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Tucker's Justice (Wild West Cowboys Book 1)

Page 20

by Maggie Carpenter

  “It was you, Tucker, and all that amazing stuff you know how to do. I almost wish I’d been in the trees to watch.”

  “No,” he said soberly, “no, you don’t, and we both know it could’ve been a disaster if it weren’t for you, so how’s about tonight’s success was down to the both of us?”

  “I like that,” she smiled. “The both of us.”

  “Dolly,” he said, lowering his voice, “I’d like it to be that way.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “The both of us,” he murmured, feeling a wave of heat pulse through his throat, “and I don’t mean just for now.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I realized tonight, at the end of it all as I was ridin’ back, you were right.”

  “Right about what?”

  “What you said, earlier, about tonight, that it may be our only chance to be together,” he said, swallowing hard. “Life is fulla surprises, some good, and some… well… you just never know what’s comin’.”

  “Are you asking me to spend the night with you?”

  “I’m askin’ you,” he said, taking a deep breath, “to spend every night with me, every night forever. I wanna court you, Dolly, and then I wanna marry you.”

  “Tucker,” she breathed, “you do?”

  “I sure do. What ya say, or rather, what do you say?”

  “Either works for me,” she laughed, “but for how long?”

  “How long, what?”

  “How long will you court me?”

  “Uh, I’m not sure. I guess, as long as it takes.”

  “As long as it takes to do what?”

  “To be sure, I guess.”

  “You’re not sure?”

  “We haven’t known each other very long.”

  “How long do you need to know me? I’m sure, and I won’t be any surer in two months, or two years. I’m sure now.”


  “Three weeks,” she said firmly.

  “Three weeks?”

  “Three weeks, then you’ll marry me.”

  “Three weeks, that’s a real short time,” he said uneasily. “Why three weeks?”


  “Betsy? What does Betsy have to do with this?”

  “It’ll take her one week to get over the news, one week to plan what she’ll want to cook, and one week to prepare everything. Three weeks.”

  “So, if she could do all that in three days, you’d wanna marry me? Let’s see, it’s Friday, so you’d wanna get married on Monday, or would it be Tuesday?”

  “Of course not,” she giggled. “It would still be three weeks.”

  “Still three weeks?”

  “In three weeks I’ll be able to eat cakes again, or at least it will be close enough. I can’t have a wedding and not eat my own cake! Then there’s my dress. I need a week to design it, a week to find the right material and get it here, and a week to have it made.”

  “What if the material is held up on its way here?”

  “It won’t be,” she exclaimed, “and even if it is, I’ll figure it out.”

  “I’m sure you will,” he grinned. “You are somethin’.”

  “So? Will you court me and marry me in three weeks? I’m quite determined about this. Three weeks.”

  “Three weeks it is,” he nodded. “Three weeks! Dear Lord have mercy! I’m gettin’ married in three weeks? How did this happen?”

  “And I want to wait until our wedding night to… you know,” she murmured, her face blushing pink.

  “What changed?”

  “I’m not sure, I just know that’s what I want, and Tucker, I love my shawl. The whole time you were gone I had it around me.”

  “It’s the color of your eyes, and you’d best have it with you on our weddin’ day.”

  “I promise, but I’d have it with me even if you hadn’t said that. I’ll never be without it.”

  “Dolly, I’m glad you wanna wait, but we’re gonna be doin’ a whole lotta kissin’ ‘till then, and I’m gonna be spankin’ your naked butt real hard on our weddin’ night.”


  “Think about it,” he said sternly, then softening his expression and tightening his fingers around her hair, he pressed his lips on hers, and kissing her deeply, he sent her all the love and passion that was rising up from his soul.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The grisly story of the grim reaper terrorizing Patrick McGill’s gang spread through Spring Junction like wildfire, and with every telling the details were elaborated; the horse had wings, the reaper was ten feet tall, and ghosts and goblins had joined in the fun.

  The murderous thugs who survived had been reduced to shadows of their former selves, and as he’d promised, Tucker ran them out of town. The bodies brought in from the thicket were unceremoniously buried, except for Patrick McGill. His brother Conan, though still recovering from his injuries, arranged to transport Patrick to another town where he could be properly laid to rest.

  Within a week, smiles in the town had been restored, women were shopping and meeting for coffee, children could be seen playing in an area that Tucker had not only cordoned off, but had promised to supply with fun things for the little ones to enjoy, the preacher began making appearances, and even the Short Branch Saloon was cleaning up its act.

  There was a belief among the townsfolk that it was the priest who had heralded in the change, that he had somehow opened the door for the angel of death to make itself known to the dastardly men who had created such anguish. Tucker was hailed as a hero because it was he who had brought Father O’Brien to Spring Junction, and Duke Baker was their champion. After so many failed attempts to make things right, Duke had not given up, and determined to save his community, he had hired Tucker Prescott.

  Tucker had told him about those who had been helpful to both him and Father O’Brien, and in an effort to repay them, Duke hired out Kitty’s Korner for a town party to take place the same day as the wedding, buying all the supplies from Sam’s Mercantile, and called upon Rose to thank her personally.

  “You can go to Sam’s and pick out new curtains for every room in your boarding house,” he’d said, “and if I can ever do anything for you, don’t hesitate to knock on my door.”

  A week before the wedding, when the town was well and truly settled, Duke Baker purchased a full-page advertisement in the local newspaper to announce the pending marriage, and let the townsfolk know about the party. The heading above the details read:

  All Invited. Kitty’s Korner. To Celebrate the Wedding of my Daughter and the Liberation of Spring Junction.

  Tucker moved back into the cabin, and though he was busy throughout the day dealing with the business of the town, and Dolly was equally occupied with the wedding arrangements, she would slip away after dinner and ride to the cabin to meet him. They would kiss and cuddle, and Tucker would roam his hands over her breasts. Occasionally he would put her over his knee and raise her skirt and petticoats to spank her, but he steadfastly refused to touch between her legs. By the time their special day was upon them, Dolly was sure, had she been forced to wait any longer, she would have completely lost her mind. Tucker shared her sentiments, and as he prepared for the ceremony, he thought back to the moment in the garden when she had announced they should be married in three weeks. He’d had trouble coming to grips with it, and though the time had flown by, it had simultaneously taken forever, and now he couldn’t wait to call her his own.

  Duke had spared no expense. The house was decorated in baby blue and white to match Dolly’s dress. She had chosen the colors so she could incorporate the shawl Tucker had given her, and it proudly sat around her waist, folded into a band. The ceremony itself was taking place in the garden under a flower-festooned canopy built for them by the ranch hands.

  As they exchanged their vows, Tucker thought Dolly’s eyes had never sparkled so brightly, her lips had never looked more pink or kissable, her curves never more pronounced, and he wanted t
o whisk her away the moment the preacher named them man and wife.

  Gazing up at him, barely able to speak from the spring of love flooding her heart, Dolly decided Tucker was, without a doubt, the handsomest, bravest, most clever man in the whole world. She ached to feel his palms smooth themselves over her naked body, and it was hard to think about anything except escaping with him the moment they were pronounced husband and wife.

  When the preacher finally said the magic words, Tucker leaned in, softly kissed her, and as the onlookers cheered, he leaned his lips against his ear.

  “We must run away the moment we can. Agreed?”

  “Yes, yes,” she said earnestly. “Agreed, agreed.”

  Tightly holding hands, they moved into the grand living room to cut their wedding cake and follow the rituals dictated by tradition, and as the wine flowed and the delicious food was enjoyed, Tucker could see they’d soon be able to slip away, but there was one thing he had to do first.

  “Dolly, there’s somethin’ I’ve gotta take care of.”


  “It’ll only take me a minute. I’ll be right back, I promise.”

  “You’d better be,” she warned, “or I won’t be very happy.”

  “We can’t have that,” he chuckled. “You stay put.”

  Moving through the crowd, accepting warm congratulations, he found Duke, and taking his elbow, he guided him a few feet away to a quiet corner.

  “What is it, Tucker? Is there a problem?”

  “There sure is,” Tucker replied, “and you’re the only one who can fix it.”

  “Tell me! Is it Dolly? Is the cabin? What?”

  “Nope, it’s Maude. Don’t you think it’s about time you made an honest woman of her?”

  “I, uh, I…” Duke stammered, totally shocked by Tucker’s question.

  “Everyone knows the two of you are together, you’re not foolin’ anyone, and don’t you think you’re both a bit old to be sneakin’ around?”

  “I, uh, I…”

  “That woman is a saint, standin’ by you like she has, but now that Dolly’s not gonna be livin’ here anymore…”

  “You don’t think Maude will leave, do you?”

  “I think you need to give her a reason to stay,” Tucker replied, “otherwise folks might talk, and Maude’s a proud woman. A good woman. A genteel woman. People talkin’… that might not sit well with her.”

  “I hadn’t thought about it,” Duke muttered.

  “Maybe you should. Now I’m goin’ back to my bride, and just so’s you know, we’re gonna be doin’ some sneakin’ of our own. We’re gonna get on outta here.”

  “Good, yep, you should, and Tucker, thanks, that was good advice,” he said soberly. “Real good advice.”

  “Thank you, Duke, thank you for bringin’ me here, and for lettin’ me wed your lovely girl.”

  Tucker shook his hand, then hurried back to Dolly.

  “I saw you talking to father, is everything all right?”

  “Yep, fine, now let’s leave through the kitchen door and walk around the house to the courtyard where the carriage is waitin’.”

  “Oh, this is so exciting. I love that we’re escaping.”

  “Me too,” he grinned, and grabbing her hand, he led her though the crowd.

  “What are you two doin’ here?” Betsy demanded as they entered her domain.

  “You haven’t seen us,” Tucker declared as they moved swiftly to the door.

  “Oh, I see, I see,” she laughed. “Don’t you worry, your secret is safe.”

  Scurrying around the house, they were soon in the courtyard and walking toward the carriage, but Dolly suddenly stopped and grabbed Tucker by the arm.

  “I’ve changed my mind.”

  “About what? Don’t you wanna get away?”

  “Of course I do, but I want to do it riding on Ranger with no saddle. Can we do that?”

  “Rather than in this fine carriage your father arranged for you, and what about your dress?”

  Looking down at the full skirt below her waist, Dolly frowned, then looked back up at him.

  “It’s what’s underneath that’s the problem. You can help me take off the petticoats in the barn, then I can hoist up all the material.”

  “Oh, Dolly, that is very wicked, and I love it,” he grinned. “Hold on one second. Let me just talk to the driver.”

  “Be quick, before someone comes out.”

  He nodded and marched up to the coachman standing by his horses.

  “Driver, what’s your name?” Tucker asked as he approached.

  “Ted, my name’s Ted.”

  “Hey, Ted. I’m Tucker Prescott.”

  “I know that,” he said, smiling broadly. “The whole world knows that. It’s a real honor to meet you.”

  “Good of you to say,” Tucker replied, shaking his hand, then lowering his voice so Dolly wouldn’t hear, he said, “My bride and I won’t be needin’ the carriage. When Mr. Baker comes out, tell him we left it for him and Maude, and that I said he should take her for a ride. Can you remember that?”

  “Yep, it’s for him and Maude to go for a ride, and congratulations on the ‘I do’s,’ Tucker.”

  “Thanks, Ted. I’ll be seein’ ya,” Tucker replied, slipping back into the common twang.

  “What was that about?” Dolly asked as he returned to her.

  “Can’t say, not just yet.”

  “But you will tell me, you must tell me,” she declared. “It’s my wedding day. You can’t keep secrets from your bride on her wedding day.”

  “Maybe later,” he winked as they hurried into the barn.

  The place was empty and quiet, and moving into a corner behind a pile of hay, Dolly turned her back to him.

  “Untie the ribbons at my waist,” she said, lifting up the skirt of her dress.

  “Now that is somethin’ I’m happy to do,” he chuckled.

  As the layers of frilly fabric began to fall away, Tucker felt the familiar stirring in his loins, and when at last he was gazing at her thin drawers and her stockings to her knees held up by frilly garters, he wanted to throw her on the hay and ravage her right there and then. Instead, he took a deep breath and settled for fondling her bottom.

  “I almost want to stay here,” she moaned, speaking his thoughts, then turning around, she lifted her arms around his neck and stared up at him. “You have to kiss me, you have to kiss me properly. I can’t stand it another minute.”

  He didn’t hesitate, and drifting his mouth over hers, he teased for a moment before pressing harder, then fervently devoured her lips and searched out her tongue with his. His cock surged to full life, and he never wanted the kiss to end, but he knew they needed to head out before someone stumbled into the barn.

  “Tucker,” she muttered, falling against him. “I want you to kiss me like that every single day for the rest of my life.”

  “You can count on it,” he softly promised, closing his eyes as he crushed her body against his, then reluctantly he added, “but we’ve gotta get outta here.”

  Breaking apart, Dolly stared down at the petticoats Tucker had laid on top of the hay.

  “What should we do with those? We can’t leave them there!”

  “Hmm, well, there’s a whole lotta them. Let’s bury them for now. I can come back up with a bag or somethin’. I’ll figure it out tomorrow.”

  “I feel so naughty,” she laughed.

  “That’s ‘cos you are,” he grinned, raising his eyebrows.

  It only took a few minutes to hide the petticoats, and with her dress gathered up in her hands, she followed Tucker through the barn to the corrals. Hanging on the fence was the rope Tucker used around Ranger’s neck, and he quickly threw it over his horse’s head.

  “You ready?” he asked.

  “Are you asking me or your horse?” Dolly quipped.

  “I’m spankin’ you so dang hard,” he chuckled, shaking his head. “Can you climb on the fence to get on?”

p; “I think so. I just have to be careful. I don’t want to tear my skirt… Wait, I just had an idea.”

  Taking the hem, she lifted it up and began tucking it under the tightly tied blue shawl at her waist.

  “I cannot believe my eyes,” Tucker exclaimed “That sight is takin’ my blood to the boilin’ point. I sure hope nobody sees you.”

  “They won’t, they’re all having too much fun in the house. There, that’s better,” she said with a satisfied sigh, then climbing onto the fence as Tucker pulled him Ranger alongside, she slipped onto his back. “This is an amazing feeling,” she said happily, putting her arms around Tucker’s waist and holding him tightly. “I love it. I want to do this on Daisy.”

  “I’ll teach you,” he promised, then riding Ranger across to the gate, he leaned down, opened it up, and they started off.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Ranger’s stride was as smooth as a calm lake, and as he carried them down the hill and into the thicket, Dolly raised her head and placed her chin on Tucker’s shoulder.

  “The watering hole, let’s go there.”

  It was the ideal place for them to be together for the first time, and he wished he’d thought of it himself. Entering the trees, he guided Ranger down the fork that led to the meadow. The thought of unwrapping his bride and gazing upon her nakedness in the warm afternoon sun sent a rush of blood to his cock. He could already taste her skin, and imagined how divine it would be to suck on her nipples and plunge into her wet, waiting pussy.

  For Dolly, the ride had been intensely erotic. Already aroused by Tucker’s ardent kiss and his removal of her petticoats, sitting behind him with her breasts pressed against him, and only a thin layer of cloth between her sex and the back of the warm, moving horse, by the time they broke through the trees she was panting with a deep, carnal craving. She longed to feel his mouth devour her breasts, and yearned to spread her legs and experience the thrusting of his cock, something she’d envisaged so many times as she’d been lying in her bed at night, her fingers busy between her legs.


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