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Two Can Play

Page 20

by K. M. Liss

  “Ahh, well,” he sighs heavily, shaking his head at me and smiling. “It was good while it, this is boyfriend breakfast, yes?”

  “Yeah, and we both need lots of know...for energy later.” I wink, teasing him.

  He flushes a little pink around the cheeks and I laugh loudly.

  “Oh, Kate. Naughty, naughty,” he replies in a low, chuckling voice.

  He pops the two pastries in a box, still chuckling to himself, and shaking his head.

  I've definitely set him off now. I love the mildly flirtatious banters we have. They're not normally quite so naughty as this one, but he's a bit of a laugh when he gets going.

  “Any more calories for boyfriend?” he asks with a twinkle in his eye, sniggering like mad.

  “Mmmm, lots more...I'll have two very milky lattes please. Massimmo. Ummm, yeah, with double cream, extra shots, and two, no, make that three sugars each.”

  “Gesù! Sooo many calories, I am very jealous of this man. Santa Madre, lucky, lucky him.” He looks at me in a really filthy way over the top of the espresso machine and we burst out laughing.

  I'm still giggling like a lunatic, a few minutes later, as he hands me the box and a carry carton with the drinks inside. I pay and wait for my change, which he pops in my hand, after stroking my palm several times first.

  “'Bye then, Mario, I'll think of you when we get to the specials.”

  He clutches his heart and then gestures at the door “Cristo! You so naughty, you go right now and be gone. Leave poor Mario to cry while you enjoy so many calories for later.”

  “Well I'm pretty sure I'll be enjoying something later, maybe not calories though. See ya, Mario. 'Bye, Luigi,” I call out loudly.

  “'Bye, Kate,” his muffled voice calls back. It sounds like he's eating, got a mouth full of something, not that that's a surprise.

  I return to the apartment, humming and giggling with naughty happiness.

  He's up and in the shower.

  “I'm back,” I call out.

  “Be out in five,” he replies.

  I sit waiting patiently for his arrival at the table. I sip my superb bucketful of coffee and he appears, smelling divine, and looking even more so, his hair all wet and shiny. He sits down and grabs his food, taking a big bite of his special, closing his eyes as he absorbs the taste.

  “Mmm, this is damn good,” he murmurs as he chews. Then he washes it down with a big gulp of coffee and takes another huge bite, like he's a starving man. I love watching him eat. It's a sensual feast.

  I lean on the table and stare. A besotted, love-struck stare that I can't and don't want to hide. He laughs at me.

  “I'm not that interesting, am I?”

  “Oh yes, you are.”

  More than interesting. Fascinating, out of this world fuck-me-to-death goddamn wonderful.

  He stops eating and smiles at me. A serious little smile.

  “Wanna meet my family today?”

  “Sure, that'll be good,” I say in a dreamy voice. I'd fly to the moon with him, or wherever he wants. Meet the devil for tea, if he asks me to.

  “I'll see if they're all around this afternoon, shall I?”

  “Okay, and talking of family, I've promised my mom I'll be back on Tuesday at the latest.”

  “So we've got four days together?”

  “Want to come back to Vegas with me?”

  “I ought to get back to New York.”

  “Maybe you can visit some other time then?”

  I try to keep the disappointment out of my voice, unsuccessfully.

  “Kate...listen. I can't leave everything to Jack, Ed, and my PA, as it's my company. I need to be there to run it sometimes.”

  “It's fine, Aaron, you don't have to explain. I know you're busy.”

  “But I want to explain. I'd much rather be coming with you, obviously, but I can't right now.”

  “It's cool, really, no problem at all.”

  I stand up with a sigh and walk across the room, grabbing my iPod and finding something to listen to, to take the edge off my feelings. I don't want to be apart from him for a second. That's the truth of it.

  I plug the iPod in the speakers and I'm instantly in a better mood as Mariah Carey's perfect tones start to float around the room. She's the ultimate Miss Hot in terms of voice. My heart and soul are flying again as I look at him. He's eating, so damn sexily, watching me as I walk back toward him, drinking my coffee, placing the cup on the table. I slip my leg over his lap and sit down facing him. I kiss his pizza-flavored mouth as he chews and nuzzle his face.

  “Mmm that's tasty. I'll have to get stuck into mine in a minute.”

  He runs his finger around my lips. I lick his fingertip.

  “I need to ask you something, about your songs,” he says slowly, taking his last bite.

  “What about them?”

  “I can do things with them,” he says with his mouth full.

  “Oh yeah? Like what?”

  “Well Selena could use them, and Shannon of course.”

  “You don't mean Selena Romero, do you?” My eyes widen.

  “Aha, so what d'you think? Want to work with those two? Selena's always looking for new stuff.”

  “God, now this is a shocker, she's world famous! And you've signed her?”

  She came from nowhere about three years back, and she's hotter than the sun in terms of celebrity right now. She's even more of a coup for me than Leona.

  “Years ago, before she was so famous. Look, there are at least four, maybe five songs in your file that she could use right away, if you want to do that kinda stuff. You'll have to adapt them a little to her style.”

  “Are you offering me a real job here, Mr. Garcia?” I squeeze him excitedly.

  “I really am.”

  “Then I accept. Payment in kind. I don't need money.”

  “No, you don't need it. But this is a real contract, so you'll get paid, plus royalties, whether you like it or not. And we need to get you copyrighted.”

  “If you insist.” I smile, happily.

  “I do. I'm an insistent CEO. Now then, my mom's a fussy dresser, just to warn you,” he says looking at my casual outfit pointedly.

  “I wasn't going to meet her in my shorts and T-shirt, Aaron.”

  “Oh good, because she's a little old fashioned and very proper. Let me help you get those things off.”

  “But we're not going for hours yet, are we?”

  “At least three hours, but you're definitely overdressed for me.”

  “I'd better eat something, hadn't I? I feel a real session coming on. I need some calories to keep me going.” I snort with laughter as I get up.

  He catches hold of my hand, standing up, pulling me close.

  “No time for that, you've missed meal time, honey.”

  His face erupts in a naughty smile. How I love that smile. The glow in his eyes as he rakes over me. My breath catches in my throat as I raise my hand to his face to stroke his cute dimple.

  “That's so damn beautiful,” I murmur.

  “I used to hate it.”

  “Used to?”

  “When I was a boy.”

  “But not any more?”

  “It's grown on me.”

  “Well I think it's adorable, just like the rest of you.” I kiss it and then his lips and pull back staring intently into his eyes. My stomach's so tight, emotionally taut...straining for some kind of release.

  And it's coming fast.

  I can't stop the words from coming out.

  “I love you.” I hold my breath waiting for his reply.

  His chest heaves with a deep sigh.

  It seems like he takes forever to say anything.

  Oh please, please...say it back.

  “I love you too, Kate,” he whispers.

  “You really do?” I need a second confirmation.

  “I really do.” He kisses my hand.

  His face lights up like the sun has risen.

nbsp; “You mean the world to me,” I say, as the tears start to gather.

  I'm such a crybaby lately.

  He nuzzles my neck and whispers in my ear.

  “I can't tell you how much you mean to me. You've changed my whole life.”

  My heart flies away as I lead him toward the bedroom.

  “The bed says it's getting cold and lonely without us.”

  “We'd better go make it happy and warm it up again, hadn't we?”

  We fall on the bed in a tangle. My broken arm landing heavily to my side. How I wish I didn't have this damn plaster cast on right now, it's a real pain.

  But I soon forget all about that little inconvenience.

  His lips brush mine and I'm in heaven.

  “Mmm, gimme more of this love of yours,” I murmur against his mouth.

  He tugs off my shorts and panties roughly, then drags me up the bed, placing my head on the pillow. I'm more than turned on by his mad urgency.

  “Comfortable?” he asks, removing my top, a little more carefully, slowly lifting my bad arm.

  “Mmm, very,” I reply, my heart beating wildly.

  I arch my neck as he kisses my throat, all over, everywhere. I'm heating up, dying for it. Whatever's coming. I can't get enough of the things he does to me.

  His tongue snakes down, his fingers pulling my bra down and sucking at me, as his other hand lazily strokes my stomach. My breathing's going crazy. Huge breaths are leaving my lungs.

  “Oh, Aaron, that is so....” I moan in rapture, pushing myself against his mouth. The nipple sucking sensation hits my sex muscles and they clench tightly. I want so much more of this.

  He switches to the other breast, sucking harder. And it hurts, but in a very pleasurable way. I groan loudly, and my eyes close. I grab his hair hard, pulling at the roots. His fingers stroke my inner thigh, softly sweeping up and round my stomach and down the other side to my knee. I'm panting with need, absorbing every tiny touch and stroke rapidly, soaking up the sensations. The long fingers tease me, stroking closer and closer to my desperately craving part, deliberately not touching, carefully edging around softly, his nails scraping lightly at my tender skin.

  I hold my breath as his head goes down. Warm lips and his hair stroke my stomach. I rise up at the touch of his tongue on my pubic bone and then...

  Oh God!

  The divine long wet lick up my inner thigh.

  A wild gasp flies from my mouth.


  I'm about to die with need, moaning like a mad woman.

  I squirm against his mouth, trying to wriggle across and get him where I want him.

  Get right in there.

  He moves away, frustrating my efforts and slips lower, right down to the end of the bed and onto the floor kissing all the way to my toes. Then oh-so slowly, he starts upward again. It's the slowest erotic torture as his fingers and tongue edge their way up my sensitive inner thighs. Little licks and sucks, nips, and soft strokes of his nails.

  I'm literally at the point of selling my soul to the devil for the tip of his tongue to arrive on the spot, when he grabs my ass and hauls me down the bed and up to his mouth.

  I shut my eyes waiting.

  I can feel his breath, the touch of his nose to one side and then the other. Avoiding what's in the middle. This teasing is going to be the death of me. I squirm again and again, but he's playing a game with me. Avoiding giving me what I want. It makes me crave it so much more. Not that I can possibly be more in dire need than I am at this moment.

  My God, does he want me to beg for it? I might just have do that soon, or maybe I'll grab his ears and shove him in there.

  His eyes meet mine in a long stare as he hovers. We're both breathing heavily as his fingers gently trail and circle around the sex zone. His mouth is just an inch away. So tantalizingly close.

  “You want me?” he says smiling, and the tip of his tongue darts out.

  It barely touches me, just a tiny flick, but the effect is mind blowing.

  “Give it to me.” I'm panting, staring right into his eyes as my chest heaves up and down.

  I think he senses that I've had enough. And he goes in for the kill.

  “Oh holy Mother of God!” I bite my lip and taste blood as his tongue laps at my clit. Long sweeps of flat tongue. Slowly up and down the length of my slit. His fingers hold me apart as he sets about me. The warm lapping pressure brings me off the bed with the need to push closer, rising against him. I just can't stop it. Hard fingers plunge inside me, pushing really deep, rubbing at my sensitive inner place. I'm reaching that critical point where it all goes crazy wild...where I can't control myself...where I'm too aroused to care. The part where I'm not at all ladylike and turn all animal, pushing myself in his face, sliding my wetness all over him, where strange sounds emerge from my mouth.

  “Faster, baby, more, harder.” I moan in ecstasy as it comes to a crescendo. I don't know what I'm doing to him, good or bad, as I grab at him, forcing my fingers in his hair and shoving his face into me so hard as I come.

  “Omigod!” I squeeze around his fingers, everything pulsating wildly as I dissolve in his mouth.

  Wow, wow, wow...

  I want more of this. A lot more, but I'm coming down from my high and sensitizing way too fast. I squirm in discomfort, trying to move away from his grasp. He carries on licking softly and fingering me hard.

  “Just go with it, baby,” he murmurs hoarsely.

  I try to chill and relax and to my amazement, the next second I'm back up there again, poised on the edge of another orgasm...I've never had this happen before. I'm moaning with reaction and pleasure. He's working me so expertly. He seems to know my body so well.

  “Oh, Aaron...I love you.” I gasp and gulp, rubbing myself into him.

  “Love you too, baby.” His fingers withdraw quickly as he moves up me, undoing his fly. The next moment his rock-hard cock replaces his fingers, as he slides himself inside me so beautifully hard.

  Oh, what a feeling...

  I'm impaled, stretched wide and deep by the size of him. Held down by my sex god.

  I can't move. He's everywhere. The omnipotent being of my dreams. All over me. Heavy and muscular and so hard. I'm in paradise. Experiencing a new state of being.

  I kiss his face with passion.

  He thrusts inside me and I start to come.

  “Fuck me harder, much harder, I need more, right now...,” I growl at him, tigress style.

  I'm suddenly so demanding, finding a side of me I didn't know was there.

  In total shock, I draw my legs up his back and surrender to him, my back arching up. I hit my peak and the wave rushes through me. The blissful, sublime sensation of orgasmic release. It's so intense. I'm throbbing, clenching at his cock as he drives inside me. My heart is racing at a deadly pace, my eyes rolling backward with the pleasure I feel in my head and deep inside my sex.

  So, so perfect. Like nothing on this earth.

  “Mmmm, you're so damn beautiful.” He kisses me long and hard. I taste my own musky flavor on his lips and tongue and revel in it.

  This wasn’t sex so there must be another word for it. I don't know what, but based on what I'm feeling right now, it's got to be longer than s.e.x.

  I'm ready, all done up in my posh dress, ready to meet mother and sisters Garcia and to be taken out to dinner. I don't have a lot of choice in smart outfits here in Venice, as there's no call for me to wear them normally. It was a choice between the classic Chanel, which I bought here two years ago or the Roland Mouret Moon dress that I bought with me from L.A. In the end I opted for the Chanel. It's a black, sleeveless, round-neck beauty with satin ribbon trim around the bustline. I'm saving the deep red Roland Mouret for him if he takes me somewhere special on our own.

  I've styled my hair in one of my artfully messy up-dos and have a little more makeup on than usual. I hope he likes my sophisticated look. I slip my old and trusted high-heels on and choose some jewelry. Then I stand admiring
my polished self in the mirror. The plaster cast spoils the look a little, but still I think I look good despite that. He wanders in the bedroom, all scruffy and lovely in his jeans and T-shirt.

  His eyes rake over me as he comes to a stop in front of me.

  “You like?”

  “Do I like? You look way too hot to visit Mom. Let me get it all off you again,” he says in a heated voice. His hand tugging at my back zipper.

  I give him a mock annoyed look, pushing his hand away. “Behave yourself for a minute, will you?”

  “I can definitely behave myself for a minute, not sure about all afternoon, though.”

  “I take it you're changing when we get there?”

  “My mom's met me already, Kate, there's not much point smartening up. She knows I'm a slob.”

  “Aaron, please?” I appeal. I love him in his scruff stuff but I'd like us to look a little more matched than we are, if it's possible.

  “Okay...I'll get myself sorted, don't worry. I bought a suit and shirt with me, but it'll probably be creased like a rag as it's still screwed up in my holdall.”

  “You need taking in hand, boy,” I remonstrate with him.

  “I'm up for that.” He grins cheekily.

  “Will you stop it?” I smile.

  “I haven't started yet.” He hugs me tight around the waist and kisses my ear and neck. “You smell different...what the hell is it? Mm mm.”

  “Versace Yellow Diamond.”

  “Mmm, real nice, makes me wanna lick you even more...spray it everywhere when we get back.” His hot breath flows up and down my neck and then he kisses me again, with a long sigh against my mouth.

  I move my head away, laughing. “I think we'd better go right now or we'll never get there, will we?”

  I slip a little jacket on, to cover my unattractive plastered arm.

  We finally get out of the door and walk to the plaza, crossing over, and heading for the area where the cabs line up. It's a five-minute taxi journey from there to his Mom's house apparently. I'm starting to get more than nervous. I'm meeting them all. I'm going to be on display like a goldfish in a bowl. I don't like being the center of attention. Still, at least I look as good as I can, while all eyes are on me.

  We arrive at his place. I like the look of it at first glance. It's an elegant old building. Well maintained. Pots of flowers everywhere. He unlocks the door and ushers me inside.


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