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Brothers - Dexter's Pack - Shawn (Book Two)

Page 4

by M. L. Briers



  Ava felt those dark forces tapping against her very soul looking for a way in. She pulled the energy into her own and pushed her Shields outwards encompassing the whole group as she wove a protection spell around them.

  She knew that it was working the moment that the white wolf became completely beast again. It was a risk, a calculation on her part, but one that she felt justified in making considering what was at stake.

  If Kal wanted these Wolves then he would have to come for them himself.

  ‘What the hell just happened?’ Dexter growled out.

  The sight of his brother in some kind of a weird shift between wolf and human had been something that he’d never seen before, and never wanted to see again.

  ‘I have no damn idea. All I can say is that it was magic, and that it was damn painful.’ Justice bit back.

  He’d felt that pain as if someone were trying to flay him alive to the depths of his very soul. Neither man nor beast had been able to control the shift and that was what worried him the most.

  “You all need to leave. You need to get away from me and stay away from me until I killed Kal or he kills me.” Eva said: showing absolutely no emotion as she concentrated on keeping the Shields in place.

  ‘Nice sentiment … But I’m guessing she doesn’t quite get the concept of a mate.’ Maverick offered into the link.

  ‘Can you feel her magic?’ Dexter asked. ‘It feels like it’s all around us and it doesn’t feel like any magic I’ve ever felt before.’

  ‘I have … It’s dark magic.’ Justice offered back.

  ‘So the witch performs dark magic?’ Maverick couldn’t help the fact that the question had sounded more like an accusation.

  ‘I guess when in Rome…’ Dexter growled.

  He didn’t much like the fact either that the newest mate to his pack practiced dark magic, but he could only hope that she had used it out of retaliation and need. Although the fact that she knew how to use it worried him slightly.

  Shawn’s beast was more than edgy. The vampire was down, the wolves had been attacked by magic, and his mate was calling on the dark side … What wasn’t there to be nervous about?

  ‘Now what?’ Shawn growled. ‘It’s not as if I can just sling her over my shoulder and take her home. That would just be putting the whole pack in danger.’

  ‘We need to find the Warlock and end him.’ Dexter’s beast growled with a certain sense of satisfaction at the thought of having the Warlock between his jaws and sinking his fangs in nice and deep.

  ‘And how do you propose that we do that?’ Justice growled.

  ‘You did see what the Warlock did to Justice, didn’t you?’ Maverick added.

  ‘I saw it.’ Shawn growled.

  “I’m guessing my volumes been turned down,” Eva said. “Or you guys would be gone by now.”

  “And who is going to tell her the happy news?” Connor asked as he stalked towards them and bounced clean off the shields that she had placed around the group: landing on his pride on the hard ground. “Somebody want to tell the witch that I’m on her side.”

  It was times like these that Justice wished wolves could laugh like hyenas.

  “Do you really have that strong a death wish?” Eva said, before she pushed out her magic to encompass the vampire.

  Connor felt that dark magic crawl over his skin. It was an unnerving feeling. He sprang back up to his feet and took a moment to dust himself down.

  “Funnily enough, no … Although, talking to my mate might offer you another viewpoint on that subject.” Connor replied.

  “Why aren’t they leaving?” Eva asked.

  “Does the ramifications of being a mate really need to be explained to you?” Connor said.

  “Does the ramifications of having your Wolf forced out of your body really need to be explained to them?” Eva offered back.

  “Probably.” Connor rolled his eyes towards the sky and brought them down on Justice when the wolf growled. “But stupidity aside, because that’s a different matter entirely … It has to do with a lack of common sense and you being a mate…”

  Now all five wolves growled at the man, and he gained the pleasure of notching up a point against them. It was always satisfying to have the advantage of wolves not being able to talk back – he couldn’t help but win the argument.

  “Oh good, a sarcastic vampire, that’s always so much better than a bloodsucking, fangs out, blood lusting common variety type leech.” Eva offered back.

  “I think so.” Connor offered her a smirk.

  ‘Shouldn’t we be going after the Warlock?’ Shawn growled. He was eager to be on the hunt for the man that threatened his mate.

  ‘Not without a plan.’ Dexter offered back, and Justice grunted in agreement.

  “Well, it’s a nice night to be outside, but I think we need to rethink this.” Connor offered to the witch.

  “There is nothing to think about. You people need to leave.”

  Shawn’s beast growled long and hard at the thought of walking away from his mate. The others could leave if they chose to, but he was staying.

  “Hear that?” Connor motioned towards the wolf. “Now, I don’t speak growl … but I’m guessing that was a no, and not a polite one either.”

  “My magic only goes so far. I cannot continue to protect you all indefinitely.” Eva said.

  She could feel the drain on her energy that using the dark magic mixed with her own was taking. It wasn’t just that that worried her, it was the fact that the more dark magic that she used, the more it would consume her.

  If she allowed it into her very soul – if it gained a foothold – then she would lose herself.

  Then she would be no better than Kal.

  “And then who would protect us from you in the dark magic took you over?” Connor asked as he reached into her mind for answers. He found that at times like these it was easier to take than to ask.

  “You have a knowledge of dark magic. Which makes you, old, well read, or you’ve been up to some nefarious deeds of your own.”

  “I’d have to say … All of the above … But the last one doesn’t make me a bad person.”

  “Nothing makes you a person – you’re a vampire.”

  “Again … That doesn’t make me a bad person.”

  “There would be some that would disagree with you.”

  “As long as you’re not one of them then we’ll get along just fine.” Connor offered back.

  It was hard for him to determine just by the look on her face where her feelings on that matter might lie, because there and then, all that she was showing was the strain of using her magic to protect them.

  “Just leave…”

  “I think your mate has a different take on that request.”

  The low rumble of a growl that came from Shawn’s wolf backed up the vampire’s words.

  “As I said … The wolf and I are in perfect agreement, and you will be coming to my castle.”

  The grunt that came from the Shawn’s wolf that time sounded anything but in agreement with Connor’s words, and the look on Eva’s face backed up her mate’s opinion.

  “I’d say run that by me again, but I really don’t have the energy, and when I say energy … I mean magic.” Eva admitted.

  ‘I’m guessing that settles the matter,’ Dexter said into the link.

  ‘You want me to take my mate to a vampire’s castle?’ Shawn growled.

  ‘Can you think of anywhere that she will be safer?’ Justice asked. ‘Connor’s castle has magic wards and Shields that have been provided for him by the witches from the packs and the Clan.’

  ‘Do they protect against dark magic?’

  ‘Only a witch can answer that.’ Dexter offered back.

  Shawn knew one thing: being in his wolf form wasn’t helping him at that moment in time. He wasn’t chasing down the Warlock, his beast wasn’t protecting her from an incoming assault, and he couldn’t speak
to her the way that he needed to.

  His wolf was reluctant to be pushed back into its cage with the threat to her safety still out there somewhere, but it also accepted that it was of little use in this instance considering he had nothing to attack and the only unmated male around her was George.

  The beast reluctantly allowed the shift and the man shook free of the wolf.

  Eva’s eyes took him in: as naked as nature intended, and she couldn’t help it when her eyes took a detour over his hard muscled body before reaching his face. Shawn couldn’t help finding a sense of satisfaction in her appraisal of him either. It might not have been the time or the place, and yet, he still felt that pull towards her.

  “And here he is in person to flex his muscles and make you go all swoony at his charms.” Connor said.

  “What protection does your castle offer?” Shawn asked the vampire.

  “Witches have had their wicked way with it.” Connor offered back. “We can call in reinforcements from the witchy-dom that encompasses this mountain, and make sure we get you what you need.”

  “How many witches?” Eva asked.

  “You know I lose count …” Connor grinned. “But, I’d say we have a coven by now. In fact, it might be a good idea, and I hate to say this … to have everyone fall back to the castle for now.”

  “When you say everyone …?” Shawn asked.

  “Both packs and the clan … Oh how I do not want to explain this one to Vicky. I’m guessing this is going to cost me a pretty trinket or two … Perhaps the crown jewels. Maybe even my own crown jewels. ” Connor said on a small grimace. “I’ll tell her it was Justice’s idea.”



  The fact that Shawn was being kept out of the large hall where the witches were gathered was killing him. Both man and beast wanted to be next to their mate protecting her, for what that was worth, considering the fact that she was being hunted by a Warlock.

  That knowledge didn’t stop the irrationality that clawed at his soul.

  Pacing back and forth in front of the large wooden door on the stone floor on bare feet that hardly made a sound did little to settle the uneasiness within him.

  “No really, go ahead and wear out the stone flooring – it’s not as if it’s hard to match the six hundred year old brickwork.” Connor offered from where he stood across the way. His arms were folded, and his shoulder was propping up the wall as he watched the newest mate attempting to still the needs within him.

  “While I’m grateful for what you’re doing – do you really think now is the time for sarcasm?”

  “There’s always a time for sarcasm.” Connor offered back.

  “I’ll have to take your word for that.”

  “I’m very wise.” Connor offered him a smirk.

  “I’ll have to take your word for that as well.”

  “The vampire is not your enemy here, Shawn.” Dexter reminded the man. Both men had remained quiet as they waited for the witches to do their thing.

  “He’ll take some getting used to … Especially with that sense of humour.” Shawn offered back.

  Shawn could feel the beast clawing within him and he knew that there was little use in trying to settle the wolf. His Wolf had been problematic for a while now and finding a mate had done nothing to ease that or to erase it.

  While Eva was behind those closed doors and not beside him; he didn’t think that anything could.

  Protect her from a Warlock?

  It’s my job to protect my mate … But from a Warlock…?

  How the hell am I supposed to do that?

  If only I had magic instead of a wolf…

  His beast growled within him. The Wolf was obviously not appreciating his sentiment, but too bad it was the truth of the matter.

  That ferocious part of him wanted to protect their mate as well, but the beast was no better prepared than the man to go up against magic.

  I need something that I can get my fangs into…

  If the Warlock was in front of me right now I could rip him to shreds without even thinking.

  How the hell can I hunt him down without magic?

  I saw what he did to Justice … I can’t attack like that … either wolf or man but not both at once.

  I should be out there hunting…

  “No, because that would be a bad idea …” Connor offered and Shawn eyed him from beneath his dark brow.

  “Stay out of my head.” Shawn growled.

  “And miss the best part of the floorshow?” Connor offered back with the kind of smirk on his lips that made Shawn want to plant his fist in the man’s face.

  “Why are they taking so long?” Shawn tried to ignore the urge to storm over to the vampire and beat the man until he felt better, calmer inside. Until his beast was just a little bit sated.

  “Are you kidding? They’re female. Everything takes longer when it’s a female doing it.”

  Connor was grateful that his mate wasn’t anywhere in earshot, because he would have paid for that one in untold ways. The sound of Dexter snorting a chuckle gave him hope that his misery would have been shared if a witch were to overhear that remark.

  “Except nappies …” Justice offered as he stalked into the room and eyed the vampire with a knowing smile. The man eyed him back with disdain.

  “Show me a body ripped the shreds and I’ll happily go off and eat my dinner afterwards – show me one of those green nappies from pup…” Connor let loose with an over exaggerated shiver. “It’s just wrong on so many damn levels that nothing will ever make that right. I still have nightmares.”

  “The pups are here if you want to practice…” Justice offered as he leant his backside against a wall directly opposite his brother and folded his arms across his chest.

  “I’d rather someone extract my veins one by one with tweezers.” Connor tossed back at him with the kind of death glare that his mate would have been proud of.

  “So this is where all the cool kids hang out…” Landon, the leader of the bear clan, said as he stalked in and eyed the alpha males.

  “Yep,” Connor offered back, tossing Landon’s favourite word at him, but Landon was busy sizing up Shawn.

  The vampire had been right in his assessment of the newest wolf shifter on the mountain – he certainly wasn’t an omega. The man’s presence exuded power and dominance, and his bear felt it too. Maybe the shifter was a beta, but he had a strong suspicion that the man was an alpha…

  “While we’re here…” Landon offered with a look towards Dexter, and the man’s interest piqued at the curious look that he was giving him. “You wanna tell us why it is that you’re filing your pack with alphas?”

  All eyes turned to Landon, but each man there was more than interested to hear what Dexter had to say.

  In truth, Dexter had felt it too. When he’d first accepted Shawn into his pack on a trial basis; he’d thought that he might have been a beta or an enforcer. But after running with his wolf at his side; he knew better now.

  Brody was an alpha by instinct and nature. Now there was Shawn, and the man had shown alpha qualities that couldn’t be ignored or hidden.

  “Didn’t know they were at the time…” Dexter answered honestly. Even George was proving to be more than just his beta. The man had alpha tendencies, even if he didn’t realise it in himself.

  “Just so long as you’re not planning world domination or some crap like that…” Justice offered with a smirk towards Landon and his friend eyed him for a long moment.

  “An alpha pack threatens us all…” Landon reminded him. “We’ve got kin to think about.”

  “I’m offering a home and a pack for lone wolves, surely you can understand that, Landon, given the history of your clan,” Dexter said.

  The one damn thing that he didn’t like about living on the mountain was the fact that his decisions concerning his pack could be overridden by the general consensus of the other alpha’s and the vampire.

  Landon’s clan wasn�
�t organic – they weren’t brothers in anything but their bond to each other, and it was made up of misfits that had found a home and a mate on the mountain.

  “I get it. If anyone does it’s me,” Landon nodded as he considered the alpha’s words. “Doesn’t mean that it’s not going to cause a problem down the line; for us or you or both.”

  Dexter knew the truth in the man’s words. Brody had said that he had no desire to be an alpha, but his beast’s instincts could always be relied upon to challenge that at any given time. Dexter wasn’t stupid – he knew it was a risk, but it was a risk worth taking in his book.

  “We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it,” Justice offered his two cents worth and his brother flicked a look in the man’s direction. He nodded – those were his sentiments too.

  “Right now the problem at hand is that Warlock,” Connor offered his opinion. That didn’t mean that he hadn’t kept a close eye on Shawn for the man’s reactions the whole time the alpha’s were debating the pack’s future and in a roundabout way Shawn’s place within it.

  He’d seen something spark inside the man when Landon had called him out as an alpha. There had been a rush to denial that never actually reached his lips, but it had been there nonetheless, but talk of the Warlock had focused the man’s attention back on the matter at hand.

  Landon was right. An alpha pack was everyone’s problem, because the dynamics in a pack could change, given time and enough reason, and that was bad enough when you were dealing with betas, but alphas were a powder keg waiting to explode.



  Eva knew two things; Kal wasn’t as strong without her magic backing him up, and that had proved true when she’d been able to block the transition that he’d tried to force in the white wolf alpha, and that the coven of witches that wasn’t really a true coven at all, was pretty knowledgeable and powerful. Both of those things could be helpful in her fight to put a stop to Kal’s plans.

  There was the other matter that she was trying hard not to think about … she’d found a mate, a wolf shifter … that could be problematic to say the least.


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