Losing It: A Collection of VCards

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Losing It: A Collection of VCards Page 8

by Nikki Jefford

  They stepped outside. Rourk tore his focus away from her so they could follow the stone pathway.

  Celtic music could be heard in the distance. Keegan squeezed Rourk’s arm, and he smiled warmly down at her. He couldn’t help but wonder if she was nervous. He’d never been surer of anything in his life. He was born to be with her and she with him.

  Once they reached the clearing, Keegan inhaled sharply. Brightly colored flowers and lush greens replaced the bare winter grounds. Rows of white chairs flanked the spot where they would be wed; each chair was hung with purple lilacs. Magic was a wonderful thing, creating a spring in the middle of winter.

  As they approached, the Wedding March flowed through the air. Their guests turned in their seats. Rows and rows of elfin families grinned back at them.

  Rourk noticed his father and tilted his head in his direction. The only thing that could make this day any more perfect would be if his mother were alive to see it. Suddenly a warm tingling sensation covered his neck and back, and he knew it was her letting him know she was there in spirit.

  He and Keegan stopped in front of Sarah, the priestess, who had married Keegan’s parents and many other chosen mates throughout the years. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath.

  “Today, Rourk and Keegan will be joined in a handfasting. Their hands will be tied together with a knot that binds them in such a way that they choose to be bound. This ritual symbolizes their oneness not only with each other but with all creation. Thus their union is blessed, its sacredness recognized by all creation.

  “The elfin soul shares characteristics with all things divine. It is this belief that assigned virtues to the cardinal directions: East, South, West and North. It is in this tradition that a blessing is offered in support of this ceremony.” She paused.

  Rourk couldn’t believe this was finally happening after all they’d been through.

  Raising both hands to the air, Sarah went on. “Blessed be this union with the gifts of the East. Communication of the heart, mind, and body. Fresh beginnings with the rising of each sun. The knowledge of the growth found in the sharing of silences.

  “Blessed be this union with the gifts of the South. Warmth of hearth and home. The heat of the heart’s passion. The light created by both for the lightest, the darkest of times.

  “Blessed be this union with the gifts of the West. The deep commitments of the lake. The swift excitement of the river. The refreshing cleansing of the rain. The all encompassing passion of the sea.

  “Blessed be this union with the gifts of the North. Firm foundation on which to build. Fertility of the fields to enrich your lives. A stable home to which you may always return.”

  Sarah smiled at Keegan and Rourk as she lowered her arms. “Each of these blessings from the four cardinal directions emphasizes those things which will help you build a happy and successful union. Yet, they are only tools. Tools which you must use together to create what you seek in this union.

  “Know that before you go further, since your spirits have crossed in this life, you have formed ties between each other. As you seek to enter into this state of matrimony, you should strive to make real the ideals that give meaning to both this ceremony and the institution of marriage.

  “With full awareness, know that you are declaring your intent to be handfasted before your friends and family, present, absent, and departed. The promises made today, and the ties that are bound here, will greatly strengthen your union; they will cross the years and lives of each soul’s growth.”

  Smiling, Sarah asked them, “Do you still seek to enter into this ceremony?

  Together, Rourk and Keegan spoke. “We do.”

  “Rourk and Keegan, I bid you look into each other’s eyes.” Sarah waited while they turned their eyes to one another, and then went on. “Will you honor and respect one another, and seek to never break that honor?”

  Keegan smiled at Rourk, causing his heart to quicken as they answered. “We will.”

  Sarah draped the blue cord over their hands.

  “And so the first binding is made,” she said. “Will you share each other’s pain and seek to ease it?”

  “We will.”

  She wrapped the yellow cord around them. “And so the binding is made. Will you share the burdens of each so that your spirits may grow in this union?”

  “We will.”

  Sarah draped the white cord and smiled. “And so the binding is made. Will you share each other’s laughter, and look for the brightness in life and the positive in each other?”

  “We will.”

  She draped the red cord around their hands. “And so the binding is made.” She swiftly tied the cords into three knots. “Rourk and Keegan, as your hands are bound together now, so your lives and spirits are joined in a union of love and trust. The knots of this binding are not formed by these cords but, rather, by the vows you have made. For always, you hold in your own hands the fate of this union. Above you are the stars and below you is the earth. Like the stars, your love should be a constant source of light, and like the earth, a firm foundation from which to grow. Have patience with one another, for storms will come, but they will go quickly. Be free in the giving of affection and warmth.

  Sarah produced the two weddings rings and held out her palm. They sparkled in the sunlight. “A circle is the symbol of the sun and the earth and the universe. It is a symbol of holiness and of perfection and of peace. In these rings, it is the symbol of unity, in which your lives are now joined in one unbroken circle, in which, wherever you go, you will always return to your shared life together.

  “As you have stated your desire to be united, one with the other, take now these rings and place them upon each other’s finger, as pledge and testimony to your love and commitment to each other.”

  Rourk reached forward. His hand trembled as he placed the braided white-gold ring on Keegan’s finger. A magical hum raced through his frame at the touch.

  Blinking away tears, Keegan placed a larger version of the ring on Rourk’s finger.

  “I now proclaim you husband and wife. Thus are your hands fasted, two are now made one.” Sarah opened her hands and gave them a wicked smile. “You may seal your union to your chosen with a kiss.”

  Rourk gathered the veil in his hands and pushed it over Keegan’s head so that it fell down her back. Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to hers, and then intensified the kiss. For a moment, they were both lost in the kiss, forgetting their surroundings for their first taste of forever. When Rourk finally pulled away, loud cheers went up from the crowd.

  “Settle down. It’s not over yet.” Sarah laughed. She looked back to Rourk and Keegan. “This will be your first act of working together as a couple.

  “Brooms are used for cleaning and sweeping. Therefore, that they are used to symbolize the sweeping away the remnants of the past which no longer serve us is appropriate. The sword symbolizes the wielding of power and personal responsibility. As the bride and groom jump they are reminded that remaining vigilant over these aspects of the day to day shall help them to achieve the quality of life that they aspire to. Anna, Lauren, and Thaddeus—will you now lay down the Sword and Broom?”

  Anna and Lauren, Keegan’s best friends, walked forward and laid down the broom.

  Keegan’s brother Thaddeus came forward and crossed the broom with the sword.

  “Now putting the past behind you, and remembering that you have the power to create a strong future. Jump together into your new lives.”

  Keegan grabbed Rourk’s hand and gave him a reckless smile. He shook his head, smiling in return. Together, they jumped and landed safely on the other side. Keegan laughed, and Rourk pulled her in for another kiss. His. She was his now and forever. He was the luckiest man on the planet.

  The reception was soon in full swing, but all Rourk could think about was getting Keegan alone. Tonight they would truly fuse their bodies and become one. How many nights had he lain awake imagining what it would feel like to make lo
ve to Keegan? Pretty much since the first day he’d laid eyes on her and knew they were fated.

  He’d be lying if he said he wasn’t anxious. It was almost laughable with all the training he’d had as an elfin warrior that one girl could make him so nervous and unsure. He’d had virtually no experience with girls, other than stolen kisses with Keegan. The thought of disappointing her weighed heavily on his mind.

  Hours later, just when he didn’t think he could stand it any longer, Keegan approached him, her eyes dancing with excitement. The teleporter was by her side.

  “Are you ready?” Rourk asked, hoping his desperation didn’t show too strongly in his voice.

  “Let’s get out of here.” She grasped his hand in hers. With the other, she reached for the teleporter’s hand. Rourk closed his eyes. His stomach dropped. Teleporting was a feeling he never quite got used to.

  A moment later, Rourk squeezed her hand. “Open your eyes.”

  Turning, she gazed around and clasped her hands over her mouth. “Ireland?”

  “Of course. Where else would I take you?”

  Rourk turned to the elf that had transported them. “Thanks, Pete.”

  The silent man nodded and disappeared.

  Rourk took Keegan’s hand and hurried with her to check into their hotel room.

  Keegan laughed as he carried her through the door and down the hall to their room. He fumbled with the key and pushed the door to their room open, then lowered her to the ground. Rourk watched as she glanced around at the beautiful honeymoon suite. Her eyes stopped at the huge wooden bed waiting for them. His heart raced in anticipation.

  Never one to hesitate, Rourk moved up behind her and gently brushed her hair back, exposing her delicate skin. He burrowed his lips into the hollow of her neck as he unzipped her dress with uncertain hands. He felt a gratifying jump in her pulse. She was as nervous and excited as he was. Her dress fell to the floor, and a shudder went through him.

  Keegan turned to face him. Her face was flushed, her eyes glittering. His breath caught in his throat. She was wearing a white shift with lace lining the bodice. It clung seductively to her body.

  “You’re incredible.” His voice sounded rougher than usual. He pulled her closer, his lips capturing hers. The moment their lips touched, he forgot any insecurities he had about their first time. A surge of powerful emotions tore through him. This was the beginning of their forever. Their bond would last till the end of time and probably even after that, if he had anything to say about it.

  Keegan’s hands shook as she tried to unbutton his shirt. The warmth of her hands through the layers of clothing branded his skin. Trembling, she ran her hands up his chest and sighed. He could hear her heart pounding.

  Pulling the tails of his dress shirt out of his pants, he tossed the shirt aside. He was still wearing a t-shirt and couldn’t wait to get skin to skin.

  Rourk led her to the bed. He removed the remainder of his clothes, except for his boxers, and sank to his knees in front of her. His hand drifted up her shift and gathered up the sheer fabric. She leaned forward so he could pull it over her head.

  His heart stilled as he stared down at her naked breasts. This was really happening. He thought he’d died and gone to heaven when he reached down and cupped her breast in his hand. Her body felt like it was on fire. Keegan gasped when his thumb brushed across her nipple. Gods he wanted to worship every inch of her. Heat coursed through him, and his whole body felt like a live wire.

  “Are you scared?”

  She shook her head no.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he said thickly.

  “It’s okay.” She reached up and ran her hands down his bare chest, sending a thrill through him. “I heard it only hurts for a minute. There’s no way we’re not going through with it.” Her hand wandered down his abs, causing him to still. “I’ve been thinking of nothing else since … well, since I knew we were to be bound together. I need you, Rourk. I want this more than anything I’ve ever wanted.”

  His need for her burned like a wildfire. Nothing mattered but this moment. Leaning down, his muscular frame covered hers, and he captured her lips with his. Her response was immediate and consuming.

  Rourk’s lips trailed hot kisses down her neck to one breast as he began to explore her. His heart hammered in his chest, driven by desire as well as fear of hurting her. He captured her nipple in his mouth. A strangled groan escaped her mouth, and she arched beneath him. Her small hands grasped his hair as she cried out his name.

  He continued down her perfect form and focused on memorizing every inch of her creamy, pale skin. His hands roamed all over her delicate body. It was becoming harder to control the urge to claim her completely. Of course, he knew he needed to be gentle, but she brought out something savage in him. All he wanted to do was lose himself in her. One thing he was sure of: he was never going to get enough of her.

  Her stomach quivered as his hand traced the sensitive skin. She moaned when his fingers hooked on the side of her lacy white underwear. He slid them off. His breathing was ragged as her knees dropped apart before him. Closing his eyes, he silently thanked the gods for the beautiful gift that was his Keegan.

  A part of him was afraid he was going to make a mistake, but a bigger part of him couldn’t wait until their bodies were joined. Gently he probed his fingers until they sank inside of her. He was fascinated by how warm and slick she was, ready for him. Her nails dug into his shoulders, and she begged him to come back up to her. Reluctantly he withdrew his hand and moved over her, settling between her thighs.

  “I think you’re forgetting something,” Keegan said, her chest rising up and down with her uneven breathing.

  It took Rourk a moment to realize he still had on the boxers. Heat rose to his face as he leaned back to his knees and pushed down the shorts, kicking them off the bed.

  They both laughed, a welcome break from the tension.

  He meant to go slow, he really did. But as soon as he started to enter her, she tensed and something told him it was best to just get though the initial moment as quickly as possible. He plunged into her and stopped a little fearfully, torn between not wanting to cause her pain and the burning need for more after experiencing her tightness.

  Keegan’s mouth clamped down on his shoulder, biting him.

  He went rigid. “Keegan, I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

  Instead of answering him, she started to move her hips. He began to move with her slowly, deeply and hoping it wouldn’t be over as soon as it began. He thought he was going to lose it and paused briefly to regain his control.

  “Don’t stop!” Keegan cried out. Her hands roamed all over his body, her fingernails digging into his skin. Her touch drove him to desperation. Gods!

  Unable to stop the hunger pounding in his blood, he ceased fighting the urge to claim her. A few more quick thrusts, and a pleasure unlike anything he’d ever experienced tore through him.

  He was pretty sure Keegan had not experienced the same kind of pleasure he had. He was going to have to figure out how to rectify that. He’d read a couple of books on the subject but he figured this was a skill best learnt with practice.

  Resting beside her, he went over what he wanted to try next. Within minutes, he felt the renewal of desire. His fingers traced the curves of her body. “Can we try that again? I promise I’ll try to make it last longer and I’ll try to make it more enjoyable for you.”

  Keegan wrapped her arm around his neck and gazed up at him. “Are you kidding me? That was amazing.”

  Taken aback, Rourk stared down at her face and was shocked to see the sincerity in her words. “Really?”

  “I mean, I’m sure we’ll get better with practice, but you wouldn’t believe the horror stories I heard about the first time. I’d say ours was pretty freaking incredible. Didn’t it feel good to you?”

  Rourk couldn’t help but laugh. “Keegan, I have no words to describe how incredible it felt for me.” His hand roamed down her shoulder and back
, stopping at her bare waist.

  He gasped out when he felt her hand wrap around his arousal. She grinned. “I’d say you really are ready.”

  Rourk’s hands tangled in her hair as he took possession of her mouth. Keegan responded in kind.

  When they broke the kiss, Rourk grazed his thumb against the bottom of her full lip. He ached for her again. He rolled on top of her once more. Soon they were entwined once again in each other’s arms, their bodies joined, moving slowly at first and then picking up the tempo. Shivers of pleasure ran up and down his spine.

  A low, throaty moan escaped her lips. Every small sound she made nearly brought him to the edge.

  As he increased the speed of his thrusts, she cried out, clinging to him, their bodies moved frantically together.

  He had to remind himself to slow down and changed positions in the hopes of bringing her the same pleasure he experienced.

  They spent the rest of the evening learning each other’s bodies. Rourk was completely enthralled by how much pleasure the human body could deliver and experience.

  The next morning, Rourk woke up before the sun like he always did. Keegan was still fast asleep. He looked down at her. Her lips were slightly parted and her breathing deep and steady. Would he ever find the words to let her know how much she meant to him? Probably not. Some things were just impossible to explain.

  Keegan woke up hours later and wiped sleep from her eyes. She looked even more beautiful, if it was possible, with her hair a tangled mess and her face bare of any make up. The familiar aching need was instantaneous. Gods, they were never going to leave the room at this rate.

  “How’d you sleep?”

  “You call that sleeping?” she asked, her voice still groggy with sleep.

  In the kitchenette, Rourk poured her a cup of coffee and then added sugar and milk. He crossed the room and slid into the bed beside her.

  Tucking her hair behind her pointed ears, Keegan sat and reached for the cup.

  “Do you want to do anything today? Go sightseeing or something?” Rourk asked, hoping desperately she’d say no. His eyes were fixed on her as she lifted the mug and took a sip of the coffee.


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