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Only One Night: A Fusion Universe Novel

Page 10

by Dani Rene

  “By learning that not every day is promised to us. And knowing that if we delay what we want because of ghosts that haunt us, we’ll never live.”

  Chapter 22


  It’s been a whole day since I’ve seen Rome. After his confession, he asked if he could have some time. He wanted to stay in the penthouse, and I had come down to my own home to think. Everything is a lot. It’s as if I’m being weighed down. My feelings for Rome have changed from what I had promised to what I now feel.

  And it has nothing to do with his admission. I wanted to stay, to be there with him while he worked through the memories, but I knew it wasn’t my place. Not yet, anyway. We haven’t even talked about what this is. Yes, we’re compatible in many ways, but there’s something we need to define. That’s what I need in my life.

  The smell of paint thinner mingling in with the sour stench of whatever has died in the back of the store grips me in a chokehold, and I cough. The men are working on fixing up my store, and I’m so excited to be able to open the doors in a couple of weeks.

  “Hello!” a voice calls from the front of the shop, and when I make my way there, I find Mia smiling at me with a cup of coffee in hand.

  “Is that for me?” I arch a brow while pointing at the Starbucks mug.

  “Of course, black, no sugar?” She grins, and I nod.

  Taking the proffered mug, I inhale the perfect scent of the java. “I can’t believe you remembered.” I take a slow sip, feeling the burn trickle all the way down.

  “How could I forget?” She crosses her arms in front of her chest and darts her gaze around. “I wondered who would be brave enough to buy this place.”

  “The moment I saw it, I knew it was perfect,” I tell her. “I mean, look at this.” I guide her through the store, showing her where the ovens would go, where I could add a sink, and also where I plan on making a shelf of pastries that aren’t sold so we can take it down to the shelter.

  “This is going to be incredible. Have you thought of a color scheme?”

  “I want something bright, but perhaps a peach accent wall with some peach napkins and cake boxes.” As I speak about my plans, the excitement bubbles inside me. I can’t wait to have my brand-new store.

  “Dinner at mine tonight?” Mia asks. “We need to catch up,” she says, giving me the don’t say no look, and I know I can’t refuse her.

  “Yes, I can’t wait to hear all about Seduction. It sounds like you’ve got yourself a winner.”

  “And not only in the kitchen.” She winks playfully, and my mouth falls open. I didn’t notice it before, but the ring on her finger sparkles when I look down.

  “I still cannot believe you got married. I’m so happy for you. Finding happiness is not an easy feat.” Excited squeals leave us both, and we fall into a fit of laughter. The same happiness that used to bubble inside us when we were studying.

  For a moment, I feel like I’m young again. Like I’m carefree without a responsibility in sight, but then I remember I’m not.

  “Listen, bring a date if you have one,” Mia whispers conspiratorially, and I can’t help but laugh. “Don’t deny it. I saw you with that gorgeous man in my restaurant a few days ago. Rome’s been in a few times, but I have never seen him so… intrigued.”

  Realization hits, and I smile. “Oh shit, you saw me with him.” My heart thuds wildly at the memory of that lunch. It feels like so long ago.

  “Yes,” she giggles. “Bring him along. I’d love to meet him properly.” She pulls me in for a hug, and we say our goodbyes. I wonder if he would like to join us for dinner. I haven’t met any of his friends yet, so perhaps this could be the next step for us. Maybe this will finally push us to talk about what we’re doing. I pull out my cell phone and tap out a message to him before I go back to work.

  The elevator deposits me on my floor at five-thirty. It’s been a long day, but we got the shop all cleared out, the walls have been primed, and tomorrow, we’ll be painting. I can’t wait to see the peach shades and soft grays that I chose.

  I’m smiling when I unlock my apartment and push open the door. When I step inside, I’m assaulted by the scent of lavender and patchouli. A sweet fragrance, but calming at the same time.

  I shut the door, my gaze darting around, and Rome saunters down the hallway with a glass of red wine, wearing gray sweatpants and nothing else. There’s a small smile on his lips. In an attempt to swallow the shock, a giggle escapes me before I ask, “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, I had to bring some paperwork for you to sign along with the spare key for the apartment. Your message mentioned dinner with your friend, and I figured you could do with a soak in the tub beforehand.”

  I’m utterly blown away at the gesture as Rome closes the distance between us. He wraps one arm around me and hands me the glass of wine he’s holding. I look up, taking in the man who hasn’t failed to surprise me yet.

  “I can’t believe you’re here,” I say, hoping he knows that I’m happy, but also that I appreciate what he’s doing. “I wasn’t sure you’d want to come with me tonight.”

  “Why wouldn’t I?” He seems genuinely confused, and I wonder if I misread everything. The anxious twisting in my stomach from earlier returns, and I lower my gaze to the bathroom floor. I set the glass down, needing to think about my answer. “Hey,” Rome says, his hands holding my face gently as he tips my head back, making me look up at him. “I’m here. I told you, nothing you confess to me is going to make me leave. And to be honest, I figured after you learned about my past, you’d be the one running a mile.”

  “Rome, it wasn’t your fault. And I’ve had time to think about it. To consider what we’re doing here. I’ve also come to the realization that you’ve changed, and I can see you’re no longer that person.”

  “I have. I’m responsible. At least, as much as I can be. But I’m not someone who goes out partying every day, or every weekend. I much prefer spending time at home, hopefully with you.” His tone holds an honesty that steals my breath.

  “So, are we making this official?”

  “Do you want to make it official? Because I’ll gladly shout out to the world that you’re mine.” His gaze shines with mischief and happiness, and I can’t help but smile.

  “Then I guess we better get washed up and dressed so we can go out on our first official date.” Emotion holds me tight, and Rome’s warm embrace is calming. Even though I’m happy and excited, deep down, I wonder if this is the calm before the storm. I need to call Marco and tell him I’m opening in a couple of weeks. If I don’t, he’ll come here, and I don’t want him near my new life. Even though he’s been lenient, I can’t push him.

  “Come on,” Rome says, releasing me from the hug. “In the tub, and I’ll go get dressed in the meantime.”

  “Aren’t you joining me?”

  “No, because then we’ll be late, and you’ll be in trouble.” Rome offers me a wink, and the corner of his mouth tilts playfully, offering up a grin that makes my stomach flutter.

  Once I’m alone, I focus on the warm water, bubbles, and the gentle fragrances that calm me. I can’t help but slip down into the tub and settle back, closing my eyes for a moment. It’s been a long day, but it’s been productive. Once the paint is on the walls, it’s going to start getting very real.

  Perhaps Portland is the place I can finally settle and put down some roots.

  Chapter 23


  I can’t keep my eyes off Elisabet. She’s dressed in a simple black dress that hits her mid-thigh. But the material hugs her curves like a second skin, which does nothing to calm the raging hard-on I’ve been trying to conceal since we walked out of the apartment.

  By the time we reach Mia’s house, I’ve managed to ease the tension. Still, I know it’s no good because once we’re alone after this dinner, I’m tearing the material off her body.

  I spent time on my own in the penthouse while Elisabet was working on her shop. She didn’t mind
going in alone, and I needed to clear out everything I’d left there from years ago. It was a cleansing day, and now that I’m beside her, meeting her friends, I feel like I can actually move forward.

  Placing a label on what Elisabet and I have is a step I haven’t taken since Marisol. It’s something I didn’t think I would ever do again, and yet, with Elisabet, everything feels right.

  The cool night air hits me when we exit the vehicle, and I walk around the front to open Elisabet’s door. She slips her hand in mine, and we make our way up to the door.

  She pushes the doorbell, and soon the door whooshes open, and we’re met with Mia and her husband, Camden.

  “It’s so good to see you,” Mia beams excitedly, a smile lighting her face while she hugs Elisabet, and I get to shake hands with Camden.

  “Nice to meet you,” he says, and I offer a nod with a, "Yeah, same here." We’re escorted into their home, which is tasteful and homey. You can tell they have kids because I notice a few toys lying out, but other than that, it’s a beautiful house.

  “Please, sit down,” Mia offers. “Would you like something to drink? I have beer, wine, and some soft drinks hidden in the fridge.”

  “I’ll have a soft drink,” I tell her. “I’m driving tonight.” She nods at my admission before turning to my lady.

  “I’ll have a glass of wine if you’re having one.” Elisabet offers me a quick glance before I nod. After my admission, I think she can tell that I’m more cautious, but I need to remind her that we’re grown up, and I know she’s not an irresponsible person.

  “Yes! I have an amazing white that will go with the chicken Parma I’ve made for dinner.”

  “Now that sounds like a meal I can sink my teeth into,” I tell her. I’ve always loved food, and my mother used to make a great chicken Parma. One of my favorite dishes. Second to a good pasta.

  “So, tell me about you, Rome,” Camden asks as we settle on the couches in the living room. Being in their home makes me want to have one of my own, perhaps even one that I’ll share with the woman sitting beside me.

  “I’m in property development and real estate. We deal in both commercial and residential.”

  “That’s great. And that’s how you met Elisabet?”

  “Yeah, she walked into my office and knocked the breath from my lungs. I knew I had to make sure I saw her again, so I worked it out with one of my agents that I handle all communication with Elisabet.”

  “And he managed to keep me around for longer than I planned,” Elisabet says, her hand landing on mine, which makes me smile. The ease between us is natural. There’s nothing forced, not anymore.

  “I think she just wanted the girlfriend discount when she bought the apartment,” I tease, offering her a quick glance before turning back to Camden. It’s the first time I used the g-word, and it felt good.

  “That’s actually really romantic,” Mia says, settling beside her husband after she sets the drinks on the table. “We had more of a second-chance meeting that turned into more.”

  “It did,” Camden agrees with a nod. “When I walked into Seduction after all those years apart, she didn’t realize I still liked her, and then acted as if us working together on the cooking show didn’t get her heart racing.”

  “Oh my god, Camden.” Mia’s cheeks turn bright red, and I can’t help but chuckle at them. It’s charming. They’re happy, and it shows. They were undoubtedly made for each other.

  “I totally understand that, man,” I tell Camden with a chuckle. “Elisabet didn’t want to admit that she loved me coming around, begging her for another date, and then leaving me wanting more.”

  With a wink, I notice Elisabet’s cheeks matching Mia’s, and Camden and I find camaraderie. The women in our lives escape to the kitchen to get the items to set the table.

  All through dinner, the conversation flows smoothly. It’s as if I’ve known Camden my whole life. Hearing about his work, which is vastly different from mine, was interesting, and we even managed a chat about women. I couldn’t believe I had asked advice from someone other than Dominic, but something tells me Camden understood my predicament more than Dom would.

  “It was so great to have you,” Mia says, giving both Elisabet and me a hug as we say our goodbyes. I shake Camden’s hand with a promise of dinner at Elisabet’s place soon, and we’re on our way home well before ten.

  They’re used to early nights due to having kids, and I have a feeling that Elisabet wanted to meet the children, but they were being babysat for the evening.

  “I like them,” I tell her as I drive us back to the apartment. I wanted to spend the night at mine, but perhaps it’s easier at her place. Maybe she’ll even want to move in together. As much as the thought scares the shit out of me, I can’t help but smile.

  “Yeah, I enjoyed that. I’m glad you did too,” she tells me.

  “Would you want a home like that one day?” I ask her, but I keep my eyes trained on the road ahead. I can’t look at her if she says no. Deep down, even though I love the high life in the city, I’d love to settle down in the suburbs.

  “I would,” comes her response, and the breath I’d been holding eases slowly. Thank God. “And I’d love to have kids. I mean, it’s not something I want in the next, say, five years, but I mean, I’d like that. A family.”

  “Sweetheart, five years is a long wait. If we are headed in that direction, I’m knocking you up within at least a few months of saying I do.” This time, I do cast a glance her way, and she laughs out loud. Me testing the waters has gone down smoothly, the tension that gripped my shoulders calms, and I’m able to breathe again.

  “I have the bakery.”

  “That’s why you hire a manager.”

  “I just bought my apartment,” her words tumble out, but the moment she snaps her gaze toward me, I realize she wasn’t thinking in the future. She was talking about right the fuck now. “I mean, you know. I can’t just sell it five years after buying it.”

  The corners of my mouth lift as she tries to backtrack her earlier statement. I want nothing more than to give her grief, tease her until she’s begging me to stop, but I allow her to gracefully bow out of what she just said.

  “I got what you meant,” I tell her, but I know she can see the smile on my face. It’s pure satisfaction. I pull into the lot and kill the engine not long after. Before I exit the vehicle, I turn to Elisabet. “Look, I’m not trying to pressure you, and I’m certainly not trying to rush you into anything. I asked because I enjoyed Camden and Mia’s home. It felt like my childhood.”

  “I get that,” she says. “I was taken back to when I was a little girl, and my mother was alive. Granted, the houses were different, but there was a feeling of love. It’s something my father could never offer.”

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart.” I cup her cheek, swiping my tongue over her lower lip, taking the deep-red lipstick off. “I’m here. You have me. I want you to know you’re not alone in anything, as long as you’ll have me.”

  She’s silent. Her mouth is so tempting I want to kiss her, to steal her moans and whimpers while I taste her. But I wait.

  “Before I say yes,” she starts. “Do I really get the girlfriend discount?” Her dark brow arches playfully. I grip her around the waist and pull her over the seat into my lap.

  “You can have anything you want, Elisabet.” I allow myself to lock eyes with her. I need her to see my sincerity, because I can’t explain my emotions and those feelings that seem to creep up when she’s around. But I know that I want her with me, beside me.

  “Big promises.” She smiles, but I can tell from the shimmer in her eyes she’s emotional as well. “Why don’t you take me upstairs, and we can get better acquainted with each other, boyfriend?”

  With a smile, I lead Elisabet into the elevator, and we take it up to her floor. Once she’s unlocked the door, I shut it with a kick and press her against the wall. My hands land on either side of her head as I lean in.

  “Now, I’m going t
o show you exactly what boyfriends do to girlfriends,” I tell her, allowing my words to whisper over the smooth, sensitive skin of her neck. Her breathing hitches in her throat, and her body trembles against mine. “I want you to go to the dinner table. Don’t take off your dress. I want to watch you come hard for me. And only for me. Eyes open, legs spread, and that pretty dress hiked up to your hips like you wanted me to do all night.”

  “What makes you think that’s what I wanted?”

  “Because the moment we were alone, your cheeks burned, your breathing turned shallow, coming in short spurts, and you kept squirming in my car.”

  The way her lips pout and her tongue darts out, licking at the plump flesh, has my dick hardening considerably. I push away from the wall. Stepping back, I gesture for Elisabet to head to the table. I follow behind, taking note of how her hips sway as the material swishes against her legs.

  I pull out one of the chairs, positioning it perfectly in front of the table where I’ll have a view of her playing with that perfect pussy. I gesture for her to turn around, to face her back to me, and then I give her the orders.

  “I want you to bend over, pull your dress up, spread those feet wide, and play with yourself.”

  Her mouth opens, then shuts. I know that’s something she wants to argue about. And I know exactly what it is.

  “And my underwear?” she challenges with a coy smirk. The question makes me laugh because she knows exactly what she’s been doing to me all fucking night.

  “If you were wearing any, I’d tell you to strip for me, but you’ve been a very bad girl tonight, wet and needy in my car with no panties on.”

  Her cheeks turn bright red. Even in this low lighting, I can see it, almost feel the heat coming off her. She doesn’t argue what I just said, so it’s true. She turns away, and I watch in awe as the woman who’s stolen my heart obeys my orders. A small smile dances on my lips as she opens her legs, and her hands find that slick center. My cock is enjoying the show because as soon as she dips her fingers inside her body, my zipper becomes extremely uncomfortable.


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