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Reign Page 9

by Elizabeth Kelly

  With a harsh shout, I arched my back, my hand yanking furiously at my dick as I climaxed. My seed landed on the floor and I continued to stroke my dick until my shuddering had stopped and my breathing had slowed to a normal rate. I studied the mess on the floor before sighing and grabbing cloths from the kitchen to clean the floor.

  As I scrubbed, I tried to ignore the fact that I was way too fascinated by the little human who didn’t belong to me. Her enthusiasm over the garden pleased me, and I was much too eager to show her the rest of the palace. If it hadn’t been for Sabrina, I wouldn’t have even thought to bargain with her for the chance to see my home. I wanted to fix the mistake I’d made with her and I was already fucking it up.

  I tossed the cloths in the disposal and headed to my bed. It was early, but I had a feeling it would take a very long time for me to fall asleep.

  * * *

  “My King?”

  “What is it, Teo?” I didn’t turn around but instead continued to stare out the window at the storm blowing across my lands.

  “You have been in your private quarters all morning.”

  “I am aware.”

  During the warm months, my days were filled with meetings with everyone from palace staff to diplomatic representatives from other races, to my own people. It was a constant drudgery that I could not escape from and I tried not to feel resentful. My people needed me. It was not their fault that my brother – who had always been much better dealing with these types of matters – had died. Nor was it their fault that I yearned for the life I had before.

  The cold months provided a temporary reprieve, especially during a storm. No one dared to step outside of their own homes during the fierce storms and other races were unable to land ships. Normally, I enjoyed the opportunity to have a bit of freedom but today I wished bitterly that I had something to occupy my mind. I couldn’t stop thinking about the little human and it was driving me crazy. As I suspected, it took me hours to fall asleep last night and even then, my dreams were plagued with the sound of Sabrina’s scream.

  “Is there something wrong?”


  “Are you certain?”

  “Yes, Teo. I am certain. What can I help you with?”

  “You have not eaten breakfast and it is now lunch.”

  “I am not hungry.”

  I turned to see him holding a tray of food in his hands. “I do not want that.”

  “It is not for you, my King,” Teo said. “I am taking the human her lunch as Galan is busy. Your quarters were on my way and I thought I would check in on you.”

  I frowned at him. “Galan is still taking her meals to her?”

  “Yes. She enjoys his company,” Teo said.

  “I will take Sabrina her lunch.” I took the tray from him. “I know you are busy.”

  “My King, do not grow attached to the human.”

  I ignored his warning and left my private quarters. I nodded distractedly to the males I passed as I carried the tray toward Sabrina’s quarters. I knocked on the door and glowered at her when she opened it and said, “Galan! I’m so happy you’re…”

  She gave me a suspicious look before backing up. “What are you doing here?”

  “Bringing your lunch,” I said.

  “Where’s Galan?”

  I pushed my way past her and set the tray down on the table as she shut the door. “You prefer Galan’s company to mine?”

  My stomach burned as she said, “Galan doesn’t make me…do stuff. He’s just nice for the sake of being nice. What exactly will I have to do to get my lunch?”

  Her arms were crossed over her torso and the shirt she was wearing was stretched across her breasts. I could see the outline of her nipples against the fabric and lust swept through me. Krono, I wanted her. I hadn’t planned on making her do anything for lunch, but I smiled at her and said, “You will sit on my lap while you eat lunch.”

  I expected her to protest and when she did, I would give in. The human barely ate enough food as it was, I wouldn’t withhold nourishment from her.

  “I’m too heavy to sit on your lap for that long,” she said.

  I laughed so hard that her cheeks turned a delightful pink. “What’s so funny?”

  “You are too thin, human.”

  Her mouth dropped open and she studied her curvy body. “I – no, I’m not.”

  “You are,” I said. “Draax males like their mates to be bigger.”

  “Plenty of skinny girls have mated with Draax males.”

  I shrugged. “We prefer bigger females, but it is not all about looks for us. Are human males so shallow that they will not mate with a female because she is too thin?”

  “Some of them are,” she said. “But it’s usually the opposite on Earth. They don’t have sex with a woman because she’s too big. They like their mates to be thin.”

  “Is that why you eat so little?”

  “I eat enough,” she said.

  “No, you do not.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “No, you do not.”

  “Yes, I do.”

  I rolled my eyes as irritation mixed with lust flooded through me. “Enough. Make your choice, human.”

  She glared at me. “I seriously have to sit on your lap just to get some food?”


  “Caveman.” She wrinkled her nose at me. “No touching while I’m sitting on your lap.”

  I nodded in agreement and sat down on the chair. She approached me with much less caution than yesterday and I tried to appear calm as she sat sideways on my lap. Her ass pressed against my groin and it took all my willpower not to caress her thighs through her thin pants.

  She picked up the glass of gallberry juice and took a few swallows before eating a bite of food. “What kind of meat is this?”

  Trying to ignore my urge to cup her breasts, I said, “Grundleswat.”

  “Grundle what?”

  “Grundleswat. Tan coloured creature that lives in the forest and eats grass,” I said. “Like deer in your world.”

  “Oh. It tastes like cow.”

  “We do not have an equivalent to cow. We do not domesticate any animal to raise for meat. We eat only what we hunt.”

  “You know a lot about earth.”

  “It was a big part of my studies as a child,” I replied.

  “That makes sense.” She ate more grundleswat. “Considering that you needed us to save your people, you would want to learn whatever you could about us.”

  “You needed us as well,” I reminded her. “You would all be slaves of the Gokmards without us.”

  “True. If you learn about earth in school, why don’t you know how to speak our language?”

  I shrugged. “We have the translators, so it was not necessary. Although I do know a few words in your language.”

  “Like what?” She popped a slice of bacuri root into her mouth. “Wait, before you answer that – what is this called?”

  “Bacuri root. It is similar to your carrot.”

  She studied the bright green round slices before eating another. “It does kind of taste like carrot. What about this?”

  “Orechoke,” I said. “It is a grain that we grow.”

  “I like it. It has a nutty flavour to it. And this?”

  “Warracot. A fruit that grows on trees.”

  “It’s my favourite,” she said as she eyed the yellow fruit. “It reminds me of watermelon on earth.”

  “It is my favourite too,” I said. “We are trying to grow watermelon on our planet.”


  “Yes. Our soils are not similar, but Roden is working on a formula that will allow your food to grow in our soil.”

  “Are you worried that we’ll figure out how to grow gallberry plants in our soil?” She asked.


  “Why not?”

  “The gallberry plant can only grow on our planet. Even if our soils were the same, the gallberry requires our atmosphere to flourish.�

  She cocked her head at me. “Our air is the same as your air…isn’t it? I mean, humans can breathe here, right?”

  “Yes. But the gallberry plant cannot and will not grow in your atmosphere. If you wish, I will have Roden explain it to you in greater detail.”

  “No, that’s okay. I believe you. Who’s Roden?” She ate another piece of grundleswat.

  My stomach growled. Being around the little human had soothed my restlessness and my hunger had returned. “He is the head gardener for the western province.”

  “You’re hungry,” she said as my stomach growled again.

  “I have not eaten yet.”

  “You should have said something,” she scolded. “There’s plenty of food here for both of us.”

  I didn’t object when she stabbed a piece of grundleswat and held it in front of my mouth. “Eat.”

  I ate the meat as she scooped up some orechoke and held it out. I took the forkful of grain and smiled a little as she ate her own forkful. Sharing food and utensils with the little human should not be pleasing me so much.

  “What Earth words do you know?” She asked as she handed the fork to me. “Help yourself, I’m getting full.”

  I ate some bacuri root and the rest of the grundleswat as she used her fingers to pick up chunks of warracot and ate them delicately.

  “Only the curse words and your slang words for mating,” I replied. “Our race has integrated many of them into our own language over the last forty years.”

  She laughed. “Of course.”

  I shrugged. “Human females like it when I tell them their pussies are tight or their tits taste good.”

  She coloured immediately. “Don’t be rude.”

  “I am being honest, not rude.”

  “How many human women have you slept with?” She asked.

  I was suddenly uncomfortable with the conversation. “I do not know.”

  “That many?” She raised her eyebrows at me and I could feel my skin darkening with embarrassment.

  “I do not keep track. Why?”

  “Galan made it sound like you’ve slept with a lot of human women.”

  I was going to kill Galan at our sparring later.

  “He has slept with many as well,” I said defensively.

  “I’m sorry,” she said. “I’m being very judgemental.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means that I’m – I’m measuring your character and who you are based on how many women you have slept with. In other words, I’m slut shaming and that’s a pretty awful thing for me to do.”

  My tail swished back and forth. I knew what the word slut meant in the human language and I supposed it described me well enough. But knowing that the little human thought I was one, made me feel ashamed for some reason. Sabrina touched my shoulder.

  “I’m sorry, Quill. Honestly, I don’t care how many women you’ve slept with. I was just a little worried that maybe I was going to catch something from you. There are diseases that are sexually transmitted on my planet and I know you weren’t, uh, in me for very long, but we didn’t use protection and -”

  “You will not get any sexual diseases from me. I know what you speak of and such a thing does not exist on our planet nor are they passed on to us from humans. Even if they were, the gallberry juice would heal us of them.”

  “Right,” she said. “Sorry. I should have thought of that.”

  I stared moodily at her and she held out a chunk of warracot. “If I give you a piece of this, will you stop staring at me like I kicked you in the junk?”

  Without speaking, I dipped my head forward and took the warracot from her with only my mouth. She shuddered, and my cock twitched when her ass pressed against my groin for a heart stopping moment.

  “Thank you,” I said.

  “Y-you’re welcome,” she whispered. “Do you, um, want more?”

  “Yes.” I held tightly to the fork, but she didn’t even try and take it from me. Instead, she picked up another piece of the sweet fruit and held it in front of my mouth. This time, I took the fruit and tucked it into my cheek before licking the juice from her first two fingers. She moaned, the sound went straight to my dick and it hardened immediately, and I sucked on both fingers. I released her fingers and ate the piece of warracot as she stared at my mouth.

  “Kiss me, sadora,” I said.

  I cringed inwardly. Sadora was a pet name that Draax males commonly used with their mates. I had never said it before and I had no idea what possessed me to say it now. The human didn’t notice the nickname or my discomfort. She was still staring at my mouth and she licked her bottom lip before cupping my face and pressing her lips against mine.

  I opened my mouth immediately and sucked on her tongue when she slipped it into my mouth. She tasted sweet like the warracot, and I couldn’t resist gripping one firm thigh as she pressed her warm body against mine and kissed me eagerly.

  Her hands threaded through my hair as my tail wrapped around her waist. Her ass pressed rhythmically against my crotch as we kissed, and I didn’t think she was aware of the soft moans she made as I explored every inch of her warm mouth.

  Krono, she tasted so good. I couldn’t get enough of my wild and stubborn little sadora.

  Her low gasp made me realize that I was cupping one breast and squeezing firmly. She arched into my hand, but I immediately released her and unsnapped my tail from around her waist. I tore my mouth away and she made a cry of dismay before trying to kiss me again.

  “Stop, sadora!” I rasped.

  She gave me a stricken look and slid from my lap. “Oh God, I – I’m sorry.”

  “No, I am sorry. I should not have touched you the way I did,” I said. “Forgive me.”

  “I – of course, yes.” She studied the floor at her feet.

  “I have to go. I am sparring with Galan and I do not want to be late.”

  I headed toward the door, adjusting my throbbing cock when my back was turned to her. Her soft voice stopped me as I was reaching for the handle.

  “Can I go with you?”

  I shook my head. “It is not a good idea, little human.”

  “Please?” She said. “I’ll be quiet and not get in the way. It could be a part of the – the tour you’re giving me.”

  I should have refused. Being around the human and not being allowed to touch her or fuck her was pure torture. But I couldn’t resist the pleading in her voice, nor the chance to spend more time with her.

  “Yes,” I said abruptly. “But you cannot speak while we are sparring. We need to concentrate.”

  “I won’t. I promise.”

  She followed me out of her quarters and shut the door. She reached for my hand and I shook my head. Embarrassment flashed across her face and she muttered an apology as she dropped her hand to her side.

  I wanted to tell her that the only reason I didn’t take her hand was because I didn’t trust myself to not simply pick her up and carry her to my private quarters if I even touched any part of her. But that would not help win her trust and give me the chance to fix my mistake, so I ignored my urge.

  Not that it mattered. The moment the first male appeared in the hallway, my tail was whipping around her waist like it had a mind of its own and pulling her close to me. My hand crept to the back of her neck and stayed there as I led her toward the sparring room. The palace was much busier during the day and we passed many Draax males.

  I kept my tail around her and my hand on the back of her neck in a possessive grip as I greeted each of them. She didn’t object to either my hand or my tail and gave each Draax we passed a friendly smile and murmured greeting. I kept a quick pace and she was flushed and panting a bit when we finally reached our destination. I pulled the flask of gallberry juice from my pocket and handed it to her.


  “Thank you.” She drank her fill and returned it to me. I took my own swallow as that familiar flush of energy infused my body. I pushed open the door to the spar
ring room. Galan was standing with his back to me. He had already stripped down to just his pants and I didn’t like the way Sabrina was staring at the large muscles of his back.

  My hand still gripping the back of her neck, I leaned down and said into her ear. “You are not to fuck Galan.”

  “I know,” she said. “You’ve already mentioned that. God.”

  “Then stop staring at him like you wish to fuck him,” I said peevishly.

  She glared at me. “I’m not!”

  I released her neck but kept my tail wrapped around her waist as Galan turned at the sound of the human’s voice. “Sabrina! I did not know you would be here.”

  “Hi, Galan. Your king here agreed to let me watch you fight.” She pulled at my tail and I growled at her.

  “Stop growling,” she said. “You’re squeezing me too tightly.”

  I released her reluctantly and stripped off my shirt. The burning in my gut eased a little when her gaze travelled over my naked chest and a flush rose in her cheeks. Mollified, I tossed my shirt at her. “Hold this for me, human.”

  “I’m not your slave,” she said but she took my shirt and walked to the bench that ran along the far wall. She sat down and made a ‘get on with it’ gesture that made Galan laugh.

  I chose a sword from the many that were affixed to the wall and faced Galan. He grinned at me and raised his sword before bowing.

  I returned his bow and raised my own sword. “Begin.”

  Chapter Seven


  I should never have asked Quill to let me come with him when he sparred. What the hell was I thinking? I wasn’t thinking, that was the problem. I was all hopped up on gallberry juice, warracot and that damn green alien’s kisses. Why did he have to kiss so well? Why did he have to be kind of funny and well-spoken?

  More importantly – why did I suddenly want to spend every waking minute with him? Oh God, I was in trouble.


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