Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2)

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Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2) Page 16

by Sam E. Kraemer

  He hit the intercom and when Karen answered, he asked her to come into his office. When she entered with two cups of coffee, he smiled as she sat down. "I need you to do a little research, and by that, I mean maybe talk to some of the folks here who have boys, aged eight to ten. I've been invited to a birthday party, and I want to give the right gifts. Here are the things I know…" he began his explanation.

  After giving her the bare facts he'd gleaned from his conversation with Tim, Karen nodded and left with a smile. Once the door closed, he picked up his phone and called his parents' home. "Hello?" his mother answered, indicating she'd not paid attention to the caller ID on her phone, which was typical of Allison Wells.

  "Hi, Mom. Can you come downtown tomorrow for lunch? I'd like to treat you and Pop. We need to have a talk," he explained to her.

  There was a moment of silence, and then a soft sniffle. "How about you bring Pop home at lunchtime and we eat here on the back patio. I'll cook it myself. Anna's on vacation this week, and it would be nice to cook for my boys again. How's that sound?" she asked, her voice wavering a bit.

  Jon swallowed the lump in his own throat, knowing he was going to break her heart. It was going to be hard to dash her dreams of grandchildren, but he'd kept them in the dark for far too long. It was time for honesty. "Sounds great, Momma. We'll be there about twelve-thirty, okay?"

  "Can't wait, baby. Love you, Jonny," she told him quietly before the line went dead. He prayed he could count on her loving heart to help him explain things to his father. He'd need all the help he could get.

  Standing in the middle of the toy aisle at Target was like being in a nightmare. Jon almost called Aaron to come with him, but since he'd brushed him and Rick off on Audrey about the adoption, he didn't feel good about making contact at the moment. He was man enough to figure out birthday gifts for two little boys without backup, he was sure.

  He'd done some research on the internet after Karen had given him the consensus of the parents at the firm with whom she'd spoken, and he'd weighed it all, just as any attorney would do. The conclusion: Don't worry about the parents. Get the kid something he'll love.

  That's what brought him to the World of Nerf aisle. There were automatic Nerf guns with clips and vests to carry additional sponge ammo. He remembered playing Army with some friends when he was about that age, and he'd have given a left eye to have anything like what he was seeing in front of him.

  He deduced since Tim and Matt lived in the country, they were likely pro-NRA, though he himself wasn't, and all little boys liked to play cowboys or cops and robbers. If Tim and Matt didn't like the toys, well, they could be the bad guys and take them away. He needed those boys on his side because he was certain Mickey Warren loved them. They could go a long way to smooth the way for him with the green-eyed cowboy.

  Three-hundred dollars and five shopping bags later, he made his way out to the Mercedes and went home. Once there, he divided the loot into two piles and called in reinforcements…Audrey and Lyla…to help with the wrapping.

  "You're not serious," Lyla complained, having answered the phone. He wished he'd have called Audrey's cell instead of the landline.

  "I'll pay for pizza from that place you love, and I'll go pick it up myself. I don't know how to wrap things which aren't perfectly square, Lyle. Please? I gave you two that trip to New York at Thanksgiving so you could see the parade and shop for dresses, remember?" Jon reminded.

  Audrey had told him Lyla always wanted to see the Macy's holiday parade, and Audrey wanted to meet with a particular designer in Manhattan regarding their wedding attire. He had Karen set up the plane and hotel reservations and got them a gift certificate for a five-star restaurant for Thanksgiving dinner. The wedding was set to take place in DC in April when the cherry blossoms were in bloom, so he did as Audrey asked in an attempt to get him out of being her man-of-honor. He was pretty sure it wouldn't work, but he still loved his best friend. It was worth a shot.

  He heard the tell-tale huff from Lyla, telling him he'd won. "Fine, but who are these mysterious children you're suddenly shopping for?"

  "Ryan Collins and Rocky Whipple. I've been invited out for the weekend to their birthday party," he explained, hearing her groan.

  "We were invited, but we're not going. You can take our gift along with you as well. If it was left to me, I'd say fuck it, but Audrey seems to be dead set on getting them something. Thank goodness Sam and Georgie invited us to the Outer Banks for the weekend. Anyway, we'll be over as soon as Audrey gets home. Make one of the pizza's no cheese, please. Bye," Lyla demanded before she hung up. Damn, he disliked her.

  He knew Sam and Georgie were some of their lesbian friends he didn't like, but he was happy as hell he wouldn't have Lyla at the Circle C with her condescending attitude for the boys’ birthdays. The last thing he needed was the disapproving gaze of Lyla and Audrey's sad smile when his attempts at wooing Michael Warren crashed and burned. Life was too damn short to share one's failures with an audience.

  An hour later, he was making sangria as Audrey and Lyla pummeled him with insults regarding his choice of gifts for Rocky and Ryan. "I took a poll at the office, and it was determined harmless, pseudo-artillery were gifts boys of eight and ten would appreciate. What did you get them?" he asked.

  "Monopoly. It's a Disney version with all of the characters. They'll love it," Lyla stated as she wrapped a NERF N-Strike Elite Rapidstrike CS-18 Blaster with a magazine that held eighteen sponge darts. He also had another gun in the Blaster style. Basically, the boys would have a NERF arsenal, but it was a hell of a lot better than Disney Monopoly.

  "I'm sure they will. Here we go," he told them as he poured each of them a glass of sangria while they waited for the pizzas to be delivered by a LYFT driver.

  "So, I'm guessing Mickey will be there," Audrey taunted. She'd given him seven kinds of hell for his actions regarding Mickey Warren and the way he'd tucked tail and run away. He knew she was right in her assessment of his behavior as "chicken shit," and if he was honest with himself, he was afraid he wouldn't measure up to be the best man for Mickey Warren based on the biases he'd formed during his first visit to the ranch.

  "…he wasn't educated. He was simple, and even to Jon's own ears, it was harsh to say he didn't think Mickey was smart enough for him, but with the horrible grammar and lack of education, he didn't see a lot of substance to the man. Absolutely nothing would keep Jon’s interest in the guy beyond a good, hard fuck."

  He cringed when he remembered how damn judgmental he'd been, and how absolutely wrong he was in his initial assessment of the man. He hated himself for being such a pejorative prick at the time. Apparently, he was looking for any reason to castoff Michael, and it made him nauseous to think about his behavior, but he was hoping to change.

  Unfortunately, Jon couldn't help but bristle at Audrey's sarcastic demeanor as she continued to stare at him, waiting for a response. "Well, Audrey Lynn, I'm sure he'll be there since it's where he lives. Of course, I don't know for certain if he still works at the ranch because, as you damn well know, he never got back to me when I contacted him," he hissed out through clenched teeth.

  "You might as well give up on that one, Jon. You're too good for that cowboy trash. I mean, they're all hillbillies," Lyla judged. He wanted to slap her, but he only poured her more Sangria because only weighing a hundred pounds and not really being a drinker meant she'd pass out before the food arrived.

  "Baby, please don't say that. Rocky is the sweetest boy in the world, and Matt and Tim…" Audrey began her defense.

  "Matt and Tim are horrible fags, Audrey. That little boy should come live with us, away from that homophobic bullshit those people subscribe to out there. We could give him such a good life. God knows, this asshole isn't going to give us the sperm you want for our own baby," Lyla mumbled as she continued to wrap the gifts Jon had purchased.

  He could tell his best friend was caught off-guard by her fiancée's statement and he wanted to get to the bottom of i
t as well, though he was pretty sure he knew to what the demon waif was referring. Before he could ask questions, the doorbell of the condo rang. He hurried down the hall to greet the driver with two boxes in hand and a bright smile.

  The kid looked nothing like the pizza guys in the porn he watched in futile attempts at achieving some sort of release. It usually didn't work, but if he substituted the porn-pizza-guy with Mickey, he'd come at the drop of a hat. He thought himself well beyond the age where he had to jack off daily to keep from having nocturnal emissions, but sometimes, life taught new lessons.

  After Lyla finally passed out on the couch in the living room…the uncomfortable leather one he'd never replaced…he looked at his best friend as they continued to eat. The gifts had been wrapped and were packed in a large bag in the corner of the living room, along with the game Audrey and Lyla were sending.

  Audrey looked at him with her beautiful brown eyes and sighed. "Don't, okay? I know she's got quirks that are less than desirable, but I love her, Jonny."

  He poured another glass of sangria for himself because Audrey had changed over to water so she could drive home. "Exactly why do you love her, Audrey?" His voice was low in the event the small troll doll on his couch was pretending to be asleep, but he just had to know.

  "I saw her dance at a recital before she got hurt, Jon. She was magical, and I fell in love with her. When she was mugged and her leg was broken, I wanted to rescue her and keep her safe for the rest of her life. It's the same with Rocky. I'd love to rescue him from that backwoods bullshit, but he loves Matt and Tim so much I know it would do more harm than good to take him away from them.

  "Of course, Lyla doesn't understand it because she's used to getting everything she wants, but that's why I'm not taking her to the ranch this weekend. She wanted to offer Tim and Matt money for the boy, and until I can talk her out of that idea, I want her nowhere near them.

  "Now, what are you going to say to Mickey? You're having lunch with your parents tomorrow, right?" she asked. He was sure he had Karen and Sara to blame for the leak, but they didn't gossip with others at the firm, which was a blessing, so he wasn't going to bitch.

  Jon laughed. "Yeah. 'To Tell the Truth' starts at twelve-thirty tomorrow at Mom and Dad's house. I pray they'll take it half as well as Marnie and Sherm took your news, but we'll see.

  “Regarding Mickey, Tim suggested I crawl up on the porch and beg forgiveness on my knees. That might be a start, but after that, I'm at a loss. I've dicked the guy over twice, Audie. I really believe I care about him, but I've been such a stupid fuck about it. I'm not sure where to start to redeem myself. Any suggestions?" he confessed.

  Jon saw her look up at the ceiling as her thumbs twirled around each other, a clear indication Audrey Langley was thinking deep thoughts. He remembered that same look on her face before she made the suggestion the two of them should skip school and take the Amtrak to DC to go to the 'Gay Pride Festival' when they were sixteen. They went and when they got home, they were both grounded for a month, but they'd had the best time of their young lives.

  Of course, they'd lied to their parents and told them they went to a concert in Baltimore, and they hid the pictures they'd taken after they had the film developed. Truly, Audrey Lynn Langley was his best friend, so he felt she would be honest with him, just as she had been all of his life.

  She was hesitating, so he pushed. "Okay, lay it on me. I know you've got a lot of thoughts you've held back from sharing, but I need you to talk to me. You know me better than anyone else and I need you to help me figure this out, Audie," he whispered as he picked at a piece of pizza crust on his plate.

  Audrey smiled at him as she took a sip of her water before she rose to clear away the debris. "How're you sleeping?" she asked.

  He chuckled with no evident humor. "For shit, as a matter of fact. Trust me, Karen and Sara have both pointed out the bags under my eyes. What else?"

  "I noticed you only picked at a piece of pizza, Jonny, and you love this pizza," she stated as she pulled the sheet of coupons from the empty box and tossed it in the menu drawer.

  "Those are obvious things, Aud. Give me something more concrete. I don't know how the hell it should feel to be in love. I…I don't think I'm…" he began.

  She held up her hand and placed it gently over his mouth. "You're more than capable of loving someone, Jonathan. You've loved me for a long time, and I know it's not the same as what you’re facing right now, but you're a very loving person.

  "The way I see it, you're struggling with the fact Mickey Warren is so different than any guy you've ever met and it's throwing you off. You remember Cara Walls? Journalism major. Hardcore dike with an attitude? I dated her for a month during junior year?" she reminded.

  Oh, he remembered the woman. Audrey was a beautiful woman with a loving demeanor. Cara Walls was looking to slam someone of the male persuasion into a brick wall and do as much damage as possible. She thoroughly hated Jon and made no secret of it, as he recalled. "Yeah. She was offensive as dikes went," he responded.

  Audrey 'tsked' him in chastisement. "She was different, Jonny. Remember how she convinced me I was following in my dad’s footsteps because I was begging for his approval and attention, which we know is bullshit, but she was determined to show me the light. She was going to liberate me from the expectations of my parents which were like a yoke on my shoulders, as she told me one night.

  “All she succeeded in doing was showing me I wasn't about to become as bitter as she'd become about love and relationships. Her parents hated her because she was a lesbian and they thought it was a choice. It hurt her badly, and she took that hurt out on everyone around her. I wasn't ready to own my sexuality back then, but I knew in my heart my parents wouldn't be as hard as hers. She was the one who turned me onto beautiful ballerinas with bright smiles and saucy opinions.

  "Now, I remember Blake the Flake, and I don't think Mickey Warren is anything like him. He's different than the guys you usually fuck, but Jonny, he's handsome and he's smart on a different level than a lot of people I've ever met. He seems to be an old soul if you really talk to him and listen. Just give him a chance, okay?

  "I think if you let go of how you went about picking up twinks or however you classify the guys you used to fuck and look at Mickey Warren for the person he is, I think you'll see him as a man of much more substance than anyone you've ever met before. I think you also need to get over yourself as the man-about-town in Richmond and try to be more than a pretty face in stylish clothes. You just might be able to see through the forest of superficial bullshit you've held so important in the past and find a beautiful tree full of love and kindness just ready to bloom. Give it a shot," Audrey told him.

  He sure hoped she was right.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Mickey was cleaning up the feed room at the Circle C in preparation for the weekend festivities when he heard a whistle in the hallway. He stepped out to see Henry Sachs saunter toward him with a bright, welcoming grin. Mickey eagerly returned it, happy to see his friend again. The nerves set in shortly thereafter as he remembered what had caused the estrangement in the first place…an ill-timed, poorly thought-out, kiss.

  "Henry, dude, it's good to see you. How's the graduate? I didn't know you were able to graduate a year early until Tim told me about it," Mickey greeted, shoving his hands into the pockets of his jeans so as not to touch the kid and possibly freak him out. Henry Sachs was a handsome guy, and he'd grown a few inches since the last time Mickey had seen him, or so it seemed. When Hank walked in behind him, Mickey really started to worry and nearly turned around and tried to race a bullet.

  "You coulda come to the party, ya know," Hank told him. Mickey was totally confused, so he froze in spot.

  Henry looked over his shoulder and chuckled. "Daddy, that ain't gonna put him at ease. He already thinks I'm a love-sick stalker. Leave him alone," the young man told his father.

  Mickey chuckled nervously. "Naw, kid, I never thought you was a stal
ker. It was my fault for…" he began.

  "Mick, don't start. We just got caught up for 'bout a hot minute and did a stupid thing, okay? Daddy freaked out when I told him I was gay, but he and Momma are finally gettin' used to the idea. Miss Katie says you won't come 'round the Katydid cause you're afraid Daddy's gonna kick your ass. I'd like to work there, but I don't wanna make it so you don't come over to see Josh and Miss Katie," Henry explained.

  It wasn't a lie. Mickey was concerned Hank would kick his ass, and he knew he wouldn't fight back because he respected Hank Sachs too much to defend himself. It was unfortunate he'd kissed his son, but it was in the past. The kid had graduated high school a year early, and he seemed more mature than Mickey did sometimes. It was time for Mickey to put the bad decision behind him because he certainly did miss everyone at the Katydid.

  Mickey chuckled. "Yeah, you know that's true, but you go ahead and work at the Katydid. They'll need somebody with common sense since I left. I won't be a stranger, I swear," Mickey told him as he extended his hand for a shake. He then turned to look at Hank, his mentor since he started working at the Katydid before he moved to the Circle C.

  "How 'bout you, Hank? Can ya forgive me for puttin' a move on your son? I'm so fuckin' sorry I ever…" he began before Hank Sachs stepped forward to pull him into a strong hug.

  It took Mickey by surprise, but he was grateful. It seemed there were no hard feelings. "I'm sorry I didn't come 'round sooner, but I guess I needed to cool off, and Patsy and I needed to think things through after Henry told us about himself. I think of ya like another son, Mick. I want ya to come back to the Katydid. That fuckin' Paulie…" Hank began, bringing a laugh from Mickey and Henry who was standing off to the side, inspecting the saddles Mickey had resting on the stall doors.


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