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Return of the High Fae

Page 2

by Tom Keller

  "Just bear with me for a moment, Robert."

  She pointed at Milagre. "You have heard of Mr. Milagre before tonight, is that not so?"

  "Of course, who hasn't?"

  "So you know that Edward has been involved in the casino business for many years?"

  "I'd heard that."

  "What you may not have heard is exactly what Edward does. Edward uses his supernatural abilities to make sure that this casino keeps as much of the winnings as possible."

  "Ok, how does he do that?" I asked, playing along.

  "There are many ways; spells, incantations, alchemy, and the use of symbols and images of various deities that are enchanted."

  I couldn't believe it, she was serious.

  "No one is hurt. They merely want to play, but in the long run, they lose. It's very simple, the idea anyway. The actual application is very complex. There are few that rival Edward in the use of such magic."

  "Ok, this is interesting. Not that I am saying I believe any of it, but what's that got to do with what happened tonight?" I was really starting to get anxious now. This was getting crazier by the minute.

  "As to tonight, it appears that you killed two Mages before they could kill Edward, and that is why he asked you what you are. To be perfectly honest, any normal human would be dead. So I am here to determine why you are not."

  I would have thought she was crazy but something about her made me feel like she believed what she was saying. What the hell, I'll play along. What choice do I have? "Ok, let's just assume that that's true. I'm not dead, at least as far as I can tell. So what happened?"

  Meredith looked over at Siegfried who was standing by the door. I hadn't heard him come back into the office. "Siegfried, have they finished with Robert's gun?

  "Yes, I have the report here," he replied, handing some paperwork to her.

  Meredith looked down at the paper for a moment and then looked back to me. "Robert, where did you get the weapon you used tonight?"

  "It was a gift. It's a Walther PPK manufactured in the early 30's. It belonged to my uncle from Germany who had been in the military and then later, the State Police. Why?"

  "This is an unusual weapon," she said, turning the pages to a picture of my gun. "What does this oak leaf symbolize?"

  I'll admit it; I was getting interested now, although I was still not a believer. "That's my mother's family crest. The inscription below reads Beschützer der Eiche in German." I was describing the etching on the grip. It meant protector of the oak.

  "Ah, the oak," Meredith said as she turned to Milagre. "Edward, I believe you will find this interesting." She looked back at me. "And your uncle, why did he bequeath it to you?"

  "My mother's family estate is in the middle of a grove of hundreds, maybe thousands, of trees. That's where the crest comes from. My aunt told me he wanted me to have it since I was a police officer as he had been. She came to the States after he passed and brought it to me." I wasn't sure why I was getting into such detail. There were few people I had shared the story with and although things were really strange, for some reason, I felt myself getting comfortable with this woman.

  "The cartridges, she gave you those as well?

  "They came with the gun. I had to promise her that I would use only them when I carried it, although I could use any other to practice. I had them checked just to be safe. The examiner indicated they were a mixture of common metals, some expensive, some not, but nothing illegal."

  "I would not call them common. As a matter of fact this weapon is enchanted. The cartridges are made of minerals that are used in magic. That is why the Mages were killed. Their spells were useless."

  "Ok, so you're telling me I have a magic gun." I hoped I hadn't sounded too sarcastic.

  "Don't be so surprised, a gun is a weapon, just like a sword or dagger, or even a wand. This one was crafted by experts." She grasped my hands again. "I sense no deception in you, how is it that you do not know this?" She moved her hands up to my face. "Look at me, Robert." She gazed into my eyes as she held my face.

  I wasn't sure how long we sat there like that. Hell, maybe she was trying to hypnotize me, then suddenly she let go.

  She stood up and looked at Milagre. "The magic is old. Like nothing I have seen here in the new world. As I would have expected, it is not of ours. I sense the wood, not the sea, and the oak confirms it. Strange to find it in a male of that line, but the Dryad were always unpredictable." She looked back down at me for a moment and then returned her gaze to Milagre.

  "There has been a spell placed on him that protects him. One I cannot break or see clearly through, but it is no longer as solid as it once was. Perhaps the spell was damaged during the attack by the Mage. Although it could not kill him it affected his shield of protection. Edward, we must take care." She walked over to the bar and poured herself a drink.

  Milagre looked deep in thought and was still as a statue.

  Had she hypnotized me? I was still groggy so I reached down and took another drink. "What, exactly, just happened?"

  "You are protected by a very potent spell. I can only tell you that it was, and still is, protecting you. It appears to have prevented you from using any of your supernatural abilities but also prevented others from harming you with theirs. It may also have suppressed your memory. The only other thing I can tell you is that whoever crafted it was very powerful. I doubt there are many left in the world that have such ability. Be that as it may, the Mage you confronted was powerful as well. His attack has damaged the spell."

  Milagre became agitated. "Can you remember anything about this? When it happened? Who placed it on you?"

  "Whoa," I said. "Give me a minute," I replied, and then I leaned back and rubbed my face. I was still groggy, and these folks were absolutely out of it. Protection spells, Dryads, what the hell was going on? This was not what I expected from a casino owner and ex-mobster. Was everyone here crazy?

  I decided quickly I would have to play along. Crazy or not, they still had my gun and I'd seen what Siegfried's people had carried. Besides, this was Eddy Milagre for God's sake. This guy had a reputation that made Hollywood movies read like kid's books. I was going to have to be careful if I didn't want to end up on a slab like the other two.

  Meredith jumped in. "Edward, do not push too hard. The enchantment is strong. The little power that the attack has allowed to escape will take time for him to understand."

  I thought Milagre was going to have a coronary but he quickly regained his composure. "You're right, I am sorry. Perhaps it would be better to discuss other issues first. Mr. Hoskins, let me introduce my head of corporate security, Siegfried Dorvaror." He gestured toward the tall man with the military bearing.

  "Siegfried, what have you learned about tonight's incident?"

  Siegfried took a few steps toward us and responded. "Based on our analysis the three Mages entered the garage via the employee entrance on the ground floor. They then made their way to the executive level. Two guards were immobilized in the process and a spell was used to deceive the monitors. We do not know how they gained access to the employee area as of yet." He paused a moment to see if any questions were going to be asked. When no one said anything, he continued. "Surveillance picked up on them as soon as you exited the elevator, but my team, although already en route, failed to reach you in time."

  "That much is obvious," Milagre remarked, a slight frown on his face. Siegfried's face remained blank.

  "Mr. Hoskins' vehicle was noted, of course, but had the proper credentials to enter the lot. It is unusual that surveillance did not pick up on him as he entered but the spell he is under may account for it. As to the three, they were cloaked, but surveillance was able to pick up on them just moments before the attack. We responded as quickly as possible. Mr. Hoskins prior actions were not noted by my team so he was taken into custody upon our arrival. We were not informed that he had assisted you until after we immobilized him." He looked over at me.

  "My apology for the harsh
treatment, our concern was for Mr. Milagre."

  "Noted, I would have done the same." Yeah right, but what else could I say, at least they hadn't shot me.

  "The two dead Mages have not been identified," Siegfried continued. "They may be followers of Circe as they carried a similar mark. That clan is known to seek dark magic and what we have pieced together about them indicates that they are well versed. As to the third Mage, we are still searching for him. I will inform you when he is captured and have the team report to you when they return."

  "Circe, that would seem to make sense, they do want it all for themselves. But still, this is brazen, even for them. Meredith, your thoughts?" he asked, looking as if he had just swallowed something distasteful.

  "Her followers are indeed becoming bold if they attempt such actions in our own territory." She responded, a look of unease on her face. "Notify me immediately when you have discovered any further information. Edward, please take care of our guest." She turned and walked towards the door. She started to exit, but turned back, looking directly at me.

  "I look forward to discussing this further. I would be curious to hear how your gift emerges but now is not the time."

  "Whoa," I said, looking over at Milagre. "What about the fact that I shot two guys? How do we explain this? What about the bodies...I mean...what are the cops going to think?"

  "Don't worry about the police, Mr. Hoskins. Siegfried, explain it to him," he replied, stifling a laugh.

  "Mr. Hoskins," he said, handing me a small USB thumb drive. "This contains a copy of the surveillance tapes that did record the attackers. Also within it is the complete log and images of the attackers as well as their weapons." Then he pulled a small baggie out of his coat and gave it to me as well. "These are the fragments from your weapon. I will return your Walther to you before you leave the property. I should also mention that you may only view the contents once. After that it will be erased. Be sure to study it carefully and commit it to memory. As to the bodies, it is as if they never existed."

  Erased, never existed, ok, you ever hear of computer forensics, tough guy? Wait a minute; did he say the bodies never existed? "I'm not sure I understand."

  Milagre looked over at me and smiled. "We have lived side by side with mortal men for a very long time. There is no evidence of anything that you saw today, except what is in your hands, and that will not last. We follow our own ways and with very few exceptions, make every effort not to let the mortal world know what we are."

  To say I was comfortable with any of this would be an understatement of epic proportions. Yet here I was, surrounded by crazies telling me that I just stepped into the pages of a fantasy novel. But what could I do, it was take the trinkets and leave by the back door or possibly never leave.

  "Okay," I said. "It is what it is. I suppose I have to trust someone. So what happens next?"

  "I believe we should let you get some rest. It has been a trying evening."

  The lady who had been in the office when I first woke up took that moment to return. She handed a package to Siegfried and then she turned to Milagre. "Will there be anything else, sir?"

  "No, you may return to your regular duties."

  I heard her say "thank you," and then she left the office.

  Milagre walked over to the table in front of the couch. He took my empty glass and walked to the bar to refill it and then returned and handed it to me. "After tonight, you may want to consider coming to work for me. I could use someone with your skills. I am also concerned that our adversaries won't be happy with you dispatching two of their agents. They may want revenge. I can offer some protection if you are here."

  Yeah right, that's all I need to finish this day off, a job in the mental health field. But I did want to make it out of here in one piece, so I stayed nice. "I'll consider it, Mr. Milagre. But I have to tell you that I like working for myself. A lot has happened tonight and I'd like to move slowly. Maybe we can do some contract work until I've figured this all out. Would that be ok?"

  "As you wish, but we will discuss it further. I will help you if I can. Siegfried, will you escort Mr. Hoskins to his vehicle? I believe there's been enough excitement and discussion for tonight. Wait a moment, tell me about Carmine."

  "That's why I was here. I was going to serve Mr. Pontedra a subpoena. It's in reference a civil case he is involved in."

  "He would have left by now. He's on his way to our Atlantic City property. He should be back in a few days. I'll arrange for him to contact you when he returns, will that be acceptable?"

  "That would be fine." God, I hope he's not part of this madness.

  I reached in my pocket and removed a card from my wallet. I laid it on the table and looked back up at him. "My contact info is on there, including my cell number, just have him call me."

  "I'll make sure he gets in touch with you," he said, returning to his desk. "Siegfried, take care of our new friend."

  "Of course, Mr. Hoskins, will you follow me please?"

  I downed the rest of my freshly poured drink and got up to follow him out of the office. As we entered the elevator down the hallway Siegfried handed me the package he had received.

  "Your weapon as promised, Mr. Hoskins.

  "Thank you, Siegfried."

  "If I may be frank, I do wish you would consider Mr. Milagre's offer of employment. Our opponents are dangerous, and there is strength in numbers."

  The elevator door opened and we walked toward my car. There was nothing to indicate that anything out of the ordinary had happened. No bodies, no yellow tape, nothing. As for me, I just wanted to get the hell out of there, but I stayed cool.

  "Perhaps I will, but for now, I still have to digest all this." We paused as we reached my car, a newer Lexus hybrid. I wasn't rich but I did ok.

  "Mr. Hoskins, thank you for saving Mr. Milagre," he said as I opened the driver door. He reached over to shake my hand. We shook and I got into the car.

  "Look, don't worry about it, I'm just glad we're both ok."

  "Still, you did save him, and for that I am in debt to you," he replied, pushing the door closed.

  I rolled the window down deciding I didn't want him to think I was being rude. Crazy or not, these folks had a lot of juice in this town. "Look, maybe we can meet again under better circumstances," I said as I started the car.

  Siegfried didn’t say anything else, but I thought I saw the beginning of a smile. Niceties done, I didn't lose another minute getting out of there. As I left the property I kept an eye on my rear view mirror just to make sure I wasn't being followed.

  What the hell just happened? Alright, I'll admit it; I once spent a year working cases involving black magic and witchcraft. Hell, I even had a few contacts still out there in that community. But that was nothing like this, this was insane. I needed a drink and a place to lay low for a while so I could think. With nowhere else to go I headed toward the freeway and home.

  Chapter 2

  It may be the desert but Vegas really is a beautiful place, especially early in the morning, or late at night, depending on your perspective. The city lights engulf you and it can be crystal clear. On some nights you can see the entire valley.

  I turned on to Craig off the 95, and then went west, turning right onto one of the side streets toward Lone Mountain. You may not know it, but this is as close to a rural area as the city proper has.

  They call it the Lone Mountain corridor. Before the city had grown to the two million plus it has become, this had been horse property. Some of it still is. The rest is studded with pockets of the rich, famous, and business owners who want the good life. Unlike most places in the city, where your neighbor's house is so close you can spit on their wall, here, there was nothing less than 1/3 an acre. Many homes had a half, if not a full acre, many even more.

  As for me, I had an acre in a section that had once housed a dude ranch and stables. The original property had been parceled up and sold off bit by bit but I had been able to buy the ranch house. It was an old f
ashioned two story with a covered front porch. It even had a hitching rail in the front. Just in case anyone ever came over by horse. This is Vegas, after all, and where I lived you just never knew.

  Before my wife and I divorced we'd purchased it from the old couple that had owned the ranch. I had modernized and upgraded the house but left the trees that were fed by an underground spring alone. It was nice to have a well with water being so precious in the desert. The property was fenced and gated, which wasn't at all unusual in this city, and I liked my privacy. But the best thing about it was that the property was surrounded by trees. Once inside the gates, you would never know you were in the desert.

  I pulled up to the front and pushed the transmitter, waited for the gate to open, and drove in. As I got out of the car Charlie came running up and almost knocked me over. Charlie is a two year old Great Dane mix. Black and white, he weighs in at somewhere around 240 pounds. Of course he thinks he's a lap dog. We had the obligatory few minutes of petting, hugging, and licking. Well, the licking was mostly on Charlie's part, and then he calmed down and walked with me to the front porch.

  I unlocked the door and went into the house, emptying my pockets and putting my keys and cell phone down on the counter. Opening the refrigerator I grabbed a beer and went into the back yard to sit on the patio. It had been a long, strange night. I still didn't know what to think. So I sat in my rocking chair on the patio and stared at the stars

  Charlie walked over and dropped a ball in my lap. I could have sworn he said "play" as he stared at me, his tail wagging back and forth.

  Start with an Oreo colored Astro from the Jetson's and that's Charlie. Now, throw in a dog who thinks the pool was built for him and loves to play ball and you're getting close. I would have been smart to own stock in a tennis ball factory, as many as he went through in a week. He doesn't care where you've been or what your day was like; when you walk into the backyard it was play time and that meant throw the ball. So when he dropped the ball in my lap I did what every good pet owner knows to do, I threw the ball across the yard and watched him take off after it.


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