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The Land: Predators

Page 107

by Aleron Kong

  Before his recent skill boosts, and thanks to the perks from being Dragonkin and his Psi Bond with Alma, he had had an effective skill level of forty-two in Beast Bonding. When he’d seen that the first dose of blood crystal had increased his Blood magic spellpower by 50%, he’d easily calculated that his effective skill level had jumped to sixty-four.

  The way his Tame spell worked was that the higher his skill level, the more likely he was to succeed. The higher the level of the monster he was trying to bend to his will, the less likely he would succeed. If his skill level had been twenty and he had been trying to tame a level twenty monster then he’d have had a fifty-fifty chance. A skill level of twenty against a level forty monster dropped his success percentage to 33%.

  The point was, he’d only known half of the equation before he’d attempted to tame the mauler. He’d only known his own effective spell level. That was why he’d done the monumentally risky and stupid act of using the second dose of blood crystal. Richter had had no idea what the Labyrinth boss’s level was, but after everything Randy had told him about the Labyrinth, and after seeing that not even Hisako could best it, he’d known that if he was to have any chance of success he would need more.

  That was why he’d taken the second dose and gained the 100% boost to his Blood magic. That had made him an effective skill level of eighty-four for that single moment in time. Now that he knew the mauler was level ninety-two, he knew exactly how lucky he’d been. There had only been a 48% chance to tame the monster. Only a 48% chance that he would be sent wherever he normally went when he died. Only a 48% chance to find out if this life was the last one he would ever live.

  Richter shuddered, thinking about what might have been. His heart beat strongly in his chest, and he just let his emotions wash over him. Excitement, fear, relief, but most of all, triumph. He’d won! That thought and feeling swirled around in his head for long moments. He wasn’t one to dwell and worry overly long on things he couldn’t change though. He did come to one realization as solid as granite. Investing in Luck was worth it!

  Before he could get to the next prompt, the chamberlain came back in with a perfunctory, “Milord.” Randolphus sat down again, completely engrossed in his paperwork. Richter shook his head in bemusement and turned his attention back to the rest of his waiting prompts. The Universe had apparently decided to save the best for last as the remaining windows showed him the spoils of successfully defending the Dungeon.

  Congratulations Dungeon Master! You have successfully defended your Dungeon. The bodies of the slain invaders have already been consumed. As Chupacabras are a type of Beast, they can now be created by the Barrow of the Chaos Serpent.

  Richter stopped reading for a second as his lips wrinkled in distaste. He was not looking forward to fighting more of those spine-backed bastards. He went back to the notification window. What he read next made up for the fact that his Dungeon had a new and annoying monster.

  For successfully defending the Dungeon 1 time, you are awarded 1 Call of the Dungeon. You may rally the powers of the Barrow of the Chaos Serpent to fight on behalf of your settlement to face 1 threat. The forces of the Dungeon will come to your aid for one day and one day only.

  He had just gotten his own Dungeon army! Insanely awesome, even if it was just a one-shot deal. Richter excitedly told Randolphus about it. The chamberlain was annoyingly unexcited. He didn’t even look away from his clipboard.

  “Ahhh, yes, my lord. Roswan has already told us this. He received the same prompt.” He kept scribbling at his notes while Richter looked at him sourly. Way to rain on the parade, douche, the chaos seed thought. He went back to the prompts.

  Know This! Labyrinth creatures are so steeped in magic that they provide massive infusions of energy if they die in a Dungeon.

  Each Labyrinth creature provides 10 Dungeon Points per level.

  The six slain Chupacabras have provided a base 2,280 DPs.

  Total Dungeon Points gained (including Settlement Specialization Bonus: +30%): 2,964 DPs.

  A sound like a hundred people celebrating sounded in Richter’s ears.


  Truly thou art wise, Richter of the Mist Village! Your choice to follow the path of the Adventurer has allowed your village to advance to Level 2 of your Specialization in less than one week. For this amazing act your settlement will gain a Rare bonus.

  Congratulations! You have progressed the Adventurer Specialization of your settlement to Level 2. Your people are more likely to hear the call of Adventure: “An adventure? That could be interesting!”

  Specialization Level: 2

  Dungeon Master Bonus:

  +20% Attack and Defense while in a Dungeon or the Labyrinth

  +20% Chance to find Nodes

  +10% Trap Detection while in a Dungeon or the Labyrinth

  Settlement Bonus:

  +20% Dungeon Points from any source

  +20% Dungeon Loot Generation

  +10% Dungeon Resource Growth

  +5% Ambient Mana Seepage

  Leveling Conditions:

  Generate 4,188/2,500 Dungeon Points

  Add a new Beast to the Dungeon Bestiary

  RARE Bonus: 3 FREE Rooms.

  Richter was just beginning to smile over that when another prompt appeared right after.


  Such a feat has rarely been done before! In less than one week, you have advanced your settlement to Level 3 of your Adventurer Specialization. For this amazing act, your settlement will gain an Epic bonus.

  Congratulations! You have progressed the Adventurer Specialization of your settlement to Level 3. Your people are more likely to hear the call of Adventure: “Adventure? That’s what we do!”

  Specialization Level: 3

  Dungeon Master Bonus:

  +30% Attack and Defense while in a Dungeon or the Labyrinth

  +30% Chance to find Nodes

  +20% Trap Detection while in a Dungeon or the Labyrinth

  +10% Movement and Attack Speed while in a Dungeon or the Labyrinth

  Settlement Bonus:

  +30% Dungeon Points from any source

  +30% Dungeon Loot Generation

  +20% Dungeon Resource Growth

  +10% Ambient Mana Seepage

  +5% Ambient Mana Refinement

  Leveling Conditions:

  Generate 4,188/5,000 Dungeon Points

  Add 0/3 new Beasts to the Dungeon Bestiary

  Add 0/1 new Rooms

  EPIC Bonus: A Master Node

  Richter immediately shared the information with Randolphus. This time, the reaction was what the chaos seed had originally been hoping for. The chamberlain dropped his papers in shock and asked his liege to read him the prompts line by line. After Richter fucked with him a few times, “Are you sure you want to know? You didn’t seem interested in my earlier news. I mean, you’re a busy man. Are you suurreee?” He then shared the information as requested.

  Upon hearing of the free Rooms, Randolphus blurted, actually blurted, out a suggestion, “Create a Treasury!”

  Richter looked at him with surprised eyes and a bemused smile.

  “I mean… I wholeheartedly suggest that you create a Treasury, my lord.” As proof that he was learning Richter’s personality, Randolphus didn’t wait to elaborate. “A Treasury is more than just a secure place to store wealth, though it is that as well. You can set a tax on any collected Dungeon Loot and Resources that will automatically be deducted and placed there. You can even ensure that specific types of Loot are always taken and the Adventurer will instead be awarded the coin equivalent, as long as the hard currency is available. That shouldn’t be a problem if you have a Treasury, however. You will never have to worry about anyone stealing from you again.” The chamberlain smiled, “That will be especially important given the epic bonus.”

  “Alright. A Treasury sounds pretty boss, but what is a ‘Master Node’?” Richter asked quizzically.

  “It is proof that you are truly blessed by th
e banished god of Luck,” Randolphus responded, looking at Richter in wonder and shaking his head.

  “Oh kay,” Richter said slowly.

  His Companion gave a short laugh, “I am sorry, my lord, but you just seem to accumulate the impossible. Only the greatest Kingdoms have a Place of Power with a Dungeon and a Core Building. You, in this small mountain village, have managed to gain that and another Core building besides. Banished gods, you have a Bloodstone powering your Dungeon! I have not even mentioned the Quickening, which is, quite frankly, a living miracle.

  “I heard Lady Hisako surmising earlier that by your very chaotic nature you seem to cause events of great importance to occur. It is clear that the effect you have on the world around you does not only apply to the inanimate. The fact that you have turned the wood sprites into staunch allies is something the kings of Yves failed to do for centuries. I thought there might have been some truth to the Hearth Mother’s theory before. Now I have no doubt.”

  Randolphus examined Richter for several seconds, “I know that patience is not one of your virtues, my lord, so I will not delay any longer in answering your earlier question. A Master Node can be thought of as a crossroads. I have told you that the transport spheres, or Nodes, found in Dungeons and Labyrinths can allow for instantaneous travel for someone who has personally touched several in sequence. This string of transport spheres is called a Node Road. Many such paths traverse the Labyrinth.

  “A Master Node is a convergence point of Node Roads. Roads that are nearby will begin to shift and bend to lead to your Dungeon. As such, the pathways of the Labyrinth will start to lead other monsters and Adventurers here. It will also start to funnel Labyrinthine energy and mana towards this spot. That will make your own Dungeon grow faster as the energy is converted into Dungeon Points. It will most likely happen slowly at first, but then, faster and faster as more monsters, Adventurers, Labyrinth energy and Node Roads converge on the Barrow of the Chaos Serpent.”

  “So that means-”

  “The Mist Village is about to rejoin the world,” the chamberlain interrupted, nodding. “It also means-”

  “We need to make the Dungeon stronger,” Richter finished with some urgency. His mind was already thinking about the Adventurers that might try to steal the Bloodstone and the monsters that might try to destroy the Dungeon’s infrastructure.

  “We need to make the Dungeon stronger,” Randolphus repeated, glad that his liege was finally getting it.

  CHAPTER 89 – Day 149 – Kuborn 39, 0 AoC

  There were three more prompts. The first was as illuminating as it was disheartening. As he was reading his notifications, Richter had begun to regret the missed opportunity of not having captured any of the monster’s souls. Alma had also only been able to Brain Drain one of the chupacabras, more’s the pity. The battle had just been too frantic. That didn’t mean good things hadn’t happened though. His Dungeon had benefited from the fight and was no longer level one.

  Alas, Dungeon Master! Your Harbinger has been slain!

  Rejoice, Dungeon Master! The Chaotic Reptile will be reborn!

  A Harbinger is limited only by its own nature and can reach any level, but upon its death, much of its earned experience is lost.

  The initial level of the Chaotic Reptile was 20 upon adopting the mantle of Harbinger. Each time your Harbinger is killed, it will be reborn at this level + the current Dungeon level.

  Current Baseline Harbinger level: 23

  Know This! The rebirth of a Harbinger is no small thing. It requires a large number of Dungeon Points determined by the following: (Harbinger Level x 100)/(Dungeon Level)

  Required Dungeon Points to respawn the Chaotic Reptile: 767

  100% of all Dungeon Points are diverted to respawning the Harbinger upon its death.

  Your Harbinger’s Resurrection Cost has already been deducted from the Dungeon Point reserve and the influx of Dungeon Points gained from the recent battle.

  Minimum Time to respawn Harbinger after Resurrection Cost has been paid: 1 day

  Time remaining until Harbinger respawn: 17 hours 14 minutes 53 seconds

  The counter until respawn continued to count down as he watched it. Dismissing the window, Richter smiled. His old pet would live again! Even though he knew it was loyal to the Dungeon now and not him, it still hurt to remember how the mauler had chopped it into snakey sushi. He read the prompt again, learning a great deal. The shale adder, he stopped a second and corrected himself, the chaotic reptile, would get stronger as the Dungeon did. The Dungeon also couldn’t abide not having its primary creature alive and kicking, so to speak. That meant the death of a Harbinger stopped a Dungeon’s growth until it respawned. He could see that info coming in handy.

  It also didn’t escape his notice that the barrow had gained two levels. Despite the fact that Dungeon Points had been garnished to pay the Harbinger’s resurrect cost, killing the Labyrinth monsters had been very lucrative for Roswan’s baby!

  Congratulations! Your Dungeon has reached Levels 2 and 3. Your Harbinger has grown stronger.

  For reaching level 2:

  Max Number of Adventurer Teams: 3 teams at once

  Dungeon Point Bonus: +2% Dungeon Points generated each day

  Harbinger Bonus: Monsters and Traps +11% harder to detect

  Item of Power Bonus: +11% Bonus to Monster Health

  For reaching level 3:

  Max Number of Adventurer Teams: 5 teams at once

  Dungeon Point Bonus: +3% Dungeon Points generated each day

  Harbinger Bonus: Monsters and Traps +12% harder to detect

  Item of Power Bonus: +12% Bonus to Monster Health

  Your Dungeon has earned another physical floor.

  Mean Level of Dungeon monsters is now:

  Floor 1: 8-12

  Floor 2: 10-22

  Dungeon Experience: 37,049/60,000 until level 4

  Richter had been wondering about that. As large as the Dungeon was, it was still effectively all one level that changed elevation. It looked like reaching level three had changed that and had given the Dungeon a new level. In games, lower levels of a dungeon were almost always harder. It seemed the same thing would be true for his barrow.

  That might be a good thing, he realized. An easier first level would let his less experienced fighters learn their trade. The chupacabras also might be forced down to the second level. Then again, he was just guessing and maybe none of that was true. Richter supposed he wouldn’t know until he went back inside.

  The next prompt awaiting his perusal dealt with the Master Node.

  Congratulations! The Node connecting your Dungeon to the Labyrinth has become a Master Node.

  This will lead Adventures and monsters alike to the Barrow of the Chaos Serpent. Energy from the Labyrinth will now start flowing into your Dungeon as well. Each major settlement or Dungeon that is connected by the Node Rode to your Dungeon will increase this flow of energy. The flow will gradually increase over time.

  Dungeon Points Generated by Master Node: 17 DP/day

  Base Dungeon Points Generated (all sources): 175 DP/day

  Dungeon Points Generated (including Settlement Specialization): 245 DP/day

  The Dungeon icon in the corner of his vision was flashing slightly, a reminder that he still had to choose his three free Rooms to build. Randy had made a really good argument for a Treasury, but Richter still wanted to discuss it with his Dungeon Keeper first. Not because he thought Roswan would object, but more because he didn’t want to see the elf’s mustache do the patented “I do not approve” wiggle if Roswan wasn’t consulted.

  It was just creepy.

  Richter sent another runner to bring Roswan to his room as quickly as possible. Then he read the final prompt.


  During the last battle, two new types of blood were spilled in the Barrow of the Chaos Serpent. While both Labyrinth monsters were powerful, the blood of the Labyrinth Chupacabras was only uncommon. The blood of the Tovuut Mauler, howev
er, is rare.

  A new Dungeon Ability has been added: Regenerate. The Harbinger, Lair bosses, and other prominent monsters of the Barrow of the Chaos Serpent now regenerate health at a rate of 0.25 HP/level/min.

  Other Dungeon Abilities:

  Lust: +10% likelihood for lairs to develop. +10% spawn rate for monsters.

  Consume: Higher level monsters in your Dungeon have a very small chance to absorb the traits, abilities and/or properties of other creatures they consume. These new monsters can pass their powers on to their offspring or be recreated by the Dungeon.

  Richter whistled softly. The Dungeon had been created by supplying the Deeper Magic of Blood and the Higher Energy of Chaos. He had known that it would be strong. Hisako had feared the Dungeon so much that she had wanted to destroy it as soon as it was created. In just eight days though, it had already gained three new abilities that made it much, much stronger.

  Those boosts to the Dungeon’s power only reflected the Deeper Magic of Blood. Richter was both excited and trepidatious about what would happen when the barrow made manifest its Higher Energy Power of Chaos.

  In the meantime, the mauler’s blood had earned him a quest update.

  Quest Update: The Power of Blood I

  Bring the blood of five powerful creatures to your Dungeon to accelerate its evolution. Current Count: 3/5.

  Nien’s blood had unfortunately not been powerful enough to advance the quest, but even without it he was already halfway done. As nice as the quest progression was, it was the personal addition to his symbiosis boon that he was really interested in. The mauler’s blood did not disappoint.


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