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Corps Security in Hope Town: Somethin' Bad (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 2

by Cat Mason

  “Oh, my God,” I breathe as memories come rushing back in vivid flashes. “Did I—.”

  “Sexually harass a police officer before throwing up on him?” Briggs asks, arching a brow. Her lips twitch as she nods slowly. “Why, yes, Sienna. You absolutely did.”

  “Simple misunderstanding!” Kelsie yells from the closet. “Though, just to clarify, we said to throw yourself at a man, not throw up on one.”

  “Shit.” Releasing my legs, I bury my face in my hands, hoping to hide the embarrassment I feel spreading across my face. “I was hoping I dreamed all that.”

  “No such luck.” Briggs pats my arm. “I mean, if it makes you feel better, I think there were only half a dozen witnesses. Could’ve been a lot worse.”

  “Who the hell thought it was a good idea to let me socialize with real people?” I ask, replaying pieces from last night over in my head.

  “We’re real people too, asshole,” Briggs mutters, kneeing me in the ass. “We’re just used to you being a public menace.”

  “Public menace?” I snort, absolutely mortified. “I’m lucky I wasn’t arrested for assaulting a police officer.”

  “Nah, they were great sports about the whole thing,” Briggs says, attempting to comfort me. “Even drove us back here instead of us having to get a room.”

  “I remember,” I groan, feeling my face heat against my palms. “Oh God. I need to apologize or something. At the very least, I need to let him know I’m not some insane drunk who runs around town fondling random men.”

  “Why?” Briggs asks. Sliding my hands down, I open my eyes and glare at her for asking such a stupid question. She shrugs. “You said hello to his partner in crime. So fucking what!” Flopping back on the mattress, she laughs her ass off at her own joke. “You don’t apologize for shit like that. You offer to use your mouth.”

  “Hell yes!” Kelsie whoops. “He was hot.”

  “I’m not offering a cop a blowjob,” I argue, closing my eyes as my head begins to throb in time with the beat of my heart. “I may have escaped the assault charge; I’m not pushing it by adding prostitution.”

  “Prostitution implies he would be paying,” Briggs argues right back. “He wouldn’t. Besides, he was out of his jurisdiction anyway.”

  Kelsie laughs along with Briggs, both of them enjoying the hell out of this. I’m sure as shit glad someone is. “I thought his eyes were going to fly out of his head when you grabbed his dick!” Kelsie giggles. My eyes open just as she steps out of the closet, holding up a blue and silver sundress and a pair of white wedges. “You’re my hero, babe. Now, put this on and let’s go.”

  “Yes,” Briggs agrees. “And the next time I demand you let loose and do somethin’ bad,” she adds with a wink. “We hire a camera crew.”

  Looking between them both, I roll my eyes as I push from the bed. “I need new friends.”

  Briggs and Kelsie’s laughter echoes into the bathroom while I shower and get ready for the day. After three cups of coffee and enough concealer to paint the walls of my bedroom, I manage to make myself look like something that won’t send the customers of the bakery I own running the opposite way the moment they walk in the door and see me behind the counter.

  After all, no one wants to buy cupcakes and brownies from a woman who looks like she slept in the back alley.

  Because of my overly-inebriated state last night, and the man the girls are now referring to as Hunk P.D. bringing us back to my house in the back of his squad car, my car is still parked in town, while Briggs’s is still parked at the club. If I thought that nothing could add to the greatness that is the morning after a terrible Sienna-style blunder, I was wrong. Being unable to drive myself or justify a five-mile walk in heels, I am stuck in Kelsie’s car, listening to her and Briggs go over and over the details of what happened last night, as if they were giving a play by play recap of a football game. I’d be lying if I said the idea of throwing open the door to tuck and roll at fifty miles an hour didn’t cross my mind more than once.

  Damn backdoor safety locks.

  After a quick breakfast, where I manage to choke down some toast and orange juice, I hurry across the street to my shop, Sweets by Sienna. The moment the sign Briggs hand-painted for me in her workshop comes into view, the first genuine smile of my day begins to spread across my face. The beautiful white storefront is set off by a bright pink door and is framed with matching trim. Bright colored tulips fill the flower boxes below each of the large oval shaped windows, giving the building warmth and character. I am proud of every nail, every swipe of paint, and all the back-breaking work that I have poured into this place. Saying that I love what I do doesn’t quite do it justice. I live and breathe my career. Baking is as much a part of me as my green eyes or my love of thunderstorms.

  Walking through the door, I wince slightly when the bell above me dings loudly. “Welcome to Swee—” Stopping mid-sentence, Tessa slides the tray of banana crème cupcakes I made yesterday into the display case. “Oh, it’s just you.”

  “Good morning to you too, Tess,” I deadpan, rolling my eyes. “Been busy this morning?” Crossing the room, I round the counter to trade my bag for my apron and wash my hands.

  “You bet your ass,” she answers with a grin. “Those peach turnovers you made were gone before nine, and we’re all out of those croissants with the butterscotch glaze, too.”

  “Really?” I ask, pretty damn excited. The idea of blending flavors and putting my own spin on things that you won’t necessarily find at a drive-thru or at one of those big coffee shops, has always been something I strive for. I spend hours on Pinterest, and flipping through old cookbooks for inspiration. Knowing that something I created, with local ingredients and my own two hands, is being enjoyed like this is the ultimate high.

  “You should’ve seen it,” she tells me, swatting me on the hip with her hand towel. Yelping, I whip around to meet her eyes, a satisfied smirk spreading across her face. “Thought the Chief was going to dive through the glass to lick the crumbs off the tray when he was in here earlier picking up their daily donut order.”

  My body stiffens at her mention of the police. “Oh wow,” I murmur, swallowing hard. “I’m sorry I missed them.”

  “You and me both,” she replies, giving me a snippy look. “You know I don’t like handling the five-oh. They make me nervous. Especially my nephew.”

  “Time to cut back on those special brownies of yours,” I fire back. “They’re making you paranoid.”

  “Maybe.” Pausing, she eyes me skeptically. “Doesn’t mean I can’t tell there’s something off about you this morning.”

  “I’m fine,” I sputter immediately, shaking my head. Turning my back to her, I busy myself by stacking the empty trays to take back to the dishwasher. “Totally fine. Completely—”

  “Fine?” she laughs, clearly seeing through me as usual. Stepping up beside me, she sniffs the air. “Funny, I never expected bullshit to smell like peaches and buttercream.”

  “How about you worry less about me and more about getting the new menu items written on the specialty board in the window,” I laugh, nudging her with my elbow. “Then, I can focus on pretending I don’t want to fire your nosy ass.”

  “Don’t you worry, smartass,” she teases, making her way around the counter and toward the front of the store. “As soon as Beastly Temptations Studios gets back to me about being a male talent stager, you can kiss this ass goodbye,” she adds, slapping her hip.

  “Male talent what?”

  “Male talent stager,” she repeats without hesitation. “I put in an application to be a cock fluffer. They’re very interested in my abilities and want me to come audition.”

  “You can’t be serious.” Lifting the stack of metal trays into my arms, I turn for the door that leads to the kitchen.

  “I can and I am.” Holding up her hand, she waggles her brows as she begins displaying some of her moves. Vigorously. “I’ve been practicing my technique.”

g movement outside the window, my eyes widen in horror when I see the same vivid blue eyes, from last night, locked on Tessa as she fist fucks the air like she is prepping the Invisible Man for a nooner.

  I can now confirm, without a shred of doubt, that it’s impossible to die from embarrassment.

  You simply wish you had…

  Chapter 3


  There have been few times, in my life, where I have been surprised. Even less when I have been stunned silent. In the last twelve hours that has happened twice. Both times have involved the woman currently staring at me through the window.

  My mind has been on Sienna ever since leaving her house hours ago. Having her nearly collapse into my arms kicked my protective instincts into high gear. I hadn’t expected that.

  With her friend, Briggs, helping, we got her into the bathroom and cleaned her up as best we could, before helping her out to my cruiser. Against my better judgment, and after a lot of begging from the three women, Beckett and I decided not to call an ambulance, or local law enforcement, and drove them back to Sienna’s house in Hope Town. Being out of our jurisdiction, and needing to get back to where we were needed, we made a judgment call. Though we don’t usually work together, I was surprised how quickly we both came to the same conclusion. I know if Liam wasn’t filling in for my partner tonight, I would have been met with resistance when I suggested we handle this ourselves.

  Now, seeing those emerald eyes shining bright, without the haze of alcohol blurring them, I am instantly sucked right back in. Fuck.

  Opening the door, I step inside the bakery, the scent of sugar making my stomach growl the second it hits my nose. “Welcome to Sweets b—” the old woman begins, only to stop the moment she faces me. The hand, that only moments ago had been thrashing around, freezes in mid-air. “Er. Uh. Um, hello, Officer.” She swallows hard and begins shifting from one rainbow-colored sneaker to the other. “Sienna will take good care of you.” Turning on her heel, she snatches a stack of metal trays from Sienna’s hands and hauls ass into what I assume is the kitchen.

  “Hi,” I say, giving her a smile.

  “Hi.” Her reply comes out on an unsteady rush of air.

  “Did I come at a bad time?” I ask, stepping toward the counter.

  “Of course not. Tessa just finished her hourly floor show.” Straightening, Sienna clears her throat and returns my smile. “What can I get you, Officer Hudson?”

  “It’s Matt,” I correct her. Instead of looking at the items in the display case, I can’t take my eyes from her. This woman is gorgeous. Her auburn hair is curly today, pulled back, and flowing freely down her back, giving me an unobstructed view of her face. My gaze moves down her body to the sundress that hugs every curve of her body. Damn dress was designed to drive men out of their minds. “What do you recommend?”

  “Everything,” she replies confidently. “I can promise you, not one thing in this case will leave you feeling unsatisfied.” Tilting her head slightly, she shrugs a shoulder. “I’d suggest a sampler. That way, you’d get one of everything.”

  “Uh, sure,” I reply, not thinking about food anymore. “Sounds good to me.”

  Grabbing a pink and white cardboard box, she pops up the ends and places it on the counter before inserting what looks like a cardboard tic-tac-toe board, separating the box into nine different compartments. Opening the door to the case, she grabs a pair of large tongs and beings working to fill my box. Each time she reaches inside, the v-cut of her dress shifts away from her body, giving me a perfect shot of cleavage.

  “I didn’t know you owned this place,” I blurt after a few moments, hoping to fill the uncomfortable silence. “Chief buys your donuts for the station, right?”

  “Every morning,” she replies with a nod. “His wife blames me for having to order him new uniform pants.”

  Once the box is full, Sienna closes the lid. Taking pink and silver ribbon, she wraps them around the box in a crisscross motion, before tying the ends into a bow on top. I can’t help watching her hands as she works. Thankfully, she is focused on the task and not on the creepy way I am staring at the fingers I can still feel gripping my cock, if I close my eyes.

  “Okay.” Keeping her eyes on the finished product, she exhales heavily. “I don’t know about you, but I can’t stand here and pretend nothing happened. Can we please deal with the elephant in the room so, maybe, it will go away?”

  “Elephants are more of an Animal Control issue,” I reply, studying her. “Plus, I’m off-duty.”

  “Are you serious?” she asks, incredulously.

  “Absolutely,” I assure her, my lips tugging up into a smile. “I was off the clock twenty minutes ago.”

  Sienna looks to the ceiling, her lips moving slowly as she counts to ten. When her eyes drop to meet mine, they are filled with frustration. “I’m trying to apologize for making a complete ass of myself by openly groping you and you’re choosing this same exact second to work on your stand-up routine?”

  “Right,” I sigh, yanking a hand through my hair. “The joke was probably a bad idea. I was hoping it would help ease the tension.”

  “Matt,” she begins, and damn, I like the sound of my name coming from her lips. A lot. “Though I can appreciate you trying to make this easier on me, don’t. I honestly think this situation warrants an explanation.”

  “Alright. Not that I need one, but I’ll bite.” Crossing my arms over my chest, I take a step closer to the counter, and give her my undivided attention. “Give it to me.”

  Sienna swallows hard, a flush filling her cheeks. “Um. Right. Okay.”

  “Know what I think?” Tessa asks, peeking her head out of the kitchen. Looking my way, she flashes me a smile.

  “No,” Sienna groans. Her head snaps in Tessa’s direction, eyes narrowing in annoyance. “I can handle this one all on my own. Thanks.”

  “Suit yourself,” Tessa fires back, disappearing from view.

  “Your grandmother?” I ask, jerking my chin in the direction of the doorway.

  “Like I’m old enough to be a grandmother,” Tessa snorts, clearly still eavesdropping on our conversation. “Good thing you’re cute, sweetheart. You’re about as smooth as five o’clock shadow.”

  “No.” Pressing her hands to the counter, on either side of the box, Sienna laughs. The sound, and the way her eyes warm, is so incredibly sexy it takes all I have in me not to fucking beg her to do it again. “Tessa is my self-proclaimed fairy godmother. Which, I guess, could be true,” she admits with a thoughtful shrug. “If fairy godmothers cuss like sailors and drink like fish.”

  “Bitchity boozity bite me, bitch!” Tessa calls out just as the door chimes behind me.

  Two women walk into the shop, heading straight for the opposite end of the display case. “Hello, ladies,” Sienna says, greeting them. “I’ll be with you in a minute.” Turning to me, she pushes the box my way. “No charge. Have a nice afternoon, Officer Hudson. Be sure you give my best to the Chief.”

  Everything about the formal way she says my name, to the fact that she has given the box of cakes and pastries to me for free to get rid of me, doesn’t sit well at all. I feel fucking shorted and I sure as shit don’t like it. “Sienna?” I ask, unable to let her get away that easy.

  Her body tenses. Stopping mid-step, she blows out a breath before turning to face me. “Did you need something else?” she asks, sounding sincere, though her eyes silently plead for me to go.

  Not a chance in hell.

  “You still owe me that explanation,” I say, flashing her a smile. “How’s tomorrow night?”

  “Actually, I can’t,” she begins. “I have to—”

  “Hell no, she isn’t busy!” Tessa screams, strutting out of the kitchen, waving a dishtowel like a victory flag. Bumping Sienna in the hip as she passes her, she winks at me. “She closes up here at four. Seven good for you, hot stuff?”

  Sienna’s jaw drops, shock and awe written all over her face. Picking up my box, I flash a s
atisfied smile to the stunned silent beauty, happy as hell to return the favor. “Tomorrow.” Winking at her, my smile only grows when I see the blush begin filling her cheeks.

  Chapter 4


  “It’s six thirty.”

  Looking down at Briggs’s smug, smiling face, filling the screen on my phone, I roll my eyes. “Remind me why I called you bitches again?” I ask, straightening the front of my green strapless maxi dress before I begin pacing in front of my bed again. “I should kill Tessa.”

  “Don’t do that,” Kelsie chimes in, shoving her way into the screen. “You’d never pull off an orange jumpsuit, honey. It’ll clash with your skin tone.”

  Since murder, even justifiable homicide, is a crime infinitely worse than assaulting a police officer’s crotch, and heaving a gallon of booze all over his boots, the old broad is safe. For now. Besides, Kelsie is right; orange isn’t my color. Looking myself over in the mirror for the tenth time in the last half hour, I inwardly kick myself for even caring at all. “This is stupid. I don’t need a date for an apology. I need a Hallmark card and a basket of peanut butter and banana muffins.”

  “Did you know Tessa made a Hunk P.D. hashtag?” Briggs laughs, taking command of the conversation. “God, I love that woman.”

  “Jesus,” I mutter, rolling my eyes at the two of them while they giggle “She’s probably stashed cameras in my house so she can watch the live feed.”

  It turns out, while I was dealing with Officer Matt Hudson and the other customers coming into the bakery, Tessa was busy spreading the gossip on social media. With pictures. It didn’t take long before Kelsie and Briggs were busting through the door, demanding the three of them sit down and compare notes on Mr. Hunk P.D. himself.

  “Hmmm,” Kelsie sighs. “I wonder if you’ll be Satt or Mienna.”

  “Mienna,” Briggs replies immediately. “It sounds more exotic.”

  “I’m hanging up,” I warn right as the doorbell rings. “Oh shit,” I whisper, pressing my back to the wall. “He’s early.”


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