Return of the High Fae

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Return of the High Fae Page 23

by Tom Keller

  "Well, according to the Demon there's at least one more," I said.

  "If that is so then he is not like you, he is evil," she replied.

  "That's what I'm afraid of..." I started to add but at that moment Siegfried's cellphone rang. I couldn't hear what was being said but by the look he gave me, he was surprised. I wasn't sure if that was good or bad.

  "Keep me informed," I heard him say as he disconnected a short time later. "Well, I think you will find this interesting. A body has been discovered around the corner from Danu's. The local police are already on the scene.

  "Oh, oh," I thought to myself.

  He must have seen the concern on my face. "Don't worry, there is nothing to tie it to Danu's and besides, there is nothing to find."

  "Then what is it?" I asked, sitting back down at the table.

  Siegfried continued. "That was one of our sources on the local PD. The body is that of Ben Turner."

  One of their sources on the local PD? That was the second time he'd mentioned sources like that. Only Homicide would know who the body was this soon. Suddenly, that comment about the Dullahan by O'Malley didn’t seem so unusual. Had he been feeling me out? Jesus, I'd known him most of my life. Then again I'd never known any of this before now. I would have to find out more when I got the chance. I got back to the issues at hand.

  "Turner, why doesn't that surprise me? That explains how they tracked me. He has plenty of reason to hate me and knew about my ties to Danu's as well as what I looked like. But what's his tie to the Mages?"

  "That I do not know. Whatever it was, it was not enough to save his life."

  "How did he die?" I asked, wondering if he was killed before the attack, or after.

  "His skull was crushed, not a simple thing to do to a Were," he answered.

  "The Demon could have done it. We'll have to be extra careful until we know who else is involved." I turned to Diantha. "Would you be able to, what's the word for it, divine something?"

  "I am sorry, that I cannot do," she answered with a sigh.

  "Oh well, I had to ask. Anything else I'm missing?"

  "Not for now. We may have more to go on after the Mage's bodies are examined," Siegfried said, shaking his head.

  "Ok, look, I'm tired and we're not going to solve anything else tonight. Let's continue this later." I turned to Diantha. "You're good staying here tonight, or at least what's left of it, right? I'd like you here in case she wakes up and I don't hear her."

  "Of course, my Lord, that's why I'm here," she answered with a smile.

  I ignored the "my Lord" comment. I seemed to be doing that a lot tonight. I got up to go check on Delia. They both did the same and followed me into the bedroom. She didn't look any different but at least she didn't look any worse. I heard a sound and turned towards the door.

  "Bernd is here," I heard him say.

  "About time you showed up," I said in a not so pleasant voice.

  "I came when I was needed as you should have known I would," he remarked, giving me a disapproving look. Then he walked into the room and took in the scene.

  Oh shit, another Fae Faux Pas on my part, I guess. Not that he didn't deserve it.

  There was sudden hush and both Siegfried and Diantha fell to their knees. I heard Siegfried say "Einn Dvergar" with astonishment as Bernd walked over to him.

  "Please Siegfried, son of Olafr, rise. Your deeds are well known to my kind," Bernd said as he helped the tall man to his feet.

  Siegfried seemed in awe that the Dwarf knew who he was.

  Then Bernd turned to Diantha.

  "Rise priestess," he said. "There is no need for ceremony here. Long past are the days of old when such reverence was necessary, or expected. Come, let me pass and inspect your injured comrade."

  Diantha didn't say anything but she stood up and backed away. I noticed that her eyes remain downward as if she was reluctant to look upon him.

  "Fader," Siegfried replied as he stepped back as well.

  Bernd turned and walked into the bedroom where Delia was. His head barely reached the top of the pillow-top mattress, but with a single leap he was on the bed and examining Delia. When he was finished he jumped off.

  "Well?" I asked when he didn't say anything right away.

  "The wound is deep."

  "That much I know but I was hoping it was starting to heal," I said.

  "On the surface, that is true, but this is the mark of a Demon's blade. Such blades are deadly in this realm and their wounds not easily cured, and," he added, "her Lilin is weak." He just stood there, when I didn't say anything he continued. "Tell me first of the battle and what else has transpired."

  I gave him the short version, including learning of the High Fae and the Demon's claim that another was involved.

  "Much has happened, I see, but of this Demon I have heard," Bernd said. "If he was bound with the assistance of a High Fae then things are indeed dark, and there is still the other matter."

  "What other matter," I asked, not sure where he was leading me.

  "She is of the Lilin and to heal her would go against the terms of surrender decreed by Demeter."

  "But I'm asking you to, and besides, I thought you said I could change that," I countered.

  "Indeed I did. However, I told you it was not our place to interfere. I also mentioned a reckoning, and although I did not expect one from you so soon, it appears that you have hastened such time as a decision must be made."

  Oh, oh. Why did I have the feeling I was being manipulated again. "So where are we going with this?" I asked.

  "Only you can decide that, Robert," he said, walking out of the bedroom. Then he stopped by the kitchen table, a pipe appearing in his hand. Raising it to his lips he blew a smoke ring and continued. "Yes, I can save her, possibly. But only the true High Fae of the Dryad can ask that of me and you have not yet declared your title."

  Following him into the kitchen I walked over to the refrigerator and grabbed a beer. Taking a drink I watched as he blew smoke rings for a moment. Siegfried and Diantha stood near the doorway to the bedroom, neither one appearing to want to join in the conversation.

  "So, to keep it simple, either I choose a Fae life or she dies," I said, angrily. "So what do I have to do, go live in the Fae world and play the good king, or what? I'm gonna be honest here, Bernd, I just can't see myself hanging out at Fae night clubs and eating grapes, not to mention that I'm still pissed that I had to learn this High Fae thing from an outsider." I glanced over at Diantha, "No offence," I added.

  His pipe came out of his mouth and he froze. "No, no, you misunderstand," he said in a shocked tone. "For that I will apologize, at least for not telling you the possibility after your success with the scepter. But while it is true that Maria and I believed that it was possible that you could be a High Fae, even I was not certain until now.

  "As to the Lilin, I am not asking you to give up this life. Robert, you must understand, I can guide you, but even I cannot violate the terms of that accord. In this case to take such action as necessary to heal her wounds would break the terms set by Demeter. Only a High Fae or her heir can properly release them from their bond."

  I took another swig of my beer. Yep; it sure felt like I was being manipulated. "Fine, so what happens if I say yes?"

  "You have already declared yourself in battle. But if you truly wish to release the Lilin from their oath you must formerly acknowledge what you are and claim your birthright." His pipe disappeared and he looked me right in the eyes. "Robert, I would never deceive you."

  Here it comes.

  "Although you need not take the throne in your lands many will seek you out. You will be their Lord and you will be expected to aid them if they are threatened."

  "What about Cacilia? What is she going to do if I do this?" I asked, already worrying about internal politics.

  "Cacilia knows what she must do," he answered simply, whatever that meant.

  Oh, well, what the hell. I'd already forged an alliance with Mered
ith and the Nereid after all. Rushed or not it seemed like I was already so far into this that I wasn't getting out anytime soon.

  "I suppose there's more," I said, cracking a smile, there always was.

  "Of course," he answered, taking my hands in his, "and I will tell you as much as I am able once you decide. Do not fear, I will be by your side to guide you'" He let go of me and took a seat as Lucy jumped up on the table next to him.

  "But before you decide, there is one thing I must tell you. Not everyone will be happy if you free the Lilin from their oath. High Fae and King you may have become but the Fae and Lilin were foes for a very long time before they were defeated. You will make enemies."

  I thought about that for a minute and then remembered my earlier conversation with Diantha. "Then I'd better work at making them my allies since it seems like I might need a few." I said as I stood up, "let's do this."

  Bernd slid off the chair and Lucy jumped to the floor.

  She looked up at me, her tail twitching. "So it begins," I heard her say. Then she ran out into the backyard and was gone.

  Chapter 24

  "So what do I need to do?" I asked as the Dwarf walked toward Siegfried and Diantha.

  "First we must wait for Lucinda to return with a healer and then we will travel to the Fae lands," he answered.

  "The Fae lands? What about Delia? I'm not sure she can last that long."

  "Tell me in your own words what you plan to do."

  What had he said? Oh yeah. "I acknowledge my, what'd you call it? Heritage? Does that sound right? Then I claim my birthright as, oh hell, King of the Faeries, or Dryads, whatever, right?" I answered, feeling kind of silly.

  "It will do." He turned back to Siegfried and Diantha. "You have witnessed his declaration?" he asked them.

  They both looked over at me and nodded.

  "Speak out loud," Bernd ordered.

  "I have witnessed it, Fader," Siegfried said, looking back at the Dwarf.

  "As have I," answered Diantha.

  "Then I will do what I can for her. Come," he said, motioning me into the bedroom.

  He jumped back on the bed and knelt beside her head. "Give me your arm," he said.

  "What?" I asked, not sure what he meant.

  "If you really want to save her she will need your blood. Kneel down here," he pointed to a spot next to her head by the bed. "Drape your arm over her neck. It will take me a moment to get her ready."

  "My blood?" I said, as I knelt and moved my arm over her chest. "Is she really some kind of vampire? Siegfried said the Lilin were the stuff behind the legend."

  "Not exactly," he said as he opened her mouth and began to manipulate her tongue. "But he is correct, the Vampire are only a legend." He made it sound like vampeer. Then he pulled on something underneath her tongue. As he massaged it, a needle like object, which reminded me of a proboscis on an insect, started to emerge from the base.

  "What is that?" I asked, as he grabbed my arm with his other hand. We all watched as he inserted the object into my arm on the inside of my elbow and pushed it closer to her mouth. "What the …?" I said, flinching. I was expecting it to hurt, but there was no pain.

  "Do not move," he said. "She is weak, even with your blood it will take a moment for her to ingest a sufficient quantity."

  "I thought you said she wasn't a vampire," I replied, watching the bizarre transfusion.

  Bernd just shook his head. "She is not, but as Siegfried has told you, even legends have to arise from somewhere. What did you think the Lilin were?"

  "I don't know," I replied. "I only know what he told me."

  He watched her face for a few minutes and then removed my arm from her mouth and I watched as the proboscis slid back under her tongue.

  "That should be sufficient," he said, jumping down off the bed.

  I pulled back my arm and looked at it. There was very little blood. There was the barest trace of what looked like a needle stick and it disappeared as I watched.

  "I have done what I can. She must rest now, the Lilin inside must heal itself so that she can recover. Diantha, stay with her for a moment, if she starts to thrash you must calm her."

  Diantha nodded her head and sat down next to her.

  "So what exactly are they, anyway? The Lilin, I mean," I asked as I followed him back to the kitchen.

  "I will tell you what you want to know, but first, let me congratulate you for your actions tonight. I am very proud of you. Perhaps, just perhaps, you have begun to mend some old wounds."

  "I thought you said I was going to make enemies."

  "That you will, but you will also make friends. Perhaps even the alliances you spoke of."

  I grabbed a few beers from the fridge. I handed one to Siegfried who had not said a word yet but took the beer. I tossed one to Diantha as well. Then we sat down at the table.

  "Ok, who am I forging alliances with?" I asked as I took a deep drink.

  "Why, between the High Fae and the others, of course, Demon kind and the Lilin, not to mention the Elves. Much respect was lost for the High Fae during the wars. And Bjartr is a powerful Elf in his own right, although you may not have known it," he said, stroking his beard. "Light Elves are not warriors. They are builders and lovers of all living things. It must have been difficult for him to take up the sword. Nonetheless, he may feel beholden to you after this. A very good start if I do say so myself."

  "What, did the High Fae piss everybody off?" I asked, rather sarcastically.

  "The more they fought one another the more the other races were affected. Of course the Lilin are a different story, as I have already explained."

  "What's the deal about them being Demons? I'd like to hear to hear more about that," I added. "Even the Demon mentioned that they were closer to his kind than ours."

  "As would I," Siegfried commented, finally saying something.

  "As you wish," he answered. "There is still some time before Lucinda returns." His pipe appeared again, as did a mug. After taking a deep drink he began.

  "Much has happened since this world was born. I will tell you more of the tale of the Lilin. This is a long tale and I have told you some of it but I will be brief. When I am finished, you will understand more.

  "First, you must know that the Earth we stand on is only one part, or plane, of this world. Think of the various planes as layers. One layer contains mortal kind, another, the Fae, and yet another is the home of the Demons. Between these layers live others as well, such as the Light Elves, and that place that the High Fae once dwelt. All these layers intersect with the plane we now stand on.

  "Since the beginning of time many creatures have called this plane home, but few can call this their natural home. One that can is the Lilin. The mother of the Lilin was a mortal turned Demon named Lilith, who was cursed by the true God for her disobedience. Her curse prevented her from having living children. Instead she spawned demon-like creatures who could not survive for long out of the womb. Lilith soon discovered, however, that by blending her spawn with those of mortal men, that both could live, thus the Lilin were able to survive."

  "So you're saying she has some demon-like parasite in her?" I asked, stopping him before he could continue.

  "Not exactly a parasite, think of it instead as a symbiote. It grants its companion long life and great strength, as well as other powers. The host, in return, locates and supplies blood that it needs to survive," he answered. "You must remember that the first generations of Lilin were spawned directly by Lilith but subsequent generations are the result of a mating of the symbiotes, with the help of a willing, or unwilling, human host."

  "A willing host? What would cause someone to freely accept such a creature?" I asked, getting goose bumps at the thought.

  "Hmm, a variety of reasons, perhaps most obvious is to escape death. Were you offered such a choice on your deathbed are you sure you know how you would answer? Do not be so quick to judge," he replied. "The end result of the union is of course, a powerful being. Yes,
the Lilin are predators but they seldom kill their victims in these times, and as you yourself have witnessed, their feeding results in little pain."

  "I guess that's true," I said as I rubbed the spot on my arm.

  I had read some of the Lilith mythology. How her children, the Lilin, supposedly waylaid travellers and drank their blood. There was, of course, a lot more to the legend, but knowing what I just heard, and felt, I could understood how the vampire legends had come to be.

  Who knew why Delia had chosen such a path. Had she done so willingly, to escape death, or had she been forced to become such a creature? In the end it didn't really matter. I had been close to her and seen no evil there. To be truthful, after thinking about it, it didn't really change how I felt about her, either.

  "To continue," Bernd said, snapping me back to the conversation at hand. "The first generation was much more bloodthirsty than their children, true Demons they still were, as well as true predators. When they came into contact with the Fae they found that Fae blood gave them a power hereto not seen from mere mortal blood. Fae blood can be like a narcotic to a Lilin. In some cases it caused fits of madness.

  "Needless to say the High Fae did not take kindly to the Lilin feeding on their kind. Bloody battles followed with the High Fae hunting the Lilin to the brink of extinction. Eventually, the children of the original Lilin were able to sue for peace and an agreement was made."

  "I remember you mentioning something about Elves, but why didn't they just wipe them out?" I asked, wondering what could have caused them to back down.

  "Well," he answered, "in truth, the High Fae were more like true Gods in those times. Remember, it was not until the Fae themselves were targeted that they began their war of genocide."

  "But why did they stop?" I asked as I sat down.

  "Each subsequent generation of Lilin became less savage. Apparently the blending with mortals had that effect. So they did what most mortals would do in such a situation," he said, once again pausing as he stroked his beard. "They prayed to their gods and Demeter answered, although, in truth, it was only after the Elves intervened. Even then, the Fae were not kind"


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