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Charity Rising (Charity Series Book 2)

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by Kinney, DeAnna

  The night was glorious. And besides Levi’s brief episodes of stupidity, he was charming right down to his sweet and gentle goodnight kiss, which straightened my hair and curled my toes. Or is that curled my hair and straightened my toes? I had hoped he would stay the night with me. I was disappointed, however, to find my mom still up and pacing aimlessly about her room. Something had her excited, and I imagined it would only be a small matter of time before I found out what it was.

  Soon, I was settled comfortably in bed with my favorite Snoopy blanket tucked tightly under my chin and smiling as my mind revisited the evening’s events. My mom too had finally quieted.

  I was almost asleep, sweet dreams within my grasp, when I felt strong arms encircle me. The feel of him was so familiar to me, and I smiled as I leaned into him, taking in his scent—his warmth. “I thought you couldn’t stay.”

  “Well, I decided to listen out for a while and see if your mom went to sleep, and she did. Prom’s a special night and I didn’t want to leave you alone. Besides, I find it amazingly hard to fall asleep without you in my arms.”

  “Mmm, me too. I’m glad you came back.” I turned so my eyes could absorb every inch of his face, only slightly visible from the glow of my seashell nightlight from across the room. I knew his eyes could see me perfectly and that thought oddly caused me to have heart palpations that shook the entire bed. “You are so handsome. Sometimes it’s hard to believe you’re really mine.”

  “Oh, kitten. You’re everything to me. You are a magnet, I am steel.”

  “Um, Levi, aren’t those words to a song?”

  He shrugged. “It’s still true.”

  I laughed until his lips captured mine, silencing me, and instantly my thoughts slipped into oblivion. Only the fire that consumed me held my attention.

  Chapter Two

  In the morning, as I laid across my bed, journaling all the exciting details of our Prom night, Mom called up to me from the kitchen. “Charity!”

  “Yes, ma’am?!”

  “Would you come down here, please? Frank and I have something we want to discuss with you!”

  “I’ll be right there!”

  Okay, what had I done now? Granted, I had returned from spring break slightly run down and acting stranger than usual. After my kidnapping, I’d found it extra hard being at home and away from Levi. But two weeks had passed and I was fine and back to my normal, obnoxious self.

  My heart raced as I took my usual seat at the kitchen table. I studied the faces of the two seated before me. Mom was giddy with excitement, while Frank just looked—well—like at any moment he was gonna lean over and start upchucking some groceries.

  “You wanted to speak to me about something?”

  “Oh, Charity,” she said, reaching across the table and taking my hand. “I’m so excited! We’re going on a family vacation!”

  “Oh man, repeat that ‘cause my mind just played a cruel joke on me. I thought you just said something like ‘we’re going on vacation’.”

  “Yes. I’m taking some time off, and the three of us are going for an extended weekend to Virginia. Frank has made a new friend at work that owns a cabin in the Virginia Mountains, and we can stay there for free. Isn’t that great?”

  Surely she wasn’t serious. “Oh, Mom, I don’t think I can go on vacation with you guys. I mean what about school? Finals are coming up—and what about—”

  “Charity! Levi can do without you for four days, you’re making good grades, and aside from a couple of days after spring break, your attendance record is very good. Your school won’t suffer in the short time we’re gone. And the break will probably do you and Levi some good. It’s not like you two will die if you’re apart or anything.”

  I actually laughed, but then caught myself.

  “Besides, we’ve never gone on a vacation as a family. We’ve never even left Windrake Mountain together, and the break from this town would be good for us. Once you’ve graduated there won’t be time, what with you and Ashley moving in together and taking your nursing classes. Now is the time. I’m not asking you, Charity. We are doing this.” She turned to look at Frank, whose expression resembled someone who just received news that his plans for an intimate getaway have been fouled up by an unwanted tag-along. “Frank, honey, don’t you have anything to add?”

  He averted my gaze but tilted his head in my direction. “Charity, this means a lot to your mother. Please take a day to consider it. We’re leaving early Thursday morning.”

  “Thanks, I will!” I jumped up and left the table before my mom could argue any further.

  I could tell by the look on her face that Frank was in trouble for offering me an out.

  “I’m going to Levi’s!” I called over my shoulder.

  “But you haven’t even eaten breakfast,” Mom protested.

  “I’ll get something there!” I declared rushing out the front door and letting it slam too hard behind me.

  When I got to the Drake House, the hidden, underground facility that houses Levi’s werewolf pack, I went into the dining room where everyone was gathered, eating breakfast.

  Levi’s face lit up the moment he spotted me. “You’re late.” He smiled, pulling me into his arms for a passionate kiss before guiding me gingerly to the seat beside him.

  “Well my mom and Frank wanted to talk to me.”

  “Yeah? What about?”

  “They want to take me on vacation.”

  His eyes widened in alarm. “You mean away from Windrake Mountain?”

  “Yeah, they said it was somewhere in the Virginia Mountains. Frank has a friend who owns a cabin there. Mom thinks we need a break from this town and all the rivalry junk. I guess being in real estate means she gets to see the rivalry between the east and west side more than we do. I think it gets to her sometimes.”

  “Surely you’re not going, are you?”

  “I don’t want to, but Mom’s really pressing for this. I’m not sure what to do. They’re leaving Thursday and we’ll be gone for four days.”

  “Charity, you can’t go. I can’t be without you for four days. Besides, I don’t want you alone with Frank.”

  “Oh please. Frank can barely look at me now much less touch me. You scared the stupid out of him the night you threatened to rip his head off, remember? He’s even stopped drinking. Maybe he thinks the drinking made him hallucinate, but whatever, he’s not a threat to me anymore.”

  “Well, when he’s got you miles away who knows what might happen. I’m not willing to take that chance.”

  “Levi, he knows you’re different. He won’t dare touch me. Every once in a while he’s even nice to me.”

  “Please, don’t go. I don’t want you to go.” He gently touched his hand to my cheek, seemingly memorizing every line.

  “I probably won’t. You know for someone so high on the food chain you worry too much.” I smirked, reaching for a half eaten muffin on his plate. “Are you gonna eat this?” I asked, shoving a huge bite into my mouth.

  He laughed softly. “I guess not.”

  “That reminds me, have you noticed anything unusual about Ashley?” I spoke through a mouthful of muffin.

  He was watching me in amusement. “Um, no. Should I?”

  I grabbed his glass of orange juice and took a large swig, then sitting it back down, I said, “It’s just that she’s lost weight, and she didn’t eat much last night.”

  He picked up the glass, studying the new backwash floating inside. “Is there something wrong with that? Should we be concerned?”

  I took another bite. “No, I guess not,” I mumbled, “not yet anyway. Just keep an eye on her when she’s here, okay? Let me know if she’s not eating.”

  “Of course I will.”

  Mr. Bones took that moment to enter the dining hall, strolling casually, mumbling words meant only for him. As he passed, touching his hand to our table, his eyes seemingly far away, I was able to make out something about fearing no evil. Mr. Bones, ironically, was a skinny o
ld man, who could always be found walking through the facility, touching the walls and doorways, quoting scripture, and though some often questioned his sanity, something told me he was wiser than most.

  “So, what’s going on? Why does everyone look so uptight? And what’s the evil we shouldn’t fear?”

  “We’ve been catching vampire scents in the surrounding forests. We think they might be trying to find us, but don’t worry they won’t get too close. We’ve got watchers posted. The vampires will catch their scent and stay away.”

  “But Raven said the war was over.”

  “Charity, you can’t trust a vampire to tell the truth. He was trying to save his own skin.”

  “No he wasn’t. He was telling the truth, Levi. I know he was.”

  A look of agitation crossed his perfect face. “Look, Charity, I know he’s your friend, but don’t put too much faith in this vampire of yours.”

  “Okay, do you want a black eye to go along with your fur face? He’s not my vampire, but I do trust him, and I think you can too.”

  “I won’t ever trust a vampire. And after all I’ve been through with them, you can’t ask me to.”

  I sighed. “I know, Levi, but do you trust me?”

  He took my face in his hands and gazed into my eyes. His expression turned soft as he rubbed his thumbs across my cheeks. “With all my heart,” he whispered, and then his lips touched mine in a soft but sweet kiss, and I knew at that moment he meant every word.

  Chapter Three

  It was dark by the time I arrived home. I stepped out of my car and froze. Goose bumps trailed down my arms as I got the unnerving feeling I was being watched. I quickly scanned my surroundings—nothing. With my keys in hand, I made a mad dash for the front door and unlocked it, practically leaping inside. Once the door was locked I felt much better, heaving a sigh of relief.

  I turned around and screamed, almost wetting myself, as my mom appeared in front of me. “Holy massacre, Mom!!!”

  “I’m sorry, Annabelle. I didn’t mean to scare you. Are you all right?”

  I grabbed my chest, trying to slow my heart rate, as if that would help. “Holler next time, will ya? Yeah, I’m fine.” I couldn’t tell her that I was feeling jumpy because my werewolves could sense an impending battle looming against their mortal enemies, the vampires. It was the third time since spring break that I had the creepy sensation that I was being watched. And it was a sensation I didn’t care to get used to.

  “Have you made up your mind about the trip?”

  “Um, no. Not yet. I haven’t had enough time to really think about it.”

  “Well, I would like you to start thinking about it. I want to know soon. And Charity, this means a lot to me.”

  Oh great, no pressure there.

  She gently touched my shoulder, gave me a smile, and then walked back into the den to join Frank on the sofa. It looked like they were watching some kind of horror movie, Van Helsing I think, how appropriate.

  I went and stood behind the sofa, watching. It was at the part where Hugh Jackman turns into a werewolf, which ironically resembled Wesley in his wolf form.

  I laughed out loud and actually snorted. “Hollywood. Like werewolves can really grow that tall in ten seconds. I mean, come on.”

  Mom and Frank turned around, staring up at me.

  “What? I meant if they were real, of course.” They continued to stare. “I mean, they would logically stay the same height, right? I’m just gonna go shower.”

  I entered my bedroom and went straight into the bathroom.

  When I emerged, some twenty minutes later, shriveled and red all over, I put on my favorite Hello Kitty nightgown and climbed on top of my bed and began combing out my long, wet hair. Mmmm, I could still smell my raspberry scented shampoo. After a few grunts and cries, which left my eyes watering, I heard a tap on my window. I ran the comb through the last strand of unruly hair, then scurried to the window and jerked it open with eagerness.

  “Levi?” When he didn’t reply, I climbed out onto the flat roof. “Levi? Is that you?” There was no answer. “You know what—you can’t scare me this time! That only worked once! Okay twice!” I called out into the darkness. Then I choked on my own breath as a dark figure landed on the roof in front of me. I backed up against the window as the menacing figure approached. “Don’t come any closer or you’ll be sorry,” I threatened, trying to keep the fear out of my voice, but failing. My hand was shaky as I raised my fingers and inserted them into my mouth.

  “No—stop!” the figure pleaded as he stepped into view. “You need not fear me, though you are the only human girl who can say that.”

  Once in full view, I recognized his jet-black hair and black eyes. They were dramatic features against the canvas of his pale-white skin. He was still as beautiful as I remembered. “Sweet Neptune!! Raven?!”

  “I am sorry I scared you. I admit I am relieved to see that you have recovered; that I was not too late.” He was referring to his kidnapping me and how I almost died due to the separation from Levi. Luckily, I used my mojo charm on him, and he brought me back.

  “I’m—I’m fine. You weren’t too late, though it was close—too close. But you really shouldn’t be here.” My eyes made a quick scan of the forest behind us.

  “Yes, I know. Aside from seeing you, I came to warn you. There is an uprising occurring. My brother, Griffin, is trying to locate the exact whereabouts of your pack in an attempt to ambush them. As of now there are ten of them—all male and all strong. I believe, however, he is recruiting more. I am not among them. I told you that the war is over for my part, and I meant it. It would be best if you would stay away from your werewolf’s den for now. I fear that you are among their targets. It is coming to a head, and I daresay it will end badly.”

  “Why haven’t they attacked me here then?”

  “Because you are being protected here. I am taking a great risk coming here myself, but I believe you will protect me against your werewolves. Am I correct?”

  “Me protect you?”

  He nodded, looking intently into my eyes. “Yes.”

  “Yeah okay, I guess you’re right. I would protect you from them. After all, you did save my life.”

  “You forget it was I who put you in danger to begin with.”

  “I haven’t forgotten, but I choose to forgive. May I ask, why are you warning us? I mean, you could be in serious danger, we’re your enemy after all.”

  “Yes, but they will kill you, Charity, and I owe you this.”

  “You don’t owe me, Raven. You brought me home. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful you warned me, but you’re risking your life to do so. I don’t understand.”

  “You do not have to understand. Just stay away. I will come back here Tuesday night and give you an update. Until then, goodbye.”

  Before I could respond he backed up and vanished out of sight.

  I climbed back into my bedroom, grabbing my favorite raspberry ice lip balm, my ultimate addiction, and saturating my lips heavily as I plopped down on my bed. I struggled with the decision of whether or not to tell Levi about Raven’s visit. I mean it’s not like I’d be telling him something he didn’t know. After all, the werewolves already knew the vampires were snooping around. I didn’t want to give Levi any additional reason to hate Raven and he would be angered to learn he’d contacted me, especially coming to my bedroom. So, reluctantly, I decided to wait until after Tuesday night to tell him. Maybe then I’d have more information to share.

  On Monday I was successful at dodging Levi’s questions about my apprehensions, but by Tuesday afternoon his suspicions had become strong. Maybe my reluctance to follow him home after school had something to do with that, and in a quick attempt to get out of it, I made up a story about an assignment due. He knew I was lying and convinced me to follow him home. There was no escaping it—I knew I was busted. Once we were alone in our bedroom, I came clean, confessing everything. And just as I suspected—he was enraged.

p; “How could you not tell me this?!” he growled, literally.

  “Because of the way you’re reacting now—that’s how!”

  “Charity, protecting this pack is more important that protecting Raven!”

  “I am not protecting Raven! I’m protecting myself.”

  “You could’ve been hurt or taken again. I almost lost you before. I cannot have that happen again.”

  “I’m fine, Levi. And besides, after I met with him tonight I was going to tell you everything!”

  “You are not going to meet him tonight. The guys and I will be there instead and we’ll give him something he didn’t expect.”

  “No! He risked his life to warn me! If you show up he’ll think I betrayed him!”

  “We are going to meet him tonight, Charity, and that’s final.”

  “Fine—then I’m coming with you.”

  “Oh no you’re not! It could be a setup. I can’t have you in danger.”

  “I won’t let you hurt him, Levi! He came to warn us!”

  “I am the alpha of this pack! I make the decisions!”

  “Raven is acting more honorable in his decisions right now than you are!” As soon as the words were out of my mouth I regretted them. There was such pain in his eyes that I wanted to reach out and comfort him, but before I could his expression turned angry once again.

  Oh boy! Our first big fight and it was not going well.

  “You can be mad at me all you want, Charity, but I’ll do what I have to do to keep you safe!” Without any warning, he grabbed my waist and picked me up over his shoulder, strolled across the room, and dumped me gently on the bed. “You’ll stay here until I get back. I’m sorry.” He turned swiftly, before I could protest, and exited the room. I heard him insert a key and bolt the door behind him.

  I jumped up and ran to the door, pulling frantically on the knob. It was locked from the outside. When did he have that installed?

  “Levi! Let me out of here! I’m not your child! I’m your wife! You can’t keep me locked in here like some prisoner! I know you can hear me! Levi! He risked his life to warn us! Please don’t kill him! Levi!” I banged as hard as I could on the door, but no one came.


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