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The Land: Predators

Page 40

by Aleron Kong

  For strangling a goblin fighter with his bare hands while in battle, Ox has earned the Field Advancement: Fell Clutch I. +1 Strength when fighting unarmed.

  For having the blood of over ten enemies sprayed upon his face without wiping it clear, Kentyiro has earned the Field Advancement: Never Winced I. His visage will be fearsome to behold in battle. +3% chance to cause Fear status among enemies that can see his face.

  For shouting rallying encouragements that increased the Fighting Spirit of the allied forces of the Mist Village and the Hearth Tree, Caulder has earned the Field Advancement: Cried Aloud I. He may now invoke “Rallying Cry,” a battle technique that will increase the Attack and Defense of any allies who hear it by +1 for 5 minutes. Cooldown: 20 minutes.

  Know This! Sergeant Caulder has progressed in his fighting abilities so remarkably that he is now considered a Champion in battle. Any allies fighting within 100 yards of him now have +1 rank in Fighting Spirit. This is not cumulative with other Champions.

  For being driven mad at the death of a comrade and finding a rage-fueled strength that led to the death of many adversaries, Terrod has earned the Field Advancement: Wrath and Tears I. He may now invoke “Wrath,” a battle technique that provides +1 to Strength and Constitution for 10 minutes. Cooldown: 1 hour.

  For fighting with a ferocity that made the goblins think he was death incarnate, Sion has earned the Field Advancement: Horror of the Shade I. Enemies are hesitant to even look upon such a fearsome warrior. +1% to dodge and +1% chance for enemies to lose sight of him in battle.

  Sion and Caulder had also progressed in their old Field Advancements.

  For standing against a sea of countless foes and remaining strong, Caulder has advanced a Field Advancement to Stem the Tide III. +3 Defense to each piece of Medium Armor he wears.

  For relentless hand-to-hand combat against a dangerous and more powerful racial enemy, Sion has advanced a Field Advancement to Bathe in Black Blood IV. Sion now has +4 damage when fighting goblins.

  Sion had initially earned his promotion Bathe in Black Blood I by fighting against goblins, the racial enemy of the sprites. Seeing him jump from rank I to rank IV in a single battle also helped explain his ominous new Field Advancement, Horror of the Shade. The battle had been so crazy that Richter had often lost sight of his best friend. For the sprite to have killed enough goblins to jump three levels though, he must have been truly terrifying to behold.

  Field Advancements could be a real force multiplier. Fighters had to fulfill a specific set of criteria to earn them, then the War Leader they were fighting under had to bestow the promotions. After that, as long as they were fighting in a warband, the advancements could continue to level based on the person’s actions without any input from Richter. Caulder was turning into a tank that now also had an AoE capability to bolster his comrades. Sion was now essentially death incarnate when fighting goblins. Richter wouldn’t be surprised if the sprite had a slayer title of his own. Terrod looked like he might have gained a type of berserker rage. It was only +1 to Str and Con, but if the other Field Advancements were any indication, he could keep leveling it up. +10 to both could really let him do some damage.

  The fact that Richter, Sion, Terrod and Caulder were all Champions now also meant the village’s forces would fight harder than ever before. The village was currently rank one in Fighting Spirit, giving a 5% bonus to damage in battle. When his people were fighting near a Champion though, that bonus increased to 10%. The bonus unfortunately didn’t extend to Champions themselves, but it could make all the difference to the armies they led. That was a mechanic about which Richter still understood little, but what he did know was that killing the enemy’s Champions could make an army break and run in terror. The only downside to that plan was that Champions were typically the biggest badasses in a fight.

  The crowd cheered at seeing these men, these heroes, grow in power. They had fought for the village, and they were “of” the village. More than a few of the men and women watching thought, “If they can do it, then why can’t I?” Richter saw the fierceness in his villagers’ faces, and so wasn’t surprised when he got another prompt.

  Know This! Your act of honoring the strength of your fighters has inspired your people. You have fulfilled your promise that as you rise in power, they shall as well. +10 to village Loyalty!

  He still wasn’t done. Shouting out to the crowd, he asked, “My people, do you not think that such brave men deserve honor as well as power?” The answer was a resounding ‘Yes!’ “I believe so as well,” Richter agreed, shouting over the crowd. Before the noise even died down, he said, “First Meidon Sion, your authority is officially recognized by the Mist Village. In matters of war, your authority is second only to my own. You and Captain Terrod will have equal rank. While he leads the guards, you will lead the meidon sprites.” He had already discussed this part with his Companions, but his friend was still moved. Sion bowed his head, and brought his fist to his chest in humbled acceptance and salute. Terrod clapped the sprite on the back with a broad grin on his face.

  “You will need a second-in-command,” Richter said, continuing to shout over the crowd. “Do you accept Kentyiro to serve beneath you in leading the meidon warriors of the Mist Village?”

  “I do,” Sion said picking his head up and smiling. The words were mere formality as the two friends had already discussed it. The shock on Kentyiro’s face was priceless. Richter had to struggle to keep from laughing. The man had been a forest sprite before he bonded with his pixie. Forest and wood sprites really didn’t get along, classically. It wasn’t a racial hatred, but more along the lines of how city and country folk just didn’t see eye-to-eye. That had played a role in the decision. In addition to Kentyiro being a fierce warrior, Sion and Richter had thought choosing a sprite that had been part of another race to be his second-in-command could help remove any lingering divides that existed amidst the meidon sprites.

  “Do you accept this honor?” Richter asked. When Kentyiro numbly nodded, still shocked, the chaos seed boomed, “So be it. You will have military rank in the Mist Village equivalent to Sergeant Caulder. After myself and Sion, you have command over the meidon sprites.” The cheering hadn’t stopped. To round out the pronouncements, Richter made Ox and Schroeder both corporals in the guards, reporting to Sergeant Caulder. Richter was delighted when another prompt appeared in his vision.

  Know This! Not only have you kept your promise to share power, but you have given your villagers positions of authority as well. This resonates well with your entire populace. Previous award of +10 to Loyalty has been increased. +20 to village Loyalty.

  “Mist villagers,” Richter called out, raising a hand for quiet. “Mist villagers, we are not alone here. There are others among us. Men, women and children. Dwarves, humans, elves, sprites and gnomes that were enslaved by the goblins. By the blood of our people and lives of our allies, these people are now free. Will we honor their sacrifice?”

  The cheers and shouts were truly overwhelming. Richter smiled at his people and didn’t try to quiet them this time. He looked around at the others at the high table and saw that they shared his happiness. The Hearth Mother smiled easily and even Yoshi had one corner of his mouth upturned. Richter turned back to the crowd and couldn’t still the mischief in his heart. He cupped one hand to his ear like he couldn’t hear the shouts and cheers. His people laughed and cried out even louder. He laughed heartily along with them, and then waved for them to quiet again.

  After a minute, he looked out over the crowd and specifically made eye contact with as many of the freed prisoners as possible. A smile lay lightly on his face, but there was also a serious look in his eye. The entire feast area grew quiet while they waited for his next words.

  “This world is not safe. We all know that. We have all lost people we cared about.” Richter made eye contact with everyone at the high table again, and they each nodded back. The Land was full of magic and wonder, but it did not change this harsh reality. Eve
n the bravest could fall. Richter looked back at the crowd again and emotion shook his voice, “But we… are still… here!” The thunder of his people shook the feast area. “We are stronger together and I believe, no, I know, that together we can overcome the forces that are conspiring against us. Make no mistake, there are people, bastards,” Richter spat, “that want to take what we have built. Will we let them?” Richter shouted.

  “No!” was the resounding call.

  “We will kill them!”

  “I will follow you through death, Lord Richter!”

  “Lord Richter!”

  “Lord Richter!”

  “Death to the enemies of the Mist!”

  “Lord Mist! Lord Mist! Lord Mist!”

  Even Richter was taken aback by the vehemence of his people and was surprised by what apparently was his new moniker. He had expected a show of solidarity, but both men and women were on their feet. They were shouting at the tops of their lungs. In their faces he saw passion, devotion… and zealotry. These people were truly with him. They believed in him and they would die for that belief. Richter could see that they would kill for that belief. What’s more, many of them seemed positively thirsty for blood. It was with a shock that he realized something: his people were predators.

  He had wanted the freed prisoners to know how united the Mist Village was. They had been shown that beyond a shadow of a doubt. It may have even been a bit too strong a show of support. The former slaves had been smiling, but now, after hearing the bloodlust in his people’s voices, many looked about fearfully again.

  “My villagers,” Richter called out, silencing them a third time. He needed to portray the right message. “We are strong as individuals, but we are stronger together. Do I speak truth?” Another chorus of ‘Yes’ and ‘Aye’ rang out. “But our strength is not enough. We stand for a greater ideal, do we not?”

  “Yes!” rang out from hundreds of mouths.

  Randolphus stepped forward, “Through service, ascendance!”

  “Through dedication, transcendence,” was the thundering reply.

  “What that means,” Richter called out, everyone quieting now without needing prompting, “is that you may find a home here as well.”

  It stayed quiet as all the former prisoners looked at one another. Who was this strange lord speaking to? Who would be allowed to stay in his village, and more importantly, what would they have to do? Months and years under the lash of goblin overseers had taught many of them to fear happiness and kindness. The pain that followed was always worse.

  Richter let them process for a few moments before speaking again, “My invitation is to all of you. No one will be allowed to stay without first being interviewed by my truthsayer, but if your heart is true, you can find a home here. I do not promise you safety, for only fools or liars would make such a boast. I will make you the same promise that I made to every single person in my village. As I rise, so shall you, and no matter what comes in the future, I will stand with you to meet it.”

  Some of the freed slaves looked like they wanted to ask questions and speak up, but Richter forestalled the potential pandemonium. “Any who wish to return to their old homes, I will do what I can to see you safely returned. You must know that my people have their own enemies though, so as I said, I cannot promise you safe passage. In either case, you have time to decide. There is plenty of time to discuss these things later. Tonight is about celebration. Enjoy my hospitality. Meet my people. Breathe free air. Tomorrow will come soon enough. In the meantime,” and a grin found its way back onto Richter’s face, “we will show you that no matter what else is true of us, the Mist Village knows how to party!”

  Cheers rose up again. Richter was about to gesture for the feast to begin when he saw Sion walking towards him. The sprite gestured, asking if he could say a few words. Bemused, Richter agreed. His friend clapped him on the shoulder, then took his place at the front of the small stage. All quieted to hear his words. In solemnity and all ceremony, Sion raised a mug. Then a crazy grin of his own stole across his face and he shouted, “Let’s get pissed!”

  Cheers and laughter rang out over the crowd, freed prisoners and villagers alike. Richter looked at his friend in amusement, who laughed maniacally before quaffing his ale. It was a good moment.

  That was when he felt it. Before it even happened, Richter knew it was coming. It was like he was suddenly gifted with the power of foresight. Even with this sudden awareness, he was too slow. By the time he had turned back to the crowd, the perpetrator was hidden amidst the hundreds of people gathered for the feast. The echoing call still hung in the air though, the mocking invitation of a quest Richter intended to complete…


  CHAPTER 35 – Day 142 – Kuborn 32, 0 AoC

  The party was a success.

  The koran tuskers from the Dungeon were absolutely delicious. The village cooks had followed his directions and several were roasting over pits. His people had seasoned them with basic spices such as salt, pepper and sage, and had also glazed some of the pigs with a sauce rendered from wild fruits. Richter’s mouth was watering when he dug in.

  There were fresh loaves of bread, churned butter, seasoned vegetables and cold drinks. Ale flowed freely. Some of the dwarves bemoaned the fact that Zarr the Earth mage was absent for his Trial. The geomancer’s spell to increase the potency of mead and other alcoholic beverages had already become legend. That sadness only lasted until Richter revealed his moonshine.

  The chaos seed had let the complaining go on for about thirty minutes. Then, with evil in his heart, he took one of the clear glass bottles from a mist worker holding them. He walked over to a particularly loud table of dwarven miners and set down five small cups along with the hooch. They greeted him with smiles, but still continued their complaints about the booze, as dwarves were wont to do.

  He told them that he might have something they would like. Richter poured a shot into each of the cups, though he made sure he poured a triple shot for the dwarf that had been talking the most shit. He told them that the drinks must be downed all at once, and then raised a toast to the Mist Village. The dwarves couldn’t ask any questions about the clear liquid, or they would risk being rude. Dwarves could be as rough as a sandpaper condom, but none would give the grave insult of refusing a toast unless they were prepared to spill blood. To a man, they downed the rotgut Richter had poured them, and that was when the party really got started!

  Coughs and hacks were punctuated by callused hands slamming on the table. The dwarf Richter had given the triple shot to could barely breathe. He just looked at Richter with tears running down into his beard. The chaos seed didn’t make it any better when he cackled and pointed his finger into the miner’s face, “Hahaha! I got you good, you fucker!”

  The dwarves all thought it was a pretty good joke, once they could breathe again. When he left them the rest of the bottle, he became their best friend. Richter repeated his prank five more times before people began to catch on. After that, he just passed the bottles around and the party kept going.

  The freed prisoners were initially hesitant despite his speech, but another truth that seemed to transcend all boundaries was that good food and strong booze made everyone family. At least for a while. His people mingled with them and many of the wood sprites shared in the celebration. Terrod had ordered some of the guards to stand watch of course, and Hisako had contributed her own troops to assure the safety of the village. Nothing was ever sure in The Land, but Richter felt like his settlement was reasonably safe that night.

  The pixies joined the feast and began to sing. To Richter’s relief, their song was one of joy. They flew above the heads of all present. The song was initially faint, but it grew in volume quickly. The intensity and beauty of the sound was more than the small beings should have been able to produce. They flew in intricate patterns, trailing pixie dust. In the center, the queen hovered. Her voice filled the miniature cracks in everyone’s soul, and they felt co
mplete and unified. The pixies’ ability triggered:

  Know This! You are basking in the Song of True Welcome. Life is to be treasured, but it always takes a toll. Nerves will fray, hurts will accumulate, and the spirit, initially pliable and open, can become cold and withdrawn. Listening to this celestial song brings all who hear it to a warmer and more open state of being. +100% to Positive Relationship changes for the next 7 days. “The only thing that we have found to make the emptiness bearable is each other.”

  Richter looked around at the former prisoners, and saw that their wariness was fading away. The people moved around and smiled a bit more freely. Some of the villagers climbed onto the small stage and began playing a country tune. After that, only minutes passed before the tables were moved out of the way and people began to dance. The center of the feast area became a potpourri of different styles. From what Richter could see, some high elves were doing a waltz while wood elves danced right next to them shaking their bodies with abandon. The dwarvish men did a stomping hop that had well-defined steps while the dwarven women jeered at them good-naturedly. Some of the gnomes looked to be doing a square dance, of all things, and the humans just swung each other around with joy. It was a complete mess.

  Richter loved every moment of it.

  Something strange happened in the middle of the party. Richter experienced a weird sensation, like he felt when he entered the Dungeon. That was diffuse though, and this felt targeted off somewhere behind him. When he turned to look in that direction, the feeling disappeared. It made him curious, but then Deera danced in front of him, swirling her skirts. That was a much better use of his curiosity, he decided.


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