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My Forever (The Next Door Boys)

Page 20

by Jolene B Perry

  Justin raises an eyebrow and Cody laughs.

  “Me?” I’m incredulous.

  “Yes, you.”

  I’m almost annoyed , but I can’t be annoyed with Jackie, besides she’s about to say something that makes perfect sense, I can tell. “There was Lucas, and then Michael…”

  I start to interrupt but she shakes her head. I know then that she knows. I didn’t tell her , but I bet Michael did.

  “Michael.” She stares. “And then Lucas again and you work for a guy who you don’t realize is falling completely in love with you. I’ve seen you two work together.”


  “You’re going to find a nice way so that all of us can hang out together and then when Justin asks you for a one on one, which he is sure to do.” She looks at Justin. “You’ll probably say yes.”

  I laugh and all I can think of to say in return is, “Hank is not falling in love with me.”

  “Oh, he is.” She’s certain. “He just might not know it yet. I give you two more months, three, tops, before something happens.”

  “I’m speechless.” I have nothing else.

  “So, beauty queen,” Cody says. “Does this mean we have a date?”

  “Yeah.” She looks bored. “But only if you bring your busboy with you.” She gestures to Justin.

  Wow. I, Dani, will be going on a date. I have no idea how I feel about this.


  My double date with Jackie, Cody and Justin is happening tonight. I don’t want to be late. Apparently Jackie has known Cody since Middle School. He’s asked her out a million times. She says he feels like a cousin , but it makes the evening safe for her.

  The boys arrive with dinner just on time. The plan is to take Jackie’s lake boat out for a ride. I’m so used to the accessibility of it that it’s not special to me like it once was. Jackie drives the boat to the middle of the lake and cuts the engine.

  “So, what do you do, Justin?” I’m curious.

  “Right now I’m a professional student.” He smiles. “I’d like to be a History professor, but it takes a while.”

  “Wow, that’s awesome.”

  “How about you?”

  “I feel like I’m in transition,” I answer honestly. It’s true. I feel guilty on this non-date date with someone I hardly know, even though Michael made me promise that I’d live like he didn’t exist.

  “Aren’t we all.” He laughs. “And you’ve known Jackie for a long time?”

  “No, just over a year.” I can’t believe I’ve lived with her for that long. It seems impossible. “We’re roommates.”

  “Where was home before that?”

  “Alaska. My family lives in Anchorage.”

  “Do you see them much?” he asks.

  “Never.” Wow, this is going to be harder than I thought. There’s a lot of history with me. How did I not think of this?

  He sensed that the mood has changed. “Sorry.”

  “My dad is a pastor. I joined the church when I turned eighteen, and he kicked me out of the house.” I’m not ready to tell him about Eliza yet. It seems too personal and too sacred. Too special to share with someone on a boat on the first date.

  “Wow. You know you hear those faith promoting stories but you’re the first one I’ve met in real life.”

  “And does it promote your faith?” I tease.

  “I think it does.” He smiles back. “But more than that, it makes me grateful for what I did have growing up.”

  I think of Eliza again.

  “So, you know I’m a History dork, and I know you’re cool enough to work with one of the best photographers in Seattle, as well as hang out with the mighty Jackie Caine, but what does Dani do for fun?”

  I think. “Well, mostly, take pictures, but if I really need a stress break, I hit the arcade and play all the old coin ops from the eighties.”

  “Are you joking?” He leans toward me. “Because that, to me, would be a really exciting tease.”

  “Are you kidding and going to make fun of me?” I ask.

  “Are you going to do that to me?” h e asks back.

  “No…” We’re both hesitant now.

  “What’s your favorite? I’m killer at Asteroid and Centipede.”

  “I can hold my own at Centipede, but Pacman is my best game.”

  “Wow, you’re a Pacman girl. That’s hot.” He nods slowly with a goofy smile on his face. So, kind of a nerd, but in a good way.

  I laugh. A real, full laugh, and it feels amazing.

  “So, was Jackie just teasing me and saying that you’ll say yes if I ask you out on another date?”

  Nerves are in full force. I’m an adult now. This is different than dating in high school. “Only if you take me to the arcade.” That’s harmless and fun enough, not worth feeling guilty over. I’m following Michael’s instructions.

  He puts his hands to his chest. “You’ve made my night, Dani.” He sits up. “Miss…” He stops. “Last name?”


  “Ah! Francaise.”


  “So your dad is the frenchie.”


  “So you’re really not a US citizen at all, you’re from Mexico and Canada.”

  “Guess that means I’m conflicted.”

  “Hablo espagnol?” His accent is phenomenal.

  “Si,” I answer, and we take off from there. I’m really out of practice, and never spoke that well to begin with, but it comes back fast. I learn that he served his mission in Mexico, that he’s third of eight, just like me. We talk like this, back and forth in Spanish for five minutes or so until Jackie interrupts.

  “Oh my gosh, you two.” Jackie stares. “You’re totally missing the point of being on a double date. I’m stuck over here with Cody who continues to insist that I’m secretly in love with him.”

  “Cody,” I say seriously. “Jackie is not secretly in love with you.”

  “Thank you, Dani. Now that Justin has asked you out on a single date, can we go home?” she asks.

  I nod. “We can go home.”

  Cody is laughing with Jackie. He may like her a little, but even I can tell they’re just good friends. I wonder why Jackie doesn’t date because I still don’t know if I buy her story.

  ~ ~ ~

  School starts, Fall Semester, and I’m in for another round of general education requirements. I’m looking forward to time speeding up again like it does when I’m too busy , but that’s only for the purpose of Michael coming home. I realize that I shouldn’t be excited about dating Justin when I’m looking forward to Michael’s return, but the thought of it all is exhausting so I think back to school.

  Hank isn’t thrilled with me having a schedule outside of his , but he’ll get used to it. Poor Jackie’s in law school and it would stress anyone else out, but not her. Why would she worry? She’s Jackie Caine.

  ~ ~ ~

  Over the next few weeks Jackie’s mood goes from normal Jackie to someone I avoid. She’s not bad. She’s just snappy and distracted. We’re both busy so it’s not a problem , but I’m amazed at her mood change just the same.

  It takes Justin and me a few weeks to get together. We’re busy with school and work and we both want to make sure we have a whole evening. He asks a few times to come over for a Sunday afternoon, but that’s our time with Jackie’s mom and Clint. Besides, Jackie’s weird about boys at her place.

  When we finally find a night to go out, I realize that I can’t go into the arcade dressed like a Jackie. I call Justin.

  “I wanted to warn you that I’m in gaming wear.”

  “Um… What does that mean?” he asks.

  “That means I’m in my favorite chucks, a T-shirt and a hoodie.”

  “Wow.” He sighs. “It’s like my dream come true…” He exaggerates every word like he’s a princess staring at her new ball gown.

  “Oh be quiet.” I laugh. “I’m trying to make sure you don’t feel like an overdressed dork ton

  “Thanks.” He hangs up the phone, and I’m giddy.

  ~ ~ ~

  Justin shows up in a T-shirt that says, “I ate Pacman.”

  I shake my head at him. “It is so on.”

  “Awesome.” He takes my hand, and we walk up the street together. It’s rainy and already getting dark, but it’s okay. We’re going to have a great time.

  And we do.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Dani, there’s a party here on Friday . I need you.” Hank says as we finish up. We’ve spent the whole day photographing a pretty girl whose parents think she’s going to be the next big thing. Hank hates these jobs , but he’ll do just about anything if the salary is right. I laugh all the time at the mix of stereotypes that he is.

  “I have a date Friday.” I wonder how he’ll take it. It’s been a couple of weeks since Justin and I went out because we’re both so busy, but the last time was a lot of fun.

  Hank sighs. “Well, you can bring the goodie-two-shoes-but-still-not-good-enough-for-Dani boy here, or you can put off your date until Saturday.”

  “I think I’ll just put it off . ” Bringing conservative Justin around flirtatious Hank for a date doesn’t seem like a great idea. “ W hat’s going on anyway?”

  “Technically a showing, like an art studio thing. Dress nice.”

  I’m nervous already. I quietly help him clean up and he heads to his computer to tell his assistant who handles this kind of stuff, what still needs to be done. I’m annoyed that I don’t know since it’s obviously something he’s prepared for.

  “See you tomorrow gorgeous.” Hank winks before I walk out.

  I call Leigh on my way home.

  “I need your help.”

  She laughs. “Well, this is a first. What can I help you with, Dani?”

  “I need a dress… By Friday.”


  “An art thing. He said to dress nice.”

  “I can do that.” I swear I can hear the wheels in Leigh’s head turning right now. “Your timing is actually perfect. Come by tomorrow night, and I’ll fit you.”

  “Wow, okay. Thank you. Tomorrow?” Leigh is amazing.

  I invite Jackie to Hank’s showing because I know how she loves this stuff and because I do not want to be there alone. She seems completely indifferent. This is odd for Jackie. I’ll need to ask her what’s going on with her. Maybe its just school.

  ~ ~ ~

  I arrive at Leigh’s house just after dinner.

  I can hear her run to the door when she hears my footsteps and the throws it open.

  “Dani! Come in! Try it on!”

  “Well, it’s not done is it?” I ask.

  “Almost. I didn’t want to completely finish it until I could fit it to you.” Her smile splits her face, and she jogs back into her sewing room, while I trail behind.

  My jaw drops when I see the dress. It’s incredible, but way, way too sexy. As I look closer, I’m completely appropriately covered, the sleeves go to my elbow, the neckline dips in the back but it’s above my collarbone in the front. It looks like it wraps down or something. The dress is fitted and just below my knee. The color is a grey so dark it’s almost black, but the grey makes it look petable. Leigh has to help me wriggle in. She pulls my hair up, sticks in a clasp to hold it there, and stands back.

  “I knew it!” She claps her hands together. “It’s totally perfect for you.”

  I look in the mirror, and I’m dazed. With a pair of heels, this is going to be outrageous.

  “No way.” Brian shakes his head from the doorway. “Leigh, Dani is not going out in that.”

  She laughs. I’m trying to decide if he’s joking or not.

  “You look way too grown up,” he says. “Way.”

  I giggle and do a half dance, completely excited.

  “You sit and have dinner with Brian and the kids. I’ll finish this so I can send it home with you.”

  “Leigh, you’re amazing.”

  “I know.” She’s smug. “This is what I do.”

  ~ ~ ~

  When I arrive home, it’s late. The dress is clutched under my arm. I see Justin walking toward my gate at the same time as I am.

  “Hey there.” I cock my head and watch him. “I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  “Hey.” He stops, shuffling his feet on the sidewalk. “I just wanted to drop by and say hi today. You know, since you’re blowing me off tomorrow.” The smirk on his face says he’s teasing.

  “Well, to make it up to you, why don’t we dress up and go all out on Saturday?” I raise my arm. “I just got a great dress that I have to wear tomorrow , but I’ll be more excited to wear it if we can do something together.” I want him to know I like him and don’t want him to feel blown off. I just don’t like the idea of Hank bothering him all evening.

  “So maybe we could be more than people who both like boats and old video games?” He’s shy but steps a step closer to me.

  “Yeah, maybe.” The way he’s looking at me sends tingles through my stomach. Do I want this? I don’t know. Justin is nice. But Michael… told me to live like he didn’t exist.

  “Can I walk down with you?” he asks.

  “Sure, but I’m warning you now . Jackie is really grouchy about boys being here late.”

  “Oh. Well, I guess I could say goodnight to you here then instead.”

  “Okay.” It seems like a pretty simple thing to do , but then he leans down and kisses me. It’s nice. His witty talk doesn’t translate here. It’s not that he’s sloppy. It’s just that he’s so careful. Too careful. I smile as he pulls away. It’s sweet.

  “I’ll see you Saturday.”

  “See you then.” I wave as he walks away and don’t know how I feel about it. No matter his instructions, why am I trying to date anyone when I think about Michael on more nights than not?


  The music from Hank’s place carries down on the street. Jackie smiles. This is the perfect time for her to put on her mask of superficiality and enjoy her evening. She’ll probably know half of everyone here. She always seems to.

  I will never be able to thank Leigh enough times for this dress. Jackie pulled up my hair and even with my protests, did an unbelievable job with my makeup. We open the large doors at the top of the elevator and step into his loft.

  The place is transformed. All of his best work from my months with him as well as the few months before. It’s all from the past year. I realize that the picture I took of him my first day in this place is also hanging. It’s not as large as the rest, but it’s still there. Sort of a tribute to the artist thing.

  “Whoa… Dani….” Hank stops with his mouth open.

  Instead of blushing or looking away I just stare. “You said to dress nice. I’m just following boss’ orders.” I don’t falter once—not in my stance, not in my words. Jackie smiles next to me, proud. I’m glad I brought her. I’m tired of seeing a studious scowl on her face.

  “Well come with me.” He holds out his arm, and I take it. “There are people you should meet.”

  The party is a haze . H e offers me champagne more than once, and I keep declining. “I don’t drink, remember?”

  “Oh right.” He does drink and he has been drinking. “Dani. You stay right here. I’ll go get you some of the non-alcoholic stuff.”

  This seems fine. “Okay.” I stand and look through the photographs he has on one of the partitions spreading through the room. He comes back and hands me a glass with a flourish.

  “Thanks.” I smile and take it from him. It’s surprisingly good, and I polish off my first glass quickly.

  “You keep walking. I will get you another.” He gives me a friendly kiss on my cheek.

  I must be tired or something because I’m having a hard time staying focused. I’m meeting all sorts of people. I’m never this outgoing or funny, and I’m totally pleased with myself.

  “There you are.” Hank stands too close to me this time. He hands me another glass

  “Non-alcoholic, right?”

  “Of course.” He laughs. He puts his arm around me. “Silly girl.”


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