man like Mike, especially the discipline stuff. I long for that strength. I need a man I can respect.”


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