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Tempt The Boss

Page 13

by Madison, Natasha

  Noah picks me up at seven, when we hit up a pub and watch the Yankees kill it again. At the end of the ninth inning, he suggests going to Light Night Club.

  Shaking the doorman’s hand, I make my way over to the corner bar. We have spent many nights closing this place down. This is one of the first clubs to hold our names. I look around, taking in the beauty of it.

  The minute I scan the booths, I see her. The woman who has been a thorn in my side. Tonight, she looks like she just walked off the red carpet. Her hands rise to the sky, taking her skirt up to dangerous levels.

  I stand up straight, draining the bourbon in my glass in one gulp. I make eye contact with the bartender and raise my glass to get another shot.

  He pours my shot and passes it to me, and I shoot it down in one gulp, signaling for another. When I look back over to the dance floor, I see some douche with his hands all over Lauren, while she shakes her ass.

  She turns around to put her back to his front, and her eyes scan the area around her. The minute they land on me, it’s like I’ve been lit up from the inside.

  I take the last shot and make my way over to her. I know exactly when she feels me, because her body goes stiff.

  I look at the idiot she’s dancing with and motion with my head for him to move on.

  “Get lost.” My voice is tight, my mouth doesn’t even move, since I’m talking through my clenched teeth.

  The douche doesn’t even try to fight for her. He just puts his hands up in defeat and walks away.

  She turns around, all pissed off, but before she can say a word, I grab her hand and drag her across the dance floor, through the throngs of sweaty bodies dancing, and out the side door into the cool night.

  I don’t stop till I’m in the middle of the alley. She tries to yank her hand out of mine, but I push her against the side of the wall.

  “Don’t push me, Lauren, not now,” I warn her.

  She looks me up and down before she squares her shoulders and opens her mouth to let me have it. “Don’t push you? Don’t push you? You have some nerve, Austin. You called me uptight, and I was in there enjoying my night when you charged over there like…like…I don’t even know what the hell that was all about, except for the fact that I wasn’t the uptight one in that scenario. Hmm, who needs to loosen up now, Austin?” She finishes her rant with her hands on her hips and her breasts heaving with her anger.

  “You drive me nuts! I can’t sleep! I can’t think! I can’t even fucking get anything done at work without thinking about you!” I snarl at her as I rake my fingers through my hair, half tempted to pull it out of my head. That’s how crazy she makes me.

  “So, I come out tonight. I’m going to kick back, have a few drinks and not think about you. But of all the places, you’re here, looking like this.” I don’t even attempt to hide the fact that I let my eyes run up the length of her body.

  “What’s wrong with how I look? I look good!” she huffs in outrage as she crosses her arms under those luscious tits and throws her hip out to the side.

  “No, Lauren. No, you don’t look good. You look fucking amazing. As usual. I tried to ignore you. I turned my back. I wasn’t going to pay you any attention at all. But when I turn around, there you are on the dance floor, swinging your ass with that douche all over you,” I grit out as I lean even further into her space.

  “So? I’m here to have fun, too, Austin. And I was! Until you marched over there like some crazy man and dragged me out here. What the hell was that, huh?” Her voice rises as her anger climbs. Well, so what? I’m getting angrier, too.

  I step even further into her space, backing her right up against the wall. My chest is heaving against hers, and she tips her angry face up to mine so we are nose-to-nose. “I didn’t like it, Lauren,” I hiss out.

  That seems to take the wind out of her sails a bit. “Why, Austin? Why did it bother you?” she whispers.

  I’m still feeling anger, but now it’s mixed with lust and confusion. I don’t know why I didn’t like it. So instead of answering her, I do the only thing I can in the moment.

  My mouth crashes down on hers, and I run my tongue along her plump lips. She whimpers, and I use that opening to slip my tongue into her mouth, sliding it against hers. She kisses me right back, meeting my ferocity with a hunger of her own. The taste of her invades my mouth. A small moan escapes her, and the lust I’m feeling kicks up. I move my hand up and into her hair, where I pull it, tilting her head back to look into her eyes.

  She watches me with a stunned but way-turned-on expression. Her breathing is erratic, her lips are swollen from kissing me, and her eyes are hooded with desire. I don’t move. She does. She pushes up onto her toes and fastens her lips to mine, nipping on my bottom lip and then soothing the sting away with her tongue before slipping it into my mouth. She twirls it in a circle, dancing with mine in the hottest kiss I’ve ever had.

  Her hands slide from my chest around to my back and down to my ass, where she presses me into her.

  I let go of her mouth, trailing my lips across her cheek to her chin and down her neck, licking, nipping, and sucking as I go. She is panting, and the hand on my ass squeezes it, while the other one claws at my back.

  I go back to her mouth to get another taste of her. She’s the drug and I’m the addict. I’ve never wanted someone so much in my life.

  Not just her body, though her body is meant to be worshipped, but her head, her heart. I want it all.

  My tongue moves with hers, deeper into her mouth. She wraps her arms around my shoulders and gives a little hop, telling me what she wants. I lift her legs and wrap them around my waist, lining her pussy right up to my cock. I groan from the sheer pleasure of feeling her against me.

  I was trying to hold myself back, not sure how fast or far she wants to go, but that last move pushes me to the brink of my control.

  I let go of her lips, and she whimpers and attempts to chase my mouth with hers in an effort to get them back together.

  I look to the right and left and see that there is a gate locked on the side so no one can come in that way. The dumpster a couple of feet from us shields us on the other side.

  “I can only be a gentleman for so long, baby,” I whisper roughly in her ear and then roll the lobe between my lips. Her head falls back, hitting the wall.

  Her legs are locked around my hips, and I pin her in place against them with my body as I grab her hands, moving them above her head and holding them there with one hand wrapped around her wrists. “I’ve dreamt about this moment since I watched you get out of your car.” I grind my cock into her. She replies with a moan that echoes through the alley.

  She tries to push off the wall, but my body holds her in place. “Hold on tight, baby. Lock your legs around me.” I order as I feel her ankles shift against the small of my back, securing her to me. I run the hand that was holding her at her ass over her hip and up her side.

  My hand is open on her side, and I use my thumb to lightly stroke the swell of her full breast as I tell her, “I used to sit at my desk, watching you bend over yours, hoping to get a look at this.” I glide my hand between us to cup her tit and give it a light squeeze as my thumb moves over her hardened nipple. Her lips part as her head drops back against the wall and her eyes drift closed.

  “Don’t close your eyes now, Lauren,” I whisper as I push her top and the cup of her bra to the side. I look down to see creamy flesh and her hard, pink nipple springing free. I don’t even wait or take a breath before I lean down and run my tongue over it. I suck the whole thing into my mouth and then give it a light bite before I roll my tongue around it and go back to sucking. “Fuck me,” she hisses.

  I look up at her, while she looks down at me. “Don’t mind if I do,” I reply, planning to do just that.

  Chapter Nineteen


  The minute his lips touched mine, my knees buckled. Totally turned to Jell-O. I’ve never experienced anything like that in my life.

  You alw
ays hear about that kind of kiss, the one that will totally rock your world. You wait for it to happen, hoping with each kiss that it will be the one, that it’s that kiss .

  Well, if the fluttering stomach, sweaty palms, and panting are anything to go by, it appears that I just had the best kiss of my life. Right here in the middle of an alley with the Asshat I hate. Okay, maybe I don’t hate him, but I thought I did. So, while my brain may not have liked him, I can admit that my heart and vagina lusted after him.

  Not only am I now dry humping him, I’m pretty sure I’m going to fuck his brains out. Or he is going to fuck my brains out. Doesn’t matter, because either way, I’m getting laid.

  As soon as my legs let go of his hips, I pull my bustier back into place and smooth my skirt down. He grabs my hand and pulls me back inside the club. We don’t stop; we just head straight to the front door and back outside, where he flags down a cab.

  “My place or yours?” he asks as I look up at him.

  “Mine.” I wasn’t going to do this in a place I wasn’t comfortable.

  “Oh, shit. Kaleigh?” I look back to the club door that is still letting in the people who are waiting in line.

  “She’s with Noah. She’s good.” He pushes me gently into the back of the cab. My knees are still weak and not totally functional, so of course, my heel gets stuck in the pavement and I dive into the cab, sprawling across the seat on my stomach. I lie there giggling at the display of my sexiness. I sit up and move my legs so Austin can get in.

  He gets in, closes the door, and gives the driver my address. “Come here.” He pulls me into his lap to straddle him, my knees coming to rest on the seat by his hips.

  His hands go straight to my ass, squeezing it, before they roam up my back to the base of my neck, where one makes its way into my hair, the other locked around the small of my back holding me in place.

  He closes his fist around my hair, giving it a little tug as he thrusts his cock up against my center.

  My head drops back as a groan leaves me.

  “No sex in the cab,” the driver admonishes from the front.

  “No worries,” Austin assures him.

  His fisted hand in my hair guides my mouth to his, where I open for him immediately as his tongue darts in and out of my mouth. Our kiss is frantic, leaving us both breathless.

  He pulls my hair, my head rolling back and to the side as his mouth starts working my neck. “I can’t wait to be inside you,” he whispers. “Can’t wait to fuck you.” His words shoot straight through me, and my clit throbs in response. “If I slid your panties to the side, would your pussy be wet for me, Lauren?”

  I look at him innocently, a small smirk playing on my lips. “Why don’t you find out for yourself?” I will hold nothing back with this. I’ve held back for too long. His hand releases my hair, skating down my neck, then my arm, until they finally land on my hips. He stops for a second, and I grind down on him. “Don’t stop.” I lean forward and nip at his neck and then suck on it.

  “Oh, I’m not stopping, baby, not at all,” he promises right before his hands rub down my thighs and then back up. Once, twice, making me shiver with anticipation each time. On the third pass, he brings the front of my skirt up with his hands.

  The tips of his thumbs rest against the soaked black lace of the panties I’m wearing under my skirt. “Next time, don’t wear panties. I’ll finger fuck you in the restaurant. Got it?” I can barely focus on what he’s saying, my body is so keyed up waiting for him to touch me.

  Using his left thumb, he hooks the lace to the side, grazing through my wetness as he drags the material over.

  “Next time? Next time, I’ll suck your dick in the car before we even get to the restaurant,” I whisper in his ear before I rise up on my knees a bit, giving him space to enter me. He groans out his reply just as the car breaks suddenly.

  “Okay, Romeo and Juliet, it’s twenty-eight fifty. Is that cash or credit?”

  I get off his hips, while he grabs his wallet from his back pocket and swipes his card. “Keep the receipt.” He grabs my hand and exits the cab. He waits for me to get out before slamming the door closed.

  “Let’s go, Mr. Mackenzie. I have plans for you,” I tease him as I walk ahead of him, adding a bit more swing to my strut. “You made some promises back there. You’re planning on keeping them, right?” I ask coyly.

  “Oh, I’ll be fucking keeping those promises, alright. Tonight, tomorrow morning, tomorrow afternoon, and then again tomorrow night. The question is, do you think you can handle me?” He comes at me, picking me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, my hands around his neck as I lean down and kiss him hard. I lightly lick across his lower lip before I drag it back across and push it inside his mouth. Our tongues tangle as my back hits the door. My stomach flip-flops, and my heart jack-hammers in my chest. “Open the door, Lauren. Now,” he roughly demands, and my core quivers in response to the tone of his voice.

  “I don’t have my purse,” I tell him but snap my fingers. “Wait! I have a spare!” I tell him as I rush over to the potted plant on my front porch, pushing it over and bending to pick up the key. Okay, fine, I may wiggle my hips a bit in the hopes that he is watching. And from the groan that comes out of him, it seems he is.

  I head back to the door and feel his chest at my back as I push the key into the lock. His arm snakes around my waist and he slides his hand down from my belly to cup my pussy. “Not so fast,” he says right at my ear. I whimper as I wait to see what he’ll do next. “I didn’t check if you’re wet yet.”

  My head falls back on his chest, and the hand not holding the key still in the lock latches on to the forearm banded around my waist. I tilt my face up so he can kiss me. He presses his lips to mine and against them, he whispers, “I’m going to finger fuck you right here, and you’re going to come for me, and come hard, right now, Lauren.” I moan my agreement, to which he replies, “But you can’t make a noise. Can you be quiet, Lauren?” I shake my head no.

  “Fuck, no. I’ve been quiet for ten years, Austin. This time, I’m yelling. Shouting. Groaning.” I widen my stance to give him more access. “Touch me, Austin. Please,” I beg.

  It’s his turn to groan as the hand that was cupping me moves quickly to join the other in hiking my skirt up to my hips. The cool night air skates across my now exposed skin, but with him pressing what feels like a very sizeable erection into my ass, my overheated body barely notices the temperature.

  “You know what I’m going to like more than finger fucking you?” He moves my panties to the side, gliding two fingers over my sensitive clit and right into me. “Eating your pussy.”

  “Yes,” I hiss, the small of my back curving into an arch that forces my ass to press into his hard cock. My nipples tighten, almost to the point of discomfort. My hips move with his hand as he fucks me, hard and fast, with his fingers. I’m soaked and hot and throbbing, which is clearly evidenced by the ease with which he’s able to enter me. I grind my ass on his hardness as my hips continue rocking with his hand. “I’m going to come,” I tell him, knowing it’s coming.

  “I know. Your pussy is squeezing my fingers. God, so fucking tight,” he groans as he moves them faster, rougher. My hand moves from where it was clutching onto his forearm, snaking around me and then between us to palm his cock. I rub him through his jeans, up and down. His cock is huge, and I can’t wait to have him inside of me. It’s been so long, so, so very long. “Come on, Lauren, come on my fingers so we can go inside and I can eat this pussy.” He pumps them in and out of me. My wetness is now leaking down his hand and my inner thighs. “So fucking wet. So fucking tight. So fucking hot. You’re going to come on my fingers, then you’re going to come on my tongue. And then you’re going to come on my cock. Over and over and over again. ”

  And that’s it, that’s when I come, and come hard. I moan out my orgasm with a barely coherent “Oh my god, so good.” My hips move with his fingers to draw out the orgasm that has been lingering since the momen
t I set eyes on him tonight.

  I’m not completely sure my legs can hold me up right now. Thankfully, he still has one arm around my waist, while the other hand is still in me. He slowly removes his fingers, and I turn around, grabbing the hand that was just inside of me.

  “That was so good,” I purr, looking him right in the eye as I bring it to my mouth. “Got me all excited.” I suck one of his fingers into my mouth. One of his fingers that’s coated in my cum. I suck it deep into my mouth, twirling my tongue around it. “You know what gets me even wetter, hotter, hornier?” I ask, drawing another finger in my mouth. “Sucking cock,” I tell him, and before he can reply, I’m on my knees in front of him, wrestling with his belt. The need to get him out is intense for both of us.

  I get his belt undone, open the button with both hands, and slowly pull the zipper down. I open the front of his pants, slide my hands along his abs into the waist band of his jeans, and carefully push them down his hips. When I move the material over his impressive cock, my eyes take in their first unhindered glimpse of him—long, hard, and thick, and all mine.

  Chapter Twenty


  When she sank to her knees after sucking herself off my fingers, my cock jerked painfully against my zipper. Jesus fuck.

  Her hands fumble with my belt and then the button. She starts sliding the zipper down slowly. I put both hands against the door over her head and look down to watch, more than ready to enjoy the show.

  My dick pops right out, since I didn’t bother with boxers tonight. I see her eye my dick, and from her expression, it seems that she likes what she sees. Good. She licks her lips before her tongue darts over the head of my cock in a slow, wet swipe, licking up all of the pre-cum that coats the tip. She pulls her tongue back in, almost like she’s savoring it. Then she runs it back over it, a little “hmmm” sounding in her throat.

  I use one of my hands to push her hair off her face and hold it to the side, so I can watch her take me in her mouth. She looks up at me, our eyes connecting as she takes the tip in her mouth. Sucking in a little more each time she bobs her head. My pants move further down my hips when I start thrusting shallowly into her warm mouth.


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