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Lucky Like Us

Page 14

by Jennifer Ryan

  If she knew him, they could apprehend him quickly. More than likely, she thought she’d seen him before. She hadn’t sounded convinced she knew him for certain. Then again, she was pretty out of it there at the end.

  “I’d like to ask her about the logo on the bracelet. Maybe we can trace it somehow. Can you believe her memory and the details she’s provided. We should give her Vernet’s job.” Tyler had dealt with a lot of witnesses. None as good as Elizabeth. They usually got facts wrong, embellished the story in some way, or their perception of what happened was wrong. Witnesses were usually unreliable and changed their story often. He had no doubt Elizabeth recounted the story accurately and the details wouldn’t change. She knew what she knew. Sedated and in a deep sleep, she probably wouldn’t wake up until tomorrow.

  Deputy Director Davies wrapped up the meeting. “Let’s get out of here and go over the list of suspects we do have and see if we can narrow down our search. We’ll have to talk to her again tomorrow. I hope she’ll be up to it. Today was hard for her. I have no doubt she tried to hide her feelings and emotions about the attack. She’s a strong woman, but I think she’s being torn up inside about what happened. I imagine nothing traumatic like this has happened to her, or anyone in her life.”

  “She’ll overcome this as soon as we find the man responsible, and she has some closure,” Sam responded. “She is strong. The fear will subside as she deals with what happened.”

  “I’m not surprised she asked to have you assigned to protect her,” Deputy Director Davies went on. “You should have seen the change in her when she heard your voice a little while ago. Her whole body relaxed. She trusts you. We’ll need her trust if we’re going to protect her from this guy.”

  “When are you putting me back on the case?” Sam wanted to catch this guy before he had a chance to hurt Elizabeth again. Jarred had already gotten into her room. What if the Silver Fox decided to try something? A chill ran up Sam’s spine.

  “Elizabeth has a hospital guard on her door. Her father doesn’t want that Jarred guy to get to her again. I’m sure he thinks there’s a threat from our guy. You still have to be cleared by Vernet’s investigation, which should come about Monday or Tuesday. Take the next several days to heal and get your head straight. I’ll put you back on the case as Elizabeth’s guard and Agent Reed’s backup when she gets released from the hospital,” Deputy Director Davies told Sam.

  “But . . .”

  “But nothing. Take it or leave it. She’s right, Sam, you’re the best, but you’ve been injured and involved in a traumatic event. You need time to heal, but I think even on your worst day, you’re capable of watching out for her. Shooting her messed with your head. You know now what the actual circumstances were, but I still believe you need time to work it all out. You’ve been on the verge of burnout for months. Because of the shooting, you feel responsible for her. I believe you’re becoming personally involved with her, which could be a liability.”

  Sam wanted to protest, because he didn’t want to admit to Davies or himself he had feelings for Elizabeth, but Davies went on. “I believe you want to protect her and that makes you perfect for the job. Let Agent Reed take the lead on finding the suspect. You concentrate on Elizabeth. You’re back on the job when she leaves the hospital and not before. Set up your appointments with the mind benders,” Davies ordered, not about to let him off the hook for the appointments with the psychiatrist. He obviously thought Sam needed it.

  “Shit. I hate the shrinks.” Hell, he’d talked more to Elizabeth in the last few days than he ever would to some doctor.

  “Exactly. I don’t like having the mind benders invade my head either, but it’s part of the job when you’ve been involved in a shooting. Do the time with them, and get it over with, so you can put this all behind you.”

  “I’ll get it done. Tyler, keep me updated on the case and whatever you uncover. When is Elizabeth supposed to get out of the hospital?”

  “The Doc said she should be out by Tuesday. That’s long enough for you to spend some time with your family and get your head together.”

  “I’ll be ready to take her home,” Sam said, trying not to read too much into what that really meant, or could mean.

  Chapter Nineteen

  * * *

  Saturday, 2:04 A.M.

  THE HOSPITAL WAS busy even at this time of night, but he’d planned well. He took out the guard and the nurse without alerting anyone else to his presence. From the moment news reports announced Elizabeth and that damn FBI agent had survived he’d fantasized about this moment.

  How did everything go so wrong? He shot both of them and still they didn’t die. Well, this time he’d make sure they died, starting with the woman. He’d like to keep her, but since she met with the FBI and had possibly identified him, she’d have to go. He couldn’t afford an eyewitness. Without her, the FBI had nothing to pin him to the Silver Fox murders, or the attempt on their agent’s life. Too bad, though. She was beautiful. Her spirit and fight intrigued him. Used to everyone doing his bidding and worshiping his skills, he liked her defiance and strength. He found her bold and refreshing.

  The dim light spotlighted the sleeping beauty beside him in the bed. This should be easy, but something made him pause. He’d never killed an acquaintance. The others were strangers, nothing to him. He steeled himself for the job ahead. With her asleep, all he had to do was inject the poison into her IV line. He pushed the needle in, but she shifted and her soft voice whispered, “Sam.” Their gazes locked and he pushed the plunger. She made a grab for the needle in her arm, but he grabbed her wrist and held firm. She tried to fight him with her other hand, lashing out wildly, but the poison worked fast and she fell back limp on the pillows.

  He brushed a strand of hair from her face with his fingertip. Such a waste. But necessary.

  Chapter Twenty

  * * *

  Saturday, 10:22 A.M.

  JENNA’S PHONE RANG far off in the penthouse. Probably someone from Merrick International trying to get in touch with her. Sam had his own line in his bedroom, so he tried to ignore it. Jenna’s muffled voice carried down the hall to his room. The distress in her tone signaled some kind of trouble.

  Opening his eyes, he glanced at the clock. He’d slept in spurts throughout the night. He remembered waking up just after two in the morning in a cold sweat to the sound of Elizabeth’s scream. He must have lain there for over an hour trying to get back to sleep. At some point he succeeded, because it was after ten now.

  The dreams disturbed him. His guilt rearing its ugly head, because he hadn’t protected Elizabeth. He blamed himself for her injuries, since she’d gotten them saving his hide. Maybe things would be better when she was out of the hospital and he was there to protect her. It would give him a chance to make things up to her.

  A familiar chill went up his back, little devils danced between his shoulder blades. Mind your back played in his head. Suddenly, he wanted to know who was on the phone. Carefully getting out of bed, wearing only his pajama bottoms, he made his way out toward the living room. He’d taken his sweat-soaked T-shirt off in the middle of the night, and he didn’t bother grabbing another one. Hell, Jenna had seen him half naked more than once. She could pretty much guess what the rest looked like, since Jack was his identical twin.

  The penthouse was oddly quiet, since four children and four adults were living there with him at the moment. He found Jenna sitting on the couch with her hands together pressed to her mouth. She stared off in the distance.

  Sitting next to her, he asked, “Where is everyone?”

  “They went to the zoo. I thought you needed some peace and quiet this morning. Caleb and Summer are taking the kids back to Colorado tomorrow. Jack wants to stay until you’re feeling better.”

  “He doesn’t have to do that. I’m fine. I’m home. No major damage done. My back is better. The muscle spasms are subsiding and the meds are helping.”

  “He’s not worried about your physical health.
It’s your mental state that concerns us. Deputy Director Davies said you seem better, and you’ve been cleared of any wrongdoing in the shooting. I knew you would be, but I’m glad you have the FBI behind you too. You must be relieved. Jack and I still feel you need some time away from your work. It’s taking a toll on you, Sam.”

  Her comments and worry, nothing but stalling tactics. “Who called? Did something happen at work? I can tell you’re trying not to tell me something.”

  Sam sat beside her, his chest bare, the bruises fading, and although she couldn’t see his back, the look on his face told her his pain persisted. Odd, when she looked at him, she felt the love of a sister, even though he had the same face as her husband. When she looked at her husband, he sometimes took her breath away, he was so gorgeous. It goes to show love is not only a physical attraction, but a connection between two hearts. She hoped Sam would find a woman who connected to his heart. He needed someone to love him.

  Stubble shadowed his jaw. He needed a shower and to eat a decent meal, and all she had for him was more bad news. She wasn’t sure how much more he could take. “Everyone stayed up last night talking about how we’ve never seen you like this. You’re like a roller coaster. You were so happy when Elizabeth woke up and talked to you, but then you go quiet for long periods of time.”

  He was reliving that night over and over, but they all hoped that as Elizabeth got better, so would Sam. Even on his last visit to the ranch, they recognized his depression and weariness. But now he was on some emotional pogo stick and that was a very bad sign, since Sam was such a strong individual.

  “Jenna, I’m fine,” Sam said, even though she didn’t believe him for a minute, and he knew it.

  “I don’t want to tell you the news I received. It’s bad, Sam. I’m not sure how you’ll take it.”

  Those devils stomped up his spine again. “Who called, Jenna? What’s happened?” He sat forward and glared her into answering him.

  “Mrs. Hamilton called. Before you panic, Elizabeth is alive, but apparently, someone tried to kill her last night at the hospital.” She spit it out fast, like the words were some sour fare she couldn’t get rid of fast enough. Sam digested them and wished he hadn’t asked to be served the news.

  “Oh, my God. She’s alive though.” He ran a hand through his hair. His stomach pitched and rolled. Bile rose up his throat, and he swallowed hard. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  “Someone drugged her with the same stuff they found in your system. Because of her already fragile condition, even with the antidote, she’s worse now. She’s in a coma, and they’ve had to place her on a ventilator.”

  Everything inside Sam went still. Taking a breath was a monumental effort. Jenna continued with the details. “The night nurse went in to check on her because the guard at her door went missing. Someone hit the nurse from behind. When she awoke a few minutes later, she discovered Elizabeth’s heart rate was dangerously low, and she was non-responsive. They suspected she was probably drugged and shut off her IV. They found the same drugs you were given in her blood-work. She’s alive, Sam, but Rachel wanted you to know what happened. She’s hoping that maybe you know who did this to her daughter.”

  “No one knows the man who did this. He’s a ghost we’ve been trying to trap for a long time. I was so close that night, but he got away and I never saw his face. He didn’t succeed killing Elizabeth the first time, so he tried to finish it last night. Davies, Tyler, and I talked about this yesterday. She gave us a description of the guy, but she fell back to sleep before we finished questioning her. She can identify him. That’s why he tried to kill her again.”

  Sam stood and marched to his room to get dressed. He had to get to the hospital to see her, then he’d talk to Davies about how they were going to stop this bastard. For good.

  “Sam, calm down. You’re getting all worked up. She’s alive. We’ll go and see her and you’ll see for yourself.”

  In three long strides, he stormed back to her. “Fine. She’s almost been killed twice because of me. How much more do you think she can take?” His rage wanted to fly, but he took a deep breath and pulled himself back together. Jenna didn’t deserve his anger.

  “Sam, this isn’t your fault,” Jenna said softly, her big, round, sad, green eyes pleading with him to calm down and be reasonable. He couldn’t do that where Elizabeth was concerned.

  He glared at Jenna, turned on his heel, and went back toward his bedroom to get ready to go.

  “I’ll have the car brought out front. I’ll go with you.”

  They arrived at the hospital and Sam jumped out of the car before it came to a stop in front. Jenna hurried after Sam, who had already made it to the bank of elevators and gotten into one. Jenna almost didn’t catch the elevator in time, banging her shoulder against the door as she hurried inside.

  “Jesus, Sam. Take it easy.”

  “I’m sorry, Jenna.” He wrapped his arm around her and gave her a squeeze. “I have to see her. She has to be okay.”

  “I told you she is. Rachel said she’s stable, they’re waiting while the drugs clear from her system. They expect her to wake up in a day or so, like you did.”

  He hoped it wouldn’t take Elizabeth long to wake up again.

  “She was already in a fragile state after surgery. Her liver had to be repaired from the gunshot wound. Her system can’t handle the drugs as well as I did.”

  Sam shifted from foot to foot in the elevator. “Can’t this thing go any faster? It’s only four floors, for god’s sake.” Just when he thought he’d go nuts, the doors opened onto the ICU floor and Sam took off toward the only room that had two guards posted outside. This time, the guards were FBI agents. Sam flashed his badge and stormed right past them.

  Rachel hadn’t expected Sam to get there so quickly. He came bursting into the room and didn’t even see her. He went straight to Elizabeth, stood over her, and took her in. The sound of the ventilator echoed in the otherwise silent room. The intense look on his face told her Sam cared deeply for her daughter. His heart was breaking, like hers, seeing Elizabeth worse off than she’d been when she’d first come out of surgery.

  Jenna came into the room quietly. Rachel got up to greet her, but Sam stopped her.

  “What did the doctors say?”

  “She’s okay, Sam. They got the antidote into her system quickly.” Rachel walked over to Sam and put her arm around his back. He traced his fingertips over Elizabeth’s pale cheek as soft as a ladybug crawling over her skin.

  “She’s been through a lot. Whoever did this to her must have woken her up because she fought him. See her arm. He grabbed her and held on.”

  The impression of a perfect handprint with fingertips circled her forearm near her wrist. Sam rubbed the back of his neck and tried to work out some of the tension.

  “What else did the doctor say?”

  “Sam, she’s in a coma. We have to wait for her to come back to us in her own time. The Judge is down the hall in the waiting room talking with Agent Reed about how the man got past hospital security and what they didn’t find on the security footage,” she said, frowning. “Why don’t you go and speak with them? Agent Reed can tell you what happened.”

  “I don’t want to leave her. I’m supposed to protect her and look what happened. I wasn’t here when she needed me. Again.”

  “Sam, this is not your fault. We had a guard protecting her. Whoever did this got past everyone. You’re on leave until she’s supposed to go home. I can’t tell you how relieved we were to find out you would be protecting her. She trusts you, and the Judge and I trust you with her. Do you understand what I’m saying to you, Sam? We trust you with the most precious person in our life.”

  “She wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me and the investigation I’m working.”

  “You’d be dead if it wasn’t for her. Remember that.” Rachel stood beside him, holding his arm and giving it a squeeze. “I’ll leave you alone with her. The Judge expects you for dinner tomo
rrow night, and so do I,” she commanded.

  Rachel and Jenna left the room and he took the seat next to Elizabeth. Alone with her, he took her hand in his and watched her face to see if she knew he was there. “Hi, sweetheart. Can you hear me?”

  He waited to see if she tapped his hand, or blinked her eyes. Something. Anything to indicate she was aware of him. She didn’t move. It was too much to hope for at this point.

  “Come on, honey. Give me one tap, so I know you’re okay.” Nothing. Not even a twitch in her pinky.

  “I’m sorry. I know you asked me to protect you yesterday, and I wasn’t here last night when that bastard tried to kill you again. You must be so mad at me. I’m mad at myself. We should have known hospital security wasn’t enough to protect you from this maniac. I mean, how daring is that to try to kill you in a crowded hospital?

  “You did so well yesterday giving us the description of the man who tried to kill us. Agent Reed is working on the suspect list. Thanks to you, he’s been able to narrow the list of people down considerably. I wish I was here with you yesterday.

  “You were so great with Agent Vernet. I thought I made the guy’s life hell, but you really stuck it to him. Your brother, Patrick, said you had a great sense of humor, but you really have a wicked sense of humor the way you played with Agent Vernet and his game of words. You can be a force to be reckoned with when you want. I knew you were leading him on, but I never guessed you’d completely exonerate me in the shooting.

  “I don’t remember the events like you do, but I know you told the truth. That’s all I need to remember each time I replay that night in my mind. I never meant for you to get hurt. Now when I see myself shooting you in my mind, I remind myself I was trying to help you.


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