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Atlantis Series Complete Collection

Page 81

by Gena Showalter

  “Where are they, your parents?”

  “They died many years ago. My father died in battle and my mother’s sadness took her not long after.”

  “Wow. To be so devoted to someone you actually die without them, simply lose the will to live. It’s like something out of a movie, yet a part of me doesn’t want to acknowledge such devotion is possible. It frightens me…but it also excites me for the first time in forever.”

  He translated: hope was not lost.

  “I’m sorry about your parents,” she said softly.

  “Uh-oh. There you go, showing your sweet side again.”

  She grinned. “How dare you say such a thing? I’m hard-core!”

  “And you hate the things I do to you.”

  “Hate them,” she agreed with a laugh.

  His breath tunneled into her ear, followed by his tongue. Her hands tangled in his hair as she trembled.

  “Just like you hate me,” he breathed.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “I hate you so very much.”

  “That’s good. Because I’m going to hate you until you can’t imagine life without me.”

  He thought she might have whispered, “Too late,” as he slid inside her.


  LEAVING SHAYE ASLEEP in his bed—their bed, Valerian amended—was the hardest thing he’d ever done…while he was the hardest he’d ever been. He only wanted more! Her soft, pale tresses tapered over the violet sheets, as ethereal as a dream. Her features were relaxed, the sandy length of her lashes casting shadows over her cheekbones. Her lips were plump and rosy from his kisses.

  Will never get enough of this woman.

  He’d already dressed, had hastily tugged on a black shirt and pants before he’d lost his resolve to leave. As king, it was his duty to see to his guests. But more than that, he wanted to see to the palace’s defenses and ensure they were well fortified and strong enough to withstand the most violent of attacks.

  This peaceful reprieve the vampires had given them wouldn’t last long, he knew. Darius would be back. Valerian only hoped the dragon would arrive later rather than sooner. The longer he had to solidify his bond with Shaye, the better. She strengthened him in ways he’d never thought possible.

  He placed a chaste kiss on the tip of her nose—which proved to be a mistake. She muttered under her breath, an airy gurgle of unintelligible words, one of which might have been his name.

  Must have. Now, now—

  Leave. Safety first.

  Right. Valerian forced one foot in front of the other and finally exited the room. Now that Shaye had decided to stay with him, she would begin to make the palace her own, gifting every inch with little touches of her personality.

  He couldn’t wait!

  Would she fill the rooms with the colorful bouquets he planned to buy her? Hang her favorite paintings on the walls, select hand-carved furniture, add beaded pillows to the couches? He would take her into the Outer City and purchase everything she fancied. All the things humans used to make a home, well, a home. She would want for nothing, her every wish his to grant.

  His jaw hurt from grinning too wide as he entered the dining hall. Vampires surrounded the table. Most clutched goblets filled with some type of blood, he was sure. Several nymphs were here, though most were on duty and if not on duty, they were most assuredly having sex, preparing for battle. There were no females present.

  Layel, who had claimed the head of the table, spotted him and motioned him over.

  “Acting as king of the place, already?” Valerian said, his grin only widening. He plopped onto the now-vacant spot beside his friend.

  “Of course.” Layel sipped at his goblet. “I don’t think you’ve ever looked so sated, nymph.”

  “Mated life agrees with me, vampire.”

  A curtain of sadness flittered over Layel’s expression. “Ah, yes. I remember mated life very well.”

  Layel had lost his mate years ago. She’d been a human, descended from those first banished from the surface and dropped into the city as punishment.

  When other races had hunted those humans as sport, the nymphs stepped in and protected. Layel spotted her—Sara—and challenged Valerian for rights to her.

  They’d nearly killed each other, their strength evenly matched. But in the end, the girl had wished to go with Layel and Valerian had acquiesced.

  Soon afterward Layel had wed her, and soon after that, a rogue group of dragons had raided the village where she had been living, raped her and burned her to death.

  Not Darius—he’d been a child then—but a contingent of his tutor’s men. Still. It didn’t matter to Layel that Darius was innocent. The vampire king despised all dragons and would stop at nothing to destroy them all.

  Valerian recalled in vivid detail the devastation Layel had endured upon discovering his lover’s charred remains. His grief had been severe and gut-wrenching. Still was.

  The experience had changed him. From merciful to cold, kind to callous. A fact Valerian understood in a way he never had before. Were he to lose Shaye in such a manner…

  His hands fisted. I will never lose her.

  “The dragons have captured a group of nymph females,” Valerian said, “and that’s something I cannot allow to stand.”

  “It would be my pleasure to retrieve the females for you,” the vampire king said with relish.

  And risk his army over Valerian’s mistake? “No. I’ll send my own men and ask you to stay a while longer to make up for the loss here. If you are able.”

  Layel didn’t hesitate. “If you need us, we stay. That’s how this thing works between us. There’s nothing more to discuss.”

  Loyal Layel, always willing to give of himself and his valuable time. That was one of the many reasons Valerian prized his friendship. There were not many men who would fight for another race as passionately as they would fight for their own.

  Those who had earned the vampire king’s wrath, however, were enemies for life. Layel lived for their suffering. He never forgot a wrong.

  “Thank you, my friend.” Valerian clapped him on the back. “If you ever need me, I’m here.”

  Layel’s face was usually as pale as Shaye’s, yet a rush of color had suffused his cheeks. “You are cherished, Valerian. Know that.”

  “I say the same to you.” He stood. “Take what animals you need. But if your men have need of female companionship, which I’m sure they will, they’ll have to visit the Outer City. Those here are happy with their lovers.”

  Layel gave a booming laugh. “The dark seduction of a vampire could rival the creepy stalkering of a nymph, but we’ll do our best to hide our irresistible magnetism.”

  Valerian snorted. “Your ego is almost as big as you…humility.”

  Layel barked out a laugh. “That is it.”

  “We’ll talk again soon.” Valerian stood. “I must see to the palace’s defenses.”

  “Ha! I know you. You might see to the palace’s defenses, but your true goal is to get back to your bed.”

  He knew his grin came with a wicked glint. “Yes, you do know me well.”

  * * *

  WHISPERS DRIFTED through Shaye’s mind, attempting to rouse her.

  “—haven’t moved the humans to the dungeon.”

  “We arrived sooner than anticipated. We can’t wait. We’ll be spotted. We have to act now.”

  A hard, callused hand slapped over Shaye’s mouth. She came awake instantly, a scream lodged in her throat. A scream that emerged as nothing more substantial than a quiet murmur. The hand didn’t belong to Valerian. It smelled different, wasn’t as erotic and didn’t remind her a brewing storm. There wasn’t a single spark of awareness inside her.

  Vampire, perhaps? Valerian had mentioned the vampires were inside the palace. But why would an ally have snuck inside her bedroom?

  Panicked, she swung her fist—connected with something solid. Her captor grunted.

  “Not another move, woman. We don’t want to
hurt you.”

  But they would if they felt they had to?

  Undeterred, she thrashed and kicked.

  “Why can’t you be a good girl and listen?”

  Oh, no, he didn’t!

  Her narrowed gaze darted throughout the darkness. What she wouldn’t have given for a flashlight. Scratch that. What she wouldn’t have given for a stun gun or a knife. With no other recourse, she wrapped her fingers around the thickness of the man’s wrist and jerked.

  He grunted. “If I must, I’ll render you unconscious, and neither of us will like the way I do it.”

  Dang him! A threat she couldn’t overlook. She forced herself to still. Unconscious, she would be completely vulnerable with no way to break free when the time arrived. And it would. She had to believe it would.

  “Good,” the man—vampire?—said. “Now, I’m going to remove my hand. If you scream to draw your lover in here, we’ll kill him without hesitation. Understand?”

  We’ll. We will. There were at least two in the room with her. Good to know.

  She offered an affirmative nod, even though her mind screamed “No!” over and over again.

  Somehow, she had to warn Valerian without luring him into an ambush. What could she do?

  Think, Shaye, think.

  As promised, the man removed his hold on her mouth. She dragged in a shaky breath. “Who are you? What do you want?”

  “We are dragons, and we are going to take you home.”

  Dragons. The enemy. They will ravish you and burn you, Valerian had said. She shook her head, tendrils of hair slapping her cheeks. “I am home.”

  She was, wasn’t she? She’d finally found the place she belonged. Not just temporarily but forever.

  “That’s what the others said, as well, but they didn’t sway us from our purpose, and you won’t, either.”

  “You can’t take me. I won’t let you.” She’d promised Valerian she would stay. She would not break her word.

  Valerian! her mind shouted. Slowly her eyes adjusted to the dark. She counted four silhouettes, each larger than the last. Weapons of all shapes and sizes were strapped to their bodies.

  “We can do whatever we want,” one of the men said, clearly amused by her spirit. “Sit up, dearling. Slowly.”

  He was one of those. The Hero of Sexist Elitism.

  She did as instructed, clutching the sheet to her chin.

  “I’m naked,” she snapped. “I need clothes.”

  “Here,” said a man to her left. “Put this on.”

  A gown was shoved over her head, surprising her.

  “Why are you doing this?” she demanded, quickly pulling the garment the rest of the way down. Gossamer silk, practically see-through. Whatever. It would do.

  “Poseidon has returned to punish the nymphs for breaking our laws. Now stand up. Keep your arms at your side.”

  Poseidon. The Greek god of the ocean. He was in Atlantis? Determined to dish out a few spankings. Unease churned in her stomach.

  She inched from the bed as quietly as possible, hoping the dragons wouldn’t sense her exact location. The door was to the left, and she inched one step forward, two. Then she broke into a full run.

  Strong arms anchored around her before she reached the door, bringing her to a dead stop.

  “You’ll pay for this,” she grated as she flailed. “Let me go.”

  “Woman, I warned you.”

  Knowing he meant to knock her out, Shaye increased her struggles. She used moves she’d learned in self-defense class, slamming her elbow into his stomach, stomping on his instep, dropping, but to no avail. “I hope you’re cursed!”

  “No worries. I am.” A heavy sigh. “I’m sorry to do this, but you’ve given me no choice.”

  “Liar! We always have a choice!”

  His hold on her tightened.

  One of the other dragons snapped a stream of words she didn’t understand and her captor loosened his hold. A moment later, someone else approached her. This one muttered a new series of unintelligible words, and a wave of lethargy swept through her. Her eyelids drifted shut, so heavy she could no longer hold them open. Sleep beckoned her, as alluring as any nymph.

  Help, she tried to scream, knowing this moment—this might be her final moment in Atlantis. If she fell asleep, she would be taken from Valerian.

  Help…sleep…sleep…no! She shook her head. Scream! She opened her mouth, but no sound emerged.

  And still sleep called to her, luring her.

  “She’s a fighter, this one,” someone said, his awe clear.

  “I’ve never seen such determination.”

  “She should have dropped by now.”

  “Sleep, woman. On the morrow, you won’t remember any of this.”

  What! No. No, no, no.

  She prized her memories of Valerian. He’d gifted her with her first taste of contentment. First taste of pleasure. Her first taste of hope…

  Strength abandoned her limbs, slowly or quickly, she wasn’t sure. Time had ceased to exist. Utter darkness continued to creep gnarled fingers inside her mind.

  Fight…fight…can’t leave him…can’t forget him…can’t…sorry, so sorry…

  She knew nothing else.


  WITH HIS DUTIES completed, the palace fortified, his guests welcomed properly, Valerian raced back to his bedroom. Urgency filled him. He wanted Shaye again. He hungered for her. The more time he’d spent apart from her, the more crazed he’d become. He needed her.

  And he sensed that she needed him, too. A moment ago, he thought he’d heard her voice in his mind, calling out to him.

  He quickened his pace, speeding through the hallway, through the door. He would strip and crawl into bed beside her, if that’s where she was, and awaken her with his mouth between her legs. She would scream his name, and the sound would echo between—

  He stopped abruptly. He stood at the edge of the bed, golden rays of light streaming over its emptiness. Only rumpled sheets remained.

  “Shaye,” he called.

  When silence greeted him, he spun, searching other areas. She hadn’t been in the bathing pool; he would have seen her when he passed.


  Again, there was only silence. Thick, frightening silence.

  Where had she gone? He didn’t want her roaming the halls without a guard. He wanted nothing taken for granted where her safety was concerned.

  He didn’t allow himself to panic—yet. Her scent permeated the air—she’d been here very recently—but there were other scents… His nose crinkled, and he frowned.


  He hurried through the entire palace: the dining hall, where he received curious glances, the training room, the weapons room in case she’d gotten lost. He’d been remiss in his duty toward her. He should have taught her the layout of the palace.

  Everyone he encountered, he demanded to know if she had been spotted. No one had seen her. In fact, several warriors were looking for their women, as well.

  “I can’t find Brenna,” Joachim said, worry thick in his voice.

  So, Joachim had taken Brenna from Shivawn—or maybe Shivawn had given her to the man. Valerian didn’t know and at the moment he didn’t care. All that mattered was Shaye.

  “I can’t find my bed partner,” another said.

  “I can’t find my human.” Still another.

  Hearing this, Valerian finally allowed his panic free rein. He sprinted to the cave. Surely Shaye hadn’t led all the women into the portal. She’d promised to stay. She’d told him she desired time with him. She had been so close to giving him her love; he’d sensed it.

  Had she changed her mind?

  Sweat trickled from his skin. Tension thrummed and pulsed.

  Had she lied in order to trick him into lowering his guard?

  No. No! She wouldn’t have left him willingly. She wasn’t a liar.

  The last time he’d seen her, she’d worn a soft, sated expression. Vulnerabi
lity had glinted in her eyes as she vowed to trust him. She’d said she craved fidelity from him, and those weren’t the words of a woman intent on leaving.

  That meant only one thing. She had been taken. But where? And by whom? Had his enemy returned more quickly than he’d anticipated? If so, why had they taken the women and not killed a single nymph?

  Battle strategy. Take the ones response for strengthening the nymphs, leaving the nymphs weak and vulnerable to injury.

  Hands fisted, Valerian swung around and backtracked, heading to the top floor, leaving the coldness of the cave behind. He ran into Broderick.

  “Something’s wrong.” Broderick scrubbed a hand down his face. “The women. They’ve vanished.”

  “They’ve been taken. It happened within the last few hours, so there’s a good chance they’re still here. Keep searching, and send a full contingent to the portal.”

  Where else could he look? He’d searched the palace from top to bottom.

  Valerian stalked into the dining hall. Layel had returned to the table, staring into emptiness, sadness radiating from him.

  If the women had been taken out of the palace and into the Outer City… It wasn’t a place for unarmed females. Demons would eat anything, for they survived on fear and carnage. And demons would most definitely view the women as succulent treats.

  “Layel,” he said. He knew the vampire and his people had no responsibility in this. He trusted the male without question. “I need your help.”

  His friend jolted upright. “It is yours.”

  “How many of your people can withstand the light?”

  “Most of us can.”

  Vampires could scent humans like no other race. “Please, I’m begging you. Take your vampires through the forest and into the city to search for our women. The dragons have taken them.”

  In a movement so fluid it was almost undetectable, Layel stood. “I will do as you’ve asked. Do you stay or do you go?”

  Valerian debated. If he stayed and Shaye was in the city, she wouldn’t know Layel and would fight him, perhaps getting hurt in the process. But if Valerian left, and she was still inside the palace, perhaps being hidden and held against her will, the dragons waiting for the opportunity to push her through the portal, he would never forgive himself for leaving her.


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