Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2)

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Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2) Page 15

by Sam E. Kraemer

  The horse snorted and settled into the corner, closing his eyes which brought a chuckle to Mickey. He could only imagine the horse was tired and satisfied. If he'd fucked two different people twice each, he'd likely be tired as well. Little did Charlie know, he'd have another go 'round in the morning before they loaded up and headed back to Holloway.

  As Mickey was about to walk out of the barn, a very handsome man walked in with a bright grin. He was a blond-haired, blue-eyed beauty, a bit older than Mickey, but he seemed pleasant. "I had to take the day off, but I'm betting you're Michael Warren and that's your stud," the man stated as he pointed to the stall where Charlie seemed to be sleeping.

  Mickey laughed. "Ebony Prince Charles is taking his rest before he performs his responsibilities in the mornin'. I think he likes a little mornin' delight," Mickey laughed as he stuck out his hand. "It's not my stud, it's my boss's, but I think he takes after me," Mickey teased.

  "I'm Clyde, the barn manager. Loved by the owner's wife but hated by the husband. That stud is amazing. He's gaited, right?" the man asked. The two of them ventured into a discussion regarding horse breeds, and Mickey was enjoying himself until he heard a throat clear.

  Mickey looked over to see Jon Wells in a pair of tight jeans and a poppy red sweater which made him look stunning. "Sorry to break up the party, but Mom and Pop are waiting for you. I didn't realize it took so long to put a horse to bed," Jon stated as he looked at Clyde. Mickey could see immediately the two men didn't like each other.

  "Sorry, Jon. I'll be right there. Give me fifteen minutes to get cleaned up. Apologize to your folks for me," Mickey stated as he hurried out of the barn toward the house. The Wells family had been kind to him, and he didn't want it getting back to Tim and Matt he'd been anything other than a gracious guest.

  He ran up to his room and stripped off, heading to the bathroom to shower. He'd shaved that morning, and hair didn't seem to grow that fast on him, so he washed his face and cleaned up under the hot spray. To say he was muddled with regard to Jon Wells and his behavior was actually an understatement. Jon didn't want him, but it seemed he didn't want anyone else to have him, either.

  When he walked out of the bathroom, he saw Jon sitting on the bed, relaxing against the headboard. "Lawyer?"

  "The barn manager is younger than me, and you likely have more things in common with him, though I find him pompous. He's after my mom's money in one way or another, so don't get caught up in that shit," Jon explained.

  Mickey nodded as he turned to the dresser where his things had ended up being unpacked, much to his surprise. "I'll be very careful, Mr. Wells. Thank you for the warning. I'm glad I don't gotta pay the hourly rate," he stated as he pulled on his boxers.

  He watched Jon stand from the bed and leave the room without giving him a second glance. It was pretty much the way he thought things between them would go. Blowjobs were nice, but nobody ever fell in love over a blowjob.

  "Michael, thank you so much for bringing Charlie here to breed my mares. You were both perfect guests and you're both welcome back anytime," Allison Granger Wells told him as he led the stallion into the horse trailer.

  Mickey, however, was pretty stunned. He knew Jon Wells had left at five o'clock in the morning because his room faced the driveway. He thought it was pretty funny the man could not wait to get away. Mickey, himself, was grateful to get free of the sexual tension. It was a good thing.

  "Miss Allison, it's was a pleasure to meet you and spend time here at your farm. I'm pretty sure Charlie would be more than happy for another visit. Matt asked me to remind you to send him an e-mail if either of them sticks so he can update his information," he told her as he led the stallion to the trailer.

  "Crap! Wait till I get the check," she stated as she started to hurry away.

  Mickey smiled. "Mail the check if they stick. If they don't stick, get 'em vet checked, and then call the ranch. Matt would want me to bring him back, I promise, ma'am. His business is cattle. This stud thing is just because his partner bought Charlie for him as a Christmas gift. You've got Matt's e-mail, right?" he asked as he stepped out and closed the trailer after Charlie was settled.

  Allison smiled at him tenderly and took his hand. "What did Jon say this morning before he left?"

  Mickey offered her a fake smile. "Nothin', ma'am, but I reckon he's a busy man and had some important matters to address in Richmond."

  "I'm so sorry, Michael. I…well, I have no idea what to say," she stated.

  "Miss Allison, there's nothin' for you to worry about. Me and Jon are acquaintances because of Matt and Tim, and that's as far as it goes. Call us if you have any issues," he told her as he latched the back door of the horse trailer. It was time for him to get back to the real world at the Circle C.

  He waved to her and Ham Wells as he left the farm. The shit that had happened between him and Jon Wells would stay in Dillwyn. Much like Vegas, what happened there would stay there. He had a life in Holloway to get back to, so he turned on some music and sang along with the radio as he drove home. He and the stallion needed to be home and back to their own routines, not thinking a damn thing about what they’d both left behind in Dillwyn, Virginia.

  Chapter Fourteen

  "Fuck, yes…please don't stop."

  "It feels so fuckin' good. God, I never knew…"

  "Oh…Oh…I'm gonna…"


  Jon awoke at the peak of his release, feeling it hot in his boxer-briefs. It was far too embarrassing to come in his underwear at his age, and he was left a little flustered as he opened his eyes. He was in his bedroom in his condo, not in his bedroom at the farm. It had been a month since he'd felt the pleasure of a mouth on his cock, by his own choosing. Clearly, he'd lost his fucking mind.

  When Michael Warren had confessed his age, Jon backed away…after the excellent blowjob the kid had given him. He wasn't looking to raise a lover. He felt the draw to Mickey Warren, but it was his libido, not his common sense. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, replaying the last images of the sexy dream that had caused him to shoot spunk in his sleep in the first place.

  After catching his breath, Jon went to the bathroom to clean up before pulling on another pair of underwear, checking the clock to see it was only one in the morning. It had been the same fucking thing for four weeks, and Jon was getting tired of doing so damn much laundry.

  His phone lit up, much to his surprise, so he picked it up to see a message from Aaron and Rick.

  We'd like to meet with you regarding adoption. We've been trolling sites, and we need help. Dinner on Thursday? Love you. A & R

  Jon tossed the phone back onto the dresser and took a deep breath. His life had been just fine before he met Mickey Warren. He was actually fine with the idea of going back to one-night stands since the encounter between the cowboy and him at the farm. Hell, what red-blooded gay man wouldn't be fine with a different piece of ass every time he was horny?

  Most of the guys he'd met in the clubs were hungry to fuck and Jon would be happy to get back out there and oblige every one of them. He already had a new strategy going forward. Blow jobs were perfect because the guy was on his knees and Jon could hold onto his hair to keep him on task. Intercourse would be doggy style or against a wall with both of them facing it, and Jon would make certain to form no attachments. It was for the best.

  Though, as he thought about it (and God knew it rarely left his mind) when he and Mickey sucked each other off, something else came into play. Something that was fucking with his mojo and had hamstrung him from hitting the club scene for a month. Of course, it was Jon's problem to solve.

  He'd made sure Mickey knew the score. They were as different as night and day, aside from the fact they both loved cock. Jon had had many of them over the years and after he got Michael Warren out of his head, he'd have a lot more. If he really thought about it, it was hard to tell one cock from another, so he wouldn't miss Mickey Warren once he got back into the groove.

>   Seriously? his brain taunted. The man didn't just suck you off. He seemed to worship you. You're not going to pursue anything with Mickey Warren because he's ten year's younger? You're not lonely, you stupid fuck? You think running around chasing twinks at your age is dignified? His mind seemed to take on a life of its own, but it was honest. He was lonely, and he was stupid. He was totally bored with his superficial friends, and he was growing to hate his job at the firm. He was definitely in need of a change in some aspect of his life, but he couldn’t figure out what.

  Before he could stop himself, he was calling Mickey Warren's cell phone, frowning as it went to voicemail. That wouldn't do, so he decided to send a text.

  Michael-I need to speak with you. Please call me when you have time. I'm done walking away.

  He reread the message about a dozen times before he hit the send button. He then sat on the side of his bed and contemplated the situation as he knew it.

  Jon Wells had never had a serious lover in his entire life. In truth, he hadn't really even tried. Anytime a guy tried to get too close, Jon backed away and gave the guy the 'it's not you, it's me' speech. It always worked like a charm because, as Jon believed, gay men weren't meant to be monogamous. The younger ones thought they wanted it, but they always changed their minds when someone with a tighter ass, a bigger cock, or a heftier bank account came along.

  For the first time in his life, he wasn't able to justify wanting to leave Mickey behind, and it was actually blowing his mind. After a month of soul-searching, he could finally admit to himself he was afraid Mickey would reject him, and he knew his ego would take a huge blow because he wasn't the one who was rejected…ever. He pursued, conquered, and walked away without looking back. He'd seen guys get shot down over the years, and it didn't look fun to be humiliated by another person, so Jon steered clear of it.

  With Mickey, however, the old playbook needed to be thrown away because the young cowboy didn't seem to want to play by the usual rules. The guy was honest, which was a new thing to Jon when it came to dating. Every guy he knew padded their dating resume, but Mickey had been honest with him regarding a former relationship and how it had gone up in flames, breaking his heart in the process.

  Jon was sure Mickey wouldn't hurt him because he'd been hurt by the last guy, but he had to get his head together enough so he could accept the possibility he might get rejected in the process. Something needed to change. He didn't want to be lonely anymore.

  He sent a message to his friends, Aaron and Rick, he'd be unavailable to meet with them on Thursday or in the near future due to a full schedule, but he gave them Audrey's contact information and suggested they e-mail her regarding the adoption they hoped to pursue.

  Jon knew Audrey wasn't a fan of the couple, but she'd be good counsel in their pursuit of having a child. She was likely on the same page in her life with Lyla, so she'd be more empathetic to their situation than Jon was sure he ever could be, due to the fact he was pretty sure he'd never be qualified to be anyone's dad.

  If Jon was newly married…not that he believed it would ever happen…he'd want him and his groom to have a little time to fuck on every surface of their home before they had the discussion regarding children. He'd want to give all of the passion it's place, honoring it, even. He'd want to have his partner to himself for a while before they considered adding to their family.

  After a few deep breaths, Jon spread out on his bed with his cell phone resting on his chest. He prayed he'd hear back from Mickey Warren, but if he didn't…well, he wasn't prepared to consider it at the moment. He simply wasn't ready to give up on love, as much as it chapped his ass to admit it, and he was pretty sure he could fall in love with Mickey Warren.

  "Karen, anything I need to worry about?" he asked as he walked passed his assistant and into his office. It had been another two weeks since he'd sent the message he needed to speak with Mickey, and there was still no response, which first broke his heart…then, pissed him off severely.

  Audrey and Lyla had proceeded to make their grand announcement to Sherm and Marnie regarding their engagement, and Audrey’s parents were actually happy about it. There were wedding plans immediately in the works because it seemed Audrey's parents had suspected she was withholding information from them for several years. At lunch the day after Audrey and Lyla went to the Langley house for dinner, Jon’s best friend repeated the story with a happy, glowing smile on her face.

  "We had drinks on the deck, and I noticed Mommy kept staring between the two of us. Of course, Lyla kept her left hand in the pocket of her sweater because she refused to take off the ring until we told them what was going on.

  "Finally, Daddy said, 'What brings you girls over on a weeknight?' You know Daddy, he can't keep a secret, so when he smiled, I cracked up and just announced it. 'I've asked Lyla to marry me. She said yes.'

  "Daddy and Mommy hugged each other and hugged the two of us and we had a champagne toast. After dinner, Mommy took Lyla into her office so they could start making wedding plans, and Daddy and I went to his study for a glass of scotch. I asked him how he knew, and he said straight out, 'Sweetheart, someday when you have little ones of your own, you'll understand how easily you can read your children. I know you and Jon love each other like brother and sister, but I can see how much you love Lyla. How long do we have to wait to announce it?'

  "We can hold off on the announcement if you need more time," she offered.

  "No, Audie. It's your time. You go right ahead and shout it from the rooftops." They hugged each other, and Jon wondered what it would feel like to be as fantastically happy as Audrey was in that moment.

  A week later, his family had attended a dinner in celebration of the engagement and his mother kept giving him knowing glances, but he was yet to reveal anything. Hell, he had no reason to 'out' himself. He didn't have anyone pushing him like Lyla had pushed Audrey.

  "Not much, Jon. You ready to talk to me about what's had you in such a bitchy mood?" Karen asked. She'd asked it every Monday through Friday of the last several weeks, and he was no readier to discuss it than he'd been the first time she'd asked.

  "No, ma'am. I'll be in my office," he told her as he closed the door and took a seat behind his desk. He placed his briefcase on the floor and looked around the room, not exactly sure what to do. Oh, he had cases in dire need of his attention, but his mind was occupied with other things so he wasn't exactly able to give his clients his best at the moment. He was certain it happened to every lawyer during a career. Burning-out wasn't uncommon in his profession.

  He opened his laptop just as his desk phone rang. He picked up the receiver, not recognizing the number on the caller ID. "Jonathon Wells."

  "Hi, Jon. It's Tim Moran. We were wondering if you'd like to come out for the holiday weekend? It also happens to be Ryan's eighth birthday and Rocky's tenth is on July 9. We'd like it if you'd come help us celebrate the birthdays and the guardianship we were granted in court today. We'd like you to spend the weekend," Tim offered with a jovial lilt to his voice.

  If Jon wasn't so desperate to talk to Mickey Warren, he'd never have considered it because he didn't socialize often with clients, really, but it seemed desperation was becoming his primary emotion. He was going to end up getting sued for malpractice if something didn't give.

  "S-s-sure, Tim. You sure it's okay with Ryan and Rocky?" he asked, remembering how horrible he'd been to Rocky Whipple when the little boy needed his help after the death of his mother. He'd shoved the child off on Audrey and hadn't even asked about the progression of the case of late. Self-imposed shame was a heavy burden on its own but the taste of the guilt he'd feel when he actually came face-to-face with the family would be a bitter pill to swallow.

  "Actually, Ryan suggested we invite you. He has some things he wants to discuss with you regarding Rocky. Ryan's not really used to Audrey, though he likes her. He's firmly in your camp regarding things concerning his brother. I told him maybe the two of you could go for a trail ride to have a pr
ivate discussion. He's looking forward to it," Tim told him.

  Jon cleared his throat, preparing to ask a difficult question regarding Mickey, but then chickening out. "What, uh, what are the boys into these days? I won't come empty handed," he vowed.

  Tim chuckled happily, making Jon envious. "They're both taking tae kwon do classes in Christiansburg, so any kind of movie about martial arts would be fine. Also, they're both still hung up on video games, but nothing above a PG-rating. We've got both of them new bikes and all of that stuff, so just about anything will work, really."

  Jon took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to release the nerves. "Okay. Um, I'll figure out something. Tell me when to be there and if I can bring anything from the city," he asked, feeling a flicker of hope in his gut at maybe having another shot with Mickey.

  Tim Moran, not missing a beat, spoke as if he could read Jon's mind. "Maybe when you get to the house, you crawl up on the porch on your knees and beg forgiveness. You hurt him bad, Jonathan, and he's my best friend. He didn't deserve what you did. Don't come if you're not ready to consider something with Mickey other than sucking his dick. Ryan's young and he'll learn how to get over it, and we'll find someone else to help Rocky learn about his heritage. Mickey won't last another go-round with you and your 'push-me-pull-you' attitude.

  "If you decide to come, be here on Friday at happy hour time. The grandparents are taking the boys to the Roanoke County Fair in Salem and spending the night, so we're going to host a barbecue and swim party at Jeri and Marty's place for just the adults. It's just a few people we've met and gotten to know so it's nothing fancy. Bring your swimsuit if you’re coming. Anyway, we look forward to seeing you. Bye." Tim hung up and Jon sat at his desk with his mouth hanging open in just a little bit of shock.

  He sat there for fifteen minutes mulling over his options, and then he remembered his heart and how it ached after what had happened at his parents’ farm when Mickey was there to breed his mother's mares. It was beyond time to make decisions, and the only choice was to stick to them once he’d sorted it out.


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