Return of the High Fae

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Return of the High Fae Page 22

by Tom Keller

  Reaching behind my back I came off the barstool firing. As he went down I started running to get to better cover around the bar. I heard a yell from one of them as he went down and before I could get off another shot I was hit with a burst of magic. Unfortunately, this one was much stronger than last time and I went tumbling across the room, my gun flying.

  I wound up on the other side of the bar feeling like someone had taken a two by four to me. The parts that didn't hurt were numb. Magic was pouring through me and I wasn't seeing things as clearly as before. Was this some kind of spell?

  I crawled closer to the bar and pulled the seax, shaking my head to clear it. I looked around it to see where the other attackers were and saw Bart and Delia engaged with the two of them. They were both holding swords. Bart was close in but didn't seem to be getting anywhere. Although the Mage had a knife, Bart's movements were preventing him from fully utilizing it or his wand.

  As for Delia, whatever she was fighting had a sword as well. I couldn't seem to focus on her opponent but he was big. They were slashing and cutting at one another faster than I could keep track of.

  Making sure my legs worked I tried to decide who to help first. I looked around but my gun was nowhere to be seen. Figuring Delia's opponent was bigger and his attack more ferocious, I ran her way.

  Before I got two steps I saw Bart take a fall and the Mage had the advantage. Pivoting, I gave a yell and caught the mage's attention. Forgetting about Bart he turned his wand towards me. This time I was ready. Summoning every bit of power I could think of I raised my hand just as he fired.

  Without even thinking about the how I managed it, I projected a wall of force that blocked his magic. Running toward him I saw the confusion on his face just as I tackled him. We went down and before he could get either his wand or the knife back up I buried the seax in his chest. I saw the surprise in his face as he realized what I'd done.

  "You are no half breed..." he croaked, and then he was silent.

  I expected to be assailed with information when his blood spilled over me like the last times but there was—nothing. His blood was like an empty jar. I could feel that it once held something but it was long gone. I wondered what that meant but within seconds I heard a terrific howl.

  Rolling off him and pulling the seax out I turned to the noise and saw the thing that Delia had been fighting standing over her, its head staring up and growling. As I got to my feet it started to come into focus, now holding its sword pointed downward over Delia's still body. It looked like a man, a really big man.

  I did a quick scan and saw Bart still on the floor. He was bleeding but at least he was breathing. Turning back to the now human looking creature I took an offensive stance and started to move toward it.

  "Stop or this creature dies!" it said, holding the sword menacingly close to Delia's throat.

  "Let her go!" I yelled back. Now that it was in focus I thought I knew what it was. It may be in human form but it was a Demon.

  "I think not," the creature responded, bending lower and inching his sword closer to her neck.

  "Your friends are dead," I said, angrily. "Let her go and maybe I'll let you live."

  The Demon looked up at me and snarled. "So sayeth one of the mighty Fae," it replied.

  I was weighing my options when I heard a noise behind me. I took a quick glance and saw that Bart was getting to his feet.

  "Wait," the Elf said to the Demon, "he that bound you was killed by this Fae, you are now free. Let the girl live, she is nothing to you."

  "I will not trade one master for another," he said, now raising and pointing its sword at me. "His kind cannot be trusted."

  I may not know a lot about this whole Fae thing, but it didn't take a genius to figure out what had happened. The Mage I had killed had summoned this Demon. These Mages must have been working for another Fae. I needed to know who, and why, they were killing people. I decided to follow the Elf's lead.

  "What is your name, Demon?" I asked as I lowered my seax.

  "I am Usag, son of Asug, Prince," he answered, snarling.

  "Well, Usag, son of Asug," I said, cleaning the blood off my seax as I wiped it on my pants. "I do not want to fight you. Free the girl and return to your home."

  "Why do you care for this creature?" Usag asked, his blade still at Delia's throat. "Your kind has shown nothing but disdain for these outcasts."

  Ok, now I was getting irritated. It's bad enough when you have to hear what elitists your people are from fancy lawyers, but from a Demon? Give me a break!

  "Usag," I said, standing straight and sheathing my blade. I concentrated as Bernd had shown me and my appearance changed into the Fae version of myself. "My name is Robert Hoskins. Now I don't know what it's gonna take to convince you but I can tell you this. I am the son of the Dryad, Gabriele, daughter of Maria, eldest of her clan and a High Fae. I can't change the past but I tell you here and now. My quarrel is not with you but with those that would make us enemies."

  Usag looked up and laughed. A sheet of flame poured over him and when it was gone he was no longer in the guise of a human. He was huge and looked like what you expect a Demon to be. He had an almost reptilian skin of some kind with a dark, leathery consistency. He turned his head towards me and unfurled his wings, his eyes burning like tiny flames. "Very good, Fae, as strange as you may be, you no longer hide, nor will I."

  Damn, he was big!

  "Let the girl go, Usag, and return to your home," I said again.

  "Tell me first, High Fae," he asked, stringing out the words as if mocking me, his sword circling over Delia. "What is she to you? She is closer to my kind then yours. I was not aware that the Lilin were special to you, except perhaps to kill."

  I wasn't sure what he wanted to hear. I mean, he looked as evil as they come and my first thought was that I had made a mistake in sheathing my seax. I could try to use magic but I was still new at this and was afraid he could harm her further before I could strike. Then I remembered what Siegfried had said about some Demons just wanting to be left alone. I didn't want to show any weakness but I figured it was worth a try.

  "It is enough to know that she is special to me, Demon, and I would not have her harmed if I can prevent it," I answered, not using his name. "But I promise you this, if you hurt her, I will kill you."

  Then he did something that surprised me.

  "Well said," he replied, sheathing his blade and taking several steps back.

  I just stood there and watched him for a moment in case it was a trap.

  "Perhaps I will trust you, Robert of the High Fae, at least for now. I return her to you. I wish only to be gone from this realm. She fought well, but this battle was not mine to begin with."

  He took a few more steps back and I ran over to her, kneeling and taking her head in my arms. She was badly injured and extremely pale. I saw there were several deep cuts on her chest and sides and she was bleeding heavily. At that moment, Bart appeared at my side.

  "Watch the Demon; I will see what can be done," he said, and began checking her wounds.

  I gently laid her head down and stood up and approached Usag, who eyed me warily. "Thank you, Usag," I said. "Do you have a way home?"

  "Yes," he answered, "the portal calls to me even as we speak."

  "Before you go, the one that summoned you," I inquired, pointing to the Mage I had killed. "Do you know his master?"

  Usag looked over at the dead Mage and growled. "It was of the High, as you are, but I did not see him, only felt his presence as that one said the words," he answered as he pointed at the dead mage.

  He closed his wings against his back and started to glow. "I thought the High gone, they will not trap me again. Now that I know the portal is still open I can protect my clan from it. But we are only one clan, others may still come."

  "When I defeat him I will find a way to help," I replied. Then I stepped back as the glow intensified. I could see that he was saying something but I couldn't hear his words. Then, with a
crackle in the air, he was gone.

  I was left to ponder what that meant for me, another High Fae. This was bad, but as before, I didn't have time to think about it.

  Bart was kneeling next to Delia and called out to me. "She is gravely wounded."

  "What else can we do?" I asked, looking down at her still form.

  "There is nothing that we can do. She must rest," he answered. "The Lilin inside will heal her if it can. She is too weak to feed and it may be days before we know if she will live. Your friend, Siegfried is on his way," he said as he stood up. He threw a cell phone on a nearby table. "These two will have friends. We must find a place to keep her safe."

  "It's my fault this happened," I said, bending down next to her. "I'll take her to my place, she will be safe there."

  "What of the pact? Demeter allowed the Lilin to live but is forbidden for your kind to comfort them. You cannot do this without violating the terms and their oath," he said, looking at me as if that mattered.

  Screw that, I thought to myself. I started to say something, and then realized I still appeared as my Fae self. "Bart," I said, "take a good look at me."

  In light of what we'd been through I don't think he ever really noticed that I'd changed. His eyes widened as he finally realized who, and possibly what, I was.

  "Maybe you didn't hear what I said to the Demon. I am more than just another Fae. I am the heir of Demeter and since she's gone I figure I can do whatever the hell I please."

  I thought he was going to argue with me, but he remained silent.

  I picked Delia up gently and cradled her in my arms. Then I started towards the door. Shifting back to my mortal self I stopped and looked back at him.

  "Bart, you need to trust me on this. I'll do what I can for her. Maybe I can do something for her people as well. Let Siegfried know that we're safe." Then, carrying her gently, I walked through the doorway and out into the night.

  Chapter 23

  I know I've said this before, but Bernd was right, Fate certainly is endowed with a sense of humor. More importantly than that, I couldn't seem to escape her—Fate that is. I pulled up to the gate waiting for it to open.

  Delia, in the passenger seat, looked like shit. There was a lot of blood, but at least she was still breathing.

  I pulled into the driveway and opened the garage door. Getting out I lifted up Delia and carried her into the house and laid her gently on the bed in the downstairs bedroom. She was still covered in blood and Charlie was frantic. I tried to calm him down as I called for Lucy.

  She ran into the room and jumped on the bed. For a moment she looked like a black cat you'd see in a Halloween cartoon, her fur standing up and eyes wide open, then she hissed, "Danger."

  Like, no shit, I thought to myself.

  "Just find Bernd," I ordered. "Go, and don't come back without him," I yelled, pointing toward the rear of the house.

  With a hiss she bounded out of the room.

  I did the best I could to make her comfortable considering she was still unconscious. I stripped off her clothes and cleaned her wounds and body. I saw that the bleeding had slowed, but she was burning up and deathly pale, and there was blood pooled around her eyes. I put a makeshift bandage on the wounds.

  Her blood had not been like the Mages nor did it affect me like the others. Her blood sang to me. Although I was trying to focus on her wounds her blood filled my senses with her lust for life. It also sang of a tragic past. Life had not been kind to this Lil. I didn't feel any evil inside her, certainly not any threat to me. Instead, I felt a sorrow for what had been and a feeling that things ahead were no better.

  Well, perhaps I could change that. I'd have to see where this was all going to all lead.

  Once I had gotten her as comfortable as I could I just sat there wondering how the hell I had gotten into this mess and just what a second High Fae meant. Of course, I knew it was bad. Hell, he'd killed several Fae already and I was certain I was gonna jump up a notch or two on his list.

  The phone had rung several times as I was tending to Delia. Looking at the screen I saw that it had, as expected, been Siegfried. He was just going to have to wait for another minute.

  I looked over at Charlie, standing in the doorway. "Charlie, come here, boy," I called. He ran over to me. "I need you to guard the place, Charlie. We could be in some deep shit here."

  He stared into my eyes.

  "We need to keep her safe."

  He barked and then I heard him answer. "Guard, watch, protect," he said and then ran out towards his door into the yard.

  I went into the kitchen and got out a large paper bag I had saved from my last take out from a local Italian joint. Taking that into the bedroom I placed Delia's bloody clothes into it to preserve them. Returning to the kitchen I started a pot of coffee. Then I picked up my cell phone and dialed Siegfried.

  "Hey, everything handled over there?" I asked when he answered.

  "It's being worked on. How is the girl?"

  "She's still out," I answered. "One of the dead guys is the same one that got away at the Neptune. I think you better get someone to watch Milagre. I may have pissed someone off with this battle."

  "Michael is flying out to meet him as we speak. He was scheduled to return later this week but I convinced him to come home early. I expect he will want to see you." There was a short pause. "He is close to Bjartr and has an interest in this place."

  "I should of guessed that when he called you so fast," I said, feeling stupid for not putting that together.

  "It might be best if you let us take the girl. This could cause some problems with a few of the other Fae."

  "I don't think so," I replied. "It's my fault she got involved in this. I need to get a few of her things. Do you know where she lives?"

  "I do, but she may need special care...," he started to say, but I interrupted him.

  "I've got someone coming. How about swinging by her place when you're done there and getting some clothes for her? Maybe you can bring Diantha by to watch over her. I'd like to get a few hours sleep and I'd feel better if someone else was here."

  "As you wish, I can do that when I'm finished here. I'm sure Diantha will be available. Give me a few hours."

  I could tell he wasn't happy, but hey, sometimes it's good to be a king. "Call me when you get close. So much for a couple of days, huh?"

  I heard a grunt in acknowledgement and he disconnected.

  After checking on Delia one more time I grabbed a Shit Happens coffee cup with a big yellow happy face and poured myself a cup. Then I just sat down at the kitchen table to wait. I must have been asleep as it took me a second to recognize that it was the phone ringing. Still groggy, I answered.


  The voice of Siegfried came on the line. "We're down the street."

  "I'll meet you outside," I said. I called Charlie and hit the keys to open the gate and then we went outside. Siegfried's black SUV pulled into the driveway and stopped in front of me.

  "I hope that's not your blood," he asked as he and Diantha popped open the doors and walked towards me.

  I had totally forgotten how I must look still wearing my blood-soaked clothes. "The other guy looks a lot worse," I answered, trying for a touch of humor.

  "So I've seen," he replied as they both petted Charlie.

  Diantha came over to me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "I see you have once again vanquished your foes, my Lord."

  "Diantha, what did I say about the 'my Lord' crap?"

  She just rolled her eyes. "As you wish. Then take me to this mysterious patient I am to watch over."

  She took my arm and the three of us went into the house while Charlie bounded back into the yard. We checked on Delia and then moved back into the kitchen to talk. Siegfried looked concerned when he saw her condition but didn't say anything.

  "You did not tell me she was a Lil," Diantha commented as she sat down at the table.

  "Is that a problem?" I asked, looking back at her as I picked
up my smiley face cup and filled it.

  She almost looked like she was going to say something else and then changed her mind. "No," she replied.

  "Diantha, what is it you want to say?"

  "This is a dangerous action, my Lord," she said, looking concerned.

  "Yes, it could be. So if you want out I'll have Siegfried take you back to the Neptune," I said, having decided to be straight with her and give her an out. "I won't hold it against you," I added.

  Siegfried seemed amused but turned his head so she could not see the expression on his face.

  Diantha sat quietly for a moment, gathering her composure, I guess, then answered. "That will not be necessary. I have given my oath."

  "Fine," I said, the matter closed. "We have other problems to discuss as well." I gave them the dime version of what had happened.

  "So, is it true?" Siegfried asked. "There is another?"

  "So the Demon said," I answered. "But at least we know what's behind this, if not who."

  "That does not exactly comfort me," he added.

  "Me either. You saw the bodies?"

  He nodded.

  "The one by the door was one of those that went after Milagre. I'm sorry I wasn't able to save the other two customers, they were inside before I realized what they were."

  "Such things happen; even you are not all-knowing, nor invincible, though you seem to be doing quite well against them."

  "We may have gotten lucky there. The last one called me a half-breed; apparently they aren't sure of what I am." I got up and refilled my coffee. "If nothing else that gives us the advantage."

  "For now," Siegfried replied.

  "For now," I agreed, leaning back against the counter. "Anyway, that doesn't get us any closer to finding out who is behind this or even why it's happening. Have either of you heard of any other High Fae or Gods still around since The Fall?"

  They both shook their heads.

  "None of the Gods have been seen in thousands of years, that I can attest to." Diantha said, pushing back her chair and standing up. "Believe me; I have searched for them, both in the Aether as well as on foot. After Apollo abandoned me I searched everywhere but their presence was gone from this world. I thought they had simply left but now I am not so sure. Perhaps they truly are all dead."


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