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Page 27

by Paul M. Schofield

  “No. Of that I am certain,” Louis said. “But years ago I heard there were others doing research on the Keyhole. They were passionate about their work, too. I did not know who they were, but they were not working for CENTRAL.”

  “If Bestmarke teamed up with them, they could navigate back and forth through the Keyhole, back and forth through time,” Sondra said.

  “Yes, they could,” Louis said. “But my greatest fear is that they could damage or shut down the Keyhole.”

  “Is that possible?” Sondra said, with a gasp.

  “My calculations indicate the possibility,” Louis said. “The Keyhole appears to be very powerful, which is true. It is also, in fact, quite fragile. Any disruption to it could be disastrous. Something like a powerful weapons discharge or a fusion reactor overload could affect it.”

  “What would happen to it?”

  “That's uncertain, maybe nothing,” Louis said. “But it could be damaged extensively, even permanently collapsed. I just don't know.”

  “Then we must guard it and be the first to use it, Louis. We cannot afford to lose our only hope of saving the human race.”


  “Michelle!” Abigail VanDevere was exuberant as she climbed down through the equalizer tube into the captured ship, coasting along with the squadron. “I am so happy, so relieved! When Guardian X told me the truth, the whole story, I could not wait to see you again. The remaining time you spent on this ship only increased my anxiety.”

  Michelle VanDevere smiled widely as she hugged her older sister, reluctant to let go. “Oh, Abby! It’s so good to be with you! When I finally remembered everything, all the pieces of the puzzle came together. Now I remember who I am and what I want to do. I want to be closer to you, Abby, and serve the Empire together. We have difficult challenges ahead and we’ll need each other’s strength.”

  “What do you think of our dynamic team – the ancient man, Martin, and the great cat, Panther?” Abigail said with a grin.

  “Tommie and I were quite surprised,” Michelle said. “But then I realized who they were, Bestmarke’s trophies. I had been on the same ship with them and didn’t realize it. I am incensed at his cruelty! I can't wait to capture him and his brother!”

  “That assignment may come soon. We also need to find Martin’s father.”

  “He was given in payment to Izax, a felonious character with his own mining asteroid,” Michelle said. “His location could be in this ship’s log or possibly extracted from the men taken captive.”

  “Those men know nothing about your condition or location,” Abigail said. “All they know is that Bestmarke locked you in your quarters. None of them, including Bestmarke, know whose side you are on. All they know is that you are a renegade. We may have to continue our ruse.”

  “If we can capture the Bestmarke brothers, it will be worth it,” Michelle said. “Right now, Abby, I am the happiest I have been in years!”

  “I am, too,” Abigail said, hugging her again.


  Alpha Squadron was coasting through space, full speed to Earth. Two additional vessels accompanied the Star-Commander’s ships, a huge battle damaged freighter, and a much smaller, sleek, futuristic looking ship called the Clipper.

  Aboard the Clipper the reports were all filed and the questions finally answered. The ship was on auto-pilot, synched to the Victorian Heavy Cruiser Daniela, the flagship of the Empirical fleet. There was nothing left to do but enjoy the long trip home. Although the ship was small, the crew all managed to find a private place to relax.

  “Do you still dream, Martin?” Rogerton said, sitting on a sofa in the small lounge.

  “What do you mean, Lieutenant?” He turned his chair to face her.

  “We're not on duty now, Martin. Please, just call me Janet. I call you Martin, I have a first name, too,” she said. “As I said, do you still dream?”

  “Well, I daydream a lot. Mostly it’s about my mom and dad,” Martin said. “I think about the good times we had together back when I was young. It seemed like we didn’t have any cares at all. I’m sure they had plenty of worries. Trying to make a living and pay all the bills was hard back then. But I was just a kid and with both of them taking care of me, I had no worries. Those were the best years of my life.”

  Janet contemplated his words for a moment. “I feel almost envious,” she said, looking down. “I didn't have a real father and my mother’s ship was lost when I was eight years old. My foster mother treated me wonderfully and my foster father was a good man, but I never drew close to him. I can only imagine how content you were.”

  “I am sorry about your mother. I know how difficult it is to lose someone and never find them. There are so many unanswered questions, it’s like all your hopes and feelings are frozen.”

  “I know. I guess we both have been in that situation,” she said. “Tell me more about your youth.”

  Martin looked at her and smiled. “I was satisfied then. Life was so simple and good. I wish it was like that again. I want to change things back to what they were, but I know that’s impossible.”

  “It may not be totally impossible,” Janet said, her face brightening. “If we can perfect time-travel we may be able to reverse the difficult situations. We are only beginning to realize the good things we can do. We must keep believing – never give up hope!”

  Martin gazed with admiration at the young woman sitting across from him. “You’re really amazing, I’ve never known anyone as positive as you.”

  Janet smiled wider. “What else do you think about? With such dramatic changes in your life and your environment, surely you must be curious about, about everything, I guess.”

  “Everything? That’s for sure!” He paused, turning his face aside. “I have so many questions I don’t know where to start. I guess the biggest one is about the earth: the mountains, the forests, the oceans, the changing seasons, all the living things. The earth has always been my first love. I really want to see what’s happened to it, to see and feel the forests where I grew up, if they’re still there. Are the birds and animals the same, or are they gone, extinct? I have to know, these questions tug at my heart.”

  “I know you will be pleasantly surprised. The care and conservation of Earth is at the greatest level in recorded history. When we return perhaps we'll have some leave time. I would be glad to show you how Earth has been so beautifully restored.”

  “Can I add that to my dream list?” Martin said.

  “Of course, that will come true.” She shifted her position on the sofa. “What other dreams do you have?

  His smile faded, his face took on a melancholy look. “Probably my biggest dream is somehow getting my father back alive. I don’t know how we’ll do it or if we can ever find this Izax character. The Asteroid Belt is a pretty big place to search. Do you think we have any chance at all of finding him?”

  “Yes, I think our chances are extremely good,” Janet said. “Michelle and Louis have both been near his mining asteroid and the computer-log on Bestmarke’s ship may give us the coordinates. If mining is Izax’ legitimate business, it should be relatively simple to track him down. The hard part will come once we locate him.”

  “What do you mean? Can’t we just go in there and rescue my father? We certainly have the fire-power to do so.”

  “There is no doubt we have the military strength – that's not the issue,” she said. “We may not have the legal means to search Izax’ property and seize your father’s pedestal. If we can prove Izax is any part of organized criminal activity, then we can use military force. Without convincing evidence on our side, he has the full legal protection of the Empire.”

  “If that is true, my father is nothing more than Izax’ personal property. Couldn’t the Guardians insist that his return is necessary for their studies on time-travel to help save the human race?”

  “They probably could, but then their knowledge of time-travel would become generally known, and with potentially disastr
ous results. Every criminal and rebel organization would be desperate to use or control the Keyhole. War would be constant,” Janet said. “Time-travel under those circumstances might be impossible. It must be kept a secret as long as possible.”

  “Without time-travel the human race can’t be saved from extinction,” Martin said. “And me and my father won’t be able to return to our own time. Isn’t there any other way?”

  “There is always another way, Martin Charles Bucklann,” Janet said, her eyes narrowing, her lips in a sly smile. “It may be more clandestine, however. A fast, cloaked ship and a dynamic team make the possibilities endless.”

  Martin returned a similar smile. “I see what you mean, Janet Rogerton.”



  New Victorian Empire’s Planetary Control Corps:

  Order of Rank

  (1) Star-Commander (2) Commander (3) Lieutenant-Commander (4) Lieutenant

  (5) Second Lieutenant (6) Lieutenant-Warden (7) Warden (8) First-Officer

  (9) Second-Officer (10) Specialist

  Space-Faring Ships

  PCC Patrol Class Ship: Length – 25 meters (82 feet); Crew – 6 standard plus 4 Specialists on short missions; Drive – 1 P-Class fusion engine, deep-space capable; Weapons – 2 P-Class hyper-lasers, 1 projectile cannon, 5 SPM-3 mines, probe bombs.

  PCC Flagship: Victorian Heavy-Cruiser Daniela: Length – 600 meters (1,968 feet); Crew – 550; Drives – 2 HC-Class fusion engines, deep-space capable; Features – cloaking ability, guider/pouncer capable, dispensary, repair bays, canteens, multiple docking-ports. Weapons – 4 C-Class hyper-lasers, 4 projectile cannons, 2 Ion-phase pulse cannons, 1 Phase Interrupter Laser (PIL), SPM-3 mines, 4 Octopus Boarding Units.

  PCC Clipper Class Ship, Series A – Clipper: Length – 50 meters (164 feet); Crew – 10; Drive – 1 Zenkati 'D' Class fusion engine, deep-space capable; Features – cloaking ability, guider/pouncer capable, direct pilot-to-ship interface, direct commander-to-ship interface; Weapons – 1 Ion-phase pulse cannon, 2 C-Class hyper-lasers, 2 Projectile Interceptors, 2 projectile cannons, 1 Phase Interrupter Laser (PIL), 10 SPM-3 mines, probe bombs, 1 Octopus Boarding Unit.

  PCC Cutter Class Ship: Length – 60 meters (197 feet); Crew – 10 standard plus 6 Specialists on short missions; Drive – 1 CT-Class fusion engine, deep-space capable; Features – Optional: Patrol Class or Research Class; Weapons – Patrol Class: 2 C-Class hyper-lasers, 2 projectile cannons, 10 SPM-3 mines, probe bombs. Research Class: 2 P-Class hyper-lasers.

  PCC Space-Plane: Length – 20 meters (66 feet); Crew – 2; Drive – chemical engine, atmospheric and close-space capable; Weapons – 1 SP-Class laser.

  Modified High-Volume Cargo Ship Black Eagle: Length – 500 meters (1,640 feet); Crew – 10; Drive – 2 Zenkati 'B' Class fusion engines, deep-space capable; Features – cloaking ability, guider/pouncer capable, direct pilot-to-gunner interface, space-plane and port, massive cargo capacity; Weapons – 4 C-Class hyper-lasers (modified pulse version), 1 Ion-phase pulse cannon, 2 projectile launchers.

  Interplanetary Yacht Phobos: Length – 150 meters (492 feet); Crew – 10-30; Drive – 2 YC-Class fusion engines, deep-space capable; Features – luxury class, docking bay with 2 LU-7 units and 1 space plane; Weapons – none.

  LU-7 Lifting-Transport Unit: Saucer shaped – 20 meters in diameter (66 feet); Crew – 2 minimum; Drive – chemical and partial anti-gravity propulsion, atmospheric and close-space capable; Features – crew quarters, storage bays; Weapons – 1 projectile cannon.

  SC25Z Sprint Class Courier: Length – 25 meters (82 feet); Crew – 2; Drive – 1 Zenkati 'C' Class fusion engine, deep-space capable; Weapons – 1 P-Class hyper-laser.

  Gunboat: Length – 10 meters (33 feet); Crew – 2; Drive – chemical engine, close-space capable; Features – fast and maneuverable but limited in range; Weapons – 2 projectile cannons, 10 T-6 torpedoes, 1 SP-Class laser.

  TR-17 Trainer: Length – 20 meters (66 feet); Crew – 2; Drive – TR-Class heavy-duty fusion engine, deep-space capable; Features – fast and maneuverable, 4 passengers and cargo; Weapons – none on original model. Refitted with 1 C-Class hyper-laser, modified pulse version.


  Asteroid Belt – The region of space between Mars and Jupiter that contains thousands of small rocky sun-orbiting objects ranging in size from grains of sand to 20+ kilometers in length with a few as large as 500 kilometers in diameter.

  A.U. – Astronomical Unit, approximately 150,000,000 kilometers (93,000,000 miles), or the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

  CENTRAL – The massive computer government that rules the Solar System and the nearest star-system in the Centaurus region. The great computer itself is referred to as Computer.

  Cloak – A device that renders a ship invisible both visually and to scanning instruments.

  COM – Short for communication system within a structure or ship.

  Guardians – The caretakers and spokes-persons of the Computer, CENTRAL.

  Europa Plus Station – One of the newer exo-Martian colonies constructed in 435 N.V.A. It serves as an entertainment mecca, residential area, and hydroponic farming center. It is located in orbit around Jupiter near the moon Europa.

  Faction D – A radical terrorist organization based on Europa Plus with an intense hatred for the New Victorian Empire. Their power and resources are limited.

  Freedom Movement – A powerful clandestine anti-Empire organization based on Io Station. They struck against the Empire in 455 N.V.A. but were defeated and are rebuilding their forces to strike again. Their goal is to defeat the Empire and reduce the role of CENTRAL from governing to care-taking of the environment and food production.

  Hyper-laser – A powerful laser beam used as the main weapon on star-ships. It requires enormous power provided only by a fusion reactor.

  Io Station – One of the early exo-Martian colonies constructed in 386 N.V.A. It originally served as a research and industrial area before falling into decay. It is located in orbit around Jupiter near the moon Io.

  Ion-phase Pulse Cannon – A beam weapon that sends out powerful star-like bursts of concentrated energy. They require a fusion reactor to drive them.

  Keyhole – An anomaly in space located in the Kuiper Belt. It is 1,000 kilometers in diameter and appears at regular intervals but at different locations within a fixed region of space. Its formation time is 12 minutes, stable time 62 minutes, followed by another 12 minute destabilizing period. It is thought to be a type of worm-hole where the laws of physics are changed allowing it to be a conduit through time.

  Kuiper Belt – A division of space beyond Neptune that extends from 30-1,000 A.U. This region contains trans-Neptunian objects, the two largest being Eris and Pluto. Over 1,000 objects have been discovered as of March 2009 and most are larger than 100 kilometers (60 miles) in diameter.

  Laser rifle – A powerful beam weapon; accurate, destructive, and deadly when used on the highest setting.

  Molecular-destabilizer – A device that disrupts the molecular structure of matter for a short period of time. It is used primarily to create openings through solid walls up to 30 centimeters thick (12 inches) and up to 2 meters in diameter (6 feet). A force-field can be applied across it for use in space. It may also be used to transport matter if done within 30 seconds.

  NAV Screens – Short for navigational screens and necessary for space travel.

  Stun-phaser – A beam weapon used to stun an assailant; not usually deadly unless set on the highest rating and at very close range.

  Octopus Unit – A mechanism carried by a star-ship to board another vessel during an attack. The unit has tentacles that cling to the enemy ship while a nuclear-cutter creates an opening in the ship's hull. An equalizer tube then drops into the ship to ensure an air-tight seal and provide handholds for access.

  Protectors – An elite division of the Planetary Control Corps whose purpose is to protect the Guardians at all costs, even with their own lives if nec
essary. They are all women, highly trained in the martial arts and all manner of military technology.

  Shields, Shielding – An energy field or barrier that prevents weapons from firing through. Also referred to as a force-field when used in smaller applications.


  The Solar System wide standard for measurements is the Metric System. It was instituted at the beginning of the New Victorian Empire. The following examples are approximate comparisons with the Ancient English standard.

  One meter = 39.37 inches or 3.28 feet. (Example: A person two meters tall = six foot, six inches.) (Example: Ten meters = thirty three feet.)

  One kilometer = 1,000 meters. One kilometer = .62 miles. One mile = 1.6 kilometers. (Example: Ten kilometers = 6.2 miles.)

  One centimeter = .3979 inches. One inch = 2.54 centimeters.

  One kilogram = 2.2 pounds. (Example: A cat weighing five kilograms = eleven pounds.) (Example: A cat weighing ten kilograms = twenty two pounds.)




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