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Page 21

by Skye Knizley

  “I missed you a lot, actually. I thought of you every day, you know,” Cadence said.

  She took Nikki’s hand and guided her toward the stairs, all thoughts of Starr and Vasily gone.

  They were almost to the bottom of the ramp when Cadence heard the sound of a pistol being cocked. She turned and put Nikki behind her while raising her shield. Starr charged and fired his pistol, almost at point blank range. The bullet ricocheted off the solid sound and struck him in the forehead. He looked at her, surprise on his face, then fell to the ground, dead.

  Cadence looked at him for a moment, then resumed her walk with Nikki.

  “We’ve got a lot to talk about, not all of it good.”

  Nikki squeezed her hand. “I already know about dad, I had a good cry on the way here. When we get somewhere safe, we’ll mourn our lost family, together.”

  “I think it’s time,” Cadence said.

  They reached the elevator and she pushed the down button. The elevator lurched into motion and Nikki waved her hand at the wreckage.

  “Did you do all this?”

  Cadence shrugged. “My girl was in danger.”

  “My hero.”

  Nikki grinned and Cadence kissed her. It was a gentle kiss, at first, as between two young lovers just beginning to explore. It rose to a crescendo of love and lost time, and left them both shivering and breathless.

  The elevator stopped in the Seattle Needle lobby and they stepped out to find Ethan sitting on a bench with his legs crossed and his pistols in hand. Several Men in Black lay on the ground around him, and he was bleeding from his nose and mouth. That didn’t stop him from standing and favoring them with a huge smile.

  “CJ! I could hear the carnage from down here,” he said.

  Cadence let go of Nikki and hugged him tight. There was love between them, as well, but it was different. He was family.

  “Thank you for watching my back,” she said.

  “That’s what specialists are for, kiddo,” he said.

  He turned and his smile widened. “This must be the mysterious Nicole I’ve heard so much about. A pleasure to meet you, at last.”

  “A pleasure, I’m sure, but who are you?” Nikki asked.

  Cadence took her hand. “Nikki, this is Ethan. He’s… well, it’s complicated. He’s a friend and sort of my partner in heroics. Ethan, Nikki. I’m fairly certain she’s my soulmate.”

  Ethan gave a small bow. “Charmed.”

  He turned and motioned at the exit. “Ladies, I believe I can hear the dulcet tones of the local constabulary, I suggest we make haste.”

  “Lead on, partner,” Cadence said.

  She was tired, sore and her head ached like someone had been using it for a church bell, but she was happy. Her heart was almost whole, the only thing missing was Phoenix, and she knew he was watching over her from above. She’d felt his presence within the Veil more than once.

  There were still questions and not enough answers, but, for now, being alive with these two people by her side was enough. Tomorrow was another day.


  Two Days Later

  Cadence held her uniform in her hands. She’d washed the blood out of it and scrubbed it clean, it looked better than it had when she’d found it in the bunker. It still felt strange in her hands, strange to have a costume. She didn’t feel like a hero, though Nikki kept telling her she was. She wanted to help people, she wanted to make a difference, but that didn’t mean she needed to hide behind a mask.

  “Whatcha doin?” Nikki asked.

  Cadence felt her arms around her waist and smiled.

  “Looking at this thing. It just seems so stupid,” she said.

  Nikki kissed her ear. “It isn’t stupid at all. Look at this.”

  She let go, unfolded a news clipping from her pocket and held it up. It showed a blurry but unmistakable image of Cadence in her uniform. The headline was the really telling part, however. It read ‘Mysterious Hero Uncovers KGB Plot.’ It was accompanied by a another article that asked a simple question. ‘Have Heroes Returned?’

  “They think you’re a hero,” Nikki said.

  “We both know I’m not,” Cadence replied.

  Nikki kissed her nose. “You should keep the uniform. Just hang it in the back of the closet in case of emergency.”

  Cadence looked at her. It felt as if they’d never been apart. Not a beat, not a step was lost between them.

  “And then what?”

  “We help people. Nobody has to wear a uniform to help, right? You just have to want to reach out,” Nikki said.

  She paused and paced a few steps away. “You see ghosts, right? And you said that people like the Dimitria were stuck here, yeah? Couldn’t go to heaven or whatever?”

  “That’s what it seems like, yes,” Cadence said. “Why?”

  Nikki turned around again. “Why don’t we try to help them?”

  “What?” Cadence asked.

  “Look, you always wanted to be a musician, right? So we pack up the car, travel around, play gigs and help ghosts that are lost. We can always take cases as they come,” Nikki said.

  Cadence smiled and pulled her close. “We? You’re coming with me?”

  “Why not? There’s nothing for me in Lobo. Dad left me a little money and I’m a pretty decent bartender, I can tag along,” Nikki replied.

  Her face fell and she looked away. “Unless you don’t want me with you.”

  “I always want you,” Cadence said.

  She pulled Nikki back into her arms. “I left to protect you, to protect everyone. I wanted you with me and I still want you by my side.”

  “Sounds like a plan,” Ethan said. They were sharing adjoining motel rooms and Cadence had left the door open for him. He was framed in the doorway, his lopsided grin in place.

  “You coming, too?” Cadence asked.

  Ethan shrugged. “When you need me. I’m not really the joining type, but I’ll never be too far away.”

  He turned away. “Grub’s on. I picked up barbecue from a place down the road. Tater salad is pretty good and the ribs just fall off the bone. Come grab some before I eat it all.”

  Cadence laughed and kissed Nikki again. She didn’t think she would ever know what kind of family she’d once had, or if she’d even had one. But it couldn’t have been better than this.

  The End.

  Cadence Phoenix will Return


  I often have the same list of people to thank. This time, it’s a little different.

  I would like to thank my parents, for their support and assistance getting this book finished.

  Aurelia Fray, for her last-minute layout and kind words. Your rock, lady!

  My publicists Jen and Linda, who do their best to remind people I exist. Thank you.

  Gateway Classics, for access to their classic car library. I still want that Challenger.

  The State of Idaho, who insists there are no hidden bunkers in Sawtooth. Bet there is.

  And my readers, for taking a chance on another of my off-kilter novels. Thank you so very much for your support and belief in my characters.


  January 2018




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