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You've Always Been Mine (You're Mine, 2)

Page 5

by Jenika Snow

  “I don’t want that. I just want you to…” To what? Fuck me.

  “I know what you want, what you need,” he said against the side of my throat, his lips moving as he spoke, his warm breath fanning along my sensitive skin. “I’m going to give it all to you, more than either of us can handle. And it’ll be fucking perfect.” He ran his tongue along the arch of my neck, but to my disappointment he moved away. I felt the chill in the air when he was no longer pressed against me, and goose bumps formed on my body.

  I couldn’t help myself from taking in a full, appraising gaze at him. So big. So tall. Every part of him screamed that he was a man through and through. The outline of his erection pressing against his jeans was impressive, if not a bit frightening.

  “Undress for me. Show me what I’ll be making mine, Paige.”

  A shiver covered me, took hold and refused to let go. I went for the button and zipper of my jeans, and once those were undone, I pushed the denim down my thighs, bringing my panties with them. I was nervous to be naked in front of him, but I was also so damn aroused I almost felt drunk from it.

  “When I take you, claim your virginity and give you mine, I’m going to do it in a bed. I’m not going to have you up against the wall, even if right now that sounds pretty fucking hot.”

  The air left me, his words playing in my head over and over again.

  “I think up against the wall sounds pretty amazing,” I found myself saying. Truth was I didn’t care where we did this, as long as I was doing it with Erik.

  He groaned, closed his eyes, and I could see the way his jaw worked overtime. He was gritting his teeth, looking almost pained, too. “Fuck, Paige, baby, you can’t say that stuff.”

  I swallowed. “Why?”

  He opened his eyes and pierced me with an intense stare. “Because it’ll either have me coming in my jeans, or it’ll have my control snapping and I will fuck you up against the wall.”

  Oh. God.

  Heat blossomed in me like never before.

  “So fucking gorgeous.”

  His words were sharp, like a knife running along me. It felt as if my body was made of cement: heavy, thick, unmovable.

  I stood there for long seconds, not moving, not even breathing as he looked his fill. And God, he was so looking his fill.

  “You’re more beautiful than anything I could have ever dreamed up.”

  I finally took a stuttering breath. He didn’t move for a long while, just let his gaze roam over my body. I was bared for him, every part of me on display for his viewing pleasure. And then he reached down, unzipped his pants, and I didn’t stop myself from lowering my focus to what he was revealing.

  When he pulled his erection out, I felt my heart jump into my throat, felt it pounding in my ears. Erik was a large man in general, and I’d been right to assume what he was sporting between his thighs was no different. He was huge, thick and long, and the crown slightly wider than the rest of him, a dot of pre-cum at the tip.

  “I could get off just by looking at you.” He had his palm wrapped around his dick, and he stroked himself, his focus on my body. “Come here,” he commanded, and I obeyed. I was just a few feet from him, me totally naked, and Erik having his shirt still on and his dick pulled through his fly. “What I wouldn’t give for you to touch me right now.” His focus was on my lips. I was about to do just that, but his words stopped me. “But if you touched my cock right now, I’d come.” He leaned in close, his mouth right by mine. “And I want to be inside of you when that happens,” he whispered. “Because in all truth, having you this close to me, naked, wanting me, ready for what I want to do, has me nearly losing it.”

  I sucked in a deep breath, my body on the verge of exploding for him. “Then let’s stop talking.”

  And then he had his mouth on mine, fucking me with his lips and tongue. There was no other word to describe what he was doing … and what I desperately wanted him to do between my thighs. I clenched my legs together, trying to stem off the arousal that threatened to slip down my inner thigh.

  “I hope you’re ready, because I feel like I’ve been waiting my entire life for this.”

  I’d never been more ready for anything in my life.

  Chapter 10


  Taking Paige up against the wall turned me on so fucking much. But tonight, for this first time, I wasn’t going to be a savage about it.

  “Bedroom, baby,” I said, my mouth on hers once more, my tongue fucking her the way my cock would soon enough.

  Once in the room, I kicked the door closed and quickly stripped out of my clothes. I saw the way she glanced down at my thigh, obviously looking at the scar I sported. She held her arms out to me, and I went closer. My entire body went tight when she ran her hand slowly over my scar, her fingers gentle. Her touch was light, but it did so much to me, made me feel so many things. And then she leaned down and lightly kissed the raised, jagged skin. My cock was hard, my heart was full with love for this girl, and I knew I’d never let her go.

  When I gently pushed her back, it wasn’t because I didn’t like what she was doing to me. I liked it a hell of a lot. I was desperate to make her feel good. “Lay back for me,” I said harshly.

  I hadn’t been kidding when I said I could have gotten off just from looking at her. She was all curves and gorgeous lines. Her breasts looked to be exactly a handful, her belly flat, her legs long. And her pussy, hell, I groaned at where my thoughts were going. She had a trimmed triangle of dark hair that covered it, but her pussy lips were visible.

  I reached for my dick again, stroking the fucker as I stared at her. This was a scenario I’d thought of countless times as I jerked off. “Come here, baby,” I said low, needing her close. She came to me instantly, and I wrapped my arms around her. I walked us toward the bed, and then we were both falling onto the mattress. With my mouth on her neck and my larger frame over her, I nudged her thighs open so I could wedge myself between them. My cock was so damn hard, and pre-cum was a steady constant at the tip. I felt her slick folds surround my cock, and I started moving back and forth, working myself between her legs without penetrating her.

  Shit, I could come from this.

  “Come on, Paige baby, move against me,” I said, not kissing her, but letting my lips brush along hers as I spoke. And when she started moving under me sexually, her pussy moving in tandem with what I was doing, I closed my eyes and groaned. I was so tense as I reached between us and ran a finger along her pussy.

  “God, that feels so good,” she moaned, her eyes closed, her lips parted.

  I was feeling like one possessive fucker where Paige was concerned. “This is mine.” I added a little more pressure, slipping my finger down her cleft, teasing her clit and running the pad of my thumb along her pussy hole. I seemed to do all of it in unison, making her writhe beneath me, begging for more.

  I sent up a silent prayer that I wouldn’t explode before this really got started.

  I moved down the length of her body, not able to help myself. I’d envisioned doing this enough times over the years as I jerked off that I was sure I could make this good for her. I would make this good for her.

  “Erik?” she asked softly, her voice filled with confusion.

  When I had my face right by her pussy, my hands on her inner thighs keeping her legs spread for me, and the scent of her washing over me, claiming me, only then did I lift my gaze and stare at her. She had a wide-eyed expression, a look of almost fear and hesitation on her face. I wanted to make her feel calm, like she didn’t have anything to worry about, that I’d take care of her. Always.

  Placing my hand on her belly, I felt it hollow in and out as she breathed hard and fast. “Let me make you feel good.”

  It took her a second, but she licked her lips and nodded. I kept my eyes locked on hers as I dragged my tongue through her cleft. Her flavor exploded along my taste buds; sweet, musky, all mine. I became a beast then, gripping her thighs tightly, knowing there would be bruises in the m
orning. I dug my fingers into her soft flesh as I ate her out. The silky-smooth feeling of her along my tongue could have been my undoing, but I had a lock and chain on my control, needing to feel her come for me first.

  Get off for me. Let me taste all of you. I want the flavor of your desire for me covering my mouth.

  Over and over I licked and sucked on her, knowing I’d never get enough. I wanted to have my face buried between her thighs until my tongue was numb, until my lips tingled with her continuous release. I started pressing my hips into the mattress, the sheets and resistance from the bed giving me the pressure I needed. Over and over I did this, rolling my hips, humping the fuck out of the bed and desperately needing Paige’s tight, wet heat.

  When I felt her let go, give me what I was after, only then did I give her one more long swipe, dragging my tongue from her pussy hole to her clit and sucking that bud into my mouth.

  I moved up her body, my dick sliding along her leg first, and finally settled right on her soaked pussy. I took her mouth in another hard, deep kiss. “Dig your nails into me.” She did just that, and I grunted in pleasure, my hips jerking on their own. “Open for me.” She opened her mouth wider, and I plunged my tongue inside, fucking her there.

  She panted against my mouth, spread her legs wider, and I pressed my hips farther into hers, my cock sliding right between the center of her.

  “Spread your legs wider for me, Paige. Let me have you.” I leaned back, bracing my hands on the blanket beside her, and looked down at her, marveling at how pretty she was. “Fuck,” I said, my throat tight. “I can’t handle how damn gorgeous you are.” Her pussy was wet, pink, and swollen. It was all for me. I was done fucking around. I needed to be inside of her. I grabbed my cock and finally placed the tip at her entrance. She smelled so fucking good, like clean cotton and something sweet.

  “Tell me you’re mine, that it’ll always be that way.”

  “I’m yours. I always have been.”

  In one swift move I buried my dick into her wet, tight pussy. She gasped, and I knew I’d hurt her. There was no going around it though. “I’m sorry, baby.” I cupped the side of her cheek and stilled, letting her get accustomed to my size. “You own me now.” I groaned, my jaw tight, my pulse racing.

  She had her arms around my neck, her nails pricking my skin. I hissed, loving it.

  I started moving in and out of her slowly, trying to pace myself when all I wanted to do was pound the fuck out of her. After long minutes, when I felt how wet she’d become for me, when I heard her breathing change and saw her expression shift, I knew she was right here with me. I really started moving then.

  In and out.

  In and out.

  Sweat started to coat my skin, my heart raced, and my balls were drawn up tight. I wanted to come so badly, but I didn’t want this to end. If I could make this last forever, I would have given my soul for it. I pushed in deep.

  “Oh God. Yes, Erik,” she whispered.

  I couldn’t help but stare into her face, watching the display of what she felt moving across it. I pushed into her once more and stilled, feeling my muscles relax and contract. I could feel the clench and release of her inner muscles around me. She milked me, her body wanting what only I could give her.

  “Baby, I’m going to come,” I gritted, holding on so damn tight to my control. I reached between us, needing her to explode for me once more. Just one more time before I gave in. I reached between us and started rubbing her clit.

  Back and forth.

  Back and forth.

  I felt her tense beneath me, and then she was tossing her head back, her neck straining, this low mewl leaving her.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Come on, baby girl.” I rubbed her clit until she relaxed, until she softly said no more. I slowed, but the pricking of her nails in my skin and her shaking her head had me pumping in and out of her again.

  “Don’t stop,” she whispered.

  The image of filling her up, making her take all my seed, slammed into me violently. I was really fucking her now, knowing I should have been sweet, gentle with her. But fuck, I couldn’t stop myself. I couldn’t control myself.

  “God, so good, Paige. So. Damn. Good.”

  Instead I pulled out right before I exploded. I grabbed my shaft, pumped my hand over the thick length, and stared at her pussy. I didn’t need anything else to get off, but to my pleasurable shock, Paige reached down, spread her pussy lips, and showed me every single pink inch of her. I slammed my hand down on the bed next to her waist, curled my fingers into the sheets, and breathed out slowly as my orgasm washed through me. I could have come on the bed, or even in my hand. But I wanted my seed on her.

  Groaning deeply, I forced my eyes to stay open as I came. I watched as my cum spilled from the tip of me and covered her body. Her pussy, inner thighs, and even her lower belly had little splashes of me covering her, like this erotic painting that only I could create. When I was sated, I sagged and breathed out, staring at her body and what I’d done to her. I was feeling so damn feral right now, despite having just lost my virginity to the girl I loved, despite coming harder than I ever had in my fucking life.

  “Rub it in, baby. Want you to smell like me.” I expected her to maybe scoff, tell me to fuck off, that doing that was pushing it. But she shocked me again—pleased me like no other—and rubbed my cum into her skin. I watched her hand move over her belly, along her thighs, and finally along her pussy. She ran a cum-slicked finger along her clit, rubbing it back and forth, gasping for me. I lifted my gaze to her face. “You like that, Paige?” My voice sounded hoarse, strained. “You like putting my seed all over you?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  “Good, because you’re mine. Always.” I covered her body once more, my cock hardening again. “And I’m not nearly done with you yet.”


  I was exhausted, so tired I didn’t even know if I could have lifted my arms or legs. For two hours Erik had made love to me, he’d had sex with me … he’d fucked me. I could think of a million different terms to say what we’d done, but in the end we’d finally been together. He’d eaten me out until I hadn’t even been able to hold my legs up. He’d made me climax more times than I could even count.

  And still I knew I’d never get enough.

  “Hey,” he said, his voice thick with the post arousal we’d just shared.

  “Hey back.” I thought maybe I’d feel weird, embarrassed even after what we’d shared … what we’d done. But all I felt was this burn in the aftereffects, this glow that encompassed every inch of me. I looked him in the eyes.

  “Where do we go from here?”

  He was silent for a second but kept me close, so close I didn’t need a blanket to keep me warm. His body was enough.

  I watched as he got up and moved over to his clothes, which were on the floor. I could do was stare and appreciate every inch of him. And when he bent over to get something out of his pants, my focus trained right on his muscular ass. I’d never been the type of girl to really appreciate any part of a guy, but with Erik every inch of him aroused me on.

  He turned back around, holding up the red string. It was his red thread, the one he’d kept for himself—our lifeline, so to speak.

  “You kept it,” I said softly, already knowing this. Seeing it made it so much more real.

  “Are you kidding me?” He looked at me like I’d lost my mind. “No way in hell this was leaving my sight, although it fell off a long time ago.” He slid back in next to me and pulled me in close. For long seconds we stayed like that, the sound of our breathing the only thing breaking up the silence. But the future nagged at me.

  “Where do you want it to go?” His voice sounded strained. Was he nervous about my response?

  “I want to be with you, Erik.” That was the best answer I could give right now. I was slightly worried about revealing too much, but I supposed what we’d shared and experienced together shouldn’t have made me feel so shy.

��That’s good, Paige. That’s really good, baby. Because I want us to be endless.”

  Chapter 11


  One month later

  Anticipation slammed through my veins. I tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, my head turned, my focus on the diner where Paige worked. I felt like I’d been sitting here for hours, and in all honesty I probably could have been, as intensely as I stared at that little building, waiting for her, nothing else on my radar.

  And then she came out, her body half-turned as she said something to someone inside. I focused on the way her jeans molded over her ass, and the scent of her, although she wasn’t next to me, was ingrained in my brain. Hell, I still smelled her from this morning, when I’d eaten her out until she’d begged me to stop. Then I’d given her more than she could handle. I’d fucked my woman until she’d walked bow-legged out of the house and to work. I straightened, my cock thickening, lengthening at the image slamming in my head.

  For the last month I’d been searching for a place, but Blue Springs was small, and rentals, let alone houses for sale, were hard to come by. It was one of the reasons my mom and me had to move in with my aunt. Even if my mother still lived there, wanting to be close to her sister, I needed to get my own place. And I had. That’s why I was so juiced up. I finally had a place to take Paige to, to make love to her in, to be alone with her at. Her place was good, more than good, but I felt like I was lacking by not being able to have a place we could be together. And I sure as hell wasn’t going to take her to my aunt’s, not to spend time with her when my cousins would sure as hell make asses out of themselves.

  I got out of the truck and met her on the passenger side. She smiled up at me, and that was all it took to stop my heart. I pulled her in close, not giving a shit who watched as I cupped the back of her head and claimed her mouth. I felt her gasp against my mouth, her sweet breath moving along my lips. I knew she felt how hard I was, but popping a boner was not something I could control when she was near, when I thought about her, heard her voice … hell, when she breathed in my direction.


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