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Tucker's Justice (Wild West Cowboys Book 1)

Page 15

by Maggie Carpenter

  “And what?” she pleaded, staring up at him.

  “You don’t know much about me, Dolly, but I come from back east. It’s different there. Out here in the west, women, they’re a whole lot freer. Back east, it’s more traditional, and I’m of that mind.”

  “I don’t know what you mean.”

  “I mean, I might’ve led a different kinda life than was meant for me, but there are still certain rules I stand by, and one of those rules is, a young lady is courted, and then there’s the weddin’ night.”

  Dolly gazed up at him. Inside the risk-taking gun-for-hire lived a gentleman. She’d wondered why his speech would change from polished, the way Maude had taught her, to rough, like one of the ranch hands. He was making her head spin.

  “I can’t stand it,” she moaned, collapsing against him. “I was so worried, and now you’re here, and I want to be with you so much.”

  “You’ll be glad of the wait,” he said softly, stroking her hair. “I know it, and you do too.”

  “I don’t,” she grumbled. “I don’t know any such thing. I’ve never felt like this, never, and it’s taking me over.”

  Clenching his teeth, Tucker closed his eyes and inhaled her sweet scent. He hugged her tightly, relishing the feel of her luscious mounds pressing against his chest, wishing he could throw away his inherent need to do the right thing; if she was the one, it was how it had to be.

  “Soon we’ll be alone together,” he softly promised, “and you’ll be glad I’m doin’ this.”

  “Are you going to be staying here now? Is that why you have those saddlebags and brought both the horses up here?”

  “Yep, it’s not safe at the cabin anymore.”

  “Tucker, why did you have father leave you two horses? I understand why you had to switch them out. You and the priest couldn’t be riding the same one, but why two?”

  “It’s not fair to leave a horse alone, don’t you know that? Horses are kinda like people that way. They need to be with each other. Havin’ three meant there’d always be one keepin’ the other company.”

  Dolly felt her heart melt all over again, and impulsively threw her arms around his neck, fervently kissing him, pressing her lips against him as though her life depended on it.

  “Easy there,” he breathed, breaking away.

  “I couldn’t help myself,” she mumbled. “I just couldn’t.”

  “How many times have I heard you say that?”

  “Maybe it’s just the way I am,” she said, smiling up at him, then letting out a sigh, her face fell solemn. “What happens now? Will you be going after McGill? I’m getting worried again.”

  “We have the weekend to get through. I haven’t spoken to your pa yet, and we’re gonna have to plan carefully,” he said, reluctantly releasing her. “Lucy’s gonna be takin’ some news to her friend, and we’ve gotta figure out exactly what that news is gonna be.”

  “I’m so relieved you’re not going to be in that cabin anymore, and I’m even happier than you’ll be here.”

  “Will you do me a favor, Dolly?”

  “Of course, anything.”

  “Go back to the house. I swear if you stand in front of me one more minute, I’ll be throwin’ you on that heap of hay and rippin’ that dress off you.”

  “In that case, I’m not moving from this spot,” she twinkled.

  “Do I need to remind you what happens when you don’t do as you’re told?”

  “It’ll be worth it,” she whispered, amazed how he’d suddenly sounded like a gentleman again. How could he be both rough and refined? Her tummy flipped. She absolutely loved it.

  “Not if I use a hard stick, it won’t.”

  “I don’t see any hard sticks in here,” she said airily, enjoying her sassy game.

  “You might be right, but there’s always my gun belt. I’ll take out my pistol and bullets, fold it in half, and—”

  “No!” she exclaimed, her demeanor quickly changing. “You wouldn’t spank me with a belt, would you?”

  “You don’t wanna test me,” he said sternly, then looking into her blue eyes, his face softened. “Maybe not this time, but if I think you deserved it, you bet I’d whip your ass with my belt, but I’ll sure spank you good right now if you don’t do as I’m askin’.”

  “All right, I’ll go, but I don’t want to.”

  “Remember, I’ll be in the house after the party’s over,” he said warmly, “and you’ll be seein’ me all through the weekend. Now get on inside, I won’t tell you again.”

  She was gazing into his eyes, and suddenly she was holding his face and kissing him again, this time softly. Fresh energy surged into his loins, and he had to fight an almost overwhelming need to clutch her around the waist and roam his fingers over every part of her.

  “When you get into your room, you get your hairbrush and give yourself four good whacks on each cheek, fast and hard,” he said as they broke apart.


  “You wanna make it six?”

  “Before I go,” she said, gazing up at him, “there’s just one last thing I need to say.”

  “Go on then,” he said resignedly. “What is it?”

  “I love you, Tucker Prescott, I love you with my whole heart and soul,” she said breathlessly, her face flushing deep red, then pirouetting on her toes, she scurried away.

  Gritting his teeth, he watched her disappear into the courtyard. Had she not utterly surprised him with her admission, and had she not bolted so abruptly, he would have told her how much he loved her too, but she was gone.

  The adrenaline was pumping through his body. He would have loved to have laid her over his knee, pulled up her fine dress, delivered his peppery palm across her bottom, then thrust his cock inside her soaked pussy and ravaged her. Taking a deep breath and try to push the image from his mind, he gave Ranger a quick wipe, walked him out to join his friends, then searched out a covert place where he could massage himself to a quick climax.

  Moving around the large barn, he spotted a small cluster of trees overlooking the valley. It was a short walk, and as he trekked into the shade he felt the cool air engulf him; it soothed his soul, and he felt himself begin to relax. Moving to the edge of the grove, he leaned against a hefty trunk, pulled out his member, and began to rub.

  Immediately visions of the beautiful Dolly wearing only the shawl he’d bought her began flitting through his imagination. It was wrapped tightly around her waist, she was on her hands and knees, and he was using it as a handle as he vigorously pumped. Her full round seat cheeks were bucking back at him, and he slapped her lightly, bringing a soft pink blush to her skin.

  He was losing himself in the deliciously erotic vision when unexpectedly her urgent plea echoed through his head.

  Please touch my breasts. Please, Tucker, please unbutton my dress and put your hand against me.

  Seeing her face as clearly as if she were standing in front of him, he felt his manhood jerk in his hand, and suddenly his essence was spurting forth. He knew he was a goner. Dolly Baker had utterly captivated his mind, his heart, and his body.

  Opening his eyes and seeing the sticky mess, he cursed himself for not having brought a cloth, but he had a kerchief around his neck. His heart still thumping, he unknotted it and wiped himself up, and as he straightened his clothes and caught his breath, he felt better for the short, private interlude. He’d been wound up from the day’s events, and as he stared down at the valley, studying the layout of the thicket and the cabin beyond, it hit him; a third ambush was a bad idea. McGill’s men had been caught out twice. Tucker had to assume that Patrick would now be more careful, determined not let it happen a third time.

  “Dang it,” Tucker muttered. “I gotta think about this from another angle.”

  A few minutes passed, then out of the ether a cunning scheme began forming in his mind; a way to capture McGill and his gang with very little gunfire, and possibly save the cabin from being set to flame.

  * * *

  Upstairs in her bedroom, Dolly had locked her door, taken off her dress and drawers, and wearing just her corset, chemise, and stockings to her knees, she holding the hairbrush and peering over her shoulder at her bottom in the mirror. It still showed faint red blotches from when Tucker had last spanked her. The sight sent her belly fluttering, and holding the brush over her right cheek, she held her breath and landed the blows.

  “Ow, ow,” she hissed, sucking the air between her teeth and stamping her foot. “No fair you making me spank myself.”

  She now understood why he’d instructed her to make the swats fast and hard. If she’d taken her time she might have held back after the first or second, and delivering them swiftly removed the temptation. Gazing at the red bloom, she took the brush in her left hand, but before landing the second set of four she paused to rub the sting.

  The whole punishment thing was strange; not that her father hadn’t punished her, he had, but he’d never spanked her. Maude had landed a slap or two, not a real spanking, but what she felt when Tucker smacked her, or threatened to smack her, was completely different to anything she’d ever experienced. It made her stomach flip and sent a pulsing excitement through her entire body.

  Taking a deep breath, she sent her pondering to the back of her mind and launched into the next four swats. As had happened previously, they didn’t carry the same amount of zest, so she added a fifth. The moment it landed she asked herself why she would do such a thing, but suddenly feeling weak and needing to lie down, she stepped across to her bed and flopped onto her back.

  “Ooh, what’s wrong with me?” she mumbled. “I want him, that’s what’s wrong with me. I’m twenty-two years old and I’ve never been with a man. I’m glad I waited, but now I don’t want to wait a second longer.”

  Sending her fingers against her pussy, she found herself warm and wet, very wet. Did spanking feed her desires? Did his authoritative ways arouse her? She knew they did, but she didn’t know why, then decided the why didn’t matter. Closing her eyes, she imagined him lying next to her, rubbing her breasts, tonguing her nipples, and exploring her womanhood with his fingers.

  “I can’t wait,” she whispered. “I positively cannot wait.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Lucy had left for the day, and Maude, Tucker, Dolly, and Duke had just sat down at the dinner table. Dolly had taken great care in her appearance, and seated across from her, Tucker could not take his eyes off her. She had gathered up her hair and twisted it into a braid on top of her head. The style showed off her long, graceful neck, which seemed to be begging for his hot, wet kisses.

  “You’re a marvel, Betsy,” Duke declared as the cook placed a chicken and cornbread casserole in the middle of the table. “It smells as good as it looks.”

  Dolly couldn’t remember the last time she’d seen her father in such good spirits, and glancing over at Tucker, she wondered how she could ever repay him.

  “Thank you, sir,” Betsy beamed. “I’ll be back right quick with the vegetables.”

  She left the room, and eyeing the bowl, Duke was about to reach for it and spoon out a helping when a chime echoed through the house.

  “Blast! The door!” Duke exclaimed. “Who the blazes could that be?”

  “I’ll answer it,” Tucker said, quickly rising from his chair.

  “I’m comin’ with you,” Duke exclaimed. “If it’s trouble I’ll face it head-on.”

  “Me too,” Dolly declared, jumping to her feet.

  “No, you won’t,” her father said brusquely. “You’ll stay right where you are.”

  “I second that,” Tucker added as he and Duke headed out.

  “Then I’m going to stand by the dining room door and listen. There’s no harm in that.”

  “Relax, Dolly, it’s probably just one of the boys,” Duke said, trying to sound as if he believed it, “but no matter who it is, you don’t leave this room.” Closing the door behind them, Duke shot Tucker a nervous glance. “Can’t say I’m not worried,” he muttered as they started across the foyer. “Don’t know anyone who’d be callin’ on me at this hour.”

  “Hold on,” Tucker said as they approached the door. “I’m gonna take a look.”

  Moving quickly to the staircase, he trotted up the first few steps and peered out a small paned window that overlooked the courtyard.

  “Can you see who it is?” Duke asked, unable to hide the concern in his voice.

  “Well, I’ll be… I sure can,” Tucker said with a smile as he moved back down to join him, “and it’s no one you’ve gotta worry about.”

  Curious, Duke unbolted the lock and swung open the heavy wooden door.

  “Ida!” Duke declared. “What are you doin’ here? Come on in. We were just sittin’ down to dinner. You’ve gotta join us.”

  “Duke, that’s real kind of you, but I don’t wanna impose.”

  “You wouldn’t be imposin’, not at all.”

  “Tucker Prescott?” Ida said, a curious frown crossing her face as Tucker joined them. “Land sakes, what a surprise.”

  “You know Tucker?” Duke asked, taken aback. “How could you possibly know Tucker?”

  “I know this nice young man ‘cos he bought me coffee and cake this afternoon.”

  “He did?”

  “He certainly did,” Ida said earnestly, “and that’s why I’m here.”

  “You’re here because of coffee and boiled cookies?” Tucker asked, his curiosity piqued.

  “I’m here ‘cos of what happened while I was drinkin’ that coffee and eatin’ those boiled cookies,” Ida replied. “I didn’t know what else to do.”

  “You must come in and tell us about this over dinner,” Duke insisted, taking her arm and guiding her through the foyer.

  “And I’ll step out and make sure someone takes care of your horse,” Tucker offered.

  “Oh, for goodness’ sake,” she said, shaking her head. “I just have somethin’ to tell you, is all.”

  “I’m not gonna take no for an answer,” Duke said firmly, “especially not after comin’ all this way, and you’re gonna stay the night. I won’t have you drivin’ back to town in the dark. You did come in your wagon, right?”

  “Well now, yes, I did, but I couldn’t impose. I’ll be just fine.”

  “You are not imposin’, not for a minute!” Duke reiterated as they reached the dining room door. “Maude will be thrilled to see you, and so will Dolly.”

  “Little Dolly. I do miss seein’ her in town, but it’s not safe there anymore, especially for a lovely young woman like her.”

  “I’m sorry to say you’re right about that,” Duke said soberly.

  “I didn’t mean to be all this trouble,” Ida tutted. “It was just too important not to tell you.”

  “Look who it is,” Duke announced, opening the dining room door.

  “Hello, Ida,” Dolly said, not surprised, having heard everything through the door. “How are you? Don’t you look well?”

  “Ida!” Maude exclaimed, jumping from the table and moving quickly to hug her. “How wonderful to see you.”

  As Duke was finding a chair for Ida and settling her down, Tucker had hurried outside in search of a ranch hand, but a well-built man named Randy, who had been part of the action earlier in the day, had already unhitched the horse and was leading it into the stable.

  “How did you know she’d be stayin’?” Tucker asked, following him.

  “Her husband was one of the first to open a business here after Duke set up the ranch. They go way back. He wouldn’t’ve let her drive back, not with all the trouble happenin’.”

  “I don’t understand,” Tucker frowned. “Why does she live in the bad part of town?”

  “Didn’t used to be bad,” Randy said grimly. “It just got that way over this last year. Her husband built their house. She’d be real hard-pressed to leave it, but I know Duke worries about her. He worries about all the good people of Spring Junction.”

  “Poor Ida,” Tucker mu

  “Yep, it’s been real tough on everyone. I’m real lucky to be workin’ up there, that’s darn straight.”

  “I’d best get back in. I’ll see ya later, Randy.”

  “Any time, and all the fellas feel the same. Any time you want us!”

  “That’ll be real soon,” Tucker said solemnly, “and I’m grateful. I’d best get back in.”

  The idea that had come to Tucker when he’d been sitting under the trees and staring down at the thicket and cabin below was swirling around his head. He’d planned to share it over dinner, but with Ida’s arrival he might have to wait. Walking back into the house and entering the dining room, he found Maude praising Betsy’s cooking skills; it brought a smile to his face. He’d not heard normal, happy conversation since he’d arrived.

  “How is it I can’t cook up the same dish?” Maude exclaimed. “I use the same ingredients, and do everything just like she does, but it just doesn’t taste as good.”

  “Don’t fret,” Dolly said warmly. “Nobody makes red raspberry pudding like yours, and you know that.”

  “Thank you, Dolly, that does make me feel better.”

  “Red raspberry puddin’,” Ida said wistfully. “I haven’t had red raspberry puddin’ in an age.”

  “I’m going to make some tomorrow,” Maude said firmly. “You’ll stay for lunch and we’ll have it fresh from the oven.”

  “That sounds like an excellent plan,” Duke said, “but now that Tucker is back, I think it’s time we heard what brought Ida all the way up here.”

  “Thanks for waitin’, and sorry I held you up,” Tucker apologized. “Tell us what happened, Ida.”

  “I was sittin’ at my table enjoyin’ my cookies, and these men came in, two of ‘em. I knew right away they weren’t right. They were wearin’ good clothes, but their eyes, I could see the meanness in them.”

  “Strangers then?” Tucker asked. “Had you seen them before?”

  “I keep my head down when I’m on the street, so I dunno if they’ve been here a while or not, but they sure acted like they’d been there plenty. No one notices an old lady like me—”


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