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Loving the Lawyer (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm Book 2)

Page 28

by Sam E. Kraemer

After a deep swallow and exhale, Jon smiled at him as the tears fell. "Yep."

  Mickey kissed away his tears and sent him to the bathroom to do his nightly business, even though it was about five in the morning. After Jon was finished, he climbed in next to Mickey and relished in the love he felt when the man wrapped his arms around him as they settled in together. It was just what Jon needed, and he should have known Mickey would be there for him…for all of them.

  The man Jon Wells loved and who returned his love exponentially had shown himself to be more loyal than anyone Jon had ever met, and the lawyer kicked himself for his lapse of faith. There was no need for it.

  Jon and Mickey stood on the parking lot of the Henrico County Jail on Sunday afternoon, waiting for Terrence. Meg had asked about him a million times on Saturday, and they had only told her he was doing something for school. She was too young to understand it, so there was no need to worry her, or so Mickey had reasoned at breakfast on Saturday morning. They took her to the park near Jon’s condo that afternoon, and they watched movies that evening, careful not to mention the missing member of their family.

  When they tucked the beautiful child into bed that night, she asked, “When’s Terry home? Can he be home tomorrow? I miss him.” They both chastised themselves for thinking she wouldn’t notice his absence. He was her brother, after all.

  Thankfully, Audrey had volunteered to take Megan for a girl's day so she didn't have to witness Terry being led out to the parking lot in shackles. It was part of the program, and when Jon looked at the boy, he could see he was totally broken.

  "We're going to have our hands full," he whispered to Mickey as the guards began unlocking the handcuffs and leg chains on each of the thirteen kids in the group. They were dressed in the clothes they'd worn when they were incarcerated, but Jon could tell Terrence had lost that spark in his eyes.

  Mickey smiled at Jon and pulled him into a hug. "Yep, but we'll love him and make sure he knows we have faith in him. This whole thing was unnecessary, and I'd like to get my hands on that judge, but we're Terry’s family, and we’ll get him through this. He'll be okay."

  They walked over to the deputy who was standing with Terry, holding a clipboard. "Jon Wells. Terrence Reynolds is my foster son," he stated.

  The man looked over the report and turned to the young, fragile-looking boy standing next to him. "This one was a puzzle to me because he wasn't like those other thugs. I see Morrison got his case, so it's not a surprise she assigned him to this program, but take this young man home and make sure he never has any reason to get in her courtroom again."

  He then turned to Terry and smiled as he unlocked the handcuffs. "No more taggin' anything. Keep your art on paper, young man. Don't make this your reality," the officer stated.

  Terry nodded and turned to Jon, tears on his face. Jon pulled him into his arms and held him as tightly as he could, crying right along with the boy. They both felt long, strong arms around them, and Jon knew, for a fact, they would be okay. Family love would win over any other outside influences that would come their way. He'd banked his future on it.


  On a warm, Spring Saturday, Jon was standing in the kitchen of the farmhouse doing dishes with a smile on his face. He remembered what had brought the family to that place and time, and he knew it would bring a smile to his face for years.

  "I getta stay?" Megan whispered to Jon as she once again sat next to him in Court on a bleak day in November. It had been three months since the temporary guardianship had been granted, and while Cece Wright wasn't exactly thrilled about having to make the trip to Dillwyn for home visits, it was only an hour ride, and she always brought a happy smile with her. Mickey made sure to have her favorite pineapple upside-down cupcakes and a nice pot of cinnamon tea at the ready when she arrived.

  The months of surprise home visits by other social workers were nerve wracking, but Mickey and Jon had gotten through them. Jon being a foster parent for Megan had been accepted by the Court, and the family breathed a sigh of relief. They only had to get through Terry's guardianship.

  They'd entertained Audrey at the farm as often as she'd agree to come because they both felt Megan needed the female influence, and Audrey never failed to provide it, taking Megan shopping or for mani/pedis. Megan always came home with purple nail polish to match her new purple glasses, and the three men at the farm always oohed-and-ahhed as she expected them to do.

  "You get to stay, pretty girl," Jon told Megan as he turned to pick her up and hold her in his arms. Mickey was behind him with Terry next to him, and as they all hugged each other, they couldn't hold the tears. The road had been long and unexpected, but it was worth it.

  The judge banged the gavel again and cleared his throat. "With regard to Terrence Reynolds, this Court finds the guardianship by Jon Wells is showing positive results. This matter shall be scheduled for review in one year. This Court is adjourned," Judge Mattucik announced.

  When they arrived at their new home, there were many people at the farm in Dillwyn, which had a new wooden plaque at the end of the driveway with the name, "Wonderland Farm", in brightly painted letters created carefully by a fourteen-year-old boy who had many artistic aspirations.

  Everyone in the family loved the fact they'd rechristened the farm since the Wells-Warrens' had moved in. They'd had a Halloween party to celebrate the move and new name, and a lot of the contingent from the Circle C and Katydid Farm had attended in support.

  There were trail rides and bonfires over the weekend, and even the Stanfords from El Paso came to join in the festivities. Most of the kids camped out in a little tent city the new hands at Wonderland helped set up in the backyard.

  The weekend had been incredible and they had loads of pictures on Mickey's new cell phone to prove it, along with the pictures of their first Christmas together as a family; the first snowfall at the farm where they all went out to build a snowman; and any other occasion they could dream up to celebrate.

  Jon watched the people move around him with a big grin on his face, wondering if he'd ever been so happy in his life. There was still a long road for the family, but he was ready to take on every demon trying to defeat them.

  Jonathon Wells had a family…a son, Terrence; a daughter, Megan; and a partner, Michael Warren. God knew he'd never anticipated any of it. While it was a new thing, he was damn sure going to be grateful for it and treasure it all the days of his life.

  Mickey walked into the kitchen to see Tim Moran-Collins standing at the counter watching Ursula direct the catering company. "Everything okay, Ursula?" he asked as he grabbed two beers from the large galvanized bucket next to the sink. He knew it was set to go on the large table outside on the patio, but while it was right there, he was definitely going to take advantage of the access.

  "It's fine, Michael, dear. Please make sure they don't chip the serving dishes," she commanded as she left the two men alone in the kitchen.

  He handed a beer to Tim after he opened it and they touched bottlenecks in toast, Mickey took a good swig of his beer and made an "ahhh" sound after he swallowed. He sat down on the stool at the island, pulling one out for Tim so the two of them could catch up. "So, how y'all doin' at the ranch?" Mickey asked.

  The handsome blonde sat down next to him and smiled. "I miss you. You were the one I could come to and bitch about the other hands since you and I, we trusted each other and didn't tell anyone the things we said during our heart-to-hearts. Now, I'm left to bitch at Matty, and he really gets tired of it.

  "You've made yourself a good life, Mick, and I'm really proud of you. Do I miss you? Fuck yes, but would I stop you from your dreams? Fuck no. We finally found Nando. He got his ass in a lot of trouble with a DUI, and sadly, he jumped bail to go back to Mexico. Henry's agreed to sign on part-time to look after Charlie, Chester, Mabel, and Sam, since he's not going to start college until the fall, and I actually do know how to take care of horses, thanks to Uncle Josh and you. I'm glad we fired you, though I really mi
ss you. We're all family. You won't get away from us too easily because we feel like we've just enlarged our family with the addition of all of you," Tim told him with a big smile.

  Mickey grinned as he pulled the man forward to wrap his arms around the smaller blonde. "I don't want to get away from y'all either. Everything I learned about family came from you and Matt and everybody at the Katydid and the Circle C. I'm afraid I can't carry forward without y'all," Mickey told him before he broke down.

  He heard two men laughing behind them and turned to see Matt Collins and Jon Wells standing in the kitchen with smirks on their faces. "You get yours and I'll get mine," Jon stated as he walked over to Mickey and pulled him into a hug.

  "I love you, baby," the handsome lawyer whispered as he held Mickey close. In that embrace, Mickey knew his life was going to go in directions he never imagined. The possibilities were endless as he looked into Jon's mesmerizing, light-green eyes.

  "I love you, too, Jonny," he answered as he held the man he loved in his embrace.

  They'd finally found the common ground Jon had spoken of several times, and it turned out to be love, understanding, loyalty, and family. Mickey didn't understand Jon's job, but Jon had confessed he didn't understand the way Mickey had with horses. They'd agreed to stand in awe of each other's achievements and remain supportive.

  Every day was a new challenge with the life they were making because neither of them had much exposure to raising kids, but they were very committed to making a life for their new family where they all could be happy. Mickey and Jon had their individual responsibilities to consider, but together, they believed they were ready for anything.

  The End


  I cannot thank my readers enough for their loyalty and support as I’ve embarked on each story I’ve written during my fanfiction days, and my dabbling in original fiction while I tried to work up the courage to put myself out there and publish my first book. You’ve been supportive when I needed it; honest when I needed to hear it; and you always come back for more. Thank you ever so much.

  About the Author:

  I grew up in the rural Midwest around horses and cattle and cowboys, oh my! I met a dashing young man who swept me off my feet and to the east coast where I currently live. I have a loving, supportive family who kindly overlooks my addiction to writing, reading, and the extension of my hands…my computer to write, or my Kindle to read the stories others write. I’m old enough to know how to have fun but too old to care what others think. In my heart and soul, I believe I hit the cosmic jackpot with the life I have, and I try to be grateful every day for it. I’d rather count my karma chits than my money. Cheers!

  You can find me at:


  Facebook: Sam E. Kraemer

  I’d love to hear from you:

  Other books by Sam E. Kraemer:

  Loving the Cowboy (The Cowboys of Katydid Farm – Book 1)

  A Valentine’s Choice – Book 1 of The Valentine’s Trilogy

  Thank you for reading “Loving the Lawyer.” Book Three of the Katydid Farm Series is entitled: “Loving the Broken Man,” coming in Summer 2017. About “Loving the Broken Man”:

  Jason Langston lived the life of an Army brat from the day he drew his first breath in an Army hospital. After years of stressing about his sexuality, Jase finally accepted he was gay. He also knew for certain he wouldn’t be accepted by his family, so he began formulating ‘alternative’ plans. His father had stated he was expected to enlist in the Army when he graduated high school, and when that day came, Jase decided it was time to spread his wings and fly before his fate was sealed…forcibly.

  With the help of his best friend, Savannah Stanford, he made his escape, landing in Holloway, Virginia, with no idea what to expect. The people he met were kind, but he just couldn’t seem to fit in anywhere. It was a way of life he’d never known and he’d considered giving up, but he met a man who intrigued him even though the man kept his distance. The crush was inevitable, but how could Jase, at eighteen, save a broken man?

  Daniel Johnson strived to live a simple life, but the fates conspired against him at every turn, it seemed. After an unsuccessful attempt at a career in the military, he went back home to Holloway and took a job running a cattle operation…something familiar and comforting.

  Lady Fate, however, had an axe to grind with Daniel, and at every chance, she turned his life upside down. He had a sick mother, a dead sister, a self-centered brother, and a niece who depended upon him completely. He had no room for anyone else in his life.

  One day, a green kid came into his life at a bus station and once again, Danny’s life is upended. If Destiny hadn’t already dealt Danny Johnson a bad hand, it seemed the kid was set to break him, and Danny didn’t have it in him to fight it. Trying to do the right thing had never felt so wrong in all his life.

  Coming Summer - 2017




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