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I Am Moore (All That & Moore Book 1)

Page 11

by Celeste Granger

  Just thinking about Emery and what she’d meant to him these past few months had Evan thinking, long-term. That was a first. And although he had not been the kind of man who wanted to settle down in the past, Evan wanted permanency and stability with the love of his life. He hoped Emery wanted that, too. He just needed to make sure she knew how much he loved her. There was a buzz on his office line just as Evan picked up his cell phone to send his girl a text.

  “What’s going on, Rachel,” Evan asked.

  Can’t wait to see you this evening.

  “Your three o’clock is here, Mr. Stanton,” Rachel advised.

  “And who was that with again?”

  “It was with me.”

  Evan’s phone buzzed in his hand with a reply, but his attention was drawn away from his phone once he heard her voice.

  “Isis, what are you doing here?”

  “I came to see you, handsome.”

  Isis Perez sauntered across the office. Evan hadn’t seen Isis in nearly a year, but from the looks of it, things had not changed. She was still, statuesque, standing 5’10 with a shape that stopped traffic. Evan knew; he’d stopped traffic more than once when they were together. Isis was the daughter of a real estate tycoon and because of that, she never had to work a day in her life. She was a trust fund baby and lived life in the fast lane. Evan ran into her at a social event and they hit it off almost immediately. They dated for a while, but Evan broke it off over a year ago. Isis loved the spotlight; the flashes of cameras and photos on the front page is what she lived for. Although Evan had never been camera shy, being seen wasn’t a priority; it was more like a casualty of what and who he was.

  But Evan was polite, and he stood to receive Isis as she sashayed over. She wasted no time draping her arms around Evan’s neck and pursing her lips as though expecting a kiss. Politely yet definitely, Evan stepped back, moving from under the drape.

  “Oh, it’s not like I’m a stranger, Evan. Don’t be like that,” Isis purred. Her toothy smile was wide, and her eyes simmered. Still remaining polite, Evan extended his hand directing Isis to one of the chairs in front of his desk. Isis acquiesced, to a certain extent, but instead of sitting in the chair, Isis opted for the corner of Evan’s desk; making sure to hike up her already short skirt, exposing her shapely legs. Evan didn’t protest. He moved to his office chair and sat down, making sure he was out of Isis’ physical reach.

  “What brings you here?” Evan asked again. Turning over the phone he still held in his hand, Evan read the returned text message from Emery.

  Can’t wait to see you either. The emoji of kissing lips made Evan chuckle.

  “Who is she,” Isis asked, leaning further onto Evan’s desk; the peekaboo of her blouse exposing the fullness of her breasts.

  “Isis, who that is isn’t your concern,” Evan corrected.

  “You don’t have to be testy, Evan,” Isis purred.

  “I have another meeting in fifteen minutes. If you’re not here for business, then it was good to see you and I will show you out.”

  Evan was decisive and prepared to stand from his chair.

  “I came for business, but there’s nothing wrong with missing an old friend, is it?”

  Isis feigned innocence; her dark-brown eyes glimmering against her caramel skin.

  “What can Stanton and Reese do for you today, Ms. Perez?”

  “Isis sat back on the desk and re-crossed her legs. “I need you to represent me in a lawsuit I’m filing against Perez and Associates.”

  “Perez and Associates,” Evan repeated. “That’s your father’s company.”

  “Exactly, and that’s why I came to you, Evan. I need the best possible representation and you’re it.”

  This time when Isis spoke, there was no flirtation or insinuation that she was there for something other than business.

  “Why are you filing a claim against your father’s company?”

  “Because, I am the rightful next in line for the CEO chair. Father is talking about retiring at the end of the year and instead of doing what was right, what was expected, father decided that his current vice president is better suited to replace him.”

  “Okay,” Eva replied. “So, what would be the grounds of the suit? Nepotism isn’t a legal ground.”

  “That’s why I came to you, Evan, because you would be honest with me and not just take my case for the attention or the money. I know nepotism is not something I can legally file suit based on, but discrimination is, gender-specific discrimination, I might add.”

  Evan sat back in his chair. Although Mr. Perez had always been respectful to him, this wasn’t about being nice. A sex discrimination lawsuit against a company like Perez and Associates was certainly high-profile on multiple fronts.

  “So, you would be alleging that because you’re a woman, you were denied advancement.”

  “That’s precisely what I’m alleging.”

  “You do understand Isis, that the most practical argument against your case would be the current vice president’s experience.”

  “I know. But that’s hardly the point,” Isis continued. “My father has always underestimated my business accoutrement. He doesn’t take me seriously thinking he can just buy me things to pacify me. But that’s not the case anymore. I know more about Perez and Associates than anyone who works for my father. I have an official title no; therefore, the basis of that argument can be effectively countered. No one, Evan has more of a vested interest in Perez and Associates continuing to thrive than I do.”

  Isis face was stern and intense. There was no evidence of a smile.

  “Are you concerned about your personal relationship with your family, your father specifically?”

  “I’ve thought about that,” Isis confirmed. A sleek smile eased across her lips as she continued. “In my father’s eyes, I will always be daddy’s little girl. When he finds out I have filed the suit, he’ll back down. I’ll get the CEO chair, and all will be right with the world once again.” Isis’ smile broadened as she continued. “My father is not a fan of the press, but what he hates more than any press, is bad press. He knows this would be front page scandal. He won’t allow that to happen.”

  Isis stood up as she finished her thought. “All I need you to do, Attorney Stanton, is draft the suit for me. I’ll take care of the rest.”

  Evan shrugged his shoulders. “If you’re serious, Isis.”

  “I’m dead serious, and I will pay top dollar to secure your immediate attention to the matter.”

  Evan stood as Isis moved toward the door. She turned short of exiting.

  “I will have the contract drawn up and sent over,” Evan replied, extending his hand for Isis to shake it.

  “Come now, Evan,” she said. “We are well past handshakes. Be a gentleman though, and walk me to my car?”

  “I can do that,” Evan agreed.

  Isis stepped aside to allow Evan to open the door for her. He ushered her down the hallway toward the front door.

  “I hope whoever she is, she makes you happy,” Isis said as she sexily strode toward the door.

  “She does,” Evan offered, opening the door for Isis to pass through.

  As he stepped out onto the sidewalk, several paparazzi flashed their cameras and called out to he and Isis.

  “Are you all a couple again?”

  “Isis, Isis, are you with Evan now?”

  “How about a kiss for the camera?”

  Evan was stunned by the onslaught. When he looked at Isis, she had an all-knowing grin on her face and before he could turn to head back inside, Isis threw her arms around his neck, holding him tightly in place, and lavished him with a kiss. The camera flashes obscured natural light as the media people captured the kiss from every angle. Evan pushed back; literally reaching up and peeling Isis’ hands from around his neck.

  “Aw, don’t look so surprised,” Isis rasped. “We’ve always looked great together.”

  Evan’s eyes tightened underneath his furrowed
brow. Evan was livid. All of it had been a set-up from the very beginning. What he wanted to do, what he wanted to say, he didn’t. there were too many people and too many cameras around. Instead of addressing Isis at all, Evan turned on his heels and retreated into the office building. The cameras continued to flash as Isis took the opportunity to pose solo. Evan was still fuming by the time he returned to his office.

  Isis posed for a few more pictures before climbing into her Range Rover and driving off. She waved at the cameramen as she pulled off. Isis was still giddy from her little stunt. That look on Evan’s face when the cameras started flashing was worth it. Isis never forgave Evan for dumping her. She wasn’t the kind to be dumped. If anything, she cut ties first, not the other way around. Isis hated having to explain to friends what happened to her and Evan. The media dubbed them a darling couple, a power couple. When he left her, everybody had questions, even the bastards with the cameras had the nerve to question her about the breakup. She truly cared for Evan, in her own way, and Isis was hurt when Evan severed ties. She was Isis Perez and not to be played with. Evan tried to play her, but payback was a motherfucka’. And, Isis felt good about how the whole thing played out.

  And you deserve every bit of it, Attorney Stanton…

  With a quick knock and a peek inside, Winston opened Evan’s office door. “What’s up, man,” Winston Reese, Evan’s business partner asked, hearing the door across from him slam hard.

  Evan didn’t immediately reply. He was too busy pacing and rolling off a string of expletives in his head he dare not say aloud.

  “I thought I saw Isis,” Winston paused, as Evan stopped pacing long enough to shoot him the look.

  “Oh, so that’s why you’re slamming doors and shit,” Winston surmised, leaning against the closed office door. Winston was a high-powered attorney, just like Evan. But there was no need to be pretentious when it came to him and Evan. The two went way back; before college, back to the neighborhood where Evan and Winston grew up. Not only were they business partners, but they were also fraternity brothers and best friends. Winston was the closest thing Evan had to a real brother. Winston was equally as successful and sought after as Evan. The only difference was, Winston had no problem taking it to the street when necessary.

  Winston watched as Evan frustratingly strode a short distance and then returned over the same space.

  “So, what did she do now,” Winston asked. For him, there was no speculation as to whether or not she did anything. If it was Isis, she did something. Winston just wanted to know what it was to gauge the kind of damage control that would be needed.

  “That…” Evan started again. “She set up a press pop up,” Evan replied exacerbated. Finally, he stopped pacing and sat on the edge of his desk.

  “And don’t say I told you so” Evan cautioned, pointing a warning finger in Winston’s direction.

  “But I did,” Winston goaded. He hated to admit Winston had been right about Isis all along. His best friend would never let him hear the end of it.

  Nothing Isis did surprised Winston, especially nothing vindictive. When Evan first started talking about digging Isis, Winston tried to warn him, but Evan didn’t listen.

  “Your point?” Evan scoffed.

  “Emery,” Winston replied. That was a problem and that’s what pissed Evan off. Evan could attempt to stave off the paparazzi by trying to get the pics. However, any interest he would show in squashing the pics would only make them more valuable and give the media even more reason to publish them quickly. So, that wasn’t really an option. Before, when Isis had been spiteful, the only real consequence was to him. He hadn’t been with anyone else seriously after her and the few women he casually dated, they expected as much because they kept up with Evan in the tabloids. They liked the drama. It served to bring more attention to their time in the limelight with Evan. But this was Emery; a woman he had genuine feelings for. He had worked so hard building up her trust, and now this. He could talk to Emery, try to warn her, tell her it was nothing and explain the situation, but that could also backfire; making him seem like he’s trying to cover his tracks. Yet, if he didn’t say anything, Emery may react poorly. It was a quandary and Evan wasn’t sure how to handle it.

  “I don’t know what to do,” Evan admitted to Winston.

  Winston seriously considered gloating again. It wasn’t often that Evan Stanton, Esquire admitted that he didn’t know something. However, Winston decided to take the high road, this time. He could see his boy was really struggling.

  “Well, there’s only one thing to do when you don’t know what to do,” Winston replied.

  “Yep,” Evan agreed. “Hoops,” the men said in unison.

  “Let’s hit the court, bro,” Winston encouraged. “A little one-on-one will get your wheels turning.”

  Before leaving the office with Winston, Evan made a call.

  Emery’s phone rang. Evan tried to figure out what to say while he waited. After the third ring, and no answer, the call went to voicemail. Admittedly, Evan was relieved.

  “Uh, hey babe. I know we talked about getting together this evening, but something has come up. Not sure how long it will take sweet, but I will be sure to call you later. Love you.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Emery was somewhat disappointed in not seeing Evan the night before. She always enjoyed her time with him. But, Emery underestimated one thing; just how exhausted she was. After she listened to Evan’s voice message, Emery left her office around seven that evening. She remembered Marcos driving her home, entering the house and taking a shower. There was a vague memory of crawling into bed and then nothing. Emery slept so hard, she didn’t even hear the phone ring when Evan called to wish her good night.

  But the extra rest she got must have been just what Emery needed because she was full of energy and excitement for the day. Malcolm met her at the entrance to their office building.

  “Good morning Ms. Moore,” Malcolm greeted her, extending his hand simultaneously. “Caramel Frappuccino with a double shot of espresso, iced,” he reported as the two entered the building.

  “Thank you,” Emery said as they moved through the building toward their office suite. Emery liked the idea of stand-up meetings, especially with Malcolm. In just a few minutes he could articulate her schedule, bring her attention to anything pressing and keep her on time for meetings and anything else Emery had going on. That way, by the time Emery was in her office, she knew exactly where her she needed to focus. This morning was no different. Their firm had a lot going on and these kinds of reminders were key to the firm’s success.

  “You’ve got a debriefing with Deneen on the Myrick’s matter at 10:30. The files for the Bingham case are sorted in reverse chronological order on your desk, and the attorneys for the Epstein’s want a teleconference this afternoon at 2:15,” Malcolm rattled off. “I think they want to push for mediation, so I pulled so case law for you to review to prep your counterargument.”

  Emery paused her quick steps down the hallway. Realizing she was no longer by his side, Malcolm turned to find Emery giving him the once over.

  “Did I forget something, Ms. Moore?” Malcolm couldn’t determine if the look on her face was positive or negative.

  “No, you didn’t forget a thing, Malcolm,” Emery replied. “I was just thinking, showing initiative, thinking like an attorney… I may have to consider promoting you sooner rather than later.”

  With a wink, Emery continued her forward movement. Now it was Malcolm who stood in place. He nodded and shook his head. When he reached Emery’s side, the broad smile that crept across his lips was replaced by a much subtler version. But inside, he was high fiving his damn self. Malcolm applied to Ms. Moore’s firm because he was impressed by her track record and work ethic. What he especially liked was how she poured into those who worked with her. She didn’t treat her employees like understudies; rather, Emery treated them like people. She seemed as vested in their improvement and advancement as she was in her o
wn. For Emery Moore to advance his promotion, that said a lot about the caliber of person she truly was.

  Reaching their suite, Malcolm walked ahead of Emery and picked up a bouquet of flowers from the corner of his desk.

  “These are for you.”

  “Aw,” Emery smiled. She knew exactly who those were from.

  Balancing the flowers in one hand, Malcolm opened the door to Emery’s office and allowed her to walk in.

  After Emery was comfortably behind her desk, Malcolm positioned the flowers and then exited. Leaning over, she smelled the aromatics of the two-dozen long stem yellow roses. So thoughtful, Emery thought as she blushed regarding Evan’s kindness. Sitting down her purse and briefcase, Emery pulled out her phone. Although he was probably busy, Emery thought shooting him a quick thank you text would brighten Evan’s morning, but her cell phone rang just as she swiped to send the message.

  “Oh hey, Kennedy,” Emery greeted as she sat down in her chair. “Isn’t this kind of early for you?” Kennedy’s hours were crazier than Emery’s with all the demands of the restaurants. Getting off at two or three o’clock in the morning and then turning around to have to prep for the afternoon rush, Kennedy tried to sleep in as many mornings as possible; sleeping in equating to 8:30 9:00 a.m.

  “Are you sitting down,” Kennedy asked, disregarding Emery’s question. She didn’t like how Kennedy sounded.

  “Mom and dad okay, Ken? What’s going on?” Emery’s heart beat rapidly. Kennedy was not her usual perky self, even if it was early in the morning. Something was definitely wrong, and Emery could sense it.

  “They’re fine,” Ken replied. Emery exhaled loudly enough for Kennedy to hear her on the other end of the line.

  “So, what’s the matter, Kennedy? Are you okay?” Emery was still pensive. She was relieved to know her parents okay but still, there was something off.

  “Are you sitting down?” Kennedy insisted again.

  “Yes, Ken, I’m sitting down. Now tell me, what’s the matter? You’re freaking me out!”


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