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I Am Moore (All That & Moore Book 1)

Page 7

by Celeste Granger

  “The other night,” Emery began, “that’s wasn’t like me. That wasn’t me.”

  “Which part?” Evan asked.

  Emery’s nose wrinkled, and her brows furrowed slightly.

  “Was it like you to dance like nobody was watching?” Evan asked.

  She thought about the question before answering. Emery had a feeling where Evan was going with this, but she was willing to see it play out.


  “Okay,” Evan continued. “Was it like you to have a good time and enjoy yourself?”

  “Yes,” Emery cautiously answered.

  “Good,” Evan replied, slowly nodding his head. “Was it like you to lose your inhibition and spend the night with me?”

  Blinking slowly, Emery paused.

  “I see,” Evan replied. “That’s the part you regret.”

  “Yes,” Emery replied softly.

  “Did I hurt you?” Evan asked. There seemed to be genuine concern in his voice as he gently gripped Emery’s hand.

  “No, no, it wasn’t like that,” she answered.

  “Do you think I took advantage of you?”

  The question was weighted and they both recognized it.

  “No, Evan,” Emery replied. “It wasn’t that at all.”

  “Did you not enjoy yourself,” Evan asked, with a hint of tease in his voice.

  “I did,” Emery answered faster than she expected.

  Again, Evan slowly nodded his head as though affirming what he hoped would be her response.

  “Let me say this,” Evan began. “Because I feel a ‘but’ coming.”

  He was right, and Emery smiled slightly and embarrassedly.

  “Despite what you may have heard or what you think, Emery Moore, I’m not that easy.”

  “What are you saying, Evan? That you didn’t think less of me because we slept together the first night? I’m sure that’s what you’re used to; women being weak for you and giving into you.”

  Evan leaned even further across the table. He wanted to make sure Emery didn’t miss a word of what he had to say.

  “First, I am not attracted to weak women. Secondly, it’s not what I’m used to because I don’t make a habit of it. Just like you, I don’t give of myself as freely as you think I do.”

  Emery was truly surprised. Without conscious resistance, her defenses lowered.

  “Let me be clear, just in case you missed it. I know you are not a weak woman. If you were, we wouldn’t be sitting here. I also know that the other night was an exception. But think about it Emery, it was more than physical, and I think you know that.”

  Emery struggled to verbally agree, even though what Evan said was true. She reached with her free hand and covered his, acknowledging what he said. Evan accepted it. Her actions spoke loudly enough that no further words were required. The tension between the two eased and they enjoyed a delicious five-course meal of Peruvian ceviche, asparagus pancetta puff pastry, rack of lamb with cognac cream sauce, pan-seared scallops, and for dessert, passion fruit and raspberry tarts.

  Halfway through the meal, Evan paused as a smile creased his lips and he smirked.

  “What,” Emery asked.

  “I like a woman who’s not afraid to eat in front of a man.”

  Of course, Emery felt self-conscious as she swallowed the food in her mouth and exaggeratingly dabbed lightly at the corners with her linen napkin.

  Evan laughed, and Emery joined in with him. If there had been a tinge of tension after their earlier exchange, it was certainly gone by the time dessert was presented.

  “It looks yummy, but I don’t think I can eat another bite,” Emery sighed as the waiter sat dessert in front of her.

  “This is the best part of the meal,” Evan replied. “You have to taste it at least,” he encouraged. “Just one bite.”

  Before Emery could protest, Evan lifted his dessert spoon, scooped some of the flavorful tart onto it, and offered the taste to Emery.

  Emery protested with her eyes and a sexy pout of her lips. Evan moved the spoon closer to her lips, and then folded them as his eyes simmered across from her. Emery’s simmered in return as she opened her mouth just wide enough to take in the tasty morsel. Teasingly, Emery dragged her lips across the spoon and then moaned as the coolness of the tart touched her tongue.

  “Mmhmm,” Evan uttered, enjoying her playfulness.

  “What,” Emery asked feigning innocence.

  Dinner ended on a high note. As Evan escorted Emery out of the restaurant and down the elevator, they were still laughing and having a good time. He wasn’t ready for it to end.

  “Would you take a walk with me?”

  “Sure,” Emery replied.

  Again, Evan extended his arm and Emery folded hers around his. The night air was warm yet refreshing. Evan made sure he was positioned closest to the street as they slowly meandered down the boulevard. Although it was getting late, downtown Atlanta still bustled with activity. It was nice to walk, taking in the sites, and sounds of the street, with no pretension. Conversation with Evan was easy. That made it hard for Emery to hear the voice of doubt in her ears. It was refreshing, and for as long as it was nice, there was no pressure to listen to her own inner voice.

  “I can’t imagine that some incredible woman has not captivated your heart and ended your bachelor days, Evan.”

  “I can say that same about you; subbing an incredible guy for the incredible woman,” Evan chuckled.

  “You first,” Emery encouraged, repositioned her arm and holding Evan tighter as they crossed the street.

  “Nope,” he scoffed. “I’ve been doing all the talking. It’s your turn.”

  “That is not a fair assessment,” Emery replied. “I object.”

  “Overruled,” Evan objected.

  Emery playfully hit at Evan’s chest and he caught her hand, pulling it to his chest. They stopped walking.

  “I want to know everything about you Emery Moore. Not just the legal eagle, but the real you.”

  “But why though Evan? Why me? You have so many-”

  The rest of what Emery had to say was lost when Evan leaned in, erasing the distance between them, and covered her lips with his. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Evan lavished Emery with heated kisses, and she felt her knees soften as he held her firmly. It was as if time stood still as his tongue explored her wanton mouth. A soft moan purred through Emery and the intensity of Evan’s kiss magnified as her tongue probed his mouth feverishly. Nothing else mattered but the connection the two shared; the time, the space…

  As Evan and Emery’s lips separated, the two lingered in the moment; feeling each other’s essence, their lips but a kiss apart.

  “If that didn’t answer your question,” Evan began. “There’s more where that came from.”

  “I just bet there is,” Emery smoldered. She had to admit, Evan did answer her question in more ways than one. When Evan pulled her in closer than they were before and held her, Emery’s head rested on his chest and she was comforted. Despite her doubts and all the things she’d heard, thought and said about Evan and his playboy ways, being held by him felt safe, and comfortable and right. It was a frightening thought; however, Emery refused to give into the fear. What was most surprising to Emery was even when they were quiet, no one speaking, the silence never felt awkward or strained. There was no insatiable desire to say anything fill up the blankness.

  Evan loved how Emery felt in his arms. He could feel the steady beating of her heart. She didn’t seem anxious and that was good. It had been a long time since Evan felt the kind of deep stirrings in his spirit Emery caused. He didn’t bore with her; nor did he get the feeling she just wanted to be seen with him. Yeah, that happened. Because of his popularity, there were women who desired to be on his arm, not because they cared about him so much as they wanted to be seen. It wasn’t like that with Emery. She was popular in her own right. The paparazzi loved to photograph her as much as they did him, but for different reasons. She
wasn’t a woman about town, flitting from one man to the other, being seen in all the hot spots. When the media took pictures of Emery Moore, it was because she was Attorney Emery Moore, kicking ass and taking names in the courtroom. She kept her private life separate. Evan liked that. He liked Emery.

  “Don’t think just because you kissed me to shut me up that I forgot the question,” Evan said, still holding her tightly.

  “You kissed me first,” Emery fussed.

  “Technicalities,” Evan jested. When his face turned serious, Emery felt like his eyes bore into her soul. He wanted to know.

  “I can’t think straight with you holding me so close,” Emery admitted. She made it sound like a joke, but it was true. Emery couldn’t focus, make sure she didn’t admit too much or say too little while being held so securely in Evan’s arms. Acquiescing, Evan released the hold he had on her but reached down and took her hand as they continued to stroll down the boulevard. It took Emery a moment to gather her thoughts. Evan was patient. He didn’t push. Emery appreciated that.

  “I could totally cop out and say I just haven’t found the right man, or, he hasn’t found me,” Emery began; tentative, but she continued.

  “I’m not sure why I feel like it’s easy to be honest with you Evan, especially about my feelings, but, the truth is, I don’t trust easy.”

  “Did someone give you a reason not to,” Evan asked.

  “Unfortunately, more than one someone.”

  Evan noticed the far-off look in Emery’s eyes. Even though she wasn’t facing him, he could see the hurt. As they continued to walk, Evan asked a question.

  “What would it take to earn your trust, Emery?”

  Emery turned toward Evan. She looked into his eyes to see if there was sincerity there or mere curiosity. Evan didn’t drop his gaze or even offer a sexy smile. His eyes read sincerity. That was unnerving. Emery could have easily brushed off the question if he was teasing or just messing around; trying to learn as much as he could about her to possibly use against her. But that’s not what she got from him. She expected so much less than what Evan was giving.

  “That’s a hard question to answer,” Emery suggested.

  “Try,” Evan encouraged.

  Again, Emery’s eyes drifted away from him. She felt the coolness of the breeze blowing through her coiffed tresses and took a deep breath, allowing the freshness of the air to fill her lungs.

  “Consistency, genuineness, selflessness, a listening ear, not just hearing but listening,” Emery finally replied.

  Evan was thoughtful before he replied.

  “And how would you know when someone entered your life who possessed those qualities?”

  Emery stopped her forward movement and again appraised Evan with her eyes. “These are some damn good questions,” she offered.

  “He smiled. “Not an interrogation, though,” Evan commented. “I just want to know what it will take for you to give me a chance to be that one.”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want, Evan?”

  “Without a doubt,” he smoldered.

  “I guess my heart would just know,” Emery offered.

  Evan turned to her as that stood under the midnight sky. He slowly lifted his free hand and placed it lightly on her chest. “And what does your heart say, Emery?”

  Had Emery been standing outside of herself, looking at the situation, listening to the voices that drummed in her head on repeat, she would have more than likely said something flip to deflect the intensity of the moment. She would have opted not to answer directly and let Evan speculate as to what she meant. But she wasn’t standing idly by as a passive observer. Emery was there, in the moment, standing in front of a man who made her heart skip a beat and her soul smile.

  “My heart says yes, Evan. My heart says yes.”

  Chapter Eight

  Four months later

  She could hear them downstairs in the kitchen. They were chatting away about everything and nothing. Emery sat quietly in the attic of her great-grandmother, Mary Elizabeth’s home. Emery smiled as she listened to the women laughing just below her. Being with family was always a good time. And although Emery was not sad, there she sat, alone, in her grandmother’s crowded attic, thinking about her relationship with Evan and the night she decided to give Evan a chance. That night was magical. She’d told him about the qualities that were important to her; qualities she hoped he possessed and didn’t just take on to entice her. He didn’t. Evan was everything she’d ever dreamed about and desired in a man. It was like a whirlwind and thinking back on that night, Emery was flooded with emotion.

  She and Evan walked and talked long into the evening. They laughed, they shared, and they connected in a way Emery only hoped for. When Evan drove her home, Emery was a bit nervous about how it would play out. Would he have expectations of physicality because they were intimate the first night? So, there was some nervousness there. Not necessarily because she thought Evan would pressure her, but there was a part of Emery that felt an uncomfortable expectancy; a rearing up of past encounters with men who ‘wanted to get to know her better.’

  But it wasn’t like that at all. Evan was the consummate gentleman the entire evening. Once they arrive at Emery’s home, her heart raced with thoughts of what’s going to happen now? Some things did happen, unexpected things. Turning the ignition off, Evan exited the vehicle and walked around to the passenger side of the door. He opened it, helped Emery get out and closed the door behind her. Extending his hand, Emery took it and he folded his hand around hers as he escorted her to the front door. The closer they got to the door, the more nervous Emery was. Sitting in the attic, she laughed at herself for just how bad she let her nerves get. She could have sworn Evan felt her shaking from the adrenaline that pulsed through her veins, but if he did, Evan never let on. When they reached the front door, Emery found it hard to hold Evan’s gaze. She blushed when he touched her chin, lifting her to face him full on. This was the moment, when he would let her know what he expected of her. There was heated tension between the two. Even in the shadowy light offered by the landing lights, Evan’s eyes mesmerized her. She could give into him without hesitation. It would be easy. The inner-battle raged, and Emery stood there waiting for his expectancy. Then, Evan leaned in and lovingly kissed her on the forehead. He gently cradled Emery’s face in his hands and kissed her lips fully.

  When Evan stepped away from her, Emery didn’t know what to do next.

  “I enjoyed our time together, Emery,” he finally said.

  “I did, too.”

  “I’ll watch you inside,” he went on.

  Emery hoped Evan couldn’t read the surprise on her face or notice that she fumbled to find her keys. When she did and opened the door, Ethan bid her good night with a soft kiss on the cheek. He watched until Emery went inside and closed the door. It was only then did Evan descend the stairs and return to his car. Emery watched out of the side window as Evan pulled off, and then she leaned on the inside of the locked door, smiling. He managed to sweep her off her feet that night. The smile remained as Emery prepared for and then got into bed. All the nerves and speculation about what he wanted from her was about nothing. He didn’t act the way she expected him to act; like others from her past acted. And when he called her, to wish her a final good night, the two ended up talking well into the wee hours of the morning.

  That night and the many nights that followed, Emery thought about Evan. He was refreshing and wonderful to her. The past six months had been filled with one adventure after the next; from hot-air balloon rides, to day trips to the beach, the casino for some blackjack, bed and breakfast; picnics in the park, dining at some of the most fabulous restaurants. And all that was wonderful. Emery sighed. But what she enjoyed most of all were the quiet times; the evenings on the couch watching a black and white movie and eating popcorn or laughing at some outdated comedy show; falling asleep in his lap as Evan stroked her hair. Late night phone calls where neither wanted to be the first t
o hang up. Those times when it was just the two of them, enjoying each other’s company, no matter what they did; those were Emery’s favorite. The smile on Emery’s face, as she looked around at all the things her great-grandmother collected over the years, was all because of Evan.

  Emery loved her grandmother’s attic. There were untold treasures there amidst all the other kept things. The attic was high enough for Emery to walk around in, particularly in the center. The areas that sloped on both sides held boxes, outdated furnishings, seasonal decorations, and keepsakes not displayed in the central portion of the home. Emery remembered some of the things she saw from years past when she was a little girl, and that brought another smile to her face.

  “I should have known I would find you here,” a voice came from behind her. Emery had been so preoccupied with one particular box she’d stumbled across that she didn’t hear her mother coming up the attic stairs. Emery resisted the urge to cut her mother off from whatever conversation she intended to pursue. She’d been in such a good space, Emery didn’t want that ruined by her mother. At the same time, Emery knew in coming to the house, she wouldn’t be able to avoid her mother forever. Crossing the room, Emery didn’t look back. Instead, she sat down amongst her grandmother’s things.

  Felicia gingerly mounted the final stair before crossing the room to where Emery sat underneath the attic window. She and Emery hadn’t really talked much since Samantha was introduced. That pained Felicia and she wanted desperately to regain her daughter’s trust. Felicia knew she had broken it. Felicia pulled over an old rocking chair, long since stored in the attic space, dusted off the seat and sat down next to Emery.

  “Digging through great grand’s treasures again?” Felicia asked. She didn’t want to broach their distance immediately. Taking the long way around seemed like the best idea.

  Emery was well aware of what her mother was doing. But what she had done by lying and keeping secrets breached the trust Emery had in her and threatened everything Emery ever thought about family and relationships and truth and living honorably. As angry as Emery was with her mother, she too missed their relationship, the daily phone calls just to check in. Emery missed her mom, the one she knew before Samantha. So, she would avoid the conversation as long as her mother would. It seemed easier that way.


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