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Reign Page 10

by Elizabeth Kelly

  Big trouble.

  Spread my legs and let the big, green alien bang me, trouble.

  I clutched Quill’s shirt and watched as he and Galan sparred. They’d been fighting for nearly forty minutes with no signs of slowing down. I was alarmed at first, they used real swords and they attacked each other with no regard for safety, but as the fight went on, my alarm disappeared. Now, I was currently watching in a haze of lust so damn thick, I was surprised that Quill couldn’t see it.

  It was his fault, I thought. I watched the large muscles in his back ripple as he twisted and turned and swung his sword. He was half-naked and sweaty and no one his size – man or alien - should have been that graceful. He was an incredible swordsman and if the other Draax were even half as good as he was, I could see how they defeated the Gokmards even with their advanced technology.

  Watching the two Draax warriors fight was giving me a weird tingling in my pants. I leaned my head against the wall, closed my eyes and concentrated on taking deep and even breaths. I would breathe the lust right out of me, I decided. It was not surprising that I was lusting after Quill. His body was beautiful, and those silver eyes were rather striking. All the Draax males were attractive, it’s partially why they were so successful in convincing our women to stay on their planet and keep breeding with them. Hell, even Galan made me a little tingly in my girlie parts.

  I blew out my breath in a harsh rush. Okay, so I was attracted to both of them. Quill was an amazing kisser and Galan was sweet and sexy and both Draax wanted me. And now that I knew they’d had threesomes with a woman before, I couldn’t get the mental image out of my head.

  It didn’t help that they were sparring in front of me – both sweaty and grunting and the muscles in their upper bodies standing out in a delicious display of virile masculinity. It didn’t even seem to matter that Quill was incredibly irritating. I wanted him. But there were three very clear reasons for not sleeping with Quill.

  One – he had no real interest in me. I was incompatible for breeding and he needed an heir. Two – in a month’s time, he’d be fucking his real mate Evelyn. She seemed sweet and quiet and probably wouldn’t annoy him the way I obviously did. I ignored the jealousy burning in my belly at the thought of Quill kissing her the way he kissed me. Three…

  Fuck, what was the third reason? I tried to think past the throbbing in my pelvis. The third reason danced just beyond my reach. I banged my head against the wall in exasperation and winced. Right – pain. Sex with Quill hurt like a bitch.

  It was an accident! My inner voice was sounding decidedly frustrated with me. He didn’t mean to hurt you and if you would just give him the chance, he’d show you how much better it could be.

  “What’s wrong, human?”

  I opened my eyes and tried not to lick my lips. Quill was crouching in front of me and I stared at his naked chest. A trickle of sweat was dripping down his neck and I had the ridiculous urge to lean forward and lick it away. Holy hell, his body was incredible. His green skin glowed and his arms were thick with muscle. His upper chest was hairless but there was a thin line of dark hair that arrowed down from his belly button and disappeared beneath his pants.


  Quill’s voice was hoarse, and I dragged my gaze away from his v-line visible above his waistband and stared at him. His eyes were the colour of dark granite and I caught my breath as my nipples hardened and moisture flooded my pussy.

  “For the love of Krono, do not look at me that way,” he whispered harshly.

  “I – I’m sorry.”

  He stood abruptly, and my eyes widened. His crotch was directly in front of my face and the bulge of his erection was obvious. I licked my lips and Quill groaned loudly. His hand reached for my head and, for a moment, I was entirely certain he was going to pull my face into his crotch. At the last second, he dropped his hand, grabbed his shirt and stumbled away.

  “Quill?” My voice was high and breathless, and I winced when he turned and stalked to the far wall. He rested his forehead against it, his back heaving as he took deep breaths.

  “My King?” Galan said.

  “Return the human to her quarters.” Quill’s voice was ragged.

  “No,” I protested. “You – you said you would give me a tour of the palace.”

  “Do not argue with me,” Quill snapped without looking at me. “Galan, for the mercy of Krono, take the human to her quarters.”

  “Yes, my King.” Galan bowed and walked over to me before wrapping his hand around my arm and hauling me to my feet. He was still shirtless, but he hurried me to the door anyway.

  “Galan, wait,” I said. “I want to speak to Quill.”

  “No, the king does not wish to speak to you. Come, Sabrina. Do not argue.”

  Hurt soared in me and I swallowed down the lump that had appeared in my throat. I absolutely would not cry over the fact that Quill suddenly wanted nothing to do with me.

  * * *

  I spent the afternoon alone in my quarters and ate dinner alone. Galan brought food to me but refused to stay. I picked listlessly at my food. All of it tasted like sawdust and I finally pushed it aside before drinking my gallberry juice. Even that failed to cheer me up and I paced restlessly in the small living area as the time ticked by. I was almost tempted to leave my quarters in search of someone who could tell me where to find Quill. I had pissed him off and I wanted to know why.

  There was a knock on the door and I ran over and yanked it open. Quill stood in the hallway and he gave me a short nod. “Are you ready for your tour, human?”

  “Is that all you have to say?” I said. “If you think we aren’t going to talk about what happened this afternoon, you’re wrong, Quill.”

  “Nothing happened.”

  “Bullshit. Why were you angry with me?”

  “I was not angry.”

  “You were,” I argued. “Tell me why.”

  “I was not angry,” he said. “My behaviour was rude, and I am sorry for that. But I was not angry. Now, are we going on the palace tour or shall I leave you to yourself for the evening?”


  He raised his eyebrows at my emphatic reply and I said, “I mean, I would still like to go on the tour, please and thank you.”

  “Good. Follow me.”

  I shut the door and we walked side-by-side in the hallway. The palace was quieter in the evening, but I still found it strange when after half an hour, we hadn’t passed a single Draax. It was puzzling and a little irritating if I was being truthful. With no other males around, Quill didn’t touch me with his tail or his hand. In fact, he kept a respectable distance from me. I guess I had grown used to having his tail around my waist whenever we left my quarters. I was surprised at how much I missed the feel of it.

  “Where is everyone?” I finally asked as Quill led me out of the kitchen. It was giant sized and chocked full of food and strange looking appliances. But even it was eerily empty.

  “There is a gathering this evening,” Quill replied.

  “What kind of gathering?”

  “A life celebration gathering. On Earth, you would call it a birthday party,” he said.

  “Whose birthday is it?” I asked.


  I stopped in the hallway. “Why are you not at the gathering? Teo’s your friend, isn’t he?”

  “One of my closest, but I promised you a tour. When we are finished, I will join them.”

  I shook my head. “No, we can end the tour now. If I knew I was keeping you from your friend’s birthday party, I would never have agreed to go.”

  “It is fine, human.”

  “It isn’t fine,” I said. “Take me back to my quarters. We can finish the tour another time.”

  I started in what I thought was the general direction of my quarters. I didn’t want Quill to see the disappointment on my face. I didn’t want him missing Teo’s party, but I hated the thought of spending the rest of the evening alone. I hadn’t lived alone for years, a
nd not only was I missing my sister, but I was bored out of my mind.

  Is it just that or are you disappointed that you won’t get to kiss him?

  Nope. That wasn’t it. Not at all.

  “You could accompany me.”

  I froze and whirled around to stare at Quill. “Really?”

  “Yes, but I would require something in exchange.” His gaze flickered to my breasts.

  “Wh-what did you have in mind?”

  “More than just kissing, little human.” His voice dripped over me like warm honey and need blossomed in my belly.

  His tail flicked out to snake around my waist. It tugged, and I walked toward him, stopping when I was only inches from his hard body.

  “If I allow you to attend the gathering, you will allow me to touch you when it is over,” he said.

  “Where?” I couldn’t seem to speak above a whisper.

  “Here.” His fingers stroked along my collarbone. “Here.” His hands cupped my upper arms. “This spot right here.” He traced my stomach and my ribs. “And here.”

  I moaned when his thumbs grazed across both my nipples.

  “You will take off your shirt and this,” he tugged on the strap of my bra through my t-shirt, “and let me touch, kiss and lick.”

  He bent down until his mouth was hovering just above mine. “Do we have an agreement, human?”

  “J-just the top half?” I whispered.

  He nodded. His breath was warm on my lips and I couldn’t stop from parting them in silent invitation. He hesitated and then brushed his mouth against mine.

  “Please,” I moaned.

  “Do we have an agreement?” He repeated.

  “Yes.” I leaned forward to kiss him again, stumbling and nearly falling when he straightened and stepped back.

  His tail kept me from falling and he gave me a polite smile. “Are you all right, human?”

  “Uh, yes. Thanks.” My cheeks were on fire and I stared in confusion at the floor as Quill released me.

  “Come, human. The gathering awaits.”

  * * *


  I flicked my tail around Sabrina’s waist the moment we joined the others at the gathering. She hovered close to me, looking nervous and uncertain as I made my way to where Teo was sitting. The gathering was being held in the garden, and he was reclining on a large cushion with his back resting against the stone wall behind him.

  “My King!” He started to rise, and I shook my head.

  “Sit, old friend. It is your day.” I bowed to him and he flushed with pleasure before raising his glass of gallberry wine. “To my King and his generosity on this, the day of my birth!”

  The Draax roared their approval and raised their glasses before drinking.

  “Hello, human!” Teo said. “Welcome to my life gathering.”

  “Thank you, Teo. Um, happy birthday. Thank you for letting me crash your party,” Sabrina said.

  “What does this crashing of a party mean?” Teo asked.

  I sat down on the empty cushion next to him and urged Sabrina to sit between my legs. She hesitated before sinking gracefully onto the cushion. She sat upright and didn’t lean against me, but I kept my tail around her waist and rested my hand on the back of her neck as more of the Draax gathered around us. They were staring at her with obvious curiosity, but both my status and my obvious possession of her kept them from even glancing at her lush body.

  “It means to attend a party even though you weren’t actually invited,” Sabrina said.

  “Oh.” Teo thought for a moment. “Well, a female as beautiful as you are, is welcome to crash my party anytime!”

  He raised his glass in the air and shouted, “What say you?”

  “Katalan!” The men shouted, and I grinned as they all drank enthusiastically.

  Sabrina was staring at Teo in surprise, and I pulled her against my chest before murmuring into her ear. “Ignore him. He has had too much gallberry wine.”

  “There’s a wine version?” She gave me a look of pure delight as I tried to ignore the soft fullness of her ass pressing against my dick.


  “Can I try it?”

  I signalled to the Draax who was carrying a tray of wine glasses. He hurried over and I shook my head when he tried to hand me two glasses. “One is enough.”

  “Of course, my King.”

  Sabrina sat up straight and twisted her upper body to face me. Before she could take the glass, I held it to her lips. She took a sip and I pulled the glass away before she could drink more. Her cheeks flushed immediately, and she shivered all over. “Oh my God. That’s amazing.”

  “It is very potent,” I said. “You are so little that a few sips and you would be as drunk as Teo.”

  “One more sip?” She wheedled.

  I laughed and allowed her one more before drinking the rest of it myself. “No more, little human.”

  She pouted, but even the two small sips had relaxed her enough that she rested against my chest without my urging. I rubbed her thigh and flicked my tail against her hip as she watched the Draax laugh and talk around us.

  “What does katalan mean?” She asked.

  “Long life,” I replied.


  She settled even more firmly against my chest, and I stroked her long dark hair. It was silky soft, and I tried not to picture the way it would look draped across my thighs as she sucked on my cock.

  My dick pushed against her hip, but she didn’t seem to notice. She was still watching the others with bright interest, and I tried to concentrate on something other than the warm, soft woman sitting between my thighs.

  * * *

  “So, Sabina -”

  “It’s Sabrina.” I gave Jarka an irritable look.

  His green skin darkened with embarrassment and his tail flicked back and forth. “Forgive me, Sabrina.”

  “It’s fine, Jarka.” She elbowed me lightly in the ribs. “Everyone makes mistakes. What is your question?”

  It was nearly four hours later and Teo was asleep and snoring loudly on the cushion beside us. He wasn’t the only one. The gallberry wine had flowed freely, and most of the Draax had either staggered off to their own beds or fallen asleep in the soft grass of the garden. There were only about ten Draax still awake and they were gathered around Sabrina and me. The little human had been very friendly and kind to them, and they were starting to ply her with questions about her life on earth.

  “What illness did you have that made you conduct trade with the farmer to be his nanny?” Jarka asked.

  “I wasn’t sick,” Sabrina said. “My younger sister had liver cancer. She only had a few months to live so I went through an agency and was tested for the breeding program. When I proved incompatible, I applied for the nanny program.”

  “You gave up everything for your sister?” Jarka said in surprise.

  “I – well, it’s only for three years,” Sabrina said.

  “Three years is a long time,” Faro said.

  “She was dying,” Sabrina said almost defensively.

  “I do not mean to offend,” Faro said. “The human females I have talked to did not seem to be inclined to help others.”

  “Talk?” Jarka said. “I would have thought they were too busy sucking your dick to talk.”

  The Draax roared with laughter as Sabrina’s face turned red.

  “There is a female in our presence,” I said.

  Their laughter died immediately and Jarka made a short bow. “Forgive me, my Queen. I mean – Sabrina.”

  “It’s fine,” she said with a hesitant look at me.

  I realized with a jolt that Jarka’s slip of the tongue had not even registered. It seemed somehow right that they referred to Sabrina as queen. My hand tightened on her thigh. Krono, what was wrong with me? Sabrina was not my queen. My mate was a woman named Evelyn and, unlike Sabrina, she could bear my young.

  “Quill? What’s wrong?” She murmured.

” I relaxed my grip on her leg. Sabrina meant nothing to me. I simply wished to show her that sex could be pleasurable. When I had done that, my odd obsession with her would end.

  “When your term as nanny ends, will you find a mate here on our planet?” Faro asked.

  “No. I’m incompatible for breeding, remember?” Sabrina replied.

  “There are many on our planet who have no wish for young,” Jarka said. “Galan is looking for a mate only. Is that not right, Galan?”

  He turned to my best friend who nodded and took another sip of gallberry wine.

  “You see. You could easily find a mate here, human. You are very pretty,” Jarka said earnestly.

  “Um, thank you,” Sabrina said. “But I want to return to earth. I miss Carrie and Josh very much and -”

  “Who is Josh?” My tail flicked angrily.

  “He’s my sister’s husband, uh, mate,” she said.

  I relaxed and took a drink from the glass of gallberry juice I held before handing it to her. “Drink more juice.”

  She drank obediently before returning the glass to me.

  “Teo says you met our King’s future mate,” Faro said. “What was she like?”

  “Well, I only met her briefly,” Sabrina said. “But she seemed very sweet. Quiet and a little timid.”

  “That’s good,” Jarka said. “The king likes his females quiet and submissive. She will make him the perfect mate.”

  “Be quiet, Jarka,” I said harshly.

  He blinked at me. “Forgive me, my King.”

  I ignored him and studied Sabrina. Her face was pale, and she was staring at her hands that were knotted together in her lap.

  “What is wrong, little human?” I said in a low voice.

  “Nothing.” She gave me a strained smile. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  She turned to Jarka before I could question her further and said, “What do you do in the palace, Jarka?”

  * * *


  As Quill opened the door to my quarters and ushered me inside, I tried not to let my nervousness show. I had agreed to allow Quill to touch my breasts and I would follow through with it, simple as that. I smiled at him as he led me to the couch.


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