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Out for Blood: Phil's Story (Talisman Series)

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by Brenda Pandos


  BOOK 3.5 - A Talisman Series Short


  © 2013 by Brenda Pandos, All rights reserved, worldwide. No part of this ebook can be reproduced, copied, or redistributed on the Internet without written permission of the author.

  The author respectfully requests you support authors by buying your copy at authorized outlets that serve your country. If you are viewing this ebook without paying for it, you are pirating this creative work. Piracy means stealing. Don’t be that person.

  This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination, or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond intent of the author.

  Brenda Pandos greatly appreciates your understanding and support to help stop piracy.


  * coming soon

  : : :

  (YA Paranormal Romance)

  The Emerald Talisman (Book 1)

  The Sapphire Talisman (Book 2)

  The Onyx Talisman (Book 3)

  Out for Blood

  Blood Wars*

  (YA Urban Fantasy)




  (YA/NA Post-Apocalypse Dystopian)




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  I awoke, clutching my chest where I’d been stabbed, sucking in air like it was about to be taken from me. The bedroom looked somewhat familiar in the dusky morning light. I recognized my new room in the house we’d just moved to from L.A. I checked again for a puncture wound along my chest, expecting to find a hole or at least blood. Nothing.

  Calm down, Phil. A dream. It was just a dream.

  Wide-awake with my heart rate slowly subsiding, I blinked up at the ceiling. The dream was so realistic, but it had covered months. And that wasn’t the first time I’d died. No. Someone else had stabbed me, too. Correction: staked me with a piece of wood.

  Son of a bitch! I’d been a…

  “Vampire,” I whispered.

  I sat up. Instead of the dream fading, more things came into clarity. Not fuzzy or irrational, more like memories. So real, I could write them out verbatim. Running my tongue over my canines, I was shocked to find they were so dull.

  Had I really dreamt I’d been an immortal, blood-sucking, vampire? I swallowed, remembering the bliss after drinking the salty sticky substance—blood. Better than anything in the world. Yet I’d refrained. Sober, we’d called it.

  “We don’t want your kind in our fold,” a dark-haired man had said. He’d been one of the few to have blue eyes, just like Alora, my creator. “You poison our reputation. We don’t have sympathy for our food.”

  Things were coming back in huge chunks. I’d been in big trouble with the higher ups. I had broken the rules in their world. In hindsight, I should have been more afraid of him. The oldest, most vicious vampire in the world: Cain, The Prince of Vampires. He’d captured us in a cave in the Santa Cruz Mountains where at least a hundred vampires gathered. They’d all come to meet over something. A feast?

  My phone chimed, startling me.

  Thinking of you <3 <3

  It was from Jessica, my girlfriend in L.A. Well, sort of. Jess and I agreed, considering the distance, to keep things open. And from what I’d just dreamt, I didn’t even want her anymore.

  All I wanted was a girl who only existed in my dreams.


  Unable to shake the nightmare all morning, I laced up my Vans and headed outside, flipping the keys to the Audi in my hand. I’d settle this once and for all. The morning sun beat down on my arm and I instinctively yanked it toward the shade, then rubbed the skin. Memories of the intense burning heat hit me hard.

  Man, I need to shake this.

  Flooring it, I zipped down the freeway into town. It amazed me, though we just moved here a few days ago, that I knew the streets by heart. Front Street caught my eye and I parked in front of a vacant building. Flashbacks of luring Nicholas here came to me.

  I walked up to the door and tugged. Locked. I yanked harder, expecting the door to fly off its hinges. The door remained solid against the frame. My deltoid took the brunt.


  I massaged my shoulder and peered upward for another way in. The second floor had a row of broken windows. With a jump, I attempted to fly, but I only leapt a foot off the ground.

  “Whoa, Phil,” I said after steadying myself. “You’re losing it, bro.”

  Flying, ripping doors off its hinges, fear of the sun and a desire to drink blood… Yeah, call in the freaking white coats. I was on the verge.

  Jumping back into the Audi, I headed for Bonny Doon. The scent of eucalyptus filled the car. The familiarity was driving me crazy. Zipping down a gravel road, I crossed a barren field toward the ocean. How did I dream something so clear? So accurate that I knew the exact roads to get here?

  I parked behind a pile of granite rocks, blocking the car from view of the road, in case a pesky cop drove by. My pulse picked up. Returning here felt like returning to the scene of a crime. Crunching across the gravel, I jogged to the nearest rock formation. Rounding the corner, I wasn’t sure what to expect. A dark hole descended into the earth.

  “Son of a bitch.”

  Clicking on my phone’s flashlight, I stepped into the mouth of the tunnel, shaking off my fear. But twenty feet inside, I found the back of the cave and the end to my answers.


  Then the earth began to rumble underneath me, alive and angry. I was about to be swallowed whole for my curiosity.

  I darted out of the cave as dust rained on me.

  “Whoa, dude!” I yelled as I cleared the mouth of the cave. “Not a cool time for an earthquake!”

  Flipping my hands through my hair, I dusted the dirt off and swiveled around. My heart stopped momentarily.

  Round hazel eyes belonging to the most beautiful girl I’d lived and died for looked right at me, piercing me.


  She hit me with that look; one of shock and surprise. What the hell? There was no way she dreamt the same thing I did. But what would bring her here of all places, unless it wasn’t a dream.

  The guy next to her shifted, eyeing me like a hawk. Jealousy reared up in me when I spotted their interlocked hands. Who was this punk?

  But instead of overreacting, I composed myself, then smiled, my natural disarming smile. “Do we know each other?”

  Her gapping mouth slipped shut before she turned to the dick-wad, as if he had to approve first.

  “I don’t think so,” she finally said, her eyes finding me.

  I squinted, shocked. How could she deny this? Everything had been so real, so accurate. Her. This place. My fangs.

  “I thought maybe we’d met,” Come on, Julia. Don’t deny this. It’s me. Your old buddy, Phil. “You look really familiar.” Hint hint!

  I casually looked at the guy. We most defin
itely hadn’t met before, which was good. Anyone but Nicholas would be an easy target. I knew this girl inside and out.

  Alright. You want to play the dumb game?, I’ll play the dumb game. “I’m Phil. I’m new in town and starting SVH tomorrow. You go there?”

  I already knew the answer, but wanted to see her reaction.

  “I—yeah. I do. I’m Julia.” She held out her hand.

  If the sky would have opened up with singing angels, I wouldn’t have noticed. All I wanted to do was touch her and pull her into my arms. Oh sweet Mary, I’d rock her world. Well, at least to make sure I wasn’t imagining this and she was real.

  “—and this is Nicholas,” she added, nudging him.

  Instead of bliss when I touched her warm skin, a growl ripped through my body, shuttering my every nerve. Nicholas? No…freaking…way. How? How is that even possible?

  “Hey,” Nicholas said flatly. Luckily he didn’t offer his hand or I might have tried to rip it off with my non-vampiric skills.

  I gave him a once over. He couldn’t be the same guy. “Hey, man.”

  Julia let go and recaptured Nick’s hand, making my stomach hurt. “We were exploring, and I wanted to check out this cave.”

  “Sure you were,” I wanted to say. “Just admit the truth and drop the act already.”

  But they didn’t say anything. They just stared at me like I had an infectious disease. I knew when I wasn’t wanted, but I couldn’t let this go.

  This was just too crazy to be only a coincidence, except for the fact Nicholas didn’t look like himself. Wrong eye color, hair color, and shorter, too. My subconscious and I needed to have a serious talk after this; he didn’t need to be embellished in any way.

  I cocked a grin. “Yeah, it’s kinda cool. But be careful, it might be a den. I saw paw prints inside—possibly wolf.”

  Yeah, take that douchebag. I mad-dogged Nicholas. Whatcha gonna do about that? Let your girl be wolf bait? Not so big and bad without your half-vamp powers, are you?

  “Don’t you mean mountain lions?” Julia asked.

  The mention of mountain lions took me back to our first conversation on the beach. She’d talked about how he’d saved her from a mountain lion, then disappeared on her. But knowing what I know now, it was more likely a vampire and he hid his powers from her. He was awful good at hiding stuff.

  I studied her. What do you want me to say, Julia? Admit I remember, too?

  She kept looking at me, shy and insecure. But I already knew the answer. Why put myself out there and look like the fool? She’d chosen Nicholas in my dreams and in reality, and always would, in whichever life I live and remember apparently.

  I was a sucker for hoping for something different.

  “Maybe…you can never be too sure,” I said flippantly, stepping off the rocks and moving away from them. “Anyway, be careful.”

  I cringed at myself. What was I? Her mother?

  “Sure,” she followed. “See you at school.”

  “Yeah, Parker,” I said casually, “See ya.”

  I jogged away from them, clicking the Audi’s doors to unlock, then stopped mid-stride. I’d just called her Parker. Oh shit!

  Hoping she’d followed, I turned and spotted the two totally lip-locked with Nicholas’ hands all over her. I wanted to vomit.

  Tearing out of my parking spot, I floored the gas and headed home. This dream had totally become a nightmare.


  Walking onto campus of SVH, I almost headed straight to P.E. until I remembered this was supposed to be my first day. Rolling my eyes, I blew out a breath. High school sucked rocks, but repeating stuff I’d done already, sucked even more. Why didn’t my phantom lifeline start up after graduation?

  I shook my head, trying to ignore the memories assaulting my brain. Nothing had worked to wipe away the nagging déjà vu. Not surfing. Not heavy metal. Not even talking dirty to Jess. I was in hell. Never in L.A. did I have trouble getting the girl I wanted. Never. Until Julia. What was so great about Nicholas anyway?

  If only I could feed him blood or give him amnesia again. I chuckled and took the stairs toward the office by twos.

  “Hey, Jake,” I said, nodding to our quarterback.

  He turned toward me, puzzled. “Do I know you?”

  I internally slapped myself. Playing dumb was going to be harder than I thought. “I’m the new guy, Phil. Remember?”

  Jake’s eyes narrowed. “Right,” he said, still not buying it.

  “Saw your scores in the paper.”

  “Oh. You did? Cool.” He nodded, but kept walking.

  I shrugged and headed in the opposite direction. Jake was a tool anyway and he’d forget all about this by second period.

  I stopped at the doors, momentarily peering through the window. Mrs. Hinney was busy with two other students before me, one being a hot girl who I’d have to ask for help finding my classes.

  “Interesting. It isn’t every day we get two new transfers,” Mrs. Hinney said as I opened the door.

  Hot Girl turned around at the same time as Nicholas.


  “We meet again,” I said with my usual surly smile.

  Julia kept a straight face while Nicholas’ jaw clenched.

  “Oh, good,” Mrs. Hinney interrupted. “Ya’all know each other.” She enunciated her drawl as she handed Nicholas and I our schedules. “I’m assuming you’re Phillip D’Ella”

  “The one and only.”

  Mrs. Hinney blushed. “Well, looks like you’ll be in the same classes with Nicholas Kendrick, here, which’ll make it easier for Julia to show ya’all around. You will, won’t ya, sweetie?”

  “Yeah, of course,” Julia said while scanning Nicholas’ schedule.

  I didn’t need to look at mine. I knew it by heart: P.E., U.S. History, Physics, English, Pre-calculus, and Spanish II. Back in our other timeline, Julia shared two classes with me: P.E., and History with Mr. Marshall. Scratch that. I traced my finger over the paper and read a new teacher’s name.

  “Who’s Mr. Cruor?” Julia asked before I accidentally did.

  Mrs. Hinney screwed up her face. “You didn’t hear?” She shook her head and tsked. “Mr. Marshall had a heart attack yesterday and is in the hospital. Mr. Cruor will be filling in until he’s better.”

  Julia exhaled sharply. “That’s awful.”

  Another time, another place, the excuses would have been different if the vampires were involved. Now it looked like Mother Nature filled the open position.

  “Yes, it’s quite shocking.” Mrs. Hinney rested her fist over her heart. “I would have never guessed him to be of poor health with how much he enjoyed running. One can never be sure.”

  “True,” Julia said quickly.

  She clasped Nicholas’ free hand and I tried not to notice. The awkward pause lingered until another student tried the handle behind us. I moved to catch the door, holding it while smiling at the petite blonde who gaped up at me. I waggled my eyebrows.

  Yeah, I know you want me.

  Julia stepped out into the hall first as if trying to ignore the exchange, but I knew that look. Jealousy. Ah-ha! I still had a chance.

  Nicholas didn’t follow right away. He reached up and held the door while the pretty freshman’s eyes bounced between us like a tennis match. Yeah, I know sweetheart. Two heart throbs are always better than one, but I’m the one you want. I winked at her, making her blush before joining Julia in the hall.

  “Thanks, Nick,” I said. Always the gentleman.

  The desire to take Julia into my arms and plant one on her overtook me. My heated stare made her look away.

  Nicholas joined Julia’s side, clasping onto her hand.

  “Ready?” he asked her, southern drawl and all.

  I blew out a breath and sauntered past them. The PDA was getting old. The stragglers in the hall, though, forced the three of us to walk side-by-side. From the clock hanging on the hall, I read we only had twenty minutes left of P.E. A fast-forward b
utton on all this crap in alter world would have been nice.

  Thanks, alter universe!

  “I never would have guessed…” I’d have to repeat my junior year. Then I suddenly realized that if I let Julia show me around, everyone would associate Nick and I as friends, which we were most definitely not.

  “Guessed what?” Julia asked.

  “Nothing.” I pressed her with my convincing smile before I turned down an opposing hall to the gym. It was the long way, but I’d rather sneak in the back and avoid them at all costs. I gave a quick look over my shoulder. “I know where to go.”

  “But that’s not…” she started.

  Nicholas pulled Julia to a stop.

  “See you around, Parker,” I finished flippantly.

  “Wait,” she called out.

  My steps slowed a beat, but just for the effect. I didn’t turn around right away. She’d have to earn it.

  “How do you know my last name?” she asked softly.

  Bingo! I pivoted and held her with my stare. She was all mine now. She couldn’t deny our history; our near brushes with death, or the building chemistry from not giving in to our wants. “Because we’ve met before. Remember?”

  She bit her lip, sending me into overdrive. Man, I wanted to do things to those lips that would take up the rest of P.E. and second period. But her expression melted me in a different way. Longing beamed out. We’d been friends; great friends.

  That’s right, Julia.

  She was remembering. I’d been the one, the one that was there for her when Nick wasn’t. Throw me a freakin’ bone, girl.

  And that had to be it. Nicholas hadn’t remembered, like always. Amnesia boy. That made me smile. One point Phil. Zero Nick.

  I tipped my chin upward. Come on, Julia. Remember, please.

  Nicholas’ flexed arm held her hand in place and her familiar smile vanished.

  “Have we?” she asked, dipping her head.

  What? No flippin’ way! Anger coursed through me. Either Nicholas did know, but wouldn’t let her tell me, or he didn’t and her loyalty to him was winning out. I couldn’t believe it.


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