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Page 11

by Heather D'Agostino

  Over the last several weekends, Leah has been getting more and more relaxed with me. The other night she was almost begging me to take things further, but it was almost her curfew and when we did do it, I wanted to be able to take my time. I had a hard time not laughing when she frowned at me. We’d joked and said that it was never going to happen because it seemed that whenever one of us was ready, the other wasn’t. It wasn’t funny at the time, but now looking back, I can laugh.

  Tonight though…tonight we were going into Washburn for a movie. They’d just opened a new theater and I was going to hold up my end of the bargain and let Leah pick. She and Avery had been talking about some romance movie for the last two weeks. I knew I was going to regret that deal, but now I wouldn’t have to worry about wasting my money. I didn’t plan to watch the movie, and if I knew Leah like I thought I did, she wouldn’t watch much either.

  “I’m home!” Cam called as he slammed the door behind him. I could hear him stomping through the house in search of me.

  “In here,” I yelled as I patted my face with cologne.

  “Whoa!” he groaned. “What’s with all this? You gotta hot date?”

  I turned to grin at him, “Yeah…don’t wait up tonight.”

  “Really,” he smirked. “You think it’s going to go that well, huh?”

  “I’m not talking to you about this,” I pointed at him as I flicked the light off in the bathroom and made my way over to sit on the bed. I leaned over and tugged my shoes on as he began laughing. “What?” I narrowed my eyes on him as I looked up.

  “You sure it still works? I mean it’s been a while,” he snickered.

  “Fuck you!” I growled.

  “I hope she knows what she’s in for. I mean she’s made you wait so long. You might be rusty,” he cackled. “Want some pointers? Sarah says I’m a stud.”

  “She said that about Josh, too, Moron,” I shook my head at him.

  “Yeah, well…we weren’t exclusive or anything,” he shrugged as he leaned against my door jam.

  “I really hope you’re protecting yourself,” I warned. “I know you two have been back-and-forth all summer, but she seems like trouble. I would hate for you to wake up one day and realize there’s a bunch of little Cam’s running around.”

  “Double wrapping it Bro…don’t worry,” Cam winked. “Have fun tonight,” he called as he turned and left me sitting there.

  Oh, I was gonna have fun tonight. I was gonna have lots of fun, I thought, as I reached in the nightstand and grabbed a condom. After stuffing it in my wallet, I grabbed my keys, and left.



  It had been three weeks since our camping trip. Nick and I seemed to be getting closer than ever. I was finally beginning to relax around him. Nick and I still hadn’t gone all the way. We’d gotten close, but I kept holding back. I guess I was worried that if I did let him have that part of me, it would make it so much worse when he walked away.

  As much as I wanted forever with him, I guess I knew somewhere in the back of my mind that I wasn’t going to get that. I mean, I was barely eighteen, and Nick had just turned nineteen at the beginning of the summer. People our age didn’t get forever. We were supposed to go out into the world and grow. My brain kept telling me that, but my heart was another story. It wanted forever, and it wanted forever with him.

  “So where’s he taking you tonight?” Avery called from where she was lying across my bed.

  “Movies,” I leaned forward to apply my lip-gloss.

  “You’re gonna make him see it, aren’t you?” she giggled.

  “Yep,” I popped the P. Nick and I had been arguing all week about tonight. He was taking me to Washburn. The new theater had opened the day before. Nick owed me a movie date after that whole oyster thing and I was planning to cash in.

  “What did he say when you told him that?” Her giggles had grown, now she was gasping for air through her laughter.

  “He grumbled about it at first, but then I kissed him and he gave in,” I turned to wink at her. “I can be very convincing when I want to be.”

  “Especially when you dress like that,” Avery pointed at me.

  “What?” I glanced down. I hadn’t dressed fancy or anything. It was just a denim skirt and tank top.

  “You look hot,” she sighed. “He’s gonna have his hand up your skirt the entire movie.”

  “No, he won’t,” I shook my head.

  “Mark my words,” she rolled her eyes. “You’ve got mile long legs and they’re tan and bare. He’s gonna wanna touch them…A LOT!”

  “Avery!” I gasped.

  “What?” she shrugged. “I’m right. You just wait.”

  “We’ll see,” I sighed as I turned to face her.

  “Yeah, and tomorrow I want details,” she grinned. “And I don’t mean the ’we had a great time‘ kind,” she snickered. “I want the dirty ones, the ones you’re always hiding from me.”

  “I’m not telling you that,” I shook my head.

  “Why not,” she flopped back on my bed. “I told you about Logan.”

  “And look where that got you,” I mumbled.

  “I told you,” she paused. “We weren’t in a relationship. I knew he was leaving. We had a good time this summer,” she rolled to the side “and we’re gonna have a good time when he comes home for Thanksgiving,” she bit her lip and grinned.

  “Avery!” I gasped.

  “What?” she pushed up on her elbows.

  “I just…how can you…I mean…” I closed my eyes and blew out a breath.

  “It’s just sex, Leah,” Avery grumbled. “It feels good, and maybe someday he’ll be ready for more.”

  “You’re gonna get hurt,” I warned her.

  “Nah,” she shook her head. “I’ve got my eyes on another piece of meat.”

  “I know,” I groaned.

  “Not him,” she scrunched up her nose. “I mean Brandon. Have you seen him lately?”

  “Avery!” I let my head drop back and stared at the ceiling for a moment.

  “What? He’s hot and I’m not dating anyone,” she stood and walked toward my window.

  “What are you gonna tell Logan when he comes home on break if you’re dating Brandon? You gonna date both of them?” I was confused, and couldn’t understand why she was acting like this. I knew she had a messed up childhood after her father walked out on them, but this was so out of character for her that even I didn’t recognize her anymore.

  “It depends on who is better,” she shrugged. “Have fun on your date,” she waved as she started to out the window.

  “You can use the door, you know,” I gestured to my bedroom door as I grabbed my purse.

  “I’ve been doing this since we were kids. Why would I stop now?” she smiled as she stepped over the sill and disappeared.

  I stood there replaying her words over in my head. My best friend was a mess and I wasn’t sure how to help her. My only option was just to let it play out and try to support her. I knew having Nick talk to Cam wasn’t an option any more. Cam had been so absorbed with Sarah lately that I hardly ever saw him. They, of course, were just as much of a mess. Although Sarah truly seemed to want to make it work, Cam, on the other hand, couldn’t seem to keep it in his pants. I swear, before we made it to adulthood, I was sure he’d end up on an episode of Jerry Springer.


  “I promise it won’t be that bad,” I looked over to see Nick pouting as we made our way into the movie theater. When I’d told him what I wanted to see, I knew he thought I was kidding. He seemed to hold on to that idea until it was our turn to buy tickets. His mouth had dropped open when the ticket guy asked us what we were seeing, and I’d responded with “Eternal Love”.

  “That’s what every girl says when she gets a guy to see a chick flick with her. Trust my book, this will be bad,” he shook his head as he grabbed my hand and tugged me into the back row.

  “Could you be any more cliché?” I motio
ned to the seats.

  “Baby,” he leaned in next to my ear, “that skirt is lethal. I know exactly what you were thinking when you put it on and I’m not going to be held accountable for my actions once the lights go down in here.”

  I shivered as his breath wafted over my neck. I knew what he meant and my body seemed to forget where we were.

  “You can’t do that in here,” I hissed as I lowered myself into a seat.

  “I can do whatever I want,” he smirked as he reached between us and lifted the armrest effectively turning our seats into a loveseat.

  After the lights went down, I did everything I could to pay attention, but Nick made it hard. His touches were innocent enough at first. One arm draped around my shoulder, while the other held my legs across his lap. His fingers would brush against my bare shoulder every few minutes, while the other played with the hem of my skirt.

  The longer we sat that way, the less important the movie became. My body’s need for him was so strong that I wasn’t sure if we’d make it to the credits. Every time I’d glance over at him, he’d be staring at the screen with a blank expression. His fingers never stopped moving though. It was torture, plain and simple. He knew what he was doing, and he knew how good he was at it.

  “Sit still,” he murmured into my ear when I shifted my legs for the hundredth time.

  I gave him an annoyed look as I stuffed a handful of popcorn into my mouth. I’d made him buy me some when we’d gotten there, and now I was holding it hostage. It was the way to keep my hands busy. With the way my center was throbbing, I was afraid if my hands were free, I’d start ripping his clothes off right there.

  When the movie had finally finished, Nick practically jumped out of his seat. His body was strung tight with tension and determination was etched on his face. “What time do you have to be home tonight?”

  “Midnight, why?” I looked at my watch. It was only nine fifteen. We had plenty of time, and I was hoping that the night wasn’t over. I’d been preparing myself for this all week. I wanted to be with him, and I knew he wanted me. The only problem was letting him know that. I didn’t want to seem forward, but I sure as hell didn’t want to go home right now.

  “No reason,” he muttered as he reached for my hand. “Wanna drive around for a while? It’s a nice night.”

  “Sure,” I sighed. I could hear the disappointment in my voice, and I silently wondered if Nick could, too.


  “Can I ask you something?” Nick glanced at me. We’d been driving around for a while, and now that I finally took notice of where we were, I smiled. He’d brought me to our spot.

  “Sure,” I smiled softly at him. “You can ask me anything.”

  “I don’t want you to get the wrong idea,” he turned the engine off and moved to face me.

  “It’s ok,” I whispered.

  “Wanna get in the back?” he cocked his head to the side. “We can watch the stars…” he trailed off.

  “Ok,” I dropped my shoulders. Maybe he hadn’t come out here for the reason that I thought he did. Maybe he really did just want to hang out.

  “Hang tight,” he pushed open his door and moved behind the truck. Within a few minutes, he reappeared at my door and reached out to help me. “Sorry,” he cringed. “I had to get it ready.”

  “Ready?” I chewed on my lip.

  “Yeah. I brought us a blanket,” he leaned in and kissed my nose.

  “Oh,” I blinked up at him a few times.

  He moved beside me and, after helping me into the back, he hopped in and joined me. I sat there for a minute just looking around. He’d spread out a sleeping bag, and another blanket was folded off to the side. A small cooler was up near the cab, and Nick reached inside, grabbing us each a soda. “Here,” he handed it to me. “Relax, it’s nice out,” he leaned back and placed his hands behind his head. I just sat there, stunned. What was going on? He seemed so relaxed, yet in the theater, it was as if he would explode with tension.

  “Are you ok?” I looked at him, confused at what was happening between us.

  “Yeah,” he shrugged. “Come here,” he lifted an arm and motioned for me to slide closer.

  I shrugged and moved into his embrace. As soon as I settled beside him, he took a deep breath. “I love you, Leah, more than I think you will ever know. I love the way you love me, and I love the way you want to be the best at everything. I know things are gonna change soon, with you starting back to school, but I hope that it doesn’t change the way you feel.” He turned his head so he could look me in the eyes, “I want forever. I know we’re young, and it sounds crazy, but you’re it for me. Do you understand that? You’re it, Leah. I don’t need anything else.”

  I could feel the tears coming as I listened to him pour his heart out to me. I knew how he felt, he told me every chance he got, and the fact that he’d waited for me reinforced that. “I love you, too.”

  I wasn’t sure who started it, but before I knew it, we were a tangle of limbs, hands roaming, and lips searching. We both knew where it was heading, but I think we were also afraid to stop it. If we stopped, would we every get back here? We’d been waiting for so long, that I wasn’t sure what we were waiting for anymore. I knew Nick loved me and I loved him. I’d always told myself that when I fell in love, I’d let that person have all of me. I was there, I was finally there, and I wanted Nick to be the one to take me to that place. I wanted him to teach me. I wanted that feeling of oneness with the man I loved.

  “Are you sure about this?” Nick panted as he fought for control. “I don’t want to do anything you’re not ready for.”

  I nodded against his neck as I began to place soft kisses along his jaw. “I’m ready,” my voice trembled.

  “I don’t want to hurt you,” he sighed as I ran my hands down his back.

  We were in an awkward position. Me with my skirt pushed up around my waist, him with his jeans around one ankle. Both our shirts were tossed somewhere nearby, and Nick was currently tugging at my panties.

  “You won’t…just go slow,” I whispered as I craned my neck to seal my lips over his.

  As the kiss deepened, I felt him relax and begin to kiss me back. Both of us shifted slightly as he slid my panties down my legs. When the cool night air hit me for the first time, a shiver ran down my spine. It was really happening. Finally, after all the times we’d almost done it…it was finally happening.

  “Don’t stop,” I begged him as he trailed his hand back up my inner thigh.

  “Never,” he mumbled against my lips as he began to slide a finger along my wetness.

  “Oh fuck, baby…you’re so wet,” he groaned as he added a second finger.

  My hips thrust forward on their own accord as my head lolled to the side. Indescribable pleasure shot through me. Nick’s mouth made sweeping motions down my body as he trailed kisses from my neck down to my breasts.

  “Nick,” I moaned as he sucked a taught nipple into his mouth.

  “I know, baby…I don’t want this to hurt. You’re not ready yet.”

  “What?” I lifted my head thinking he was calling a stop to this.

  “Relax,” he ran his palm down my side, past my ribs, and gripped my hip.

  I wasn’t sure what he was doing at first, but as soon as I felt his mouth on me, I flew apart. My hips rolled toward the sky as he chuckled creating a vibration against me. His tongue was taking long slow laps at me as his hands held me in place. As my first orgasm began to subside, he began moving back up my body, kissing every inch along the way. When he met my mouth again, I almost pulled away. Something about what he’d done sent a twinge of uneasiness through my head. Before I knew what was happening, he closed his mouth over mine and plunged his tongue in. I groaned in pleasure, more turned on than I’d ever been.

  Before the kiss could go too far, Nick pulled away, and rocked back on his heels. Embarrassment flooded my features as I thought I must have done something wrong. Here I was with my boyfriend who had loads more ex
perience than I did, and he was pulling away. Panic set in, and I propped myself up on my elbows.

  “What’s wrong,” I gasped.

  “Need this,” he held up a foil packet.

  I had completely forgotten about protection in my lustful haze. I reached for it, “Can I do it?”

  Nick swallowed and handed it to me, “Just do it quickly, ok?”

  “Does it hurt?” I looked at him confused.

  “No,” he snickered. “Waiting hurts.”

  “Oh,” I blushed as I tore the packet with my teeth. “Like this?” I grinned as I began rolling it down his shaft.

  Nick’s head dropped back as his eyes rolled closed, “Leah,” he moaned.

  “Hmmm?” I moaned. I knew exactly what he was feeling. I was feeling it too. I reached up and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him down on top of me, “Make love to me.”

  Nick grinned and leaned in to kiss me again. I curled my hips toward him as an impatient groan bubbled up. Needing no more encouragement, Nick rocked his hips forward into me.

  “Shit, you’re tight,” he ground out as he stilled. “Relax, baby.”

  “Nick?” I ran a hand down his back and clutched his ass in an iron grip. “I love you!”

  “I’m sorry,” he panted as he gave a quick thrust forward. White hot pain shot through me causing me to flinch as a tear trickled down the side of my face. “I’m sorry,” he said again.

  As he stilled, the pain subsided, and pleasure made its’ way to the forefront. “It’s ok. Move…please,” I begged. When Nick noticed that the pain had abated, he began to move, slowly at first.

  “Oh baby, you are so sexy,” he groaned as he began to move faster. “I love you so much.”


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