You've Always Been Mine (You're Mine, 2)

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You've Always Been Mine (You're Mine, 2) Page 4

by Jenika Snow

  “I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” Her voice was thick, her emotions as clear as the moon right above us.

  I rested my forehead against hers, closed my eyes for a long second, and struggled with my own feelings. “That would never have happened. I would never have allowed us to be apart forever.” I pulled back and opened my eyes, seeing all those raw, untamed emotions covering her face. I knew I wore the same expression. “I love you, Paige. It might have started off as a child’s love back in the day, but it only took one look in your blue eyes to let me know that what I feel for you is down to my very soul.” Her body felt good on me, pressed tightly and securely against my hardness. This wasn’t about sex, wasn’t about anything else but telling this special girl that she belonged with me.

  “I’ve never wanted anyone else. And as the years went on, as we stopped talking, you’re still the only person I’ve ever wanted, Eric.”

  A shuttering breath left me. For long moments we just stared at each other, neither speaking, neither even breathing, I suspected. The heat between us was tangible, the chemistry and electricity covering me and leaving me so on edge I didn’t know if I’d ever find solid ground again. I didn’t want to leave this moment. I wanted Paige so fiercely it left me shaking; my entire body was strung tight, my heart racing.

  “I crave you like no other,” I said, the words coming out of me on their own. I wanted to be truthful, so truthful I was, laid out bare.


  “Do you want to see where I live?” I asked softly. Everything in me was alive. My synapses were firing rapidly, my thoughts were fuzzy, aroused, and all I could think about was pushing everything else aside and just giving in to this moment.

  Giving in to Erik.

  I watched as he swallowed, his throat working. He felt hard and strong beneath me, and his arms around me kept me right up against him. I also felt the length of his erection right under my ass, that long, thick, and hard member prodding me. He didn’t act ashamed about his arousal, but then again why would he? Erik was all man.

  And I’m just as wet as he is hard.

  “Whatever you want, Paige. I’ll do what you want, baby.”

  Hearing him say that endearment had my heart palpating.

  I got off him, which was harder than it seemed. I just wanted to be wrapped up in everything that was Erik. He made me feel safe, protected, but most of all wanted.

  Erik led us back to the truck, his hand on mine, his body heat seeping into me. I couldn’t let go of the desire that slammed into me, that made everything so clear. It made me hyper aware of every little thing.

  And once we were in the truck and headed toward my place, I knew I wouldn’t stop this from going further … going all the way.

  Chapter 7


  I watched Paige walk around the kitchen. She was keeping busy, or trying to at least. I could see the way her hands shook as she grabbed some glasses out of the cupboard, walked over to the freezer, and grabbed a bottle of vodka. That wouldn’t have been my first choice, but it was clear she was on edge.

  I saw the way her pulse beat rapidly beneath her ear, had felt her lust for me as strongly as I’d felt it in myself.

  “My roommate is out of the country, and this is her vodka.” She made this face as she held it up, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. “I’m not a big drinker, but…” She didn’t say anything after that, the last word hanging between us. I knew what she was getting at. She grabbed a can of Sprite from the fridge, poured us both a drink, and turned to give me this nervous smile. I took the glass, drank a few swallows, and wanted to tell her she had nothing to feel awkward about.

  A little liquid courage never hurt.

  I watched as she took a long drink, sputtering when she swallowed. I couldn’t help but smirk, although I kept my laugh to myself. She took one more drink, her face red, her expression screwed up.

  “I should have added more Sprite for sure.”

  I started laughing again, then took another long drink from my glass. “Not your thing?”

  She shook her head and set the glass on the counter.

  “Paige.” I called out her name, and she glanced up, her sweet, beautiful fucking face kissable. That’s what I wanted to do right now. I wanted to just hold her soft cheeks between my hands and kiss her until she was breathless.

  “Come sit with me.” I wanted to be close to her, wanted her body pressed right to mine. We made our way to the couch, and I took a second to just look around. Her place was small, comfortable. There were pictures on the wall, but none of them were of Paige, so I had to assume they were the roomie. I felt her gaze on me and turned to see her watching me. “Hey.” I smiled.

  “Hey,” she said and ducked her head, her dark hair falling over the side of her face. I reached out and pushed the strands away, placing them behind her ear and letting my fingers linger over the soft shell.

  “Do you want to sit here and talk?” Hell, if she wanted to stare at the wall with me, I’d gladly take it. Anything to prolong my time with her.

  But when she lifted her head and stared at me, I knew talking would be damn hard. My body wanted her, but my mind roared out to go slow.

  Then she slowly shook her head. “I don’t want to talk,” Paige said slowly, softly.

  “We don’t have to do anything but sit here, baby.” And we didn’t. I meant that, wasn’t just saying it, and wanted Paige to know the truth behind those words. “Just being here with you is good enough for me.”

  She shook her head. “Too much time has passed. I want to be with you.”

  My cock came alert, my heart raced, and every part of me became strung tight.

  I looked into her eyes, the blue sweeping me in, holding me down. I realized this was what life was.

  This was what living was about.

  Being with Paige was like being in the middle of the ocean, the vast space surrounding me, making me feel like I was the only one around, like I didn’t even have a chance. But the difference was I wanted to be in the middle of that ocean, away from everyone except the space and deepness that surrounded me.

  I leaned in an inch, our mouths so close if I said one word they’d brush together. “Tell me what you want, Paige.” I had my hand on the back of her head, keeping her close, a part of me afraid she’d leave.


  That one word from her had me groaning.

  “What’s going on?” she asked softly. I could have told her in a long, descriptive explanation that we were meant to be together, that this was inevitable, us, together, always.

  I’d basically told her as much already. But she wasn’t asking this literally. I knew that. She was just as swept up in this as I was.

  Instead I said, “Exactly what’s supposed to happen.”


  My heart was in my throat, beating wildly, intensely, threatening to choke me. The flavor of him on my lips from our earlier kiss was more potent than the liquor I’d consumed. The feel of his mouth on mine was a heady reminder of all I’d been missing. Being with Erik right here, everything out in the open despite being fully clothed, fully in control, spoke more about what was really going on between us than anything else.

  “It feels as if no time has separated us right now, Paige.”

  I could only nod, agreeing. Before I knew what was happening, he had his hands on my waist and was pulling me onto his lap. My legs were now on either side of his waist, and he settled back against the couch, getting comfortable, making this so damn intimate.

  He watched me for long seconds, his gaze heavy-lidded, his face and body so masculine I couldn’t help but feel all female with him. “I’ve never wanted anyone else. Never even entertained the idea of having another girl as mine.”

  Although I could have found it hard to believe a man—so potent, so attractive—could refrain for so long, I knew he spoke the truth. I heard it in his voice, in the way he looked at me, touched me.

  “It’s only been you
for me, Erik.” I repeated what he’d said, meaning it with the very marrow that was in my bones. He’d always been in the forefront of my mind, taking residence there, refusing to leave. But I’d never wanted him gone. I’d wanted him closer, so close I was suffocating from it all.

  “If I left tomorrow and the threat of never seeing you again hung on the surface, I’d be thankful I had this one moment with you, this one chance to see you again.”

  I couldn’t think, couldn’t even breathe after he spoke. His words were like gasoline covering my body, the look in his eyes the match that would light me up. I didn’t want to think anymore, didn’t want to say that this sweet talk, these soft touches, and the chemistry that bounced between us were things I could push back until the “time was right.”

  The time is right now.

  All I wanted—had ever wanted—was to be with Erik in every possible way. Giving my body to him, my virginity, had so much anticipation, so much desire coursing through me that there was no denying this was exactly what was supposed to happen.

  Chapter 8


  Having her on my lap, her legs spread on either side of my thighs, her chest rising and falling because she was nervous, had this thrill of dark desire tunneling through me. Never had I been so ready, so fucking hard.

  I reached up and wound my hand around her head, bringing her forward, so close our mouths nearly touched again. “If I told you the filthy things I think about while jerking off—” I stared into her eyes. “You might think differently of me.” I could have kept my mouth shut, but telling her this, seeing the way her eyes widened slightly, hearing and feeling her breath rush out of her, turned me on even more.

  “Like what?” she asked, and my heart jumped in my throat.

  I nearly groaned, thinking about telling her what I wanted to do to her, how I’d touched myself and envisioned her right there with me.

  “Tell me,” she pushed, her voice this breathy little moan.

  I tightened my hold on her hair, an involuntary act because I was getting strung even tighter. “I’d picture you spread out on my bed, bare of anything, your body so ready for me you were leaving this gorgeous fucking wet spot on my sheets.” She gasped slightly, and I groaned. “I’d jerk off to the image of you touching yourself, spreading your pussy lips that were so wet, so pink.” God, I could come just telling her this stuff. I had my other hand on her waist and used a little bit of pressure to get her to start rocking back and forth on me. She put her hands on my shoulders, and I hummed in approval. Soon I didn’t need to lead her; she was rubbing herself on me, her mouth parted, her pupils dilated.

  Yeah, my girl was really getting into this.

  “Tell me more,” she whispered, still rubbing herself on me, still rocking back and forth. I had no doubt she could feel exactly how hard I was for her, how in need I was to feel her clenching around my cock. Fuck, those thoughts would have me getting off in my damn jeans if I didn’t keep the in control.

  “I’d have my hand wrapped tightly around my dick, thinking it was your tight little pussy squeezing me.” We were both breathing so hard, and I felt beads of sweat dot my forehead as I strained to gather my control. “But I could never last seeing you on my bed, your legs spread so wide I could see every gorgeous part of you, how ready you were for me.” I lifted my hips slightly, pressing my erection against her jean-covered pussy. Shit, what I wouldn’t give to be buried in her right now as I said these filthy things. “Then I’d be between your legs, my hands on your thighs, my tongue inside your slit.” I grunted and closed my eyes, the feeling of her rocking on top of me almost too much. “I’d lick you until you came all over my mouth, until your juices slipped down my chin.” I opened my eyes again. “I’d need you to get off while I ate you out. I’d be desperate for it.”

  “God,” she whispered and tossed her head back, her eyes closed, and moved on top of me a little faster.

  I didn’t tear my gaze from her face. I needed to see her get off while doing this, while rubbing herself on me.

  “That’s it, baby.” I ground out those words, finding it pretty damn hard to even say them. “I want to watch you get off like this. I want to watch you come unhinged.” I gripped her waist with both of my hands and helped her in her motions.

  Back and forth.

  Back and forth.

  Her pussy ran over my cock seamlessly, despite the denim that separated our bare flesh. I stared into her face, watching pleasure morph across her expression.

  “That’s it.” I was breathing so damn hard my heart was beating like a freight train, and I felt my pulse racing.

  I might be a virgin, but I knew what I wanted to do with Paige.

  I wanted to fuck her senseless.

  And then she came for me.

  Her face lit up like a damn fireworks show. She had her head tossed back, her dark hair fanned out over her back and along my hands. Her mouth was parted, and although her moan was almost inaudible, it was the tightening of her body and the way she dug her nails into my shoulders that told me she gave in. When her body relaxed, I grabbed her hair again and forced her to look at me, made her come closer. I slammed my mouth on hers, kissing her until she moaned for me. I stroked my tongue along hers, plunged it into her mouth, and made this guttural sound when she sucked on it.

  She pulled back, her pupils still dilated, her body still strung tight. “I want to be with you.”

  My breath stalled for a moment at her words. I lowered my gaze to her mouth, loving that her lips were red, swollen, and a light, glossy sheen covered them from our kiss. I couldn’t help but run my finger over her bottom lip, pulling the flesh slightly down, growing harder by the second. I pushed the digit into her mouth, every part of me coming alive even more.

  “Suck it into your mouth; run your tongue over it.” I was transfixed at the sight of her doing exactly what I said.

  “I need you,” she said around my finger. I didn’t want to deny her. Hell, I didn’t want to wait anymore. “Be with me,” she whispered again, and I felt my cock jerk.

  I cupped her nape, pulled her in close, and claimed her mouth. I wasn’t going to deny either of us any longer. I was surprised I’d lasted this long without coming in my jeans. While still kissing her, I curled my bigger body around hers, bringing her impossibly close to me. Her breasts pressed right to my chest, and my fingers itched to take hold of them.

  “Rub yourself on me again, slow, nice and easy, baby.”

  She started moving her hips back and forth, and I gently bit at her lip. I pulled back, forcing myself to break the kiss, but had my hands on her waist, keeping her right where she was, making sure she kept doing what she was doing on top of me.

  “I think I loved you before I even knew what that was,” I murmured and lowered my focus to her lips. I ran my tongue over first her top one and then her bottom. She moaned, and I couldn’t help kissing her again. And when she pressed down on me especially hard and let out this hot-as-hell moan, my control snapped.

  I all but tore her shirt from her, exposing her bra, which barely contained the heaving mounds of her chest. My mouth went dry, and my cock throbbed at the sight of her creamy flesh rising and falling above the lacy material.

  “Christ.” I dragged my gaze up and looked at her face. “Take it off for me.” I hadn’t realized how coarse or hard my voice was until the words were there. But she did what I said right away, and when her tits were revealed, the large mounds peaked with rose-colored nipples, I about lost it right then.

  I breathed out slowly. “I need to remember to go slow, to take my time and make this sweet for you.” I hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but the words tumbled out.

  “Maybe I want that.”

  Oh fuck.

  Yeah, she had gone and said that. It was the equivalent of waving a piece of steak in front of a starved beast.

  And I was about to devour her.

  Chapter 9


  The way Erik looked at
me was, possessive, crazed even. He stared at me like he wanted to bare me in every conceivable way … and then some.

  I didn’t deny that this made me nervous, that having sex for the first time with the boy I’d wanted for nearly my whole life made this string in me tighten, threatening to snap.

  “I’m so … hungry for you.” The words spilled from me on their own. Only a second passed, and then Erik was off the couch, had me in his arms, his strength the only thing holding me up. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck, my legs around his waist, and held on. I felt his erection right at the most sensitive part of me. Damn, I was wet, soaked in fact. My panties were saturated, the material rubbing along my sensitive folds.

  He made this low sound deep within his chest as he walked us backward, his mouth on my throat, his teeth and tongue ravishing me there. I felt his erection digging into my belly: a huge, thick rod that had my pussy so wet, so ready to feel the stretch and burn I knew he’d give, that I was seconds away from begging for just that. I felt the wall stop our movement, and loved that he pressed his big, hard body fully against mine.

  “I want you to show me exactly where you want me to touch you,” he said in this harsh grunt. Tingles spread throughout my entire body. “Go on, baby. Show me, let me see where you want my hands, mouth, and cock.” He said the last word on this guttural groan and then dug his dick farther into my belly.

  “I want you everywhere,” I said instead of showing him, but it didn’t seem like that bothered him. In fact, the low sound he made told me he liked hearing that just fine.

  “Maybe I should give you slow, easy. Maybe I should prolong this.” His voice showed that he was teasing me, but I wasn’t all about this erotic torture. As it was I felt like my entire body would combust at any second, just burn me to the ground and only leave a pile of ashes in its wake.


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