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Supers_Ex Gods_A Sexy Romp

Page 10

by Jamie Hawke

  “I don’t fucking know what we are,” I shouted, not wanting to raise my voice but not stopping it either. “That’s my point! When this is over, what, I just go home? There’s nothing there for me anyway. My buddies… half have died in the wars, the others are still out there serving in a military I’m done with. My brother was the only one I really wanted to see, and I understand he’s out here in this galaxy of crazy supers too. So what happens after all this?”

  “Whatever you want to happen.” She considered me for a moment, then walked over. Stopping in front of me, she took my hand in hers, considered it, then lifted it to her mouth and kissed it.

  “I’m… I’m not sure what that means,” I admitted. “On Earth, a guy kisses a woman’s hand.”

  “Here it means a woman likes a guy. She chooses him, in a sense. She lets him into her…”


  “I don’t want to say that, but yes, usually?” She kissed my hand again, a strange curiosity in her eyes. “It was awkward before not because I had no feelings, but exactly because I’m starting to feel something. That scares me. It’s not supposed to happen.”

  I took her hand to my lips this time, pressing them gently against her soft skin. She giggled but didn’t pull away.

  “It’s silly,” she said. “We barely know each other.”

  “And there’s the fact that you’re trying to get me to sleep with your sisters.”

  “Yes, and that.” She shrugged. “But, you know, as much as you seem to feel awkward when one of us talks about an ex or something related, I don’t think it’s the same here.”

  “How so?” I asked.

  “I just mean, this is what we have to do. This whole situation, and I don’t know. I don’t think seeing you with another woman would make me feel like any less of a woman, or that your feelings toward me would be any less. If anything, that might be a good thing, since we don’t know where your future lies.”

  I scrunched my nose. “Or if I’ll even live through this fight with Goros.”

  “Any of us,” she agreed. “So yeah, we have to make the best of our situation. Do whatever we can to see that our mission is fulfilled.”

  “The prophecy.”

  “Don’t call it that.” She looked into my eyes, then grinned.


  “Want to test it?” she asked. “We still have time before we land.”

  “I’m not following.”

  Her smile widened. “Trust me.” Next, she spoke to the ship as she said, “Lamb, can you join us in the jungle room?”

  “Gladly,” Lamb’s voice replied.

  Without any more explanation, Navani took me by the hand and led me along another passage, turned, and led me to a wide set of doors. They opened, and we entered. Inside it was steamy, the sound of a waterfall nearby, trees and vines surrounding a soft floor similar to the mats in the dojo.

  “What’s this?” I asked.

  Lamb appeared on the floor, not in the same outfit she’d worn on the deck, but in a robe that left one shoulder and her cleavage exposed, reminding me of Ancient Greece.

  “A room set up to ease the tension,” Lamb explained, then turned to Navani. “How can I help here? I thought we were reserving this room for… later.”

  “I want to test my emotions,” Navani said.

  “And that involves me?”

  “Yes. I want you to simulate a threesome with him.” Navani glanced my way, a sparkle in her eye. “The three of us.”

  My boner had definitely returned, and when Lamb stepped up to me, moving her hands across me and my suit responding in kind, I barely processed the fact that she wasn’t really doing this, that her hands weren’t really touching me. Then hands were reaching around, pulling out my cock, and stroking it, and I looked down to see they were Navani’s hands. Her lips found mine, and for a moment we kissed, but then she pulled back to watch Lamb as the woman knelt and mimicked giving me head. Navani stroked, Lamb moved her head in the motion while sending pleasure sensors through my suit. It was the ultimate handjob, while the sensors made it feel like Lamb had her hands on my balls, rubbing along my ass, caressing my inner thighs and back.

  “No issues?” I asked between heavy breaths, watching Navani.

  “I like it,” she said, and then lowered herself to join Lamb. There was really only one woman there, but it felt like five. Finally, Navani tore off her clothes, then mine, and started riding me. The jungle fog rose up behind her, and I watched as her breasts bounced with each motion, her eyes staring back at mine. Lamb started to leave, but Navani held out a hand and said, “Wait. Watch… if you want.”

  She helped me stand, and the three of us made it over to the small waterfall. When she guided me to it, I resisted, but her smile was reassuring, her eyes comforting. To my surprise, the water was warm. We waded in, and she started washing me—every inch, while Lamb watched. I returned the favor, and then we reclined on a bank of simulated moss, where she straddled me and slid herself onto my cock.

  Lamb smiled, reached up and undid the clasp on her robe, then let it fall. In the fog, I could almost believe she was really there, in the flesh. And damn, that flesh looked good. Her cute little nipples stuck out, one of her hands caressing them as her other traced her abs and then found her clit. She touched herself while watching us, moaning and licking her lips.

  Meanwhile, Navani was still riding me, eyes glancing back and forth, enjoying it all as much as I was.

  For a moment, Lamb smirked, and her image flashed—changing into that of Sacrada. The sight of her suddenly there and touching herself like that was nearly enough to make me cum, but I turned away and said, “No, not until it’s real.” She smiled and turned back to herself. My reaction made Navani ride me even harder, and within seconds she was moaning and yelping, and then she let out a long moan of pleasure. I felt extra damp down there, but she didn’t stop, only rolled me over so I could take charge.

  I grabbed her legs and pulled them over my shoulders, squeezing her thighs firmly, and plunged back into her. Lamb appeared in front of me as if kneeling over Navani’s face, as she continued to touch her breasts, moving them in front of my face. There was the image of her like that, and Navani’s perfect body beneath me. Combined with the pleasure of feeling Navani’s warm skin and moist pussy, I closed my eyes and opened my mouth, feeling the surge in my cock as it grew to its limit, and then shot into Navani.

  She moaned, loving it, and reached down between us to rub my balls as I came again and again until I was finally spent.

  When we were done, Lamb lay down with us, staring up at the simulated blue sky.

  “That was… amazing,” I said.

  “Perfect,” Navani added.

  “I’m sorry,” Lamb said, propping herself up. Her breasts fell, and I wanted to lean over and kiss them, pouting at the fact that I couldn’t.

  “Sorry for what?” I asked.

  “That I’m not able to really be there with you two. I can tell it would be great, and that you would both take care of me.”

  “You’ve sacrificed a great deal for us,” Navani told her. “Never apologize for anything ever again. And thank you, for what you’ve just done.”

  “It helped?”

  “And now jealousy?” I asked.

  Navani just lay back, closed her eyes, and said, “Again, it was amazing. If anything, it all turned me on. I’m not even into women… but the idea of it all, the flesh, the pleasing of my man,” she grinned at me with those words, “it couldn’t get better than that. Well, maybe with another woman or two.”

  “Do you think Sacrada will come around?” Lamb asked.

  Navani shrugged. “Something tells me she’ll feel differently once we’ve rescued her sister.”

  “If,” Lamb corrected her. “The chances of our success aren’t great. I calculated them and—”

  “Lamb,” Navani interrupted.


  “Shut up and enjoy the moment. And don’t forget, the
re’s always Threed.”

  A feeling of unease came over me. “Are we sure about her? After everything Sacrada said…”

  “And if Threed is the most fertile of us all?” Navani asked. “We can’t throw away that chance based on a feud.”

  “I’m more worried about her burning down the ship,” I admitted. “Or, you know, her biting off my dick.”

  “We won’t let that happen,” Navani said, leaning over to me and caressing my now half-limp cock. “Not to my precious.”

  For some reason, that word choice gave me an odd feeling, but I couldn’t remember why, so pushed the thought from my mind.

  “She’s right,” Lamb said. “About Threed and needing to try other wombs. Also, the woman will be incredibly useful in the fight against Goros.”

  I nodded, knowing it wasn’t my place to argue. Hell, it wasn’t the first time I’d fucked a crazy chick, at least. Although, in the past, I’d always found out after the fact. When Lamb told us it was time to get dressed and head to the bridge, and that Sacrada was already there, waiting, we got to it and I pushed my worry aside.

  Whatever happened, I’d make it happen and do my best. I just had to remember to be careful, and play it right with Sacrada. From where I stood, I’d gladly fuck her any day of the week over some crazy, dick-biting pyromaniac.


  Arolla had a pleasant pink hue to the planet, explained to me as being a result of the distance of the planet’s sun and the makeup of its ozone layer. We approached Demekal, noting hills in the distance and vast jungles elsewhere.

  “The ruins,” Lamb said, indicating the hills.

  “In the hills?” I asked.

  “The ruins are the hills.”

  For some reason, I’d imagined we would be fighting Goros in a much smaller area than this. Now I understood the odd shapes of the hills, the way they looked like walls from a distance.

  “Please tell me there aren’t giant jungle snakes or spiders out there,” I said. “Tell me that, and I’ll be fine. No worries.”

  Sacrada was the one to laugh now. “Is he serious?” She turned to me. “Honey, the ruins of Melatand are famed for their beasts—spiders being chief among them. But I didn’t know you had spiders back home. Interesting.”

  “Yeah, lots of spiders…” A shiver ran up my spine at the thought.

  “Well, only one giant snake around here we have to worry about,” Lamb said with a smile my way.

  “Lamb!” Navani said with an apologetic glance Sacrada’s way.

  “Oh, get over it,” Lamb said. “Everyone keeps assuming that because I worked with the Elders and that because I’m kinda dead, I shouldn’t have a healthy sexual appetite.”

  Did that make me a bit of a necro-whatever they call people who have sex with the dead? It wasn’t like that, right? I mean, she was more like an A.I., like a virtual reality simulation on crack. I shook my head, trying not to focus on little things like that.

  Oddly, her joke had made me forget about the spiders. Even letting my mind wander back to them, I felt less worried. Something about a woman like her complimenting my dick just made all the worries seem less important. I laughed at myself at the thought that life and death situations might be somehow diminished in importance simply because my ego had been fed. How many other guys would be so shallow? At least I acknowledged it.

  “So, Threed…” Navani said, turning to meet Sacrada’s gaze. “We need to go after her. We have to get her on board.”

  “Why not any of the others first?” Sacrada asked. “The one they call the Blue Lady now, for instance. Why couldn’t we just go get her, then come back for the fight?”

  “Alesa, AKA Tunnel, now AKA the Blue Lady.” Lamb scrunched her nose. “Last known position, incarcerated.”

  “Meaning,” Navani explained, “that we’d have to break into the prison ship and rescue her. Thing is, that’s impossible.”

  “Actually,” Lamb had images flickering across the screen. “Not for long.”


  Lamb turned to me and smiled as one of the images froze. I couldn’t believe it—my brother was there with two hot chicks, one with green hair and the other wearing some sort of silly fox ears and heavy mascara. They appeared to be running…

  “I don’t understand,” I said.

  “Your brother, his mission is in effect.”

  “He’s going to save the Blue Lady?”

  “Uh, technically he doesn’t know she’s involved.” Lamb glanced around, grimacing. “She wasn’t added to the list because of her… newly villainous ways.”

  “So there’s my answer,” Sacrada said, seemingly done with the topic.

  I wasn’t, however. “My brother? My little bro?” I laughed. “No way, that’s a fake. He’s no hero.”

  “Zero to hero,” Navani said, nodding. “Classic hero story.”

  “No, but I mean all he does is work and watch old movies and make fun of Planet Kill. Get this, most popular show ever, and he says it’s stupid, barbaric. Can’t stand the blood and—”

  “He’s changed,” Lamb said, freezing a new image on the screen of my brother, bodies around him. Some sort of energy seemed to be forming between his hands, black on the inside and blue on the outside, and he looked like a new man. “My point,” she continued, “is that Chad, AKA Breaker, is growing very close to actually setting things right there. The Blue Lady might be back in play again soon.”

  “And if she’s still on her quest for revenge?” Navani asked. “We can’t risk that.”

  “Even for your mission?” Sacrada asked, smiling at the turn of the tide.

  “Do you have any pictures of her?” Navani asked Lamb.

  “Let me see,” Lamb went through a few more images of my brother fighting, and my mind kept getting blown over and over. He was becoming an actual badass. Not someone to make fun of with my friends anymore, that was for sure. The little boy who would insist on wearing his underwear over his pants and pretending to fly was now becoming a superhero, just like me.

  An image of him with those same two women, again, froze on the screen, all three nude, the fox-ear wearing lady with his cock in her mouth.

  “Oh, damn,” Navani exclaimed, and Sacrada groaned while I laughed.

  “My little bro’s a badass!” I said.

  The others looked at me, then nodded or said they agreed. He certainly seemed to have grown one.

  She quickly flicked to the next image, one of him dressed again, staring in a mixture of horror and amazement as metal seemed to have twisted and distorted around him into a tunnel, a woman, all blue, walking toward him. Or, more like floating.

  “That’s her?” I asked.

  Navani said it was, but then sat there staring at the image for a moment. So was I, though I had to admit my thoughts were a tad more inappropriate than I imagine hers were. As scary and intimidating as this Blue Lady looked, she was damn hot. There was something about the arch of her brows, her high cheekbones, and pursed lips, that made me think she would dominate the fuck out of me in the bedroom, and maybe I’d like that.

  “Would she be an excellent ally?” Navani asked. “Yes. Would we be able to get her in time to help fight Goros and save your sister, Sacrada? Not a chance. I’m sorry.”

  Sacrada nodded.

  “She might, however,” Navani turned to me now, curious, “be next on our list after this is over. If we can trust her.”

  “What exactly did she do to end up in this prison?” I asked.

  “Murdered a few high-tier supers, some good, some bad,” Lamb answered. “The claim on her part is that they were all involved, or working to support, a supervillain who destroyed her birthplace and all the people who lived there.”

  “So she was sent to this prison ship,” I said, getting it.

  “Maybe,” Lamb replied. “But some think she went there to finish her revenge. That someone, or multiple someones, on that ship was her next target. Me? I doubt it was the last piece of the puzzle, however.
I think she’s going to be a bit of a gamble in this endeavor.”

  All thoughts of ramming her from behind as I pulled on that beautiful blue hair started to fade. This chick sounded batshit crazy, and maybe we didn’t need that.

  “The thing is,” Navani interjected, “we can figure that out next. Check in when we’ve saved Sakurai. Until then, we have our mission, and the steps to getting it done. Lamb, pull up Threed.”

  Lamb did so, while I tried to push the image of my brother and those two chicks out of my mind.

  On the screen now was the image of probably the craziest looking woman I’d ever seen. She stared at us with mismatched eyes of red and blue, eyes that resembled old-school 3D glasses. They didn’t seem to fit, those mismatched eyes, and I stared at them for a long moment, wondering if the red eye was some sort of cyborg implant, or what. Her mouth was turned up in a wicked grin, her bright, pink hair shaved on the side and combed over to the other side. She also had pink tattoos on her shoulders and upper thighs, which were both exposed in the black and violet outfit she wore.

  “Called Threed because of her ability to create replicas of herself, similar to 3D printing,” Lamb explained, throwing off my guess that it was related to the old-school blue and red glasses, “Threed can make up to two copies at any given time, no more. In theory, she could, I suppose, but it would take too much focus. But it’s not just her though. She’s able to make replicas of those around her, of objects too. Anything up to about the size of two of herself, give or take.”

  “So not a building,” I clarified. “Or a ship.”

  “That’s right. Although there are supers known for their ability to amplify others, to our knowledge Threed has never gone beyond her limits.”

  “I see why you want her,” Sacrada said, glowering. “Three of me in the battle… that would have its advantages.”

  “Yes,” Navani replied, curtly. “Three of you, or other combinations of us.”

  Sacrada scoffed, apparently amused by the idea that anyone would go into a fight with anything less than three of her if given the option. “Oh, you’re serious? Sorry.”

  “These replicas, how long do they stay in play?” I asked. “I mean, do they have a shelf life?”


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