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Sin (The Stone Society Book 8)

Page 15

by Faith Gibson

  Sin slipped his shirt over his head, and Rocky’s eyes drifted to his chest. He slid his feet out of his shoes while he unbuttoned and unzipped his pants. Rocky’s eyes moved to his hands, and he didn’t make her wait to find out what was hiding beneath. His cock jerked free of his underwear as he pushed them down his legs. He pulled his socks off and tossed them to the side. While Rocky gave his body a once-over, Sin stepped closer to her and unclasped her bra, releasing her breasts.

  When Rocky’s hand circled his dick, Sin almost came. He knew when he got her alone things would be intense, but just the feel of his mate’s hand touching him was almost more than he could stand. Sin picked Rocky up and laid her on the bed, pushing her legs apart. He ripped the lace from her body and wasted no time in getting his mouth on her wetness. He lapped at Rocky’s lips, savoring the sweet juice escaping her core for him. Rocky grabbed onto his long hair and pulled, trying to get him closer to her pussy, if that was possible. He sucked her nub between his lips, nipping at it with his teeth before licking at her wetness again.

  Wanting to see more of her, Sin pushed Rocky’s legs toward her chest, and she gripped them, holding herself open to him. He dipped his tongue down to her pucker and licked the sweet, pink hole before trailing up to her clit. He did that several times, and each time her moans got louder. She released one of her legs and fisted his hair. The tingle in his scalp traveled down to his cock, and Sin had to concentrate on not rubbing his erection against the bed. He needed friction, but he was going to get it from the inside of his mate’s pussy. Or her ass, if she’d let him.

  “Sin…” Rocky husked as she pushed her pussy against his face. He focused on her clit while he inserted a couple of fingers into her core. He worked her body over, taking her to the brink of orgasm and pulling back. “Sinclair, please,” she begged. Sin loved hearing his name roll off her tongue, but it was too soft a tone. He wanted everyone in the hotel to know who was fucking his female. Sin increased the speed of his fingers, coaxing and teasing while his tongue worked on her clit. When Rocky’s breathing grew faster, Sin didn’t make her wait any longer. He removed his fingers and grabbed a nipple, twisting at the same time he bit her nub. Rocky screamed out, but it wasn’t his name like he’d hoped.

  Sin crawled up his mate’s body, not giving her time to come down from her high. He stuck his fingers into her mouth, letting her get a taste of her sweetness. Rocky’s eyes widened at the first taste, but she sucked them clean. As he slanted his mouth over hers, Sin slid his aching cock home in the slick heat of Rocky’s pussy. When his balls were against her ass, he held still, allowing her to get acclimated to his size. Sin was a large man all over, and he didn’t know how long it had been since Rocky had fucked someone. He didn’t want to think about it, so he put it out of his mind and began moving his hips back and forth. Slowly. Languidly. As he made love to his mate, Sin kept his eyes locked on hers. This was their first coming together, and he didn’t want to miss one second of it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Sin must have drugged her. It was the only explanation as to why Rocky was in bed with him in the middle of the afternoon. Granted, the things he was doing to her body had Rocky flying high, but she had sworn she would stay away from the man. For some inexplicable reason, she couldn’t. She told her brain she was going to get away from him as soon as they got out of the phone store, but Rocky had allowed Sin to put her in his car and drive her to a hotel. Not just any hotel, either. The Ritz Pasadena was one of the swankiest hotels in the city, and Sin had his own fucking penthouse.

  Now, here she was, staring into the darkest eyes she’d ever seen while he made love to her. There was no other way to put it. They weren’t fucking. Sin’s huge body was moving slowly above hers, his cock caressing her pussy. He wasn’t talking dirty. As a matter of fact, Sin wasn’t talking at all. He was using his massive body to say what he wanted to. Rocky’s hands were roaming all over his skin, imprinting each dip and plane of his abs into her brain. His back flexed as she skimmed her fingertips lower until she grabbed the tight globes of his ass. Sin’s hair was falling around his face, mingling with the whiskers of his beard. Rocky had never been a fan of facial hair, but the way Sin’s whiskers rubbed against her skin sent tingles to all parts of her body. It might have had nothing to do with the whiskers and everything to do with the man.

  Rocky never thought she would ever be touched so gently by anyone. Never imagined anyone would consider her to be worthy of such tenderness. Yet here she was, lost in the mystery of Sinclair Stone. Instead of thinking too hard on the whys, Rocky let herself feel. She licked her lips and pulled Sin’s face down for a kiss. She had found out earlier his lips were indeed as soft as they looked. Her tongue sought his as soon as their lips met. Sin made love to her mouth with the same gentle strokes he was making with his cock.

  Rocky hadn’t been with many men, but Sin was by far the largest of those she had. Even with his large size, it felt as if they were made for each other. Maybe that was wishful thinking on her part. Stop it. Rocky would not allow herself to get caught up in this man. Being here with him in his penthouse was a one-time deal. He would get what he wanted and toss her to the side for another conquest. Finley had said Sinclair wasn’t looking to settle down, and she sure as shit wasn’t looking for a relationship. Maybe if he found her appealing, he would offer to fuck her again in the future. Rocky wouldn’t be opposed to that, because the man knew his way around a woman’s body.

  Sin pulled away from the kiss. “Where are you?” he asked, his eyes serious.

  “Right here with you,” she reassured him. Rocky had noticed Sin and his friends were observant when it came to body language and moods. She had to keep her focus on him, or he might not want a repeat performance.

  “Good.” Sin dipped his head down and licked at her neck. She had hated when Blake had licked her. She’d equated him to a dog when he’d done it, but somehow, Sin made it sexy. Everything the man did was sexy. With purpose. Rocky had never had an orgasm during sex. As far as she knew, she’d never gotten off one single time when she’d been with Blake. She wouldn’t even think about what Tommy had done to her. Sin had wrung a release out of her quickly and easily, and her body was amping up for number two. Sin’s cock was hitting something deep inside that was sending sparks of electricity through her core.

  “Sin,” she husked as she arched her back, trying to get him deeper.

  “Yes, beautiful girl?” Sin kissed her lips again, only this time it was barely a touch.

  “I’m close.” Rocky wrapped her legs around his waist and dug her heels into his butt. She was probably hurting him, but she needed him to fuck her. Hard. “Harder. Oh, god, I need it deep,” she groaned.

  Sin rose up on his knees, placing her legs over his shoulders. “Hold on, beautiful,” he instructed. Rocky grabbed hold of the comforter as Sin gave her what she asked for. His hips pistoned into her pussy, his balls slapping against her ass. He never took his eyes off hers as he fucked harder the way she wanted. The deeper he went, the more intense the sensation inside.

  “Oh, god.” Rocky squeezed her eyes shut as her pussy clamped down with the hardest orgasm of her life. She’d known if he ever got his hands on her, she would incinerate. Rocky’s body was on fire. A raging inferno no amount of water would extinguish. She screamed out Sin’s name among some expletives that had probably never been strung together before. Sin bottomed out one last time and held her thighs tightly as he spilled his seed deep inside of her, muttering something in a language she didn’t understand. As explosive as his release had been, Sin’s face wasn’t scrunched up in pain. If anything, he looked at peace. Rocky took the opportunity to study the man who’d made love to her. He was nothing short of breathtaking, especially when he opened his eyes and regarded her with something that looked a whole lot like love. Stop it. You’re seeing things that aren’t there. You just met the man, for crying out loud.

  Sin kissed the inside of both knees before releasing her legs and
slowly slid his still hard cock out of her dripping hole. She should have been freaking out because he hadn’t used a condom, but Rocky couldn’t get pregnant, and she knew she was clean. She had regular check-ups whenever she and Vivian played around, and the last time had been over six months ago. If Sin wasn’t clean, it would be something else she deserved for her past sins.

  Instead of rolling off the bed and putting his clothes on, Sin pulled Rocky to him, settling her in the safety of his arm. She laid her head on his shoulder and swirled her fingers through the dark hair on his chest. Vibrations coming from his chest tickled her ear, and she realized he was humming. Sin pulled her arm across his body and stroked her skin, up and down from her wrist to her shoulder. He peppered kisses on her hair and forehead then resumed his humming. There was only one word Rocky could think of as to the way she was feeling – content. It was stranger to her than any other emotion there was, because Rocky couldn’t remember ever being content.

  “Thank you,” Sin whispered against her cheek.

  Rocky wasn’t sure how to respond. Why was he thanking her? It was just sex. Liar. That’s all it could be. Sinclair was obviously a wealthy, probably important man, and she was nobody. Whatever misguided reason he had for her being there, she’d have to make sure it never happened again. She’d thought maybe they could get together for a quick fuck, but Rocky knew it would never be something so meaningless. At least not to her. She’d get her hopes up that maybe the universe had forgiven her for her past and decided she deserved a little happiness. She knew that was never going to happen, so she pulled away from him and said, “You’re welcome, but I need to get cleaned up and get over to the bar.” She didn’t bother kissing him. She rolled off the bed and grabbed her underwear, rushing into the bathroom and closing the door behind her.

  Rocky leaned against the counter and took in her appearance. Damn, she looked well and truly fucked. Her hair was a mess and her mascara was smudged under her eyes. She finger-combed her hair the best she could until she could find the band Sin had removed earlier. She wet a washcloth with warm water. She unsmudged the mascara before wiping off the jizz running down her legs. Rocky tossed the cloth onto the floor and pulled on her bra. The panties were ruined, so she’d have to go commando. Rocky opened the door and screamed. Sin was standing there, propped against the doorframe.

  Instead of moving out of her way, he pulled her flush to his body and kissed her. This was unlike any of the other times he’d kissed her. Gone was the soft caress. Nowhere to be found was the mating of their tongues. This was as possessive a move as she’d ever known. Blake Stansbury had nothing on Sinclair Stone when it came to claiming what was his. When Sin released her, Rocky was breathless. And scared. She wasn’t afraid Sin would physically harm her. She was scared shitless he would steal something precious from her. Rocky had locked her heart away a long time ago, but now, standing in front of this man, she was afraid Sin might have found the key.

  Sin felt it the moment Rocky pulled away emotionally. It was seconds before she physically rolled away and shut herself in the bathroom. He closed his eyes and reached out to gauge her emotions. When he felt her heartrate gaining instead of slowing, he rolled off the bed and waited outside the door. He had tried to show her with his body what she was probably afraid to hear. He was not going to let her run from him.

  When Rocky finally opened the door, Sin didn’t give her time to think. He grabbed her up and kissed her. He was staking his claim whether she knew it or not. One hand slid into her long hair, cradling her head, while the other held firmly to one of her cheeks. Rocky was thin, but her dancing days had done wonders for her ass. If she didn’t have to get to the bar, Sin would have dipped his hand into her jeans and stroked her wetness. When he released her mouth, he said, “I owe you a pair of panties.”

  Rocky laughed. “Yes, you do. You should also let me drive your car as penance for stealing me away.”

  Sin couldn’t get enough of his mate. He wanted to take her home and hide out from the rest of the world. But he also wanted to show her off. The need to stake his claim on her publicly was akin to a dog pissing on a tree, marking his territory. “I’ll let you drive on one condition.” Sin had never let anyone drive his Lambo.

  “Yeah? What’s that?”

  “You drive straight to the bar. I will have someone pick your car up later and bring it to you.”

  “Deal,” Rocky agreed quickly. It was obvious she wanted to drive his car badly. He had been ready for her to put up a fight, but was thrilled when she didn’t. “I don’t plan on going anywhere else, so it won’t be a hardship.”

  “What about later? You agreed to stay with Finley until Stansbury is caught.” The thought of her spending one more night at Finley’s was eating away at Sinclair. He thought about taking her to his home anyway, but it would probably undo every bit of progress he’d made.

  “I can hitch a ride back with him and Vivian.”

  Sin decided then he would be inviting Finley and Vivian over, but not for the same reason he had before. He would do it to get Rocky into his home, and whether the other couple stayed was up to them. “Let me get cleaned up then we will hit the road.” Rocky moved out of the doorway, and Sin took the fastest shower of his life. He almost expected Rocky to slip out of the penthouse while he was getting dressed, but he found her tinkering with her new phone. “Ready?” he asked.

  Rocky nodded and dropped the phone into her purse. She put the packaging into the bag and carried it with her. Since the phone now belonged to the Clan, Sinclair would always have access to her whereabouts. If Blake somehow managed to get his hands on Rocky again, Sin would be able to track her down. If Blake somehow managed to get by the Gargoyles, it would be the last thing he ever did once Sin found him.

  When the elevator opened, Rocky stepped in first, and Sin didn’t allow her much personal space. He took her free hand in his, laced their fingers together, and kissed her knuckles. He didn’t miss the sigh she expelled afterwards. When they reached the bottom floor, he continued to hold her hand as he led her outside. He had called the valet while getting dressed, and the Lambo was at the curb waiting for them. Sin walked with Rocky to the driver’s side and held the door open for her. “You’re really going to let me drive?” she asked incredulously.

  “I told you, anything your heart desires, beautiful girl. All you have to do is ask.” Sin placed a sweet kiss on her parted lips and nudged her toward the car. When Rocky slid in, Sin strode around the car and joined her. Sin pushed the button to turn the car off so he could give Rocky instructions regarding the controls.

  “Push this button to start or stop the engine. Your seat controls are beside you.” Sin waited while Rocky adjusted the seat closer to the steering wheel. “When you start the car, it will automatically be in Strada or street mode. Since this is your first time driving, we will take the back roads and let you get used to the power. Once you h… you’ve driven her a few times, we will get you out on the freeway where you can turn her loose. Don’t worry about the rest of the controls; we’ll go over those later. All I ask is you take it easy until you get a feel for the power.”

  “What if I wreck?” Rocky asked, licking her lips. She was visibly nervous yet excited.

  “I have insurance. Now, let’s get going, shall we?” Sin couldn’t wait for Rocky to feel the six hundred horses in the engine behind them.

  Rocky started the car and pulled on the right paddle shifter to get the car moving. She eased away from the curb and navigated the parking lot like a pro. Sin didn’t have to give her directions. Rocky was familiar with the area and took the back roads like he requested. When she’d driven a couple of miles, Rocky relaxed back into the seat, her face an ear-to-ear smile. Sin couldn’t take his eyes off her. The pure joy at driving his car was pouring off his female in waves. He would buy Rocky her own sports car if it made her this happy.

  No, you won’t. You aren’t letting her out of our sight.

  You’re right. She can dri
ve me around everywhere I go.

  Rocky giggled when she took a corner a little fast, and Sin couldn’t help but grin. He understood what she was feeling. “You’re doing well, beautiful girl. If you want to shift gears, put it in manual, hit the sport button and let her fly.” Sin trusted Rocky to know her limits, and he wasn’t disappointed. While she took some corners faster than he thought she would, she drove the car like she’d done it a hundred times. As they neared the bar, she put it back in Strada and slowed to a boring speed. Instead of parking in the front of the bar, she drove around back and parked in her reserved spot, well away from any other car.

  “Can’t have her getting scratched, now can we?” Rocky asked as she hit the off button. Her face was flushed, and she gave Sinclair a huge smile.

  “No, we cannot.”

  Rocky cut her eyes to him, but he couldn’t help the way he spoke. He was making a conscious effort, though. “Where’d you learn to drive like that?” he asked, not able to tear his gaze away from her mouth.

  Rocky shrugged. “My Saab may be old, but it’s fun to drive. I’ve put a lot of miles on her since my uncle gave her to me.”

  Sin reached out for her hand and kissed her knuckles again before linking their fingers. “Well, color me impressed. You can drive her any time you want.”


  “Yes, really. Now, let’s get you inside so you aren’t late.” Sin kissed her hand again and hurried around to open the door and help Rocky out of the car. The back door of the bar opened, and one of the workers came outside carrying a garbage bag. He froze when he saw the two of them, but he couldn’t take his eyes of the car.

  “Holy shit, Boss.” The man dropped the garbage and circled the car, whistling low. “You sure do know how to pick ’em,” he muttered.


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