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Game of Survival

Page 37

by T R Tells

  "Whatever you do, don't listen to it! You're stronger than this. I know this. You can pull through and I'll always be right there beside you. I'll be the one to be there for you this time. Now. Don't. Let. Go!"

  His words of triumph made the girl tighten her grip on Angeal’s hand and with great force Angeal pulled her arm in turn, pulling her out of the red and black rift. After so many years, Angeal could make out the girl’s eyes: Bright blue, the color of the sea as they called out to him.


  When Angeal finally came too, he was on his side. A man clad in silver armor had his rough, warm hand on his neck. He could hear him say, "Don't worry, Princess. He's breathing, call a physician." Angeal slowly sat up from his position on the floor and held one hand to his head, while holding the other out to stop his sister.

  “I’m quite alright, Mar Donias. I don’t need to see the physician. It was just a minor spell – I didn’t get to eat this morning.”

  Mar Donias looked at the young prince with one eye, surveying him from his blonde hair to his body. He wanted to doubly make sure that no ill will when it came to the prince, lest the king have his head. Khloette was by the door, she was still nervous about her brother's sudden fall, but she didn't move as he had requested. She just prayed that he wouldn't come down with a sickness or worse. While the Ire Scourge had been gone and passed on, it wasn't uncommon for diseases to still linger in specific areas.

  Mar Donias let out a heavy sigh of relief and stood onto his feet. "If you say so, your highness. Princess Khloette, make sure your brother gets something to eat and drink. We don't want this to happen to again. It could have been much worse than it was."

  Khloette nodded and moved away from the doorway so that Mar Donias could leave. She looked over at her brother and walked over to his side, bent down to his level and rested her hand on his shoulder. “Angeal, are you sure we shouldn’t get you to the infirmary?”

  Angeal looked at his doe-eyed sister. He could see the worry in her eyes, and it pained him that he had caused so much fright in her. He revealed a smile on her face in hopes of relaxing her.

  "I promise you Khloette. I'm fine . . . I just had the lividest and vexing ‘vision,' should I say? Do you remember when I first told you about the girl in my dreams?"

  Khloette raised her brow and nodded. “The girl’s whose face you couldn’t see, right?”

  "Right. I've been having dreams about this girl for the last eight years and every time I am with her, I feel a sense of euphoria and peace. I don't even know her name. It's perplexing I know, but even Donnie believes that it must be fate, that there may be hope in a way," Angeal said, trying his best to explain how he felt toward the unknown girl.

  Khloette who wanted nothing more than for her brothers to be happy was elated with happiness and was grinning from ear to ear, clasping her hands together as she cooed with excitement. "I think Donnie is quite right. It's like fates of true love or something!"

  Angeal couldn't help but chuckle at his sister's enthusiasm. "While that is a pleasant thought to think about, I'd at least like to know who the girl is I have been seeing and when I can see her," He said, pausing as he remembered the earlier ‘vision' he just had, "And, how I can be there for her. I don't believe she needs saving, but she needs someone. I can't fully comprehend it myself, but there's a troubling burden surrounding her, and I don't want anything bad to happen to her."

  Khloette could sense her brother's wavering sadness and although she couldn't be sure how to help him, she knew that she could keep pushing and encouraging him.

  “Well . . . Wherever she is, she doesn’t need you moping about. She needs you to be strong so when that time comes you can be there for her.” Angeal looked to his sister, seeing the seriousness in her eyes. "Vision, dream, what have you, it's obvious that she's supposed to be in your life. So, let things flow naturally and I'm positive that you will meet soon."

  Angeal nodded. He knew he shouldn't be over-thinking on it or letting the newfound vision get to him. He would follow the path that was made for him. While he wasn't so familiar with the gods of the realm if there was a force out there, he was willing and able to follow through. The lasting image of her sea blue eyes stayed in his mind.


  Throughout the many grueling years Maggie had been through she had never felt one inch of happiness – except moments when she was with Thea or Kadda and Laura. The moment Laura said she wanted nothing more to do with her left a heavyweight in her chest, but now that would all change. Since Maggie had met Donnie and he introduced her to the prince, his brother Angeal, the Meretrix was said to be under new management. At first, Maggie didn't believe it, she couldn't possibly think the prince would be able to change anything that the king had already set into motion. She was even more confident that Flint wouldn't go down without a fight, but for the last several months she hadn't seen Flint. Even the slew of men that came in as regular customers started to drive away, under Angeal Kharma’s orders.

  “What are you thinking so hard about? Everything alright?” A deep male voice asked. Maggie turned her head and saw Donnie walking to where she was standing on the balcony.

  "Oh, it's nothing."

  Donnie leaned on the railing and looked out the rows of obtuse yellow clay houses that were lined closely together. There were several people in the distance wearing tattered attire as they went from one location to another. Maggie spoke again, making Donnie look up at her.

  “Are you going to be alright? I’m sorry you had to see that. I know how close you were to him,” Donnie said. He spoke about Eddie and how he had brought Kingsland Guards to arrest him.

  Maggie nodded as the image of Eddie being forced to the ground lingered in her mind. She couldn’t forget his snarling expression or the slew of curses he called out. He shouted for someone to help him as the Kingsland Guards hauled him to his feet and cuffed him, but the only person who tried to come to his aid was Freya.

  Maggie had run to her before she could reach Eddie. Freya kicked and screamed, even punched her, but Maggie wrapped her arms around Freya’s neck putting her in a sleeping hold as Freya’s sobs grew quieter and quieter, until she rendered unconscious.

  Maggie wouldn’t forget the look of betrayal on Eddie’s face as he stared at her. For a moment, Maggie remembered Eddie as he once had been. Loud, quick-tempered, and obnoxious, but there was genuine kindness within those depths. The moment had been brief. However, the old image of the Eddie she knew disappeared and a darker, more stoic expression crossed his face. She immediately looked away, not wanting the last image she had of Eddie, to be one she registered with hate.

  Maggie snapped out of her thoughts and rubbed her bruised cheek where Freya had punched her, the pain tingled every time she touched it.

  "I’ll be alright. It had to happen sooner or later,” Maggie said. Her chest still ached, it had been a few days ago, yet she felt like she had backstabbed her best friend. She could only imagine what Freya had been feeling, but she had been ignoring Maggie.

  “Thank you again for freeing everyone of this forced life. No one has given a damn about us."

  Donnie smirked and hunched his shoulder. "Do you think that all men are scumbags? I mean, I know there's a lot of us, that was proof a few days ago, but not everyone likes to see a woman being abused and mistreated. You all deserve just as much as any man."

  “Well, then you’re one of the lucky ones. So, what happens from here?” Maggie asked, placing her hand down to lean against the railing.

  Since Flint’s disappearance, Thea’s departure, and Eddie’s recent arrest, all responsibility had fallen to Maggie to care for the young men and women of the Meretrix. Deep down she hoped that she could make a sanctuary for anyone who had been a victim of rape, abuse, and those who suffered from abandonment.

  “My brother should be on his way. He had a few other things to deal with as this is still under the nose of our father.”

  Maggie, alert, stood up straight and cros
sed her arms over her chest, surveying Donnie.

  "And this won't backfire in any way shape or form? You are going behind the king's back."

  Maggie didn't want to show that she was nervous, she kept the same facial expression throughout the conversation, but inside her heart was beating fast and her thoughts were like wildfire as she thought of the people who would reap the repercussions if they were found out.

  “That won’t happen, I won’t let anything happen to you. I promise,” Donnie said, he looked directly at her and didn’t move as she scrutinized him.

  His shoulders relaxed as well as his eyebrows. Even his eyes had a calming expression that made her feel like she could trust him.

  Maggie nodded. “Okay, I trust you.”

  Donnie exhaled lightly. He knew it wasn’t easy for any of the girls to trust a total stranger, let alone a man. He didn’t want anything to happen to Maggie; she reminded him so much of his sister and Kadda. If anything happened to her, Thea would never forgive me.

  “Hey, if it’s okay, do you think I can see Kadda?” Donnie asked. “I haven’t seen her in a while.”

  “She’s upstairs, sleeping. We shouldn’t disturb her,” Maggie said, she trusted Donnie, but she still wanted to be hesitant, unless it was necessary.

  Donnie nodded. He figured he might have overstepped and known he would have to work up to their trust.

  “That’s alright, maybe next time. I should probably head out and wait for Angeal.”

  “I’ll show you out.”

  Maggie gestured for Donnie to follow her, to the Meretrix’s front doors. However, she noticed a small group of courtesans that she worked with huddled together. Maggie furrowed her brows and frowned, wondering what it was they were quietly discussing.

  “Maggie?” Donnie called out to her, breaking her from her concentration, he too noticed the group of girls and some guys. “Everything alright?”

  "Yeah, everything's fine," Maggie told him, just as a girl named Magnolia with short brown and a delicate nose, turned around and locked eyes with Maggie. Magnolia’s eyes widen and quickly turned back to the group. Within seconds the group dispersed, and to Maggie's surprise, she saw that Freya had been in the middle of the group.

  What the hell was that about? Maggie thought. She wondered if she should intervene but thought better of it. She didn’t want to cause an unnecessary uproar.

  Chapter Forty-Eight

  After walking down the side of the rocky mountain, Thea and the rest of the Roma walked through The Twilight forest. The lights seemed to twinkle like stars and Thea was captivated by the new sight. The tower-like houses that sat upon the trees seemed to blend into the surroundings until a Horai folk stepped out from the house. She noticed that their ears pointed some and their hair was the same greenish color as Audalai’s; their eye color varying from yellowish green to white. The Horian of the Twilight Vale of Audalis continued to look at the newcomer, they had not had an outsider in centuries, but despite their curious glances, Thea didn't feel the tension between them and her. Even the forest itself felt like a surge of power that ran through her.

  “Magic runs through this entire forest. What you are feeling is the cosmic energy crystal that sustains the Horian’s magic. It is what helps fuel one’s magical spirit,” Gaius-Sey said beside her.

  “Like the stronger positivity or negativity the person has, the more it affects the user? I learned that from Jiran.”

  “That would be correct, that is called Virtue magic. He was a wise and good man, like his father before him.

  It is a shame his soul has passed on in such a horrific fashion.”

  Thea was curious about the man’s choice of words. “How is it that you know Jiran died?”

  “It is our Roma Persona. We can speak telepathically with our Roma kind and see into the memories and thoughts of others, dead or alive, amongst other things, but every Roma has one specific Trait that they call their own. Have you performed any other such abilities?”

  “I’ve levitated things with my mind. That counts as my Trait?”

  "Aye, it does. We shall discuss your inner Roma after we speak to the king."


  Once they passed through the Twilight Village houses and forest, they walked up the side of the stony cliff where the waterfall had been, and to Thea's surprise, she realized that there was a hidden passage. Behind the waterfall was a twenty-foot-tall golden trimmed redwood door. Thea craned her neck up to see toward the very top of the stone doorway.

  As if on cue the doors opened, and a cool breeze brushed along Thea's skin. Only her and Gaius-Sey entered while the rest of the Roma returned below. Thea walked along the cemented stone walkway. She idly ogled at the sizeable rounded support of the column and the golden stone ceiling carved into place.

  Thea didn't know when the Guards had come up behind her, but suddenly there were two Horian’s on either side of her were dressed in clad silver armor and white garb. One of the guard's hair was pulled into a ponytail, while the other was cut short at the edges.

  “Do not be alarmed, Thea. They are here for our protection and to protect the life of their king,” Gaius-Sey told her, Thea nodded hesitantly. She looked at their sheathed swords on their hip before pulling her attention away to see a large stone bridge in the distance and a massive drawbridge that led on the other side.

  "Who is the Horai King? I haven't heard many stories about him, only that he is hard to find. Also, that the Horian craft beautiful jewelry that people always try to replicate."

  "The Horian have a rich history, you are correct, but they also have a ghastly tale. Almost two-hundred and eleven years ago, the Horian had constant threats looming around every corner, specifically from Fenris and his newly acquired allies in the Unseelie Court.

  They placed a protection spell around them — that there barrier you saw — that protects them from the outside world of mundanes and on the other side that protects them from the lands of Vellir and Spelhim. Unfortunately, there was a spy within the Horian, King Kalevus’ brother, Artorius. He was worked for Fenris and released the barrier letting the gods enter the Audalis."

  Thea listened intently, imagining the very battle that took place but found it impossible to imagine gods and giants walking the very earth.

  "Kalevus and his men stopped the Asur gods and giants, locking them back away for good, but not before banishing his brother out of Audalis. There had been a rumor that he still worked with Fenris, but other than that, there has been no word on Artorius."

  They stopped walking just as they reached the drawbridge. Thea watched as it slowly made its way to her. When it hit the ground, Thea and Gaius-Sey were directed to continue walking. For a moment, Thea looked over the senescent walkway but instantly regretted it. She felt suddenly lightheaded as she realized that she could not see below the cavern floor. She wasn't sure how far the drop was, but she wanted to be as far away from the edge as possible, she scooted closer to the guard; who looked at her from the corner of his eye before directing his attention to the front.

  She was led into the throne room. There was a long red carpet that went to the thrones chair, and a pointed seat that was in the shape of a large crown. The entire foyer of the room was crafted entirely out of the mountain, and the only thing that made out of natural material was torches that were connected to the walls to illuminate the room.

  "That is far enough," a soft-spoken voice said, the person was sitting on the crowned throne chair. Thea suddenly gasped at the person's appearance.

  While the man sitting on the throne was by far older than her, he looked to be in his late twenties, with soft feminine features and long silky green hair that reached the length of his back, flowing ever so gracefully despite there not being a draft. His sculpted pink lips pressed into a firm line that was neither a frown nor a smile, and his stoic jade green eyes held a hardness in them, unblinking as if he had endured centuries of pain. Thea felt nervous as he gazed at her, but she didn't feel fearful. />
  This must be the Horai King Kalevus, Thea thought to herself.

  “State your name, Roma.”

  “I-It’s...uh, um—”

  "Kneel when you are speaking to a King," one of the Kingsland Guards, the one with the shortcut, had said to her.

  Thea jumped at his hard tone but stiffly nodded before bending the knee to the king.

  "My name is Thea Freya. I washed upon your shore some minutes ago after my friends' ship, The Half-blood—”

  Thea noticed a sudden twitch in King Kalevus’ eyes and wondered for a moment why the name of Clovis’ ship might have struck a nerve when he had seemed unfazed just moments before.

  “—After escaping the Bastion of Amac, that’s when the storm separated me from them. I do wish to leave, with your permission so I may be able to find my sister and get back home to Middilgard to my daughter." Thea finished. She didn't know what else to do and looked over to Gaius-Sey for help, but when she did, there was no trace of him.

  Thea felt her heart drop and looked down at the red-carpeted floor. She didn't know what she was supposed to do. It wasn't like she was a prisoner, at least Thea didn't think she was. While Kalevus seemed to not radiate negativity, she still couldn't predict anything about him as his unmoving eyes continued to look at her.

  “Thea Frey . . . A Roma with the Ouroboros mark, but somehow, can still retain her mundane nature,” Kalevus said in a soft melodic voice. “Tell me, do you sense the demon lurking inside of you right now as we speak?”

  Thea reached her hand up to the back of her neck where she felt the healing scar of her mark. She remembered summoning a current of dark magic with Hel’s help to attack Nobius after he attacked Dominya, but after that, she had not felt Hel's presence again. As she quickly reached her hand up and touched her forehead, she realized that she hadn't heard the voices either.

  “The barrier, as I am sure Gaius-Sey has told you, blocks out negative pressure from the outside—that includes anything that lurks within the hearts of man.”


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