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Bounty Hunter

Page 18

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Fine ass, she had! She probably had a terrific pussy, too. But he’d leave her sacred treasure for another time, for her next master, perhaps. This was all he needed for himself.

  Jill awoke, sensing the awesome tightness in her, smelling Logan there and feeling, with a happy grin of pleasure, the soft bed supporting her bones. “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “One for the road,” he whispered in her ear. “You owe me.”

  “I kinda thought you didn’t do this with runaways,” she continued sleepily, although she was well aware of the wonderful way he made her feel now.

  “What gave you that idea?” he answered back. “Tonight’s the first time you were appealing enough to arouse me.”

  “Oh?” She wriggled her ass back into his groin, squeezing the delicious erection that worked her hole. “Humm.” Being half asleep was the best part, the best sex without the attitudes of the day, which were often so harsh and unappealing. She could pretend he was a decent lover in the starlit hours before dawn.

  Her body was strangely responsive, quickly rising toward an orgasm with little effort, as if she’d been waiting for this since they’d first met. Yes. It was that romantic sort of victory she’d think back on later—and forget as soon as she recalled the bounty hunter’s baser character. She felt him kiss her on the shoulder, a dozen times or more. “Hummm,” she purred, as if they were lovers.

  It was okay to live the fantasy, just once. Maybe he owed her that much, just as she owed him the use of her body. Soon enough, in the light of day, the enchanting spell would be broken when they scowled their hellos and took off to complete their journey.


  Jillian and Logan Dunn headed out of Maryland toward the Pennsylvania turnpike. The road signs said Pittsburgh. She was again wearing clothes and sitting beside him in the truck. This time she wore a simple muslin dress someone had given to Logan at the hacienda. It was really very pretty, embroidered at the neckline with colorful flowers. It didn’t matter if she was naked underneath, the dress was enough.

  “Isn’t Pittsburgh west?” Jill asked, after an hour wondering why they were traveling in this direction.

  “Yep,” he answered.

  How she felt different today from yesterday. Even she realized that the night before had been a breakthrough, although she had no intention of talking about it more. Perhaps that’s all it took to win Logan’s favor. Admit he was right. So, he was right. Now she wore clothes and sat next to him without shackles and chains and gags and his nasty tongue about to wag at her. She probably should have given in days ago!

  “But Maine is north!” she reminded him.

  “Hey, you know your geography.”

  “Logan… another detour?”

  “No detour at all.”

  “Then what happened to Maine and returning me to Christopher?”

  “I’ll answer that if you first answer one question for me, absolutely truthfully. Forget about last night, answer from your heart.”


  “Is Christopher Hurst the man you want as your master?”

  She didn’t have to think twice about this one, even if hours before she concluded that she needed the man.

  “No. Not at all,” she stated bluntly.

  “Okay then,” Logan replied.

  Another five minutes of silence passed and the road flew by at an anxious rate.

  “But you haven’t answered my question.”

  “I’m not returning you, that’s your answer.”

  “What? You’re not? Why?

  “The asshole changed the game on me.”

  “He did? In what way?”

  “That’s between him and me. The less you know the better.”

  “Don’t I have a right to know?”

  “No!” She could tell that there’d be no prying the answer from him—at least not now.

  “But what about your money?”

  “I don’t need it.”

  “I thought that was the whole point!”

  “No, just half the point,” he reminded her.

  “So what happens to me now?”

  “You get what you want, just with another man. Trust me, it will be another master better than the one you had.”

  “Oh, god.” Her face went pale. “You’re going to sell me yourself to your friends and take Susanna.”

  “What?” He gazed her way, stunned.

  “The senorita? The offer?”

  He laughed, and shook his head and laughed some more. “No, Jillian Ingalls, No. I don’t want Susanna, and we’re not headed for Mexico.” They drove a little longer, Logan making her wait for an explanation. Then he finally said, “I’m taking you for me. You’re going to slave for me. Whether you like it or not you’re going to fuck me; you’re going to dutifully serve me. You’re going to offer up every sweet, sexy, surrendering treasure you have to me, until you finally admit how much you enjoy it. If I have to, if you want to sass and rebel, I’ll keep you in chains until I’m sure you won’t take off. By then? Well,” he turned her way again, just to see the awed expression on her face, “we might both be old and gray. But by then, but who the hell cares?”

  “You must be kidding.” She couldn’t think. She couldn’t move.


  “Yes, I’m shocked. Shouldn’t I be?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “But what about Christopher? Won’t he come after you?”

  “Screw Hurst. He doesn’t know where I live.”

  “You can’t really mean this!” She didn’t know whether to be pissed or elated. “I don’t even like you, you’re the ‘pariah of the universe’. You said so yourself. I made up my mind days ago that you’re a complete wasteland, a man with no morals, no soul, a cruel heartless bastard.” Oh! Maybe that incident in the dungeon should have changed her point of view. But, so what if he was good at pointing out the truth she’d been denying, she still had no reason to change her mind about his basic character. Did she?

  “Really? Humm.” He looked at the road and looked back at her, smiling, then laughing like a giddy kid. “I guess I have a lot of brainwashing to do between your beatings,” he said. “Or maybe I should I put you in chains now, since you’re probably planning your escape.”

  She looked out the window at the fast retreating landscape, still stunned.

  “Well, I’m not going to escape now. I’d die, get run over by that diesel truck that’s on your tail.”

  They let the excited silence linger another few minutes, while his decision settled in both of them.

  Then he finally asked, with a bit of mirth in his expression “So, tell me now, Jillian. Are you going to hate me? Are you going to have to rebel? Should I put you in chains to keep you?”

  Oh my, her will was failing her now, as every hateful thing she’d thought about the bounty hunter fell away in the presence his knowing, sexy smile. “I don’t know,” she shook her head. “I just don’t know, but probably not. No promises, but … probably not.”

  “Good.” He nodded. “I’m glad.”

  A few more miles down the road, she thought to add as a reminder. “Of course, you are still a bounty hunter and all the loathsome things that means.”

  He shrugged. “Maybe. Or maybe, I’ll have too much fun running my slave around my property to go back on the road. Maybe.”

  Jillian stared out the window at the fast fleeting landscape feeling a curious tenderness warm her. Could she trust it? Could she trust him? She had no idea, although it looked as if she’d get the opportunity to find out.

  Other Erotic Fiction by Lizbeth Dusseau….

  GIRL IN THE MIRROR — “In late June, the first of several extraordinary photographs of a nearly nude young woman appeared in the latest Journal—a tawdry newsprint rag sheet catering to men looking for cheap thrills.” Who was this girl? And what would make this innocent bare herself for all the world to see? New in the city, looking for a place to live, Aimee happens on the brassy Angelica,
who invites her to take the vacant room in her boarding house. But this is no ordinary boarding house; its deviant tenants are bound on turning their newest boarder into their sex toy. The waifish beauty becomes caught up in the mesmerizing world of sexual domination and surrender. Her virginity is ripped asunder in a forced gangbang, and she becomes a sex toy for Terrance—a brooding writer with a wealth of sadistic desires. More scandalous photos cause quite a stir; soon everyone is looking for her. When she disappears, it’s anyone’s guess if she’s been rescued or driven deeper into sexual slavery. S&M, non-consensual sex, bondage, humiliation, exhibitionism, group sex, femfem, branding, sex machines, anal and oral sexuality.


  Blackmailed and forced to surrender…degraded, bound and whipped by a man she fears, a master she obeys, a dominant who moves her submissive soul… By day, Lana Desmond is in charge of acquisitions for a major museum, by night she’s submissive to dominant men. In scenes of pain, degradation and bondage, her private obsession comes alive—while she carefully guards this tawdry secret. The ambitious Lana has every reason to despise her arch business rival, Jordan Lucas. But as the war for several valuable paintings heats up, so does the sexual chemistry between them—until they finally take it to bed, screwing like minks in a fleabag hotel. Their afternoon of unbridled sex turns into a hot affair. But when her newest master, Allegro, finds his way deep into her submissive soul, the delicate balance of her love-life threatens to tumble. And who is this master, really? And why is it so important for him to sweep her into his private domain? Hot sex, sexual blackmail, masters & slaves, bondage, suspension, whipping, spanking, enemas, piercing, humiliation, punishment and anal sex.


  After whirlwind courtship, Southern Belle, Stacia Beaureguard, marries Preston Wilkes—a roguish Northerner who revels in sexual perversion. At his New England home, he quickly introduces his wife to his shocking sexual demands. Stacia is further dazed, when pushed into an unexpected moment of infidelity, she earns a humiliating birching before a small gathering of Preston’s friends. Serving in WWII, Preston leaves Stacia with his slutty sister, Lucy, who at a kinky house party teaches her the pleasures of Fem/fem sex, dildos and anal penetration. Later, Preston gives Stacia to his friend, Harrison, a partner in his deviant sexual schemes. She’s initiated into a society of slave wives who serve their men on demand—in cellars, on crude punishment devices, at fancy auction balls, in public and in private. Stacia surrenders without understanding why, as this world of sexual mystery makes her its next victim. D/s, oral, anal, fem/fem, strap-ons, bondage, punishment, S&M, pony-training, tattoos, piercing and branding.

  THE HANDMAIDEN’S REVENGE — When Sagemore defeats Lord Nor’s sworn enemy, Titus, he wins the right to bring Nor’s slave/wife, Casia, into his bed, his brothel and his dungeon. For a fortnight, Casia and her handmaidens appease the victors becoming centerpieces in a wicked, S&M victory celebration. Meanwhile, Lord Nor scours his dungeons for a female to replace his borrowed wife, taking the enemy handmaid, Ariel. Ignoring her vengeful curse, he hastily rapes this beautiful girl before a cheering throng, and then trains her to be his slave/whore. Only when his Casia disappears on the trip home does he believe the curse is real. Has his queen fallen into the hands of Titus? When the defeated prince buys two unnamed maids from a pair of bandits, he is determined to learn their true identity. But even his vile tortures and public humiliation will not make the proud maids talk. Includes public, non-consensual S&M acts, whips, cages, bondage, enemas & anal sex, fem/fem and gang-rapes.

  To order these titles, or for a complete catalogue of Erotic Fiction…

  Pink Flamingo Publications

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